《I am a Fairy that can’t cast Magic!》Introductions


Moving the fairy to a desk far away from the potion wall Azeroth placed her bed down carefully. Although wanting to talk with the girl he had to set a mood that wouldn't intimidate the little creature and not wanting to make her even more... sexualy offensive, Azeroth moved towards the door and put his hand over a panel. Injecting his mana into the panel the room lit up. The fans ,which were previously unseeable due to the lack of light, came to life and circulated air out of the room. Holes besides the fans spewed out cool air. Walking back the fairy ,still chained to the bed, he sat on a chair in front of the desk.

"What is your purpose here fairy?"

"My purpose...? Well, first off my name is not 'fairy'!"

"Very well, let us start with introductions. I am Lord Archmage Azeroth Kiave Logzive, second in command of the Kiave Royal Palace Mages, and acting in command in the absence of Lord Archmage chief Yaven Kiave Lux. What is your name, I ask?"Azeroth said condescendingly.

'oh...he is important? Did I just offend him?'"Sorry... um, I'm Gabriel. No, titles worth mentioning, or talents, I'm from uh, the forest you found me?"

Using a lie detector skill Azeroth confirmed that what she said was true."You were born at the knights training grounds? Interesting..."

"I was just born?"Gabriel questioned"but i'm not ,like, a baby?"

"What? Are you asking me about Fairy reproduction? How would I know."

"Well, you know..."

"I know what?"

"You said that you're a Lord mage, right? Why don't you know about Fairies reproduction!"

"I am a Lord Archmage, also the last time ANY record mentioned Fairies is the elven history books and even those are being debated if they are real or not. All we know, if at all, is that they existed before magic ,and they might grant wishes! I am contemplating if I am delusional for even seeing you right now!"


"...There... are there no other Fairies?"

"No, at least not recently. Some think they went into hiding ,while others think that the mana in the air was poisonous to them ,but I suppose that is not true since you seem just fine right now."

"No, it might be true. Right now my insides feel really hot..."

"No, that is the aphrodisiacs in your body right now."


"Now, you said that you were just born?"


"Interesting. May I see your status?"

"Of course! But first can you untie me from this bed? I think I'm getting a little turned by this play..."

"... Ok..."

Untying Gabriel, Azeroth looked at her face which was covered in sweat and a deep shade of red. The expression on her face was one of confusion, shame, and guilty pleasure. It was a face that prompted him to ponder if the potion he gave to the King was too strong... or perhaps her body just has too much? He silently hoped that this wouldn't affect how the newborn fairy would turn out to be.

The now freed Fairy got off the pink colored bed and stretched her body for a few moments before turning towards Azeroth. The only thing in her mind at the moment was the absolutely insane things that aphrodisiac was doing to her body. It changed her sexulality so fast she didn't know how to confront the man in front of her without wanting, no yearning to be human again just to have... special time with him.

"Now that I have untied you can you show me your status? You know what a status is right?"

"I know what a status is! ...Just... how do I show it to you?"


"Haaaa... well at least you know what a status is. Ok, just bring up your status and focus on the little circle at the top right."

"Ok, 'status'! Alright, what now?"

"Now just focus on me."

Gabriel focused on Azeroth for a moment. Azeroth sat waiting for the window to show up in his face slowly.


Name: Gabriel

Race: Fairy*

Gender: Female

Age: <1

Contract: Azeroth Logzive

Status: Wingless, In Love 43 minutes left


Hp 5/5

Sp 10/10

Mp 0/0

Vit 1

Agi 3

Str 0

Int 589*-300(In Love)


Race: Spirit Body, Auto-Hp Regeneration, Glow, Attention Reflection

Passive: Lv.5 Magic Manipulation

Active: Contract, Lv.8 Intimidate, Appraisal

Titles: Fairy, Lv.0 13^[email protected]*[email protected]


"Haaah~, What the hell..."

"Y-you are looking at everything I have... I feel so hot inside...,but what is wrong?"

"I was just expecting more, But I suppose that just means that all the stories about how powerful the Fairies were, just stories..."


"I am going to go to bed... think about this in the morning."

"C-can I come with you?"

"To bed? Why?"

"I want, uh, it is cold by myself! Yeah, cold..."

"Hah~ very well."

Having the Fairy sit in his cupped hands the tired Archmage walked the wall covered in books. Kicking the bottom shelf a bed came out. Placing Gabriel on the dull brown colored bed ,he began to undress.


Looking at the Now red-faced fairy, Azeroth could almost see steam coming out from her head. Sighing due due tiredness he kept undressing until he was just in his briefs. He would try to calm down tonight so that he could properly analyze the situation tomorrow.

Picking up Gabriel, Azeroth got into bed. To be truthful the small girl was very warm and was nice to sleep with in his lonely, cold room. Of course Gabriel right then was filled to the brim with new and odd emotions. After a few minutes they both fell asleep.

~~~Back on Earth~~~

The Rent family was mourning the loss of their young son, who just so happened to be the next inheiriter of their families Ancient curse. The figure of the Creature that was sealed into the curse was long forgotten but its presence was still noticeable for one reason... the glowing galaxy colored eyes that the one holding the Creature would be cursed with. Although not seeming like a very evil curse back when the Creature was sealed its servants would come after their master to free it too once again wreak havoc. Ever since their son had died the eyes did not come back into the family, but this made them even more fearful. Where was the eyes now? what if it still exists? These were the questions on the minds of the elders of the Rent clan...

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