《Anime Worlds System》I'm Here!


Light seeps past the curtains into the dark room, followed by the chirping of the morning birds. To Arthur, today is a special day. One that signifies new beginnings, a day which looks away from the past and forwards to the future. The light shone unto Arthur's face, his eyes twitching open as Arthur woke up. As Arthur stepped off his bed, he heard a knocking on his door.

"It's morning Arthur sama. I was sent to take you down for breakfast," rang a sweet voice in Arthur's ears as the person opened the door, it was a maid. The maid walked into the room and fully opened the curtains. "I will wait outside while you get dressed. Please hurry, you don't want to make Silva sama and the rest wait do you?"

"Ok, I will get changed and be out in a few minutes. Also, you don't have to add the sama part, just Arthur will do," Arthur said as he looked the maid before she left the room and thought she was surprisingly beautiful for a maid. The maid had purple eyes, long, golden hair, and snow white skin. She possessed a petite, slender frame and looked to be about 13. Right before she closed the door Arthur shouted: "Wait. Before you leave, could you tell me your name?"

"I will tell you on the way to breakfast Arthur Sama," The maid said as she shut the door.

Arthur proceeded to look into the closet and pick out a pair of dark blue jeans, white T-shirt, and a black and white letterman's jacket. Arthur walked out of the room and said: "Ok I am done changing."

"Follow me then. Also, my name is Kira," she said as she lead Arthur down the hallway towards the dining hall. During the walk, Arthur just stared at Kira and admired her beauty. During this time Arthur had forgotten that he currently has the body of a ten year old. After 5 minutes of walking, they had finally reached the dining hall and Kira had left Arthur outside the entrance.

Arther entered the room with a smile on his face and said good morning. As Arthur was looking for a seat. he saw Alluka, seated next to Killua, waving for him to come over towards her while pointing at the seat next to her. Arthur walked over and sat next to her.

"Good morning Alluka, Killua, how are you doing?" Arthur asked the pair.

"I've had better mornings. Why do you care" Killua responded.

"Amazing, after all, Onii chan and you are here with me. Arthur san, can we play later?" Alluka san responded.

"Sure, what do you want to do? I'm fine with anything, so you can choose." Arthur then turned to Killua and said "Killua, are you going to be joining us? It would make Alluka happy."

"Fine, I'll be there, but I am only doing it for Alluka. I couldn't care less about you being there, After all, you still haven't proven yourself" Killua said, exclaiming how much it was for his sister and not to have fun.

"Whatever you say Killua, just remember not to be too serious" Arthur replied

After that Killua grumbled and the three ate their breakfast silently. Their breakfast was a simple farmer's breakfast, consisting of pancakes, eggs, sausage, and a glass of orange juice. Right before the three had left, Zeno entered the room and whispered something into Killua's ear before sitting down and waiting for his breakfast to come.


"Hurry up. I don't have all morning, I have some jobs later." Zeno shouted. It was clear that he had business to attend to after breakfast, and he didn't want to waste any more time than necessary.


Alluka, Arthur, and Killua walked out of the dining hall and went their separate ways, leaving Arthur to explore the Mansion's many halls and corridors. The exact size of the Zoldyck's Family Mansion may not be known, but it must be quite large, as Arthur spent 2 hours walking around. As he wandered the mansion he came across a door which opened to a room with a round stairwell leading downwards. The room had 1 other door aside from the one Arthur had walked through, but its actual size was incredibly small around 3 meters tall. Arthur guesstimated the room's measurements to be 8 meters in diameter, but it was too dark to see how far the stairs led.

'This must lead towards the basement and torture room. I should leave this alone for now' Arthur thought as a dark aura filled his being. It was then that it hit him. There was a real risk to stay in this place. The Zoldyck family is known as this world's best assassins, and if he made any mistakes while here, he could end up being killed or tortured. It was already a miracle that they are letting him stay in their home without any given explanation, or, at least that is what Arthur thought.

As he turned around to leave, he heard a door open. The door he walked through to get to the room was closed, 'I should definitely leave.' Arthur thought to himself as he left the room. As Arthur left the room, the door behind him started to open.

A voice came from behind the opening door "You really shouldn't be here."


"I wonder where Arthur is, he was supposed to meet up here by now. I wonder if he forgot what time it is" said Alluka.

"He probably got lost, this house is quite big compared to normal people's houses." Replied Killua in a reassuring voice as he thought 'He better have not forgotten. If he did I will beat him up.'

"Yeah, your right Onii san. We should go look for him in case he really did get lost" Alluka said in response. "You don't think that he wandered somewhere he shouldn't have do you Onii san?"

"He wouldn't do something that stupid, would he, Alluka? After all, he is in the Zoldyck Family home." Killua responded to her inquiry.


"You really shouldn't be here." An imposing voice spoke. The voice itself wasn't particularly fear-inspiring, but the weight it held felt insurmountable. As though the Devil himself had descended. Arthur, in shock, simply stood there as the voice's body still shrouded in the darkness of the stairwell, came towards him.

"Well, do you have anything to say for yourself? Or should I simply get rid of you? Either way, you shouldn't have come here" said the voice. At this point, Arthur's body was quaking. 'I'm Dead.' This is the only thought running through Arthur's head.

"Suit yourself. Make sure to tell your masters in the next life, to send someone more skilled before they try to sneak throughout the Zoldyck's property. Now then, begone." Said the voice, finally stepping out of the shadows. As the man, quite tall in fact, stepped into the light it was revealed to be Illumi. He drew his hand, straightening it to a point. His nails sharper than a blade, he thrust his hand forward. Just before Illumi had reached Arthur's chest, however, he heard Arthur's plea.


"Wait!" Arthur shouted, finally regaining his ability to move. "I wasn't sent here by anybody, I am a guest here! You can ask your father, or Killua, they will tell you the same thing!" As he said this, tears were visibly forming. It was obvious that Arthur was about to have a breakdown. Never had he felt such immense fear. "Please, just don't kill me! I haven't even become friends with killua yet."

Illumi paused for a moment at the mention of his younger brother's name. Looking at Arthur's pitiful state, it appeared he was telling the truth, at least as far as not being sent here. Illumi stopped releasing his Killing intent on the poor boy and retracted his claw-like hand from the boy's chest.

As Illumi released his killing intent, Arthur started gasping for air as he felt he could finally breathe. Arthur, even after dying, had never felt so close to death.

"Pick yourself up. I believe you for now, but I am taking you with me. We are going to be giving Father a surprise visit." Illumi stated. After he said this, he started walking past Arthur, into the hallway that Arthur had entered from. Arthur soon picked himself up and followed Illumi.


Zoldyck Family Playground, 12:30

Killua and Alluka were sitting on a swing set. They were having a conversation and Alluka had a concerned look on her face.

"I don't think Arthur I'd lost anymore, even if he was, he should be here by now. What if something happened to him? I think we should go look for him." Said Alluka.

"Yeah, even I think we should go looking for him. He might have wandered off somewhere he shouldn't have." Replied Killua. Even though he didn't like Arthur, he was still concerned. Especially since Alluka liked him. "Well, off we go then," Killua said as he jumped out of the swing.

"Ok. Let's go." Alluka said as she followed Killua, also jumping off the swing.


Arthur and Illumi were walking through the halls and reached the entrance of the house. As they walked by, they heard two voices shout at them. They turned to see Alluka and Killua.

"What are you doing!?!" Alluka shouted. Illumi simply stood there, remaining silent. "Arthur, where have you been. Killua Onii-san and I have been waiting for over an hour. We thought that you got lost or were hurt."

While Alluka was going on a rant about how Arthur should have hurried up, Killua stood still in fear at the sight of Illumi. Killua knew how scary Illumi was and how he operates from personal experience, so he understood why Arthur, someone with no known experience in being put under intense killing intent Or anything else that Illumi might have done, would have redness in his eyes and dried tears on his cheeks.

"Illumi Onii-san, when did you get back?" Alluka said, finally seeing Illumi next to Arthur. She turned to look at Arthur's face and said "Arthur san, are you ok? Why are your eyes red?"

Arthur stayed silent, still paralyzed with fear and terror. Alluka kept staring at him with a look of puzzledness in her eyes before finally turning to Illumi. She glared daggers at him, creating a very clear look of annoyance on Illumi's face. After a standoff between the two, Illumi responded.

"I got back earlier, about one hour ago, when I found this kid snooping around places he should've been. I was going to bring him to father to talk about it and to verify his Identity as a guest here as well." Illumi snapped back in reply. While he doesn't normally show much emotion, it was clear that he was annoyed.

"He is a guest, Onii-san. Killua Onii-san and I can attest to his place in our home. Daddy himself said to treat him like family." Replied Alluka. It was clear that, while she was a little shaken up from Illumi's overbearing aura and the anger in his voice, she would defend her new friend.

"Fine. I will believe you for now," Illumi said as he threw Arthur towards Alluka. "Now then I still have to go see father, so I will be on my way," Illumi started to walk away, but before he completely left the room he turned and said to the still stand trio "Do you plan to stand there all day or are you going to leave? You shouldn't block the entrance for much longer."


Five minutes later

"Arthur san, are you ok?" Alluka asked. "Illumi Onii-san is gone now."

"Yeah, I think I'm ok. I just need a minute to think to myself." Arthur said

Killua decided at this moment to interject, saying "What were you doing before he found you? He could have killed you at any moment!" There was a weird comfort in his words, Arthur surprised by this just stood there again before, with a clear look of embarrassment, saying "I was wondering around the Mansion, I was curious what could possibly be inside such a big place."

"You shouldn't do something so stupid! What if you had been killed! How would Alluka or I be able to handle that, do you know how hard that would have been on her!" Killua shouted. Arthur was surprised by how much it seemed Killua had cared, as he didn't think that Killua would show so much emotion and care this soon.

"I'm really sorry. Next time I will get one of you two to show me around. "Arthur finally said with a hint of embarrassment and dissatisfaction in his voice. Arthur was quite ashamed by the situation and simply wished to move on.

Killua looked at Arthur and saw how ashamed he was and said. " fine, just make sure that you don't do something like this again without Alluka or myself. It is way too soon for you to die, especially from someone like Illumi."

"Sure, it would be quite sad if I died without experiencing more of the world after all." Arthur Replied. "Now then, I think that I am fine, so let's go play outside like we had planned."

" Hooray! We finally get to play, let's hurry Arthur san, Killua Onii-san." Said Alluka, quite ecstatic at the thought of finally being able to play.

The trio walked out the door and had fun, spending the rest of the day playing tag, hind and seek, and other games that Alluka wanted. It was a positive end to the day and as they reached the end of their games, they each went their separate ways and Arthur went directly to bed.

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