《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》The Abandoned Hero is Overpowered! (24)


“What’s wrong?” Elena stared at the boy with a peculiar gaze.

Ryouta, who had been in a daze for days finally snapped out of it, albeit only for a short while. “N-no, nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.”

His mind went back to the mind-boggling excess of information that he had received a few days ago.

[Basic Sword Skills]

Basic Sword Skills revised in the Valdavian Capital Style of swordsmanship.

[Poison Resistance]

Increased resistance against all kinds of poison.

Passive. [Heat Resistance]

Increased resistance against high temperatures.


[Cold Resistance]

Increased resistance against low temperatures.


[Body Strengthening]

Strengthens the body with the use of mana.

Consumes 5 MP per second. [Hide Presence]

Completely hides one’s presence. Suitable for reconnaissance or assassination.

Consumes 40 MP per second.

[Limit Break]

Unleashes the potential beyond the capabilities of the user.

Consumes 50 000 MP and 50 000 HP.

[Holy Sword Barrage]

Allows user to materialise a number of sword rays.

Consumes 50 MP per sword. [Meteor Strike]

Conjures meteors towards a targeted area. One-time use only.

Consumes 80 000 MP. [Divine Lightning Magic]

Allows user to wield offensive lightning-type magic of the highest tier.

[Person from Another World]

A person from another world. Passive.


+ Language Perception

+ Magic Resistance

[Legendary Hero]

Title given to the legendary hero, Cyril Burnigsteid. Hereditary for three lifetimes. Allows the next reincarnations to inherit some abilities and stats of the Hero. Passive.


+ All Stats Restored

+ Ultimate Attacks Restored

+ Resistance Restored [??? Successor]

Candidate to succeed ???’s position.


+ Blessing of the Goddess @l&^%.

[User’s level is too low to view the information] [Shiro’s Master]

Master of the [Saint Fairy] Shiro through a blood contract. Shiro's Stats

Name: Shiro

Race: Saint Fairy

Age: 1 month

Gender: Female

Lvl: 1 (99)

HP: 9 999


MP: 9 999

STR: 10

SPD: 9

Skills: [Levitate] [Direct Link] [Barrier] [HP/MP Sharing] [HP/MP Conversion] [Intimidate]

Titles: [Ryouta's Servant] [One who is Loved by Nature] [Friend of Spirits] [Celestial]


+ Direct Link

+ Absolute Order

+ Divine Protection

…was what he found out.

Ryouta had no idea how he had such good luck.

He’d always thought that his three classmates who instantly became Heroes were already cheaters in life, but it turned out he was more cheat-like than them.

He did not know how to feel. On one side, he felt truly elated that he had such an amazing cheat, but on the other side, he wondered if he deserved such a cheat.

He was reminded of what Saotome Ryuuji had said in the beginning.

“--Are you really able to let these people suffer without doing anything?! Well, I can’t! Unlike you, I was given an amazing power. I can’t turn my back to those in need!”

Now, he also held an amazing power.

However, unlike Ryuuji, he did not have such a strong sense of justice. While he did pity the residents of the world for having to deal with the demon lord, he could not find it in himself to actively oppose the demon lord like what Ryuuji and the rest was doing.

Of course, if there was someone in trouble in front of him, he would not hesitate to help, but saving the whole world… yeah, nope. After all, he was just a normal person. He was afraid, and he did not think that he was a particularly important person. Hell, he did not even know how to use his newly discovered powers yet. He was in no position to recklessly jump into the large-scale fight for power that was currently happening.

“Yo-ta? What’s the matter?”


Suddenly, the tinkling voice of Shiro rang in his ears, clearing all his bad thoughts like a refreshing gust of wind.

The girl, who was smiling foolishly as usual, stood in front of him with her head tilted to the side quizzically.

Seeing the familiar sight, he set down his worries for the time being. ‘Whatever,’ he thought, ‘I’ll deal with everything one step at a time.’ For now, he decided, Shiro’s safety and freedom was the most important objective.

“Yooosh!” He shouted, pumping himself up. Though it startled the people close to him, it did not bother him as he was absorbed in his self-motivational pep-talk mood.

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