《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》The Abandoned Hero is Overpowered! (12)


It was one week after the summoning.

For the sake of survival, Ryouta decided to join the training of the heroes.

However, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how much he put into the practices, he did not improve.

Actually, this might not have been a very pressing matter, as it took time for growth in anybody else’s case, but he was the only one out of the four who was not improving at all.

Saotome Ryuuji, who was hailed as the Hero, improved at a very visible speed. After just three days of training, he could easily match the Royal Guard’s captain, who was the strongest knight in the kingdom. Even Anna and Kyoko, who were not as proficient in the arts of the sword, was able to beat the average soldier, if not because of their superior strength.

In the previous few days, the three gifted people seemed to stack up on skills left and right, leaving behind Ryouta who was moving at a snail’s pace compared to them. For some reason, it was hard for him to learn the skills. Even his level was stuck at 1, no matter how much he trained.

In just one week, Ryouta had been left alone, training in the beginner’s field rather than with his classmates who have already started to learn more sophisticated magic spells and fighting styles.

Although they were similarly people who were summoned from the same world, Ryouta was not close with the other three. Being in such a situation, one would expect them to become closer.

That was truly the case in the beginning. However, once Ryouta began showing signs of lagging behind, they started to drift away, even thinking that he was a burden to them, who were becoming stronger and levelling up quickly every day.


While his trainer, the Royal Guard’s captain, and magic teacher, the Head Court Magician, had consoled him by saying that it took time for improvements, he still felt slightly impatient and frustrated. After all, he was the only one not making any progress.

It was even less helpful with all the rumours circulating among the castle inhabitants. Even the servants had been whispering about how he was not in the same league as the rest, only becoming a useless thing that took advantage of the popularity of the heroes and the king’s kindness.

Though he usually did not mind listening to trash talk about himself, it still left a bad taste in his mouth when it happens.

Just like that, the stressors kept piling up, until he could no longer handle it.

In a place where his allies were close to zero, where he was only ridiculed and looked at with pity, he was not happy at all.

In the end, after much research and planning, he decided to leave.

He requested an audience with the king after two nights of deliberation.

“Very well. I cannot withhold your freedom. However, I would not feel good letting a guest leave empty-handed,” the king replied. As if prepared for his leave, the king presented him with a bag filled with gold coins, a map of the kingdom, and a beautiful gem-encrusted sword.

Ryouta did not bother with formalities, simply taking the bag and the sword. Both of the things were heavier than he expected. He carefully stuffed the map into the bag.

“Thank you, King Rufus.” Ryouta awkwardly tried to copy the way the subjects saluted to the king, his hands full.

Seeing his sloppy manners, the king did not comment, but his retainers frowned in distaste.

“In the end, this much is all I can do for you, o traveller from another world. I apologize.” The king bowed his head.

Ryouta had originally thought that the king was selfish for summoning people randomly to save his kingdom’s behind, but now, he felt that the king was not such a bad person. After all, for a person in such a high seat, it was quite difficult to lower one’s head.

With that, Takahashi Ryouta’s journey in another world began.

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