《The Fleet》Chapter 06 : First Battle
36 hours later.
The fleet of thirty ships led by Kuroe at the front was nearing its destination. The place was near the eastern russian coasts some 50 nautical miles from it.
Currently In the RADAR and SONAR tracking division’s command centre abroad Kuroe.
“Admiral! We have contact! 7 miles out and closing!”
A sonar operator contacted Hakuya who was on the bridge. He immediately left the bridge entrusting temporary command to a leiutenant and went to the CIC or Command In Control. Ayase followed suit.
“Lieutenant, Status report!”
Entering, he asked for the stauts on the incoming bogies spotted by sonar. According to the Lieutenant, who was the incharge of commanding the guns of the ship, a large group of around a hundred underwater bodies approacing fadt towards their position.
A spotter immediately used the long range cameras to view the advancing horde. She saw, what was also refelcted on the screens, a huge number of large bone like structures moving in high speed towards them.
‘Sermians’, she exclaimed. And everybody knew what their adversary was.
‘Sermians’ were large fish like monsters with high mobility. They each had the size of two city busses put together tip to tip. They had huge jaws that would swallow an elephent whole. With a dull violet-green colour on their thick skin, and bony spikes arrising from their backbone, they were a fearsome terror of the seas.
And currently a shoal of over a hundred of them were closing in towards the fleet. Although, individually they are not such a big threat, as such a large group, they could easily chew down the entire fleet with their massive and disparingly powefull jaws. And their bony spikes could tear through the hulls if hit with enough force.
“Sermians....I havent seen one since....”
Hakuya immediately took his seat at the centre of the room. The chair was like a cockpit which surrounded him on all sides. Various pannels emerged from the arm rests and fromthe floor beside the seat. He immediately began his work.
The familiar voices of sires rang across Kuroe. All lights were shut down and typical red combat lights lit up inside the narrow rooms and corridors of the ship.
“All hands to Battle stations! All hands to battle stations! This is not a drill! This is not a drill!”
All officers and crewmen hurriedly reached their posts. Shells were loaded, torpedoes armed, machine guns readied. Hakuya ordered the weapons division to ready G-87 depth charges. Each havijg a high explosive Tolune derivative filled with hundreds of spiked steel ball bearings. Basically a marine version of the Claymore mines. Also regular depth charges were prepared for extra support.
“Marshal Send word to The carrier and the cruisers. Tell them to set a course North-North-East from the shoal. The submarines as well.”
Ayase frowned at the command.
“Sir if we send away the submarines then hos will we fight the enemies! They are underwater and our guns won’t be effective!”
Hakuya didn’t even turn towards her and answered.
“Just do it thats an order”
“Nonsense! Admiral Haruto woukd neve-”
“Admiral Haruto is dead.”
Ayase went silent. And his next words enraged her even further.
“This fleet is now under my command. You will do As I say.”
Ayase gritted her teeth in frustration and rage. It was a direct order so she couldnot help but comply. How were the supposed to fight a group of Sermians withouht missiles and submariens!? Her dislike for him was now turning to disgust and rage.
Hakuya contacted communications and ordered all other battleships to form an arrowhead formation followed by the destroyers. He was going to play a risky bet. But there was no choice. Against this big a horde of enemy, there was no other choice.
And according to his orders the fleet divided into two parts. One consisting of The battleships and destroyers who moved head on into the fray and the carrier, cruisers and the subs which moved away from the area.
“Sir Contact one minute out!”
The central screen of the CIC lit up. About five metres by two metres placed on the front wall facing the admiral’s seat. All eyes went at once towards that central monito. It showed a digital symbol of Kuore at the centre and the positions of other vessels around it and also the topography and geoglogical outlines of the surrounding ocean withing five nautical miles.
The Kuroe leading the formation was just a few seconds from meeting the first of the monsters.
The first Sermian hit Kuroe’s hull. A loud screeching noise rang out.
“Sir we’ve been hit!”
The lieutenant shouted. But Hakuya didn’t mind. Similar sounds came from other ships as well but they moved on.
“ Charge straight ahead. Ram any thing in our way!” After they had reached the centre of the shoal, “All ships Drop depth charges on my mark! 3, 2, 1, Mark!”
*Splash* *Splash* *Splash*
Tens of depth charges were dropped directly into the horde of the monster fish below the ships. And they detonated.
*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*
Millions of bearings burst out as the speed of sound as the depth charges exploded. Blowing tens of monsters to grinded meat.
“Destroyers release torpedoes!”
The destroyers following the battleships one kilometre behind launched Area Explosion type torpedos with massive damage into the monsters just before they clashed into the destroyers. The monsters who were in already in chaos because of the depth charges, could not move in time and....
Many pieces of the fish flew into the air. Over half of the monsters were now dead or critically wounded. One relatively smaller Sermian half the size of an adult jumped and landed on the deck of Kuroe. It began rampaging and destroyed the flagpost and railings it even damaged some of the secondary guns. Unfortunately for it, however, it landed directly before turret number one. The gunner who was a bit sulking due to not being able to fire a single round till now gave a wicked grin.
“Time to make some Fish Fry!”
Three HE rounds were loaded instantly into the guns.
Three rounds hit the rampaging beast at point blank bursting it to pieces. Some of them were left onboard while most of it fell back into the sea.
The shoal was being heavily hammered by depth charges and torpedoes. And then Hakuya put the last nail on the coffin.
“Myoko, Fire the Silent Cry”
A single long blue torpedo blasted off from a torpedo pod of the cruiser Myoko. The Sermians were diving down to avoid the depth charges. Hakuya had predicted this. But if they had not gone down and inturn continued assaulting the fleet then the ships other than Kuroe would definitely be sunk. He took a bet on their natural instincts and it worked.
The five metre long torpedo silently flowed at a downward angle into the last group of Sermians.
“All ships clear blast radius!!!”
A few seconds later. A huge mushroom of white water burst out of the surface reaching a height of almost 50 metres. Any object withing one hundred metres of the blast would have turned into pieces. But the ships didn’t leave unschathed. Many light battleships had hull breaches but nothing that couldnot be controlled sealing bulkheads. Kuroe on the other hand had onky received a few scratches. That was because her hull was plated with armoured plates made of sea wyvern scales. A very hard substance which even the Sermian spikes could not penetrate.
“Sir the shoal is gone! I repeat the shoal is gone!”
The ship burst into a cheer. People were congratulating eachother. While Hakuya just sighed in relief. One more job had been done.
(Just like the old days....)
“Sir A few signatures of surviving escaping Sermians confirmed. Orders?”
Hakuya closed his eyes. “Let them be. They would be quite if not heavily injured. They wouldn’t pop up anytime soon. And when they do, well...we will greet them like we just did.”
Ayase who had seen and heard all of the events with her own eyes was surprised. How had this boy manage to effortlessly take down an entire group of over a hundred Sermians with this measly fleet. His battles style was unknown to her.
“Sweep the area once more with SONAR and RADAR. And signal all ships to regroup as earlier. And i need a status report on every damaged ship ASAP”
After conveying his orders a officer relayed him the status report.
“5 ships with minor hull breaches. Two ships with severe hull breaches; combat incapable. No hands lost.”
Hakuya sighed. He had lost the firepower of two light battleships. They could still fight but many of their compartments had been submerged and their movement was compromised due to propeller damages.
“For now leave them here. We will tow them around when we return. We have to ensure point 5891 is safe. It is an important sea corridor and we cannot leave it unguarded. Leave a destroyer here for emergency support. We are only 30 knot away from target, we cannot stop now.”
“Aye sir!”
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The fleet once more took the general formation and moved ahead to their target.
The navy personell were congratulating each other, repairing the damages and reloading the weapons. For them the worst had passed. Drones had confirmed that the Dimensional Rift had closed. And after defeating the huge number of monsters
they doubted that they would face any more strong threats.
“That damn Admiral! Lost us two ships!”
Kazuya bellowed in rage smashing his fist on a wall. His subordinates looked at him with a troubled expression.
“Just you wait! I am placing charges of irresponsible command on you once we get back!”
It was not only him. Many officers and crewmen thought so but did not dare berate the Admiral directly.
Oblivious to this Hakuya was still in the CIC along with Ayase. He was just staring in the distance towards the screen. Ayase was a bit bothered by this behaviour so asked a question.
“Sir? Is everything all right?”
His eyes looking at the screen narrowed. “Something is not right” he said in a cold tone.
“Huh? What do you mean sir?”
“Sermians usually donot appear in such a large group. Something made them gather like that. But what could...”
The answer to his question came soon. And it was not an answer he would like.
☆ ☆ ☆
Point 5891 was a small uninhabited Island. Its radius was roughly five kilometres. Yet it was covered by thick foilage. The dimensional rift had opened about five days ago a few kilometres from this island. There was an outpost here. But since then there had beeno contacts from the outpost. One of Hakuya’s mission was to check on the outpost.
The landing craft carrier reached the shore. It was a large ship used to carry ground vehicles.
One by one two Abrahms N-04 Tanks; an upgraded version of the older American tank; coloured in traditional army green and brown camoflauge and three humvees rolled onto the beach. Hakuya himself along with a group of fifty Navy riflemen led the convoy. Their target was the Outpost about 3 kilometres inland on the island.
The fleet was left a mile away from the shore under Ayase’s command. She was currently monitoring the progress of the convoy on the central screen.
“That boy sure works differently...yet.....so similar to Admiral Haruto....”
She was thinking about the new Admiral. He was too quiet and she could not guess what was going in his mind. For instance, him leading the convoy. Normally an Admiral wont do such petty works. He/she would stay in the safety of the ship while giving orders but this boy was leading his soldiers right on ground zero. This behaviour was strikingly similar to the late Amiral.
“This is wrong...”
Hakuya muttered. The forest was quiet. Too quiet. Not even the sound of a bird chirping was heard. He had been to numerous forests and he knew it. The louder the natural sounds in a forest the safer it is.
He was currently with the JMDF Ground Forces which were similar in structure to the army. Hakuya was in the leading Humvee. After driving through the dirt roads for ten minutes they reached the outpost. It was a building complex the size of a football field. A similar bunker to the outposts on the LOC.
Hakuya immediately frowned looking at its condition. The four metre high electric fence around it was torn and rammed down at various places. The communication tower near the bunker was also brought down.
“This....looks like the work of something....definitely not human.”
The seargent who was a well built man in his Prime spoke. Hakuya nodded and contacted Kuore through a radio. Ayase responded to his call.
“Marshal Get a squad of Apaches to scout the area around our position. Things are getting suspicious here. Tell them to engae any potential threat at once.”
The three by two metre heavy metal door which was the enterance to the bunker was open wide and a pungent smell was coming out of it.
“Seargent take your ten best men and follow me. The rest keep alert. We are not alone here.”
The remaining soldiers positioned their vehicles around the enterancce and began keeping watch. It was currently noon but the sun would go down soon.
“The hell happened here?” A corporal voiced out. There were blood stains and shells scattered on the walls. And then they saw.....claw markings on the walls and floor. The smell of blood and gunpowder hit their noses.
“People died here sir....the question is...” Hakuya replied to the seargent’s words, “.....the question is what happened to their bodies.....”
The seargent nodded and signalled his unit. All of them turned off the safety of their weapons and walked silently. Reaching the first intersection they split into groups of two. Each group checking into the rooms. They found the same scenes in every room. Blood and marks of claws and large scratches.
A pair of Corporals, both husky men were checking a corridor when they suddenly saw a blood trail, as if something had been dragged across the floor.
“Hey Gin..what do you think did this?”
“The heck i know man! Them damn monsters come in every sha-”
But before he could complete his words....
☆ ☆ ☆
Currently Hakuya nd the sergeant were nearing the command centre of the base. The doors were still safe but the cameras outisde were scratched and destroyed.
“We have to open this door...” just as the sergeant began
The sounds of bullets and shouts reached their ears.
“The hell happened!? Everyone report!”
The other groups reported except one. The seargent and Hakuya immediately ran towards the area the sounds came from and told the others to join as well. They regrouped in the main corridor. When they entered the branched corridor a gruesome sight awaited them.
A large two metre tall and five metre long beast was feeding on
what remained of the two soldiers. Blood and gore was splattered everywhere along with shells signalling the fruitless struggle of the two soldiers as they tried to live. The beast had reptillian skin with huge claws on its hind legs. Its forearms were shorter but also had four sharp curved talons to tear open its prey. Its yellow slit pupils locked onto the soldiers infront of it, blood and drool dripping from its razor like teeth.
A raptor. One of the most intelligent monsters. It specialised in planning hunting by ambushing. It was a relatively small monster but what it lacked in size it filled in with the brain.
It immediately growled and began walking towards the group of humans it saw as easy meal. The soldiers opened fire but their normal 1.5 cm rounds could not penitrate its tough hide.
The sound of a blade being drawn. The head of the raptor fell onto the ground with a *Thud* its eyes never knowing what killed it. The soldiers looked in awe towards the admiral who had a jet black katana drawn in his hand. He had carried it with him from when he stepped on the beach.
Yukikage. His beloved sword. One he had inherited from a dear person of his. This sword was one of its kind but that is a story for later.
The seargent wanted to speak something but Hakuya gestured that the fight was jot over. There was a slight problem. Raptors never hunted alone. They were like wolves. Always hunting in packs of six to ten. And as expected hearing the gunshots eight more raptors were coming towards them from different directions.
“Sergeant take your men and get out.”
The man wanted to refute but he knew that he and his men were useless against this enemy so they quickly esacped from the exit. Hakuya who was still standing by the exit looking at the blood spilled everywhere.
“Rest in peace....you died fighting.” He closed his eyes and made a silenf prayer for the souls of the deceased. This was a code of honour for fallen soldiers. Opening them he saw eight pairs of hungry eyes glaring at him. The raptors had seen their dead comrade and were on alert against the lone human who stood before them.
“Then lets play?” a tremendous pressure fell upon the Raptors. Even before they could react two heads had flown. Hakuya’s blade hadn’t even a drop of blood.
The raptors being intelligent they were understood. The roles of predator and prey had reversed. The creature in front of them was much more dangerous than them. They were but flies infront of it. They tried to run away but alas in a narrow corridor of an underground base, there is not much space to run quickly. In ten seconds six more heads were seperated from the bodies. Hakuya once moved across the entire base with very fast steps and ensured that there were no more Raptors. It took him ten minutes.
Reaching near the exit he heard rapid gunshots and shouts of the soldiers. Reaching out he saw the culprit who must have tore down the fences.
A large ten metre long and five metre tall version of the raptors. It was more gaudy and its skin more heavily armoured. Its head was broader and its massive jaw could bite a human in half and its front arms were small yet had fierce claws. The back had bony plates growing below the brown dirt coloured skin as natural armour.
A earth wyrm. One of the common varieties of lesser dragons. A formidable opponent. The 70 inch bushmasters on the humvees shot at it in rapid fire succession however they were of little help agaist its thick hide. A large group of Raptors were aslo emerging from the forest.
The tanks fired 12 inch rounds on the wyrm which hurt it badly. In rage it assaulted a tank and bit off its main gun. The poor gunner who was in the turret was crused along with the turret by the wyrms powerful stomp. Hakuya drew his katana once again. He had to use his strength here whifh he didn’t want but the lives were at stake. But suddenly.
Tens of Hellfire-X rockets barraged on the wyrm. It fell down with a hurt howl. The Apache gunships were here. The 40mm bushmaster chain gun rained hell down on the raptor swarm while the Hellfire rockets lighted them up to kindgom come.
In minutes all monsters were annahilated. Total 14 people wer killed and 8 were injured. Hakuya cursed inwardly. They had died meaningless deaths. He wanted to bomb this Island but command gave orders to investigate it. They could nit depend on drones because whenever dimensional rifts opened and closed they left a dense cloud of electromagnetic discharge in the atmosphere which hindered the sensors. Human presence as such was a must.
The tank was beyond saving so they destroyed it and moved on after retreving the corpses of the deceased. Inside the command centre of the bunker, which they opened by a shape charge, they found two surviving female Troopers. According to them a wyrm had suddenly burst through the fences after the rift opened and then they were invaded by raptors. A total of ten people were posted here, 8 men and two women. The women were alone in the room when the raptors invaded hence before anyone else could come to take refuge there they were done in by the raptors and the two had shut in the gates from the inside. Thus only two survived.
They were taken back to the ships while the gunship squadron was instructed to wipe out everylast monster on the Island which they began doing with pleasure.
(Some thing is definitely nit right. Why didn’t they attack us right when we landed? Why wait till we get here? They were luring us....but these things....they are not this intelligent...)
Hakuya was back on the ship. They were moving to the exact location of the rift as per protocol. But as he was thinking that suddenly his fell on the ocean before him.
“Hard left rudder!!!!!”
“Hard left rudder Aye sir!”
He shouted to the helmsman who hurriedly rotated the wheel as much as his hands allowed him. The entire 55,000 ton vessel inclined on its left by almost 45 degrees.
“Warn the Hirio! Tell them to change course to hard right now!”
People were wondering what the Admiral was doing when the adjacent ship The Hirio which was a light battleship, suddenly got struck by a huge rock like projection. Even before they could be warned a huge spike like structure emerged from beside the ship and slammed into it. The ships centre cracked and it broke into two pieces. With muffled explosions it slowly sank into the deep sea. Slowly its form emerged frok the water.
It was gigantic about 500 metres in length and hundred in breadth and height. Nearly elliptical in shape with eight huge crustacean legs. It was walking on the over 200 feet deep sea floor. It had a huge mouth with many needle like teeth and a tentacle like tongue. All over its body covered in dense murky green exoskeleton cover.
“Sir...the Hirio...All hands lost....” the operator confirmed the tragedy.
A Hive Queen. One of the most troublesome Monsters. It could influence other monsters to do its bidding. Hakuya gritted his teeth as he immediately knew what it was. He had seen the spikes in just the nick of time or Kuroe would have met the same fate. He contacted the communications department.
“Communications, relay all vessels to reduce speed to 10 knots and take evasive actions. I am issuing a code red! I want the force at weapons posture three. Warning red. Weapons ready! Get everything loaded!”
“Engine room, reduce speed to 25 knots and keep steady over.”
“Helmsman shallow left rudder, set course to 210!”
After taking all needed steps he once again ran everything in his mind. Verifying he once again took up the Radio.
☆ ☆ ☆
In the CIC.
“So what is the status report?”
Marshal Ayase who was in the CIC being asked by the Admiral replied in her business like tone.
“Sir, the spotters have scouted the object it seems to be an Hive queen. Category three. It seems to be heavily armoured by an exoskeleton too.”
Monsters were classified on types and types were further subdivided into categories depending on the threat level.
“I see....A Hive mother after all.....Marshal please take your post... Communications! Get me the Hime!”
“Yes sir!”
The officer patched Hakuya to The Hime. She was one of the heavy cruisers. Commanding officer Kazehiko Kazuya responded to his call. He was a blond boy of 19 years and also a Neo-Human. He had sharp and handsome features but also a vety prided individual. His dislike for Hakuya was even more than Ayase. Obeying a boy younger than The late Admiral.
“CO of The Hime, reporting over.”
“Hime, prepare for long range fire support. Order the Myoko and the Yue to prepare as well. Co-ordinates to target. 257/396. Standby till further instructions. Over”
“Understood Over”
Kazuya spat in disgust after listening to his orders. However he couldnot help but comply.
The three heavy cruisers took formation before the Carrier while on board the carrier planes and pilots were on the ready to be launched on order.
“Signal the light battleships to take a wall formation. We will meet the enemy head on. Cruisers will support from the rear! All submarines on the ready. Neutralise any underwater threats! Get the carrier on the ready!”
As he gave commands withouth a single bit of hesitation, adequately depending on the situation. Somehow she felt that he resembled the Late Admiral but quickly dispersed the thought.
“Sir! Contact in ten minutes!”
A radar officer exclaimed. Hakuya nooded and made an announcement on the radio.
“All hands to the battle stations! I repeat! All hands to the battle stations! We will be engaging in close-range warfare in ten minutes!”
Next Hakuya contacted to the weapons division and told them to load type 68 Armour piercing shells in the main guns.
“Marshal take command of CIC.”
Ayase asked in a stupefied voice.
“As i said take command of the CIC. I am going to the deck. Ill contact you from there.”
“Sir wait!!”
Before she could stop him he had thrown the raido back and taken a portable one disappeared into the corridors. Ayase didn’t understand. What Kind of Admiral abandoned his post!? He was Clearly unfit and a disgrace as an Admiral.
“Attention bridge! Set a circular course around the target and maintain a radius of 2 nautical miles! reduce speed to 15 knots and steady!”
The helmsman did as told and Kuroe circled the beast. The other light battleships followed suit. The carrier and cruisers had stopped a10 knots from the monstrocity. Kuroe speed along the circular route.
The four LN-401main gun turrets turned towards the target. The other lights battleships also turned their main guns towards it. Confirming one last time, Hakuya went to foretop, where he made his observation post.
“All hands prepare for battle!”
The sirens began ringing. A sign that they were now at war.
“Weapons commander Fire at will! I repeat fire at will!”
As soon as the turret gunners got the go, they sprung into action.
The entire ship shook as twelve massive guns released a voley of 400 mm armour piercing rounds onto the enemy. The rounds left behind a cloud of smoke and gas and hit the targeton its side. On cue they Heavy cruisers Myoko and and the Yue began releasing Harpoon-LK missiles onto the target, each having the power of 10 kilo TNT.
The creature, the hive queen let out a huge howl in response. The scales on its back opened showing huge slits. From them, winged monsters looking like oversized and deformed wasps emerged. Their number was in hundreds and they were each over five metres in length.
“I want every available plane on this ship In the air! Now!”
The Aircraft carrier’s captain shouted out and one by one F-55 interceptors launched into the sky into no man’s sky.
Rang ths sound of the 50 mm HE anti aircraft guns on the Kuroe. They shot down any approaching target withing half a kilometre from the ship. Any monster eeaching further in was done in by a pair of .80 calibre CWRs* placed on the front and back of the foretop respeftively.
{*Note : CWRs are basically Large Gatling guns.}
“Rapid continued fire!” Hakuya ordered while calmy assesing the situation.
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In the air.
The F-55 jets were fighting in tight corners with the insect type monsters. These were called Marine Wasps. Quiet common around Hive queens. The .70 calibre rounds of the hets tore open the Insects but they were too many in number.
Hakuya drew his katana and kept issuing instructions to the fleet.
“Myoko! Fire all your Silent cries!”
Five massive explosions echoed one after the other. The Hive queen hissed in pain. A wasp neared Hakuya but he swiftly sliced its head and kicked it away.
“Submarines fire A-ram gudied ballistic missiles. Empty your tubes if youbhave to!”
The three submarines did as they were told. Over sixty high damage causing ballistic missiles fell onto the queen. Its armour broke and green sticky blood spilled into the ocean. Still it was alive.
“Just how much do we need to kill it !?”
Ayase had heard about the tenacity of hive queens but she had seen this in reallife for the first time. It was then that Hakuya reached the bridge and took over the wheel.
“All turrets train to 740 and elevation max! And load type 59 HE rounds”
“Sir that is the wrong direction!” on his command the gunner commander warned him.
“I know it is. Just do it!”
Once again the turrets moved and this time they pointed to the right while the guns pointed above at a 60° angle, their maximum.
Hakuya broke formation and headed straight for the beast. The other battleships stopped their fire as ordered by him.
“The hell is he doing!!!?”
Kazuya Shouted on radio to Ayase who tremblingly replied.
“I think he has lost his mind....”
Hakuya took Kuroe right near the huge beast and then turned the ship to a hard right as far as the rudder allowed him.
“Drop port anchor!”
The engineers were a bit surprised but they did as told. The anchor took some time to reach the bottom of the sea floor. Till then Kuroe approached dangerously near the beast.
But finally the anchor chain tensed and the left part came to a sudden halt. By inertia the ship turned horizontaly to its right and the main guns were now directly aimed at its belly which had been most damaged by the Silent cries.
“Lets put some lead in that.....”
The gunners smiled wickedly at their Admirals craziness but they were quite pleased by this method.
“Fire Everything!!!!”
On his command. The twelve guns opened fire in rapid sucession on the damaged belly of the Hive queen. The secondary armaments aslo opened fire on it.
After over ten rounds of firing, One shell burts out from its back. The queen collapsed into the sea while giving a last dying roar. It made a huge wave that washed over Kuroe but Hakuya who was holding tight to the rails didnt bulge. Kuroe triumphantly exited from the waves blowing her horns while the crew cheered. Ayase slumped into her seat exhausted by the events.
And like that The New admiral won his first battle spectacularly.
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- In Serial503 Chapters
A social worker father and his adult daughter crash land on a desert full of crystal plants and little else. City walls rise in the distance, but as the pair hike closer they see those walls are more like mountains, and the mega-metropolis behind them is long dead. Luckily, the adventuring city of Spur is alive and green, and well outside of Ar’Kendrithyst’s shadow. Follow Erick Flatt as he tries to make a nice life with new friends in a new home with his daughter at his side, but this land is rarely as kind as its people, and Erick will need to change if he wants to live the life he wishes to live. What to expect: Slow burn storyline, worldbuilding, father-daughter relationship, Erick is the MC, Jane is the side character, slice of life, numbers in blue boxes but also high fantasy, trying to understand magic, creating new magic, living the easy life but forced into dealing with problems, problems becoming very large, massive changes, traumatizing content, and most of all: character growth. Book 1 Completed. Book 2 Completed. Book 3 Completed. Book 4 Completed. Book 5 Completed. [Participant in the Royal Road Writathon Challenge]
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AK - The Alchemy Kingdom
Karl always wanted to be a Mage. He was born in the Serion Kingdom, a fully pledged magic Kingdom. Seems like a perfect match, right? Unfortunately, no. He's just a commoner, working endlessly to maintaining the lifestyle of Mages. On his 15th birthday, his last chance to escape from a miserable life was destroyed when he was deemed to have no magic potential. For thousands of Serion's citizens that would be the end of their dreams. But how could this story be any fun, ending like that? Follow Karl and his friends while they tried to fight against the Kingdom's oppression. Will the system bend them to submission or will they break the chains of destiny? Spoiler alert: After thousands of years, an ancient Magic system will be reborn in the small Caiset village. What should you expect? - Kingdom Building: For sure! The heavy lifting will come later, I promise! Foundation is important, please be patient; - Epic battles: A Kingdom is not built without war and conflict. Who doesn't like good fights? Let's bring some excitement to this novel!; - Multiple leading characters: Karl convinced them to get on the bus, but this is a very long trip and everyone will need to drive a little; - Scientific Magic System: Especially Alchemy! I'm in no way trying to take the fantasy out of Magic. I just feel like trying to do something more logical. I'll probably stumble on a fine line, but I’m counting on you to keep me on track!; - World Building: I’m using some basic concepts from traditional Fantasy Worlds and trying to add some nice touches to make it unique; - Fun?: I'll try to insert some humor into the story, but that’s an experience we will go through together. Other points I find important: Alchemy is mostly crafting magic tools, but it will go a little further down the road. Even if you don't like crafting, weapon enhancing and whatnot, don’t give up on the novel. You might be surprised about Alchemy's reach later. Also, other types of Magic will play an important role here, just not the leading role. ......... Check out my two spin-off novels, Merchant Queen and Harbinger of Death! Both are independent novels, but with the same world setting... Maybe some crossover later... Either way, you can check them to get additional information on worldbuilding and hidden plots... Please leave a comment! If you want to help me more, support me on Patreon. I'm always trying to come up with new ways for you to participate in this journey. New Chapters on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday!
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The Dragon Clan Revived
Jacob Ryder was given another chance. His childhood consisted of abusive parents, leading him to learn martial arts to discipline himself, and now he is an adult when his parents died in a traffic accident. Happy that he is free from them forever, he decides to take a plane to America to live with his friend. However on the plane a terrorist hijacking occurs. He stops the terrorist but gets killed in the process. After death, he is chosen to become a dragon on a different world and rebuild the extinct dragon clan. Read as he roams continents, finds allies, kills anyone who tries to stop him, and revives the clan!(The tragedy tag isn't a major part of the story, don't worry)Also a warning: There will be gore, foul language, sex, some torture, and apathetic slaying.[cover art at telephonewallpaper.com]
8 58 - In Serial17 Chapters
"Will there ever be a world of peace?" This question rings across the continent for generations, until it is heard by one. This tale follows, the one who will usher the world into an era of prosperity and peace. The only one who is capable. The ambitious, the illustrious. Minamoto Yama. [wip]
8 62 - In Serial14 Chapters
The Realm
If you had an ability that far surpassed others what would you do? Would you let it be neglected or would you choose to use it to become something more? Welcomed to The Realm where your natural gifts will be enchanted beyond there past capabilities as you have to struggle in foreign worlds with a given mission if you wish to keep what you have gained through it. follow the journey of Zed a man with a gifted body that believes the mind to be the superior means of the human race as he struggles in these foreign worlds with his superior regeneration as his tool to find the truth behind his abonnement.
8 98 - In Serial17 Chapters
100 Ways to Make Money in a Fantasy World
Harrogate, a nervous aging assassin and Cecil, bold-hearted barbarian, have one job and one job only. To make one million Gold before the International Regal Society or IRS as they're known, imprison them for failure in paying their debt. The task is simple; Harrogate's got to keep Cecil in line long enough for them to make some easy money through odd jobs and simple work. Simple, but hard. Cecil's got other ideas in mind. Glory, fame, and merchandising that compels her to do what she does best, adventure. One goal - one million Gold. Two ideas. What could possibly go wrong?
8 91