《True Monsters》True Monsters – Act 2 Vine Garden - Chapter 16 – Archanists and Plots.
True Monsters – Act 2 Vine Garden - Chapter 16 – Archanists and Plots.
It was a Nightmare, Alice was standing there bound as the cart driver was bound. Martin held the knife to her throat. She woke up, disturbing she drifted back to sleep. She dreamed again, the bandit holds the coach driver this time she is facing him. Alice sends out a fire bite spell, the bandit shifts his hostage using her as a shield. The fire bite strikes her she screamed into her gag in agony and slumped forward dead, Alice woke up screaming.
She went to sleep again, gripping the covers. Martin walked towards her, she ran hurling spells at him he easily ignored each one. They dispersed on his holy symbol, he reached out and griped her throat, gasping for breath her hands around her throat she woke up again.
Vivian dreamed, she shot an arrow at the bandit leader. It struck this time but not the bandit the hostage. The next arrow went through them both. Her hands gripped her bow, they shook slightly. She looked around her, everyone was dead friends allies enemies and hostages, all peppered with arrows.
Martin has not slept well, no alcohol could give him comfort. He was an alcoholic that could not get his fix, his new body rendered it irrelevant. He had to find some way to relieve the pressure. Something other than what had happened to the bandit wizard. David woke up, he was a little sour at losing the share of the bounty. It would not happened next time, they would be quicker better armed.
The group met at the breakfast table, Vivian and Alice were rattled if that was the word for it. Martin was frustrated, that would be the best word for it. David would not be halted, they had to press on. They had to keep going, he could see those around him start to falter. They needed to be directed at something, then they would be alright, he was sure of it.
David spurred them into action, “Come on let’s have a look at the letter we recovered from the bandit, it can help us find what is going on”. David pushed them forwards,
Alice held her hand over it, “I don't detect anything magic hidden or otherwise”.
Martin looked at it, “sometimes vampires will use a little of their blood in the ink, so that other vampires know that a letter comes from them”. He held out his holy symbol, there was no reaction
His shoulders dropped, “So much for that theory, it could have been a servant I suppose”. Vivian held it up, “let’s read it again”.
To the leader of the brotherhood of the Black Hand
Good fortune and nights cover to you. My master has commanded me to seek allies in this area. I can provide information and a distraction to the local authorities, if you can cripple the area's economy.
Your task would be to interrupt the trade caravans. If you happen on any survivors from your caravans, or any associates that will not toe the line. I will happily take them off your hands. We can meet in the way that this letter was delivered, we have worked with your sponsor in the past and know them well.
Signed, I
Alice pondered it, “I suppose that this could have been from another criminal gang?” Vivian spoke,
“The drugs we found were not local, they probably had contacts with a larger thieves group”.
Martin pondered, “The greeting that starts the letter, it seems like something a vampire would say”. David shrugged “that would be convenient, on big bounty”. “All the troubles plaguing this area, they could be working together, organised by a vampire or one of their servants”? Vivian wondered.
“It is clear that they need bodies, either for food or raw materials”, Martin added.
“The archanist creations are tougher than thralls or fresh vampires, so I think that is the aim”. She paused, “A local vampire acting as a power broker maybe?” Alice surmised.
“That is the most likely explanation, the vampire hunters that are already hear thinned its forces. it’s probably recruiting anyone that will listen”. Vivian Added
“There is an archanist in the area, probably a fairly new one. But they are getting rapidly better”, Martin pondered.
“It’s a dead end with the letter, until we compare it against the other hunter’s information. So let’s move onto the other issue”. Alice was raising the topic of the dead cart driver.
“It’s not like we set out to kill her, if I had been slightly quicker. I would have nailed him, before he could cut her throat”. Martin was frustrated justifying his actions. “We only defeat ourselves, if we argue like this. If I had shot at the same time, he would not have been able to do anything”. Vivian tried to get it across to allice that they had tried to save the cart driver.
David broke the silent pause, “I was emotional, I cut the bandit leader down, if we had taken him in alive then we might have gotten more answers. Still saying that he was pretty dangerous, so it’s not exactly bad that we didn't take him alive.” David mulled it over, “what we lacked was knowledge, which we can make up for. We avenged the dead cart driver, it will not bring her back but the bandits won’t hurt anyone else. If we didn't act quickly the other four, might not have been saved”.
Alice sighed, “You make a good point, and more people will suffer in the long run if we give up. We won’t save everyone, we can’t but we can try to save some of them. To do that we need information”.
Vivian nodded, “The thieves guild are not good at open warfare. They avoid it like the plague, they rely on numbers poisons and ambush”. David continued, “there heavy hitters are assassins hired, marauders and illegal wizards, with the occasional mage that's gone rouge.”
Vivian elaborated, “Marauders were a combat focus job, developed by a warlord a long time ago. They serve many of the same functions of the mercenary job. They don’t have the layered armour or training abilities. Assassins were a job developed by the nobility, for internal conflicts quietly. The thief’s guild got a hold of it, probably with a lot of money. They have been training them ever since. We are unlikely to run into those sorts of elites any time soon. Only someone high up in the organisation, would have a squad or two of them at their disposal.”
“The bulk of their forces, are better at stealing and tricking than actual fighting. They like to use concealable weapons. There go to anti-armour weapon is a short heavy crossbow, slow to load but combined with a poisoned bolt it can take out most people, if they get the chance to hit them.” David was serious, a bolt like that could pierce his armour if not his shield.
“They favour throwing knives and cal-traps, which would be poisoned. They have a few scouts but they are not effective armour crackers, relying on precision shots. You don't want to forgo a helmet when facing them. Smoke bombs alchemist’s tricks, in limited quantities, so they can conceal them are also a main stay.” David gave a condensed lesson.
“Fancy enchanted daggers can be quite a source of status amongst them. They can carry lock picks a lot also deal in drugs, they use mostly focus based abilities. There focus dodge is particularly annoying, some of the better members will have focus parry abilities as well. They also sometimes carry restore focus and restore health potions. They use them and drugs as a second currency. You have to expect some good magic items with any high level group, normally the bosses and elite enforcer squads.” Vivian advised them.
“We were trained to fight against Focus dodge abilities. It takes more effort to move the entire body, than pulling one limb out of the way. It is Possible to counteract this with two projectiles or rapid attacks. Some of the more select thief’s guilds have access to enhancements, or maybe that could be replacements golem parts, for eyes arms legs hands that get lost”, David added.
“They can also get blood alchemy modifications, adding abilities or organs harvested from monsters, usually few in number but quite potent.”
Martin nodded, “thanks Vivian David, we should have had this conversation, before tracking the bandits”.
They were cut off, Father Richard entered the kitchen. He nodded to them in greeting, “can you meet the sisters of final mercy at the inn, and they have some orders for you”. Alice nodded “Good it would be useful to compare notes”.
Five minutes later the party arrived at the inn. The two local vamp hunters, were members of the order the sisters of unrelenting and final mercy. They tended to rely on heavy and exotic ordinance, more than anything else. A large steel blue blunderbuss, was resting on their table. A seven barrelled volley gun, was resting in a holster on a chair. The two hunters were dressed much as Martin. With slightly different patches of leather and considerably worse repairs to their coats.
Martin greeted them with a handshake, the two vampire hunters reciprocated the gesture. Martin held out a flask and both of them took a sip. One of the hunters handed Martin a slightly different flask, “that's Ip its 95% proof you might still feel it”. Martin nodded and took a sip, he twitched slightly nodding in thanks, handing the drink back.
Martin spoke to them, “I am sorry about your loss”. The senior sighed, “Two members of our party are dead, and their replacements are being promoted up from deputy hunters. Our ranks fill more quickly, than the vampires that we killed.” Martin was curious, “how many fell to your hunt?”
The sister senior answered with pride, “six fledglings, eight thralls and three full vampires, we even wounded the leader of the group”. Martin nodded, “can you describe him his fighting style, any items he has, any servants and any abilities”. The Sister of mercy paused recalling the encounter, “he had a rapier that was infused with fire, possibly infernal magic. He has a ring that granted some sort of boost.”
“He had a steel chest plate, it was fancy but a bit thin decorative not sturdy. He had no remarkable abilities, probably not old enough to have any”. Martin pressed, “Have you had any leads”? She shook her head sadly, “Not really, we have checked a few old lairs yesterday. We found some bone hounds in an old vamp lair. They were so weak, I don't think that they were serving any active vampire.”
The hunter eyed him up, “you only have that pair of pistols. Things are getting dangerous round here, you need some better ordinance, this was Sister Mary's, kill a few vampires in her name”. Martin looked at the Triple pistol and holster. It was a little ornate he felt the weight, it was about two and a half times as heavy as one of his more mundane pistols. The barrels were shorter it was designed for closer combat.
The device had three barrels and three flint lock mechanisms. They would rotate around one handle and trigger on a central axis. A spring was wound so that each barrel would come into place after the previous was fired. Martin was also given a leather box containing ammo the gun used short wooden stakes.
Vivian showed them the letter, the sister senior looked at it, “The I could be for Islington. There is mention of a vampire by that name in our records. He was probably the vampire we faced, it’s the best lead for the sender of the letter. Some of his allies are gone wiped away his position is weaker.”
The hunter added more of her insight, “He must be a very low ranking elder or a high level warrior, he is the strongest vampire in the area at any rate. With the creatures you found there is probably an archanist’s lab hinted in the area, they can remain dormant for a very long time and work with vampires”.
She looked at the group, “that is your assignment, there was a suspected archanist Joseph in town fifty years ago. The merchant confirmed the records, they sold him raw materials. Those items could have been used to make more mundane items, but they could be used by an archanist’s. We are going to check another old vamp lair. You are going to check around the village for any information.” the group nodded.
David sighted, “They gave us a light assignment today after yesterday”. Vivian agreed, “Yes especially after Alan's reaction.” The group moved back to the church, a lot of the towns records were kept there. They could look for something anything to fulfil their assignment. The lay brother was able to provide them with access, to the church records. A quick check found very little to go on. Then Vivian eagle sharp eye's spotted a reference. Joseph working with a little company, importing mechanist equipment into the area. His name was on some paperwork, the local lord once had business dealings with Him.
They went to see the lord’s steward, he was able to dig out a bit of information. The company had made quite a large number of clocks and imported a large number of tools and raw materials. They went back to the priest. They found records on the commissioning of a town clock. Joseph had ordered around four times the required materials to make the clock. It was a single example of his suspicious behaviour but it was enough to follow up on. Digging deeper, there was a building that Joseph had used, they would check it out.
The steward allowed the group, with one of the town guards to inspect the old building. Once a workshop it was now used as ware house. Alice felt a tug of magic, “there's something over hear”. Vivian pointed out a part of the wall that was two thick. “Could something be concealed in there”? Martin had his tools out, he dismantled a complex hidden key hole. A few tugs of an iron probe and there was a dusty groan. A section of the floor swung downwards leading to a hidden basement.
The guard looked nervous and stayed back. The group advanced, David had his shield up. Martin was next his holy symbol at the ready, with Vivian and Alice behind. In the basement there were several green torches, they glowed with a sickly quasi magical light. The basement may have been an archanist’s early workshop, but it had been cleared apart from one chest guarded by a construct.
This construct was not like the amateur efforts they had seen before. It was old enough to be coated in dust, but still in pristine condition. It faced off against them moving between them and the chest. A man trapped inside a machine, or an amalgam of the two, it was hard to say. Martin looked over it “be careful it’s not some apprentices work”.
The Walker had a human body reanimated, with electricity and chemicals. This one had weakened joints and limbs, replaced and augmented with gears and plates of bronze and iron. Its skull was reinforced with many layers of plate like a helmet. Its eyes were dull but active. One hand was a powerful claw, the other held a wrench like a weapon. Its back was a mass of connecting rods and gears, as well as a canister of the preservative fluid.
The construct barreled forwards. David intercepted it with an adrenaline block. Martin released an overload shot from his pistol, striking it in the head. Alice hit it with two fire bite spells. Vivian put one of her bodkin arrows through its chest. It lurched back to life, Martin lead it to one side David delivered a solid blow to its back. The delicate mechanisms failed and it fell to the floor dead. Vivian looked about, “there are foot prints hear, someone has been using this place”.
Martin held out his holy symbol, carefully approaching the chest. There was a map a detailed well drawn map, with two spots marked on it. One by the forest, one by the road. They had no other clue, the archanist or the constructs working for it would be doing something there. They showed the guard the remains of the walker. They dragged it out, then doused it with lamp oil. They set it on fire, out at the back of the building.
Martin worked in a flurry, he took out tools and oil dismantling the triple pistol. Carefully he oiled and cleaned each piece. Gently shaving off a few pieces from the mechanism. He reassembled and dry fired it. happy he loaded and holstered it. They would need the extra fire power, if they met any significant numbers of constructs.
They headed out of the village, they went to the first spot. A large number of foot prints, indicated that people came out hear all the time to forage. There was a group of constructs in the area, they were probably looking to grab the locals as spare parts. There were 8 walkers like the one guarding the chest. One was constructed slightly heavier, a crystal replacing one eye. There were 10 scurriers and two brass wolf pack leaders, plus 8 brass wolves split into two groups of five.
Martin pointed out the creatures, “Brass wolves, they are not really wolves despite the name. Domestic dogs augmented by Archanist technology, not truly reanimated. These poor creatures are still alive. They are mass produced guard dogs, the necks and heads are well armored. The bodies are generally not that well armored and susceptible to attack.” He pointed out two particular constructs, “The pack leaders are a bit more durable.”
He described the other creatures, “The smaller ones are called Scurriers, and they are ugly. The brain of a rat and a collection of spare parts in a jar reanimated to a semblance of life. They are weak but fast, they jump to attack with their legs.” The scurriers were two feet tall, with six mechanical legs, three eyes in the jar guided them.
Vivian looked at the group. “Alice fire ball the pack of brass wolves on the left, me and Martin will take the ones on the right. The scurriers are next, simple we should be able to finish them off before we engage the walkers.” they nodded. David had his shield out standing at the centre of the group, Alice on the left Vivian and Martin on the right. Two fire balls obliterated the first group of brass wolves. A few pistol shots and arrows rapidly destroyed the second. The scurriers beeped clicked and charged forward. Bouncing off David's shield, they were destroyed in quick succession with his sword soon after.
The slow but sturdy walkers headed for the group, Alice hit them with a fire ball. They were quite sturdy and kept coming. Martin targeted three of the walkers with his triple pistol. A wooden stake hitting each one in the knee, slowing them to a limping pace. David closed on one swapping blows with it until it collapsed. Vivian skewered the walkers in the chest with power shot after power shot until the second one dropped.
Alice used her fire bite spells to cook a third walker, with strikes to the limbs and torso ignoring the armoured head. David was holding the two remaining uninjured walkers back slowly leading them to him. Martin used his focus reload to get both his pistols ready. He moved behind the walkers David had distracted. Two overload shots into there more delicate mechanisms and down they went. Vivian finished off a sixth limping walker, leaving two behind. The remaining walkers were quickly despatched with adrenalin strikes, magic and focus throws to there more sensitive mechanisms.
The group levelled up, apart from Martin who was already at his max level. He needed to perform a special action to level further. They picked up there ammo reloaded there weapons. Alice had now mastered the fire ball spell, it hit very hard but it cost four times the mana of other spells. Vivian had now maxed out her speed shooting skill. David had his block and sword skills up to level eight. It was the highest he could get them to. As soon as Alice had recovered from the level up, they headed off to the second map marker.
The second map marker was a meeting and it looked like they were in luck. The meeting was in full swing, so much so that they didn't notice the group approaching. A fledgling vampire and a couple of thralls, was meeting with a construct it looked like an upgraded walker, smart enough to speak to negotiate. Maybe it was a puppet, or maybe it had its own intelligence.
On inspection it seemed to be aware, The Overseer was an intelligent construct, able to reason. It was like the walkers but its mechanisms were far better constructed. A chemical sprayer was attached to its right hand and with a mechanical grip on its left hand.
Its voice was tiny and monotone, “The raw materials that you have been delivering have not been enough, we need more iron steel and crystal to progress!” the overseer noted.
The vampire was a little whiny, “You have had the exact amount we agreed upon. You promised us more troops and high quality ones. The first batch was terrible, I believe that they have already been destroyed. Despite the strength of the ghoul we procured for you”. The vampire fledgling countered
“The second batch was far better”! the overseer flatly stated.
“True I suppose but we will need many more”! The vampire seemed to perk up.
“The foundry mother is fully repaired, soon you will have all the troops you need as long as we have materials.”
“Our contacts have hit a snag, further shipments may be delayed the bandits needed finance to purchase the materials for your expansion, but they were delayed.”
The overseer paused, there was s whir and hum, “They are dead your contact in the village passed the news to our connection in the old warehouse. Now I check my senses that connection is dead, so is the second group that was patrolling the forest for gatherers. They were between the village and us. I think we may have bitten off more than we can process with this alliance vampire.”
The groups had met on roughly equal footing, one vampire fledgling leading four poorly armed thralls. One walker overseer leading four other walkers. Martin was not going to let the vampire escape, he was the primary target he used one of his new blessings. “Chain smite” rather than just a single bolt of electricity, the vampire was hit by one then a second. The second bolt had a bit more power than the first, the vampire screamed as electrical energy surged through it.
Each electrical bolt used focus, but the damage was getting worse second by second. The fourth bolt was the last, the hunters target exploded into dust. It had receiving over a thousand points of electrical damage. Martin grinned in elation another vampire destroyed. He had not used this attack on the constructs, they were healed by electricity. He shouted a warning, “Watch out for the overseer’s chemical sprayer it can be loaded with anything!
Martin left his comrades to deal with the walkers. he concentrated on the four remaining thralls.
Two fire balls from Alice softened the Walkers up before they could scatter. Vivian killed two with bodkin power shots to the back. David attacked one with an adrenalin shield bash and consecutive power strikes to send it to the ground. Alice used her fire bite on the overseer to keep it distracted.
Martin took a couple of light wounds through his armour. His holy symbol struck one of the thralls. “Wrath purge”, the man was out wounded and cleansed of the thrall taint. Martin repeated this tactic. One of the thralls tried to run, “smite” he didn't get very far. The last thrall slit his own throat, rather than betray the vampires. He was not allowing himself to be freed from their grip.
The last enemy standing the overseer was badly damaged, his chemical sprayer was still operational he managed to get David in the face just before Vivian skewered him with a final power shot.
David looked very ill, he was rapidly fading Vivian panicked clutching him. Martin used his blessing divine regeneration on David four times. “I can’t cure him of the poison, but I can keep him alive until it runs its course”. After twenty seconds Alice took over. Using her touch heal spell draining her mana and the reserve in her staff, until she was almost going to pass out. Vivian cried over David holding him. Martin checked his breathing, “he is still alive barely but the poisonous chemical seems to have dissipated”.
The two thralls that survive look dazed and confused. They may have been under vamp influence for years. The group levelled up again, David stirred for a second then blacked out. Vivian shook Alice so she didn’t dose off and hugged her, she had just narrowly saved David's life.
Vivian and David got a class level each, they could train better troops and there adrenalin power attacks were more fearsome. Alice now had the poison cure spell. It was five times more expensive in manna than the heal spell, but ultimately a far better choice than trying to directly out heal poison damage.
They burnt the bodies, searching the vampires remains gained them a few bronze pennies. Martin took the teeth. Martin and Vivian carried David on his shield, Alice led the two confused former thralls. The group headed back to the village to rest up. Martin was frustrated he was stuck at level 25, he need to perform a feat of strength. One little fledgling vampire would not cut it, he had to find a more significant quarry, without getting killed. Also the crystals seemed to be a way that the archanists could monitor their creations. They had to get rid of their trophy head so they could not be monitored.
Status Screen Name Vivian Tanner Age 19 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 20 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 130/130 Adrenalin 100/100 Strength 26 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 6 Endurance 6 Charisma 6 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 20 Level Defence Bonus 20 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 60 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L4 Layered Armour Perk L1 Adrenalin Power Shot L1 Bow Proficiency L8 Speed Shooting L8 Perks Intensive Training + 1 Endurance and Strength Status Screen Name David Fisher Age 18 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 20 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 130/130 Adrenalin 100/100 Strength 26 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 6 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 20 Level Defence Bonus 20 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 60 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L4 Layered Armour Perk L1 Adrenalin Power Strike L1 Sword Proficiency L8 Shield Proficiency L8 Adrenalin Power Block L1 Flaws Gambling Addiction Status Screen Name Alice Costar Age 17 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mage Level 19 Affiliation The Eternal Tower Mages Guild/ Royalist Court Health 72/72 Mana 175/175 Strength 3 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 24 Agility 5 Endurance 3 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 19 Level Defence Bonus 19 Number of Simultaneous Spells 1 Base Spell Cost 4 Mana Class Proficiency Mana Regeneration L1 Analyse Magic L1 Recharge Enchantment L1 Spell List Fire Bite (5 Damage + 2 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Tracking Fire Bite Master (16 Damage + 5 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Touch Heal Master (15 Heal + 6 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Ranged Heal (5 Heal + 1 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Fire Ball Master (30 Damage +12 per Level 10 foot Area ) 4 x Base Mana Cost Touch Poison Cure – 5 x Base Mana Cost Flaws Fear of Bats Status Screen Name Martin Wrigt Age 29 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Vampire hunter level 25 Secondary Occupation Journeyman Craftsman Level 11 Affiliation Order of Steel and Silver / The Church of the Creator God Secondary Affiliation Bay City Guild Hall Health 333/333 Focus 165/165 Strength 11 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 34 Charisma 5 Dexterity 7 Perception 5 Faith Yes Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 36 Level Defence Bonus 36 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 15 Class Proficiency Bonus vs Vampire Resist Disease Holy Symbol usage L1 Resist Poison Blade Coatings L2 Focus Shot L1 Immunity to Taint – Demonic, Thrall, Necromantic, Ghoul and Vampirism Taint Pistol Proficiency L5 Overload Shot L1 Focus re-lode L1 Throwing knife Proficiency L3 Focus throw L1 Focus Multi Throw L1 General Melee Weapons L3 Focus strike L1 Grenadier L4 Focus Parry L1 Duel Wield Focus Attack L1 Combat Medic L2 Blessings Use Per Day Wrath – 25 points of holy damage unblockable x 4 Shield of Faith – 50 points of temporary health x 1 Guardian Angel – blocks first two attacks that would penetrate armor x 1 Armor of Faith – ten extra points of armor block both magic and physical attack x 1 Purify – remove taint disease etc x 4 Holy Aura – five feet - ten points holy damage – per second x 1 Divine Retribution – 100 points of holy damage unblockable x 2 Circle of Consecration – fifteen feet area ten points holy damage per second x 1 Fortress of faith – 100 points of temporary health + 20 points of armor x 1 Smite – 200 points lighting damage x 1 Divine Favor – 20 hit point Regeneration for 5 seconds x 4 Hallowed Earth – 250 points holy damage in 10 meters x 1 Martyrs Sacrifice – minus 4 hit point per second + 20 attack + 10 strength + 10 agility + 10 dexterity. - (really painful) consumes focus per sec x 1 Chain Smite – 200 points lighting damage + 50 points per second of ability stacks x 1 consumes focus per second Thy Will be Done – can see location of enemy directed to them Wrath of the Almighty – (300 holy 100 fire 100 frezing 100 electrical) damage x 1 Craft Proficiency Administration L1 Woodworking L1 Leather Working L3 Mettle Working L5 Sowing L1 Perks Well Maintained Perk on all equipment Pistols – improved critical damage 30% + Armour penetration 15 points Flaws Alcoholism Zealot Survivors Guilt Inventory Alice Belt of the Scaled Hide – armor + 5 – long black belt Necklace of Warding + 4 armor - square cut silver and iron Druids Staff + 25 mana storage - black oak, end brass orb decorative green feathers grip bindings in brown leather. Tower Apprentices Robes + 5 natural armor blue Minor Ring of Armor + 2 points – silver ring Minor Potion of Mana + 120 points David Ring of Bores Endurance + 3 Endurance – silver ring Minor Potion of Adrenalin + 120 points Artisan Crafted – Iron and Steel Tower Shield Vivian Dagger of the Adder + 5 poison damage on strike – seven inch fancy dagger Damascus bodkin arrows x 10
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