
Atem: Now, it is your turn. Go on. Try it.

Adeline: Y-Yes!

And from there, they spent the morning for Adeline to get the hang of this new variant spell. She was given the honor of naming it and she picked Smiling Light Orb. A simple yet very fitting name.

Meanwhile, Shen went to the Library.

The Library in the capital was huge. Even bigger than the adventurer's guild. That was a good thing since Shen did need to find some books. They had been away for so long that their common sense was a little too old, the S rank abolishment a clue to it.

As such, he went straight for that building. Once inside, he was halted by the guards who directed him to the counter first to make himself registered as a library user. The librarian who registered him asked:

Librarian ???: Sir Shen, are you looking for a specific book or do you plan to browse?

Shen: No specific but I am searching for history books. Of the last few centuries if there are.

Librarian ???: They would be in the second floor, third area, Sir. If you need anything, please do ask the librarian in charge of that sector up there. He will be glad to be of help.

Shen: Thank you. I'll be on my way there then.

Once in the sector, he found out that there were indeed a lot of books. A few thousands to be honest. As he didn't want to waste time, he searched and found the librarian in charge.

Shen: Excuse me, i was told to come to you if I was looking for specific books in here.

Librarian ??? : Yes, of course! How may I help you, Sir?

Shen: I am looking for books on the history of the last few centuries. Do you have any recommandations?


Librarian ???: Of course, Sir. What kind of history are you searching for? Dungeon? Food? Art maybe?

Shen: Politics. Wars. What happened in the past worthy of being kept as records.

Librarian ???: Yes, I see. This way then.We have this book, this one...This one is very detailed as well...

Shen: What about this one?

Librarian ???: Ah, this one...It is more of a satyre of the history, it claims a completely different view of the official recorded history. We keep it here because it was indeed recorded in the past and while the evenements recorded are fake, they are still filled with valuable researching materials.

Shen: I will take it too, it sounds interesting.

Librarian ???: Feel free to though you might be disappointed, Sir.

In the end, Shen picked five books: Depiction of our great century of history by Ran Histo, Five hundred years and what to remember by Mark Ven, Some light on our past by Icy Naw, 36 tales of war by Unknown author and What really happened by Azerty Uiop. Shen decided to start by the thickest book. The one by Ran Histo.

"Our dark times began with the arrival of foreginers through a certain door, more of a portal. Out of it came ten beings. Three of the dark and Seven of the light. The Three of the dark were fleeing from the Seven of the light..."

"Shen: Ok, that's pure bullshit. The ten of us were friends when we first came here. And what fleeing? We were the strongest."

"The Seven of light lost tracks of the three of darkness who, we discovered later, went towards the monster people lands. The Seven of light made contact with the righteous people: humans, elves, beastmen, Orcs, Dwarves and Sempits"

"Shen: Nope. We were there too. And they went to the monster people too. This is full of idiocies, let's skip some."


"After a cataclysmical battle that lasted seven years, the Seven of light triumphed over the Three of darkness and banished them forever from our lands. Those Emperors of the monsters gone, a new task awaited the Seven of light. They cleared, with the help of the righteous people, all the lands from the monster people and diverse monster species. Using their incredible powers, they then created dungeons for the future descendants to be able to train, remember and prepare themselves in case the door opened again."

"Shen: No wonder we saw no monster species...They slaughtered those poor guys. They had not even participated in our quarrel...And what seven years fight? There was none. We were solely betrayed and sealed. Instantly. And I am the one who invented the theory behind dungeons and planted them. Those fuckers rewrote history and slaughtered entire races!"

"In memories of the Seven of light and to honor them, the adventurer's guild switched the S rank for the L rank, Light rank, as the greatest attainment for adventurers"

"Shen: That explains it."

After this, Shen kept reading the books and learning of the events that took place after their sealing. It was the official history but was it the real one? Considering the part related to them, he could not help but be doubtful. Until he picked the last book. The one that was supposed to tell a fake tell. And it seemed to start well.

"First and foremost, i want the reader to know that whatever he has been taught or he has read about the history of our time was a garbage bin filled with trash. What three of darkness? What Seven of light? The truth is that one day, a group of ten friends came through a portal door to train themselves in our world. They were World Explorers..."

"Shen: To think the real history is considered fake while the embellished tale is considered the truth... What a sad ending. It seems to be true that history remembers solely what the winner wants. The other two will be devastated. To think we were remembered as the biggest sinners of all times...I better keep this book with me.It would be a shame for it to be lost."

Shen went to store the first four books and went down to the counter near the entrance/exit on the first floor. He asked the Librarian:

Shen: Is it possible to buy a book?

Librarian ???: Not in here, Sir, I'm afraid...

Then, the librarian saw a gold coin drop on his counter. He picked it and answered:

Librarian ???: Oh? It seems i had forgotten to note that you came in with a book you owned, Sir. Let me amend it. ... And done. I hope you enjoyed your time here.

Shen: Sure did. Thank you.

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