《I Have A Dagger》6-Miracle Princess
We were taken in by the Lbesslaum Guild for lodging. Clean up afterwards took longer than I thought, the townsfolk all had to pitch in to clean the streets. Public works, I guess. Though more grisly than I imagined with bandit and demon corpse moving. Scrubbing bloodstains off stone. Digging graves. Digging lots of graves. I don't remember signing up for this. We dined with the Guild members in evenings.
Scott told me he had been jailed by Geradt. Geradt inferred that Scott hit the Princess on the head, arrested him. Scott went to Pixie to apologize for his evil deed, yet Pixie forgot the event. Too much on her plate. She asked why Scott would come to her and apologize. I felt I had to step in and explain, leading to Pixie trying to comprehend further.
She never understood why Scott was mad in the first place. When we talked it over, she said she felt she deserved a hit or two for letting her knights fall, but her using magic to protect them was always out of the question. It's not her place, she's not a knight. She reflected on how different she was now, with some despair, and that she never imagined she would take lives like this. Cue Pixie staring at her mace, looking a little off kitler. She hasn't killed anything since we started cleaning up the town. I understand the feeling.
I explained Royal Magic to Scott. He already slipped into full apology mode, so there wasn't much of a point. I wanted to tell him about Pixie lying to him, and to us. How she, most likely, lead us to the Lich's Tomb out of desperation almost getting us killed. How she, most likely, lied Scott that she could send him home. My suspicion is Pixie meant to send Scott home, unaware it was impossible for her. She doesn't appear to be the type who lies when talking, she lies by smiling and saying nothing. She was like that in the Lich's tomb.
Scott brought up his observation that we're still sleeping in the same room despite plenty rooms in the Guild being available.
The Princess said it like this. "When I can't see the dagger-bastard, I get nervous." She learned my new nick-name from the elf. Everyone calls me by it now. Either that, or 'dagger'. I never know what popularity felt like until recently.
Scott immediately inferred her nervousness as a confession of love.
"I hug my mace to sleep every night, dreaming of... hitting this dagger-bastard on the head." She smiled, then sighed. "Merely thinking of the fantasy brings me such calm. I've become corrupted, haven't I."
I looped my arms around her shoulders, sneaking in. "You're a growing girl. I'm so proud of you." Watching her go from that sad sight, to this level of murderousness, a tear twinkled in the corner of my eye.
Her mace pushed into my face, levering me backwards away from her. "Please go dagger yourself in a dark corner where no one can hear you die."
Scott's face darkened seeing this. "It's gotten bad. It's gotten really bad."
I wonder what he means? As for Scott, he's doing fine, but, I'm worried about him. Because of what I might do to him.
[Main Character A]
Level: 24 (I Have A Dagger)
STR:Sloth Grip
WIL: W i z a r d ~ w o o ~
Skills: Dagger +7. Kick +1.
Effects: [Carnation](Blessing)
Inventory: Dagger.
[Level Cap!] Congratulations, dagger-bastard, you have reached a level cap! Complete this quest to continue advancing your daggering adventures!
Quest ~ Dagger Scott!
I wonder what kind of world this must be to treat Heroes so cruelly. I thought after that big fight I'd gain some levels, but nope. Instead, I'm burdened by a quest like this. Vizar did say Heroes level erratically as abominations to this world. That applies to me too, like this. I did get here by opening a spam mail. At least I have... 'friends'.
Everyone here at Lbesslaum Guild has me pegged as the next Flynn. Flynn's tried to kill everyone in the Guild except for T.T. Shadow, and Flynn said that the only reason he hasn't tried to kill T.T. Shadow is because he knows he'd end up dead. The rest of the Guild is fairly tolerant of Flynn's dependable treachery. Probably because they are all, in one way or another, absolute lunatics from birth who've sought death-defying adventures. So, if I were to dagger Scott, they might laugh it off, after they crushed my head in.
Flynn's managed to stay alive because he's always had another trick or two up his sleeves. Eventually, he won them over with charm and being useful enough so that killing him would be more trouble than letting him live. I don't believe I've got the talent for that sort of delicate politics. My INT is Anglerfish.
I won't dagger Scott. He saved my life three times now with his ability. He's easy to be around, useful, saves my life with his cheat power. Still, opportunity presents itself, I'm keeping it in mind I might have to for my own future. Though, I'm not sure how much future I'll have once I dagger him. Even with a souped up Pixie, an upgraded dagger, and level 24, I wasn't much use against Hjallmar. Scott is walking insurance.
I mean, yeah, he has worth as a human being and all that and the Christmas going home to save his family thing, but, if I can't level further, how am I going to power up?
Flynn sat the three of us together for our final evening meal. We've finally finished our public service to Lbesslaum. A celebration is beginning, Huguenot, a massive warrior about two Hjallmar's wide wearing an apron, kept busy in the kitchen. His fellow big guy, D'Arc, carried plates and place settings to our table. He layered utensils in their proper order.
Flynn looked slightly more smug than usual. Sitting next to me, he whispered in my ear. "Vizar's going to sell the Miracle Princess to the Guild, tonight. She's chatted them all up during the days trying to drum them up for her cause, and they are buying it. Each has their reasons. But, tonight, Vizar will gloss over all that and formally ask the Guild as a whole. They will act in the Miracle Princess's favor."
"That name, that name is annoying." I told the elf.
He leaned back from his whispering, asking me aloud, "Is that really all you are concerned with? After what I just told you?"
Huguenot towered in with a serving platter, pressing it down between the two of us. "Flynn. Viz likes the dagger. Play nice." Huguenot lumbered off, shaking the heavens with each step.
"You know, when I tried to kill him, he just walked through everything I had set up? I had a band of merry demons. There was this evil wizard. I even got a balista. A balista. You think that would do it, right?" He laughed.
Pixie sneered at Flynn. "Why are you saying such a horrible story with nostalgia?"
Sounds like Flynn put a lot of effort in. I can respect that. D'Arc entered with a serving trolley, his long blade shaped body laying down dish after dish. "Nostalgia, my dear Miracle Princess, is all this bundle of daggers has."
Flynn patted D'Arc, getting a whack on his head. "Oh come on, I have so much more to offer!"
D'Arc straightened. "Like when we got lost in the Depths and you 'offered' me that Shade Fencer? Please. A learning experience for me, and a painful one. One I'd rather forget." D'Arc sailed off with his serving trolley.
"He's always after a good fight. I found him one." Flynn said.
At our table, a small chair pulled out, then, it pulled itself in. A blank scroll and inkwell lay at the side of the place setting.
"There's T.T. Shadow." Flynn pointed.
"Where?" I looked at the empty chair.
"Exactly." Flynn told me. I can see why T.T. Shadow is the only one Flynn hasn't tried to kill.
A beautiful fragrace caught my nose. Ah, it's her again. The lithe bow elf I saw on the roof that night standing near the moon, who shot all those arrows into Hjallmar. She slipped in like T.T. Shadow, giving Flynn, and me, a look of death, while smiling and greeting Pixie.
"She's too hot." I found myself whispering.
"Want some help bagging your first elf? I ruined Slyva's wedding night. Three times in a row."
I thought it over. "No way, if she liked you, she's no good."
"Rather judgemental of you! She has her looks, and plenty more charms than you'd imagine!"
"I'm fine, thank you." I told the elf. Vizar filtered in, giving me and Flynn meaningful glances before he sat down.
Pixie leaned in towards me. "Stop looking at her like that. This is an important meal, you're being rude."
"She was looking at me!"
"Keep your dagger hole shut. I've been very careful for tonight. This determines my kingdom's future."
Seems she gave up on relying on me and Scott to pull through for her kingdom. Either that or she wants some insurance. Or, maybe the reason she came out this way in the first place was to gather the Lbesslaum Guild to her cause? That sounded right to me. Like with her leading us into the Liches territory, she plays innocent, but is merely hiding her cunning. Geradt had joined the table when I noticed. The serious brown robed fellow folded his arms in front of him.
"He's no fun. He heals all the poisons I've given him." Flynn told me.
I figured of all the Guild, Geradt was the one who suffered Flynn's presence the most. Vizar tapped on Geradt's shoulder, they pulled away from the table to have some close quarters discussion in the other room.
D'Arc and Huguenot folded up their aprons and seated themselves. Vizar took the stage as Geradt seated himself. Vizar picked up a tankard, drinking a little. His thousand edged hat lay on his head as he paced around the table.
"I see all of you are still in one piece." Vizar took another sip. "You've heard from our Miracle Princess, I assume she's been rather busy with all of you, except Flynn." Guffaws and laughs came from the crowd. Vizar took another sip, stopping his pacing near the 'Miracle Princess'. As if rehearshed, Pixie raised her mace.
"This, this mace, and this Miracle Princess, and her cause. You all know of it. She is Princess Pixie of the Nyaan-Cat Kingdom, home to the cat peoples. Her people are threatened by the Demon Vicar's advances on her father, King Falstaff, and the weak king has bought into the Demon Vicar's lies. The king believes that the demon tribes may live in peace with the cat people he rules over. This is an unforgivable choice for a royal to make. We must take the King's throne and grant it to a strong heir."
Vizar touched Pixie's raised mace, pushing it down. "Our Miracle Princess. Her mace allows her power untold by any other royal in the history of our world. At present, she is like a dragon, ready to swallow this world whole. We, the Lbesslaum Guild, stand to gain the backing of an entire nation when we take her to her throne." Vizar raised his tankard. "I want to do this. All in favor, drink your fill!"
I glanced around. Flynn drank. Hot elf- I mean, Silva, drank. A mug is levitating in the air so T.T Shadow is drinking, I think. D'Arc looked at Huguenot, and Huguenot looked at D'Arc, then they picked up their drinks. Geradt didn't drink, but no one cared. Scott drank. I don't know why, peer pressure?
I stood up. "I have an objection." I addressed to crowd. Pixie drew dagger eyes at me, tugging on the hem of my knight's shirt. I waved a hand down at her, signaling for her to stop bothering me.
Vizar came forward, near me. His stern eyes gazed at me from under his jagged hat. "You? You stand to benefit the most, as our Miracle Princess's closest confidant."
He saying it like it's true. And, he's saying it like I should accept it as true, and sit down, please. I get it. I know. But some things are too important to put off.
"We, we need to change the name. Miracle Princess is awful, it's, I can't stand it. I won't do it! If I am going on some grand adventure to take a throne, I don't want it to be with this 'Pixie' getting called 'Miracle Princess'! It's a dirty lie! It's corny! What audience is this name designed for?"
"The people of this world," Vizar growled. "Who, as you can see, absolutely love it."
Silva took out a tiny bow, latching on a blunt arrow, she fired it into my head. "Die."
The Princess rose. She held her mace in both hands like a trophy. "Please excuse this dagger-bastard. As you all may guess, our relationship is like light and shadow. It is a burden I will bear as long as I live, and it is far lighter than the weight of the crown." She closed her eyes. Another arrow hit me, Vizar pressing down on my shoulder. I took the hint.
Okay, okay. I sat. Who's idea was that? Miracle Princess? Flynn? It's Flynn. Even if it's not Flynn, it's Flynn.
"Well then with that disturbance dealt with," Vizar glanced at Geradt. "Let's get the party started. For tomorrow, we travel to Nyaan-Cat Kingdom!"
Cheers rang the rafters. Pixie among them, and Scott followed. Me and Geradt. Me, and Geradt. We were the ones slumped back, arms crossed.
That evening, I sat up in bed whittling a carving out of a block of wood. I needed some hobby, a hobby that involved my dagger. This felt relaxing. However, her Miracle Princess is quite ornery tonight.
"I invited Scott over. I'm taking this out on you. You almost ruined everything." Pixie grit her teeth, clenching her mace. "I can't believe you said that in front of everyone! What could you possibly gain! I'm about to retake my kingdom, here, and you! You get upset at one little word! Politics is nothing but a smokescreen for the masses, what pretty little world did you live in where that was false?"
I am so not apologizing because you are annoying, I thought to myself, as I continued whittling. She's quite healthy. That's good to see. Now, if only she'd be quiet. Wait, what did she say about Scott? That's weird.
A knock on the door had my heart leap. Something's weird. Why Scott? Scott gave me a nervous grin, and behind him, Flynn. Flynn! Before I was worried and now I know, this isn't good! I leapt for the window, but by that time, her Miracle Princess had mounted me. Flynn's laughter filled the room as I saw Scott apologizing with his a strained smile.
Miracle Princess Pixie raised her mace over her head, her eyes clouded over with a tinge of pink. They are kind of pretty like this, also, fearsome. I sense great hatred, it's a little much to bear.
She swung down.
And so it was that Flynn christened Pixie with a new title that evening. Crimson Princess Pixie. All would soon know the name, and the title of 'Miracle Princess' became a footnote lost to history.
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Overlord Spirit Martial Emperor
For years, since he was 6 years old, Feng Yun was trained in various Martial Arts and the way of the assassin. He killed thousands, slaughtered many evil people and those that sought to destroy the peace of the world. He had become so accomplished and well known that he had earned the title, "Slaughter Ghost". Eventually, he got bored of killing people that were so weak. One day, he was walking home and was killed by government agents storming the room he lived in."This is it huh? Well, I had fun. I guess I'll die now."He never would have expected for him to be reincarnated in a new continent, Wushu Zhicai( Martial Sanction) where experts and strong people areas numerous as the seas are large. Every child born with the ability to practice martial arts gains a spirit upon reaching 6 years old that is unique to them. On top of that, he is reincarnated as a baby with the same name as he had before, as the grandson of the head of the prestigious and powerful Cloud Scale Sect. Follow Feng Yun's journey to becoming an expert in the Wudao(Martial Way) and shaking the continent with his power. Follow him on his path to becoming the Overlord Spirit Martial Emperor._____________________________________________________________________________________________WARNING-MATURE CONTENT( This novel will include some gore(not too extreme), foul language(really frequent) and quite the sexual content if I do say so myself. It will become a bit more plentiful as he grows older so readers, please be prepared and don't read this if it doesn't gell well with you. Please enjoy.
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