《Heavenly Mage Shura》Chapter 16 :Line up


Shen clan in an underground cave, one can see black fishy water running down the lines of the cave, and at the sides of the bottom edges of the sides of the cave were ditches dug where a dark red liquid ran up stream.

The Shen clan Patriarch and two elders came to the deepest part of the cave where there was a deep lake where all these liquids converged. Stepping forward the Shen clan Patriarch cut his wrist and let a drop of blood drip onto the lake.

The drop of blood didn’t fall in instead it stayed above the surface of the lake then it shone, when it did below the lake six rectangular boxes shone and a black magic circle could be distinctly seen contrasting the light coming from the boxes. Then a flash of light flew up and arranged six magic formations that formed an array from each came a sound as if the call of many souls.

“Motan what is the progress on the plans” a sound that sounded slightly feminine came from one of the formations.

“Everything is moving smoothly; the array master has already been bribed in order to set up an array to detonate upon our signal” said The Shen clans’ patriarch whose name is Shen Motan.

“Good remember to signal two minutes before the goal has been achieved” said another sound coming from one of the formations

Shen Motan complied then left, he still had many things that need to be planned.


At the Tu clan after the meeting was finished the juniors that would be sent was gathered along with some deacons and Four other clan elders other than Tu Zhang.

The Tu family Patriarch was also there and what’s worth noting is so was Shura who successfully gotten a spot, this made many clan members outraged but they only dared to speak in whispers in fear of enraging the Patriarch.


“Ok we set out for the Blood moon square “

The blood moon square is a historical site of blood moon City as it is said that it is here that the founding mage saw the clear moon hanging in the sky reflect on the water as a blood moon.

Many have thought that the lake itself has something special sow they would dive to the bottom. It is a pity though that anyone that dives below 150 feet would lose all means of communication and is never found or heard of again this has made this lake a restricted zone, but once every ten years there is a time when the mana is especially strong and gathers in this area hence it is still visited and is used by the clans as a place to carry out the ceremony.

As Shura and the others walked he would look around he saw Tu tsuki who was by the patriarch and it may be his imagination but it seems as if the elders are surrounding her vaguely in order to protect her.

He also saw Tu Zen with his blue hair looking very excited about the ceremony.

On the way there they could see the other great clans on their way to the site.

When they entered the square everyone found their own spot to settle while the Patriarchs made their way towards an old man who was standing next to a pond that had an altar in the middle.

After talking the gestured for their respective groups to line up. Intentionally or unintentionally Shura was placed last of the Tu family in the que.

After the old man said some greetings towards everyone he then raised his hands, then from his brow one could see light shining as it flowed into his eyes, His eyes then changed purple.


“So this is the true eye method of the array master “Whispered a deacon beside Shura.

He then glanced at Shura who looked at him with curiosity and turned his head.

The order to go up was decided by The Patriarchs already beforehand it would be one person going up from clans until finished, the order that was decided upon was;

Shen clan

Tu family

Denki clan

Blood wind Trading company (Clearwater family)

Len clan

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