《Heavenly Mage Shura》Chapter 15 :Everyone is planning ahead


In the hall the management of the Tu clan watched as the two argued. A while later someone stepped in.

” I understand what the second elder is saying and I agree after all we need to build up our family’s strength first and foremost”

The speaker was the Fifth elder he is in charge of Magical development of the Tu clan

“But then again elder Zhang has paid a lot for the development of the Tu family so I think we should grant him a spot”

A glamorous female next to him spoke, this woman was the 7th elder Tu Wen. She is in charge of experimental data and training. Even though this sounds like a menial job one must not look down on her because this job entails human experiments.

In the magic world conducting experiments isn’t uncommon even those so called sacred schools conduct some sort of inhumane experiment or another as this helps with the further of magical technology and spells. The most recent experiment she did was deciphering an old cultivation and transfusion ritual of a blood vein mage.

This type of mage is someone that may use some kind of biological creature’s blood to raise their potential and gain abilities from it. In the process she has experimented on 15 people from the slums.

Hearing the woman everyone then gave the votes. And without much suspense the odds were against Tu Zhang by 3 votes.

Seeing his brother’s predicament, the patriarch finally spoke out.

“Since it has been decided that he would serve the clan then it is best to make sure he would be able to capably handle the duties in this clan hence I think that he should be given a spot”

After the patriarch spoke everyone quieted down, because they knew that his words were final.


Even if some elders and deacons found it improper they dared not say anything because this seemingly well-mannered middle age man was the strongest in the room with a cultivation of 3rd level of the Elemental core realm and also the most ruthless who is known for killing hundreds of enemies with his signature spell Grip of the blue lion.

The patriarch spoke again “Another thing on the agenda is the arrival of the representatives from the Red Wind Institute”

The Red Wind Institute was a two-star institute, Magic Organizations on the Continent were divided into School, Institute each of which measures them into three star, then there is the Academy’s which are divided into 5 stars.

The Red Wind Institutes recruiting was a great opportunity for the younger generation of Blood Mage City as it would give them access to better knowledge and opportunities.


While the management of the Tu clan were having their discussions.

In the Len family their management were gathered in a hall.

All eight elders were seated directly behind a long table wearing different styles of robes but with one distinctive feature in common, and that is an insignia with Two hands mid clasp motion with an eye in the middle. This is the mark of the Len Family.

Currently they seem to be waiting respectfully for someone even the Len family patriarch seemed slightly out of sorts, glancing at the entrance very now and again.

It was then that the sound of footsteps drifted over. Everyone looked over and saw that A middle aged man with black hair that seemed to flow in the wind as if water was walking in, and if one looked closely they would notice that the air itself seemed to be shaking around him as if heat ripples.

This man is the past patriarch of The Len family Len Shi who is over 70 years old. Behind him was Len Zen and some others that seem to be respectfully following him, these were Len Shi’s descendants.


Of all the organizations in Blood Mage City the Len family has the longest history, the amount of their current high level mages is not even properly known.

Currently the outside world knows that The old retired patriarch of the Len family Len Shi is in seclusion because of a serious wound he got when travelling. What they don’t know is that he has already healed from his wound and went a step further in his cultivation. Previously he was at the peak of the 5th level of the Core realm after healing his wound he went a step further and broke through to the 1st layer of the Law seeker realm.

The laws he comprehended were the law of wind, water and vibration, he even almost felt the law of sound at the same time. Of course it is too soon to call them actual laws.

At this level what those that enter the Law seeker realm do not cultivate genuine laws what they cultivate is the seed that will germinate to eventually become laws these are known as concepts.

Concepts are divided into 10 levels with ten being the highest.

After concepts are Truths which are dived into 10 levels as well.

Then ones Truths may evolve from Truths to a Law.


Len Shi nodded at everyone as he approached the head of the table and sat in a seat set beside the patriarch, but no one would take them as equals and some have even begun to neglect the patriarch and focus on this legendary figure.

Behind Len Shi was Len Zhen.

“So uncle Shi it is great to see that you have recovered and Improved on your cultivation, congratulations “said the Len patriarch attempting to break the ice.

“ok enough with the small talk, Let’s get down to important matters we don’t have much time” said Lin Shi

“The awakening ceremony is in just a few hours, during this time I think it’s the perfect time to make our stance known, and finally bring this city under our families control.”

After hearing what he said everyone in the room except Len Zhen and the patriarch was slightly shocked.

“Uncle isn’t this too hasty after all , even though we have you plus the other clans and families aren’t vegetarians, we have already confirmed that the Shen clan has two elders that are in stasis that ae at least 1st layer of the law seeker realm, also the Tu family has two elders who have went out to look for opportunities the last time one came back they were already at the peak of the core realm and the Denki family is even worst we do not know the status of their ancient elders especially their elder Violet Burn” said the patriarch. The patriarch had reasons for being worried, even if the Len family surpasses them with strength, but if they teamed up things may be bad for the Len family. The Blood Wind trading company ran by the Clearwater family wasn’t even considered as there is no reason to anger them.

Hearing what was said Len Shi replied with one sentence

“We have received the green light from the six ancient elders”

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