《Chronicles of Hui Yuan》Betrothal


News spread of the boy genius of the Zhang clan, who at four months, learnt to speak and at six months, spoke in complete sentences and at three, began to read books that were way too advanced for his age. How did the news spread? Zhang Tie often went drinking in a tavern where he would always boast of his child's accomplishment, while Zhang Qin and the servants of the household would not stop talking about it in the market.

Yet, in the household, Zhang Chao did his best to act like a child, even though he already has had some twenty-five years in past experience. In his hand, however, was a copy of Li Gui's Art of War, a supposedly famous strategist in this world. However, in the world that Zhang Chao came from, this man's writing was almost exactly to Sun Zi.

In the business world, Sun Zi's Art of War was almost considered a must-read, so this was something he already has read before. Not only this, Zhang Chao's traditional Chinese upbringing had ensured he had many poems memorized from his era, along with other books on strategy.

Most of the books were written on bones or bamboo scrolls. Some were even on made of silk, but judging from the way they were kept and stored separately, their value can be guessed. Zhang Chao displayed extraordinary manners that impressed everyone.

However, even as four years went by, with his eyes, Zhang Chao could tell of the worsening conditions of the Zhang clan. Zhang Tie's hair greyed and Zhang Qin sometimes sighed when she thought she was alone. The servants constantly had worried looks on their faces whenever members of another clan visited and today was no exception.

Clan rivalry was extremely strong in this world and it reminded Zhang Chao of the Chinese Triads in Hong Kong in the 1970s, just that these were all permitted by law. As he sat in his chair pretending to be innocent and not really listening to the conversation, he side-eyed Liu Qian, the second-in-charge of the Liu clan.


"If your son is betrothed to my daughter, you can get our investment! You can live in much greater wealth and riches! What do you have to consider, Patriarch Zhang!" Liu Qian spat out his words, his moustache trembling as he spoke with such force, his blueish merchant robes swaying ever so slightly as the man spoke on his toes.

Looking troubled, Zhang Tie said, "They are still very young, we shouldn't rush into-"

Zhang Qin nodded as her husband spoke but almost had a look of disgust as Liu Qian resumed his talking, cutting the host of the meeting short.

The Liu clan were excellent merchants and their wealth came from selling everyday commodities. Within Luoyang and the encircling regions, trade houses supported one another and they were all owned by the Liu clan. Banks were owned by the Liu clan as well. In fact, marrying into the Liu clan would be a decent proposal.

Aside from the fact that Zhang Chao had overheard that the Liu clan's business was taking a beating from their competitors and the new patriarch wasn't a man who was particularly good in business. The demons have taken a severe toll on the Liu clan as well, with their rampages wrecking Jiangxia, almost obliterating the clan owned port there.

The Zhang clan to put it frankly was a martial arts clan with an ancient name that people respected.

"If such a genius boy came to us, we could offer the best tutors and whatever that money can buy!" Liu Qian said and Zhang Tie furrowed his brows. Zhang Chao could tell he was tempted by this offer but the only thing holding back was his own thoughts on this.

Liu Qian turned to the young boy and rubbed his greasy hands on his head, "What about you? Don't you want to be able to eat candy all day long? Play with people that is on your class!?"


A fire burned inside the young boy.

"Let's ask Zhang Chao what he thinks then?" Zhang Qin sighed, smiling at her son sadly. This means that her mind was more or less contingent on whether the young boy said yes or no.

"Father, if I may speak." Zhang Chao jumped down from his chair and placed his hands together, asking for permission to speak. Liu Qian looked on approvingly as Zhang Tie nodded sadly, with the smallest smile on his lips.

"I will like to reject this matchmaking by Uncle Liu."

His parents' eyes widened and Liu Qian's mouth fell open and no words came out.

"Father, I am young so please forgive me if I sound foolish. The Liu clan is made up of exceptional merchants, but recent times have taken a toll on them, especially the demons. They need the help of our martial artists to protect the Liu clan's trading interests."

Liu Qian opened his mouth to speak but Zhang Tie raised his hand and the merchant fell silent. If anything, Zhang Qin looked impressed as she sipped her tea, watching silently.

"If we agree to the marriage, we will be honour-bound to defend the Liu clan wherever they expand to. This is akin to tying father to the front of a war chariot. Wherever they drive to, you will have to defend. Therefore, your son humbly rejects the proposal." Zhang Chao said as he bowed, before tidying up his red silken robes.

Liu Qian shouted, "You are audacious, young man! You think the Liu clan cannot hire other people!?"

As he did this, Zhang Tie roared, his booming voice shaking the room and Zhang Chao's ears rung as his father shouted.

"Don't you dare talk to my son like this!"

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