《Chronicles of Hui Yuan》The Boy Genius


Liu Qian's face turned pale under Zhang Tie's glare. Zhang Qin, on the other hand, stood up and looked at her servant and spoke, "My son is right and I will like to respect his wishes. I believe this meeting is over. Please see the guest out."

Liu Qian glared at Zhang Chao, who returned his gaze. The merchant, as he left, muttered under his breath, "Brat, your family will regret the day they offended the Liu clan..." Zhang Chao, bowed and watched as Liu Qian left the home. If he was going to survive this world, the Zhang clan needs to at the very least, stop their downwards descent before things become too late to salvage by his generation.

"Son, you really showed the Liu clan! See? My son is so smart!" Zhang Tie walked to his son and clapped him heavily on the back, causing Zhang Chao to almost topple forward as the servants nearby hurriedly expressed their admiration. Zhang Qin, on the other hand, her response was much more muted.

"You did well to protect this clan's honour, but we have offended someone, maybe when you get older, you will know the consequences of actions. Think before you act, don't be like your father," Zhang Qin said, side-eyeing her husband as she went to rub Zhang Chao's head.

Over dinner, the young Zhao Chao nimbly used his chopsticks to pick apart the fish and it's bones. The dinner was by himself. His father has gone out to one of the escort service agencies and his mother was doing sewing with the female servants to earn some extra money.

What can he do?

In Ancient China, several inventions changed the world. He had no idea how to make gunpowder, nor should he, which could escalate violence. He needed something that he'd know he can make with his limited abilities, or within the family's limited abilities. It needed to be something that people needed, easy to make, easy to scale and highly profitable.


Gunpowder, Compass... What else...


Zhang Chao set down his chopsticks and he gazed out of the window, where beyond his house lies a small bamboo grove. That's it. That's it!

Zhang Chao spoke loudly, "Men! Is anyone there!?"

A servant opened the door, Hou Ning. He had short, neat black hair and was supposedly the one who had delivered the news of his birth to father. He had helped Zhang Chao often, carrying his things or bringing food to him.

"Get me a big tub! A big tub! Axes and batons! Get some servants who are not doing any work!" Zhang Chao instructed that Hou Ning bowed, replying, "Understood."

He stayed in his stance of bowing for a few moments before looking at the young master.


"You heard me! Get me those things and people, Hou Ning!"

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