《Nekana, One in Billions, Lost.》Chapter 15 - Prorities


Nekana stared at the ripples being made in the clear waters of drinkable liquid residing in the cup with mild interest. She was BORED. Unentertained to the point even water ripples was found with an interest. She found it ridiculous as opposing to her current state of mind, she still had tens of school work to get done. (It was an understatement as it felt like millions of work to do by her)

She knew that she was just being unreasonably lazy and ungrateful. Ungrateful as not all were able to attend school as she did. Some being handicapped all the more similarly. But excuses aside, she couldn’t help her lazy impulses. When one had something, isn’t it not natural to take it for granted?

The brunette thought back to her attempted attempting diary journal (Nekana is also recently upset with the minor mistakes of words so far). On dull days, she would flip the notebook open and write. No feelings nor dedication were put in. Only simple sentence structures and lightly detailed descriptions of the day (Mostly for energy saving purposes).

Sometimes, she’d feel a little more enthusiastic in her notes and put in simple opinions. Nonetheless, the daily thing was hard to keep up with. At first, the brunette had tried to motivate herself to keep a firm dedication towards the journal but it gradually burned out.

She couldn't recall the entirety of the reason she even started such a project in the first place. Perhaps it was for the future? To have something to recall after time passes in an unbelievingly fast yet slow paced time. Whatever the reason, Nekana was bound to touch upon it again. Just next time, maybe. Because now, is not.

In the end, Nekana completed 4 days of the book and felt quite proud of herself. The flow went in no specific direction and warped pattern of blank colours started showing in her eyes point of view. Her unfocused gaze was then snapped out as she recalled an assignment due the next day.


With lightning speed, not literally but close enough, she unwillingly started the given pain in the crack. Practice makes perfect, true. But just why haven’t I mastered the Art of Last Minute Work yet? She thought.

Her priorities were somewhat right. And the cup of water stood by her dutifully.

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