《Different World with Save and Load: A Horror Story》Chapter 12 Throne


I strode down the hall of the palace. Today is a joyous occasion, for the twenty-eighth legion has conquered the blasphemous country of Egrana for The One True God. The One True God had given them a chance to surrender of their own free will, however they dared to ignore this blessing. For this they will be punished in accordance with The One True Gods will.

“Good mourning Archbishop Pithius.”

“Good mourning Magus Aiwin. I heard you were preparing for the Strucia offensive? Are you here to attend the Gods Judgement?”

“I would be blessed to be in the presence of the One True God of Magic, however I must attend to the deployment of the troops. So unfortunately I will not be able to see the Throne grow today. Good day Archbishop.”

It does irk me that those Elven Mages only recognize the One True God as a God of Magic, The One True God’s grace extends far past that.

I arrive before the opulent doors of the Throne Room. The One True God’s palace is a marvel of Dwarven engineering combined with the enchanting of the Elves. But the Throne room is a palace onto itself. I pause before the thick enchanted-steel doors. They are carved with the stories and legends of the One True God’s legacy, the slaying of the Dragonking, the conquest of one of the three Elven Kingdoms, the routing of the rogue Lich in his youth. My faith is strengthened every time I stand before those magnificent doors.

The doors open, the light blinds me temporarily. As I enter the room I finally see it, the Golden Throne of Bones, the throne of The One True God.

I remember hearing that the Dwarven masons who built the throne room were flabbergasted at the size that The One True God request. The height of the ceiling, the width of the room, the thickness of the columns, everything is built to be able to fit a giant in it. Not one of those measly Hill Giants, but a true Giant from the sagas. This room is big enough to accommodate enough of them to raze a country.


But the Dwarven masons understood after the war for conquest started, over a hundred years ago. This room had a purpose, a purpose to show the known continent what happens to those who go against the will of The One True God.

In the center of the room it stood, over thirty meters from the ground, a Throne of pure gold without a single blemish. It needed no gems or finery. The shine coming off of the gold cast by the grand-smiths of Thul Garom and enchanted by the oldest Magicians of Thelvanor needs nothing else, however the whole reason why the Throne was so high and the need for the huge room was underneath it, the mountain of golden bones.

I reached my pre-assigned post, on the left of the throne, three spots from it to be exact. The One True God has left the capital to personally deal with some trifling mortal resistance in the Dwarven Kingdom of Norntirm. It would not do to interrupt the quest of The One True God.

Since this is a matter of the law, the one is charge of this Judgment is not I, but Gweyr Zinpeiros. The still presiding holder of law, I don’t always see eye to eye with her. I believe the blasphemers should be hanged for any act of disrespect towards The One True God. However the law dictates that unless proven guilty they cannot be touched. The One True God is truly merciful.

Ah, here are the blasphemers to be tried. The royal family of Egrana will be tried in the Throne room, and the rest of the nobles of Egrana will follow their sentence. Due to the amount of nobles only the royal family’s trail will be conducted in the throne room. I hear the melodious voice of Gweyr, Elves truly are a beautiful race. Especially the women, I can’t wait until we bring The One True God’s grace to the rest of the Elven Kingdoms.


“King Fredrich, you have gone against the command of the Godking and have refused to surrender peacefully. Due to your heinous act you have driven the mortals under you to their death under the Godkings blade. As all sentient beings are the Godkings subjects, therefore you are guilty of incited suicide. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

You could hear a pin drop in the room. Of course the royal family was first stripped of any useful information by Manipulators then had their minds destroyed by Mutilators. Can’t have an outburst in the presence of The One True God.

“Since there are no objections I, Gweyr Zinpeiros, holder of the Godkings Law, pronounce you guilty. You shall be punished in accordance with the Godkings will, to serve as an example for those who would senselessly kill his subjects.”

The Fleshmancers got to work. The Materializer category, Natural class mages are a common breed. However the Fleshmancer School is one of the scarier specializations. They can manipulate the bodies of others. Of course if the opponent were a high level magician it would do no good. That’s why the Mutilators first destroy their wills to resist.

The bodies of all the members of the royal family where hoisted up into a standing position, arms spread, mouth open, looking up towards the ceiling. All thirteen members will be worked over simultaneously. The Throne Room guards walked up to them to prep them. Starting at the fingers, one by one, until the last toe they snipped the ends of the fingers off. This is one of the simpler ways to expedite the process.

The Fleshmancers cast their spell at the same time. Bonedrain, a specialized version of Bonemelt, the bone melts inside the body and bubbles forth from every orifice. The tips of the fingers are removed to allow the bone to drain faster. It is an extremely painful process, but the blasphemers can’t scream. The Fleshmancers Muscle Bulge, Tendon Stretch and Skin Shrink hold all of their muscles, tendons, and skin in place. The few Ice Mages are in charge of keeping their bodies temperatures constant until the gold cools enough. Though the Mutilators destroyed their wills, the pain processes were left intact, truly well trained subjects of The One True God.

Once all of the bone is removed it is the Smiths turn. The ceremonial Dwarven smiths pour molten gold into the open mouths. The tips of the fingers and toes are reattached temporarily to stop the gold from flowing out. To access the upper area of the skull they make a small hole in the highest point to allow more gold into the hollow area.

At this point the Judgment is finished. They will be moved to the special dwarven forges underneath the throne room. The heat from the molten gold will fade and they will starve to death in a cold dark room. Once their bodies have decomposed the smiths will extract the cast gold bones and separate them for enchanting. Then they will be added to the Golden Throne of The One True God. To serve as a warning and an example to those who do not heed the One True Gods pleadings. Thou salt not raise their blade against their savior.

Before my grandfathers time the One True God has ruled, and so he shall rule forever more.

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