《Different World with Save and Load: A Horror Story》Chapter 11 Purpose


As I walked towards the gate I thought about how I should behave to get past it. With what little of the language I learned from my good friend Botis I should somehow or other make it past, I hope.

As I near the grey walls I see the guards standing on either side. I stop once both of them focus on me.

“Halt, state your business and Magician category.”

Well I think that was the gist of what the man said. I remain standing and sort out my thought as I state:

“I am a mercenary, a Materializer, Force class.”

The guard lifts an eyebrow at me. Uh I think I forgot something.

Well he comes closer to me anyway. I guess not saying my name is not a red flag for people, or at least mercenaries. He stabs the spear he was holding into the ground to the side of him, within easy reach. I see him pull out a grey colored stone. Its about palm sized, round, without any blemishes on its matte surface. It looks too perfect to be made by hand.

The guard stops in front of me, then presses the stone to my chest. I suppose it is a bit rude, but I am curios what the meaning of this gesture is. Is it some kind of greeting? Does the stone detect sickness?

Oh now there is a look of confusion on the guards face. He scratches his head with his free right hand. Or more like his helmet.

“Well Leaf, I can understand why you would not like to announce yourself with that kind of name.”

The guard said while taking a look at my ears. What leaf? I think I just got called a leaf. The hell.

“However even if you don’t have any Elven blood left in you it is still quite rude.”


Why is a random guard lecturing me?

The guard takes the stone with his right hand and removes it from in front of my chest. I see a glazed look in his eyes. Then he proceeds to look at his left hand, then right hand. Having finished that he takes his spear and returns to stand at his previous spot without paying any attention to me. Now I am being ignored. I supposed since I haven’t had the spears pointed at me I can proceed in?

As I got closer I noticed Botis looking at me with inquiry. It’s a new sight, his face not covered in snot and tears. I guess he looks quite good. Ah right, I have to say something to him, uh.

“My name is Leaf, Materializer, Force.”

I think I just heard a snort. Also why do people keep looking at my ears? They don’t look any different from theirs? Seeing as he stopped paying attention to me I think I’m free to enter. This is making me want to have another chat with him. But I have water to drink, food to eat. So I just keep walking, making a mental note to have a chat with Botis again, this time one he won’t forget. I mean what are friends for if not for correcting their friend’s manners.


As I kept walking down the street I can’t help but feel disappointed. The road is dirt, the houses are wood, the people are… wait, why are all of the people pretty? I can’t see a single ugly person, not even a mean looking one. The clothing is pretty drab, but man its like everyone here is a supermodel. I suddenly feel very insecure. On the other hand, the women look simply stunning. I’m going to have some fun later I think.


But really, this town, the walls looked like poured concrete but everything else is made mostly of wood. Tough I do think I’m starting to see a tower in the distance. How big is this badly made town?

I step into an alley between two houses. I think this Is a good spot.


Now I don’t have to go back to those woods. Wait, what did I say my name was. Uhh, right. Well I guess ill go by Leaf for now. I suppose it fits, this place is called something-woods. I had worse pseudonyms.

I stop a passerby and enquire as to where I can get something to drink. The man points to a slightly bigger wooden house next to the main street. I nod then go towards it.

The sign above it gives me no information since I can’t read this language. I guess it is some kind of business since it at least has a sign. When I go though the door I’m hit with the smell of alcohol. I guess this is a bar.

Tidy looking place, a bunch of tables with chairs, and a counter at the far end. There are a few man sitting drinking on them. I think they are wearing the same undershirts as the guards, so off-duty guards then?

I sit at the counter and give a motion of drinking. I think I look reputable, or at least with money since the barkeep gives me a big jug like mug that has something in it. I smell it. I guess I can drink it, if it doesn’t agree with me I can always reload.

I take a gulp.


That’s the stuff. I think,


I’m not going back to that thirsty state. I sip on my drink. While randomly listening to the off-duty guard’s conversations I overhear a snippet that really wakes me up.

“So I heard that the Godking has conquered Egrana and is going to add the nobles to his Golden Throne of Bones.”

“Really, how big is it now. I heard that he adds the nobles of every country that doesn’t surrender to it. The pile must be huge, at least two stories.”

“I don’t know. The country of Grearhiel is between the capital and us. It will take a long time until the Godkings armies reach us.”

I didn’t catch every word, well most of the words, but two of the words I understood right away. Golden Throne.

A Throne made of pure gold. Little do my coworkers know but I kept all the gold I stole. I just loved how it looked, how it felt, its weight in my hands. But never did I think to make a Throne out of my gold.

I must have it.

I must.

I found what I have been searching for, my purpose in life. With my mind hazy from liquor I thought.

I will have this Golden Throne.

It will be mine.

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