《The Hidden Artefact》Chapter 13


The Reunion

Ling Xue looked at the woman crying and didn’t know what to do, it was so sudden.

Sky Yun stood up, took his jacket and walked towards the front door.

“Xue, can you look after the shop for a few hours? I have… something I need to attend…”

Ling Xue knew something was off, compared to the indifferent cold Sky Yun.

“Su-sure, Yun…”

Yang Su looked at the departing son and stood up quickly and followed on. Ling Xue was completely stunned, she was confused by the current situation. But she knew it was something personal, and although they had advanced their relationship slightly, it wasn’t enough to know who Sky Yun is.

Sky Yun walked towards a discreet restaurant near the coffee shop, it had no customers and was secluded from everyone. This conversation was something that he does not want anyone to hear.

He sat down, waiting for his ‘mother’ to come and sit. Yang Su caught up after him and sat down, she still had tears in her eyes and couldn’t look at Sky Yun’s gaze.

“Long time no see. What do you want?”

The cold and apathetic tone from Sky Yun shook Yang Su heavily, she knew that after all these years she can’t just return to being his mother. But knowing he is still alive was enough, and she wanted him to know the truth.

“I-I am so sorry!”

His mother bowed her head towards Sky Yun, but he did not care. All emotions between him and his family were all gone from the day he was left abandoned.

“I didn’t know the truth till a few years after you was abandoned, I divorced that bastard and lived a life in solitude. I left my son, the pride of my life alone in the streets with no family. I-I”


Sky Yun heard his mother’s rushed explanation and did not care, he does not hate his mother at all, he just doesn’t have any feelings towards her.

“Oh? You divorced that fucker?”

Sky Yun although did not care about the apology was surprised to hear she divorced him, knowing that it probably gave a massive blow to Chen Family’s power in Beijing made him feel satisfied slightly.

“I know you don’t want to forgive me or d-“

“I forgive you.”

Yang Su stopped her words and stared at Sky Yun with confusion and shock.

“Forgive me already? I left you alone with no family nor money! I practically gave you a death sentence! Why…”

Sky Yun looked at his mother and sighed. He forgave her years ago, even during the days when he wished for Chen Family to be destroyed, he never had the thought of killing his mother.

“I forgave you a long time ago, but you should understand that we can’t be family anymore…”

She knew that, but she didn’t know what to do or say. Her son struggled for 10 years and she knew that they can’t return back to their old loving relationship.

“I know, but please, pl-please…”

Yang Su hesitated, she knew this request was probably impossible, but she just wanted Sky Yun to do one thing…

“Please, just call me mother…”

Sky Yun froze, call her mother? But he knew, she was the only person who he can ever call mother.


After minutes of thought, he finally said it. Yang Su smiled like a child and stood up, Sky Yun stood up with her and stared at each other.

Yang Su hesitantly placed her hand on his cheek, looked straight at her sons’ eyes and hugged him. Sky Yun let her do so, after all, she probably faced years of regret towards what happened.


“Goodbye, and please look after Fei’er, I know you love her as she is your only sister that hasn’t wronged you.”

Yang Su walked off, although this could be their final meeting, just knowing Sky Yun was alive removed so much burden off of her.

Sky Yun looked at the departing Yang Su, his mind filled with the days of her treating him when he was ill, protecting him when he was bullied and so on. She is his mother, and no other person could take her place.

He walked back to the coffee shop, to see Ling Xue handling customers on her own. His solemn mood lifted slightly knowing that perhaps, he won’t be alone as time goes on.

In a small room, the old man Sky Long was seated doing paperwork. Although he was writing, his thoughts were occupied on one thing.

‘The Round Table Conference…’

The conference filled with different powerful organisation in discussing the current state of the Underworld.

It was Sky Longs fifth time going to the conference which was only held every decade. Each time he went, it was a huge mess filled with arguments leading to small fights. But it was easily fixed by the head of the Underworld, however this year was different.

A few months before Sky Yun retired, news broke out that the Head of the Underworld was assassinated. This meant that this year’s conference is to elect the new Head of the Underworld.

However, after reports of small skirmishes between the powerful organisations and families, it seemed that this year will be filled with bloodshed.

He did not want Sky Yun, who was active at the time, to be involved, so he quickly ordered him to retire.

Sky Long sighed, he stopped writing and lit a cigar.

‘Should I see that brat one more time before I go?’

After contemplating for a while, he called his secretary and booked a ticket to Shanghai. He knew that after this meeting, the amount of bloodshed will not go unnoticed, and the United Nations might get involved.

Sky Long stood up and walked towards his windows, he looked at the view in front of him. He chuckled at himself slightly, and smoked his cigar.

‘This will be interesting…’

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