《The Hidden Artefact》Chapter 12


Advancing The Relationship?

After the usual closing hours of the coffee shop, Sky Yun was sweeping the floors whilst in deep thought.

Today was an important day for him, but he does not know why.

‘Ling Xue is coming to visit now… What should I do? What should I say?’

Yes, Ling Xue was coming to visit Sky Yun, as planned a few days ago. For Sky Yun, he felt nervous slightly. This sort of emotion is something that he does not ever have, even after countless missions with life and death situations, he has never felt nervous.

Although he has denied it in his mind countless times, he does understand that what he feels towards Ling Xue is more than just intrigue.

At first, their meeting was just a simple encounter between him and his supplier. But perhaps its because she calls to just say hi, that he feels that he is somewhat cared by someone.

No one cared for him, his parents left him and even the old man didn’t care for him as much. Ling Xue calling and asking if Sky Yun is doing well, despite his cold indifferent attitude, just shows that she cares about him.

Even her coming to visit him today, although it was their 2nd meeting, shows that she cared enough to visit him.


Sky Yun walked towards the door slowly, every footstep he takes his mind filled with what to say, what to do. Although on the outside, his face is emotionless, his mind is currently being flooded with emotions and feelings, which he doesn’t know how to control and describe. They are things which he has never felt before…

As he opens the door, Ling Xue stands there with a small suitcase. Her short brown hair, big eyes and freckles makes Sky Yun stand there in a daze.


Ling Xue also stands there in a daze, her body swaying back and forth.

They stay silent for a few minutes until Ling Xue finally speaks up.



Compared to the nervous Ling Xue, Sky Yun continues with his composed cold attitude. Ling Xue however, realised it was different however, as Sky Yun’s eyes were warmer than when she previously saw him at the farm.

“St-stop looking at me, you are making me nervous y’know!”

Ling Xue dropped her suitcase and covered her face, Sky Yun was amused by her appearance and grabbed her suitcase.

She couldn’t afford to stay at a hotel close to Sky Yun so he offered her to stay over while he sleeps on the couch.

Ling Xue protested, but Sky Yun did not care about where he slept due to him being in worst conditions.

“I-I’ll only be h-here for only a few days so please ta-take care of me!”

She bows slightly, Sky Yun was taken back but turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

“It’s getting late, you should sleep because tomorrow you’ll work at the coffee shop with me.”

Sky Yun quickly turned around however; his shirt was grabbed by Ling Xue suddenly. Sky Yun turned around and saw Ling Xue with her red face staring right at him.

“Go-good night!”

She then ran towards the bedroom and closed the door, Sky Yun stayed where he was for a while, with a slight hint of red on his cheeks.

The next day, Ling Xue woke up to see breakfast already prepared for her by Sky Yun. After yesterday, she couldn’t look at Sky Yun once.

The coffee shop opens and the usual Sky Yun grabs a book from his shelf located behind the counter and sat on a stool. Ling Xue who had nothing to do also sat on the stool next to Sky Yun.


She gazed at the reading Sky Yun, she knew she fell in love with Sky Yun, but she does not know how to proceed.

She looked at his handsome face, then at his huge tattoo across his neck.

‘Alone in the dark world… he is alone?’

Ling Xue wanted to know more about Sky Yun, who he was and how he has lived his life.

Sky Yun knew she was looking at him, so he stopped reading and gazed at Ling Xue also. Sky Yun was a man of few words, so he did not know how to speak to Ling Xue.

“Ling Xu- “

“Please, call me Xue!”

Without hesitation, Ling Xue closes her eyes and interrupts Sky Yun.

“I feel like you always act too po-polite, you don’t need to be around m-me!”

Sky Yun widened his eyes, and a slight smile on his face appears.

“Xu-xue, thank you for visiting me.”

Ling Xue’s face reddened like a tomato, and just at the perfect time, a customer appears.

“Wh-what do you wish to order si-sir!”

‘She is really cute when she gets all timid’

Sky Yun finally accepted the emotion that he wishes to deny having. He always thought he will be alone in the world with no person to be with him at all. But for the first time, he feels loved.

“Yun! Milk Coffee!”

‘Yun? Who was the last ever person to call me Yun?’

Sky Yun stood up in a daze and started to prepare the coffee, Ling Xue looked at the working man in front of her and felt happy.

‘I said his first name! hahaha!’

She couldn’t believe it; she advanced the relationship and now they can be considered close friends.

“Xue, here is the coffee”

Sky Yun handed her the coffee on a tray, she walks towards the man and handed the drink to him.

“Thank you, I hope I don’t interrupt you lovely couple.”

Ling Xue looked at the customer with a really red face, Sky Yun heard what he said and covered his face with a book.

The next few customers came and go, both Ling Xue and Sky Yun felt comfortable working together as hours came by.


“May I take your order ma’am”

Ling Xue walks towards the woman who walked in, Sky Yun looked up and placed his book down.

He knew this day would come, but he did not expect it to happen soon.

“Yun’er… You are alive. Oh my god, you are alive…”

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