《Space Age》Flight 3.5- The end of Something Old, and the Start of Something new


Flight 3.5- The end of Something Old, and the Start of Something new

Donavan Started his Story,

“I was born on a lost planet; if you didn’t know, lost planets are planets were there are no Space ports, and were landing is illegal; people lived there trapped in that hell of a planet. Big companies would dump things they didn’t want public or weapons they weren’t supposed to have. So the strong took those things and used them to gain power, while to poor starved to death in the streets of decrypted cities”

While Donavan was describing this a vision appeared in front of Shanks, It showed a boy, Covered in filth and dressed in rags; with long disheveled hair covering his face; clutching a small package.

“Get back here Punk!”

Two grown men were running after the child, both were dressed just a bad as the child, one had a metal pipe while the other had a Cleaver.

The child ducked into a small alley and Climbed through a small hole in a fence, When the Men caught up they cursed,

“[email protected], cut around to the next alley and get him!”

The two men ran off, when they were gone the child peeked his head out. When he was sure they were gone the child climbed out and started running again. After a few minutes the child stopped at a corner and waited. After sitting down for a while, the child perked his head up and looked down the street, a slight smile showed below his long bangs when he saw a child that looked just like him, but with brown curly hair running towards him.

“Donavan you got the stuff?”

“Shh, not here Dell!”

The two ran into a nearby warehouse, it wasn’t the same but it had the same feel as Donavan’s hanger in Zevis, but on a much bigger scale. Mountains of junk surrounded were the two sat, gleaming over the stolen goods.

“Open it Don, let’s see what we got!”

Donavan opened the bag, and inside was two loaves of bread and a jug of water.

“Nice Catch today Don!”

“Yup, you do better tomorrow Dell.”

Years passed with the two boys taking turns stealing food, while the other worked on his skills. Donavan was focusing on building; while Dell was working with guns.

For ten years the two did this until they grew up, Donavan was average height with bulging muscles from working with heavy things every day for years, He was carrying a Sword that was a long as he was tall ; while Dell was tall and lean, with two holsters on his belt that held twin pistols.


The pair never stopped stealing to gather food, but as Donavan progressed with his talents in Inventing he spent less time stealing food and more time stealing anything he could use to improve his designs.

Naturally the two were highly wanted by the local warlord, who they were stealing from. One day the warehouse Donavan and Dell were in was surrounded by hundreds of men, all of them holding dangerous swords and guns.

“Ah sh!t Dell, They found us.”

“You bet? I don’t think we can take them all.”

As the two were discussing their options a man wearing a long red coat stood above them men. This man was the Warlord; He lifted a bullhorn and shouted at the building,

“Come out you two, and let us kill you! Or we gonna hafta come in there ourselves!”

Donavan stood up, “I have a plan! Dell you kill as many of them as you can while I start up the ship”

Fear flashed across Dell’s face before his nodded grimly, “You got it.” Donavan ran to the largest build in the Warehouse while Dell ran to a window with an assortment of weapons.

“Come out you sh!ts!”

The Warlord was foaming at the mouth, brimming with anger; at least he was until Dell put lead bullet in his head. The Lackeys yelled with shock and started to charge at the warehouse, Dell continually shot at the charging men and switched weapons when he ran out of mana, ammo, or the gun broke. Every once and a while Dell would toss a grenade at the crowd of people trying to break down the doors, but the mob made their way in.

“Don they’re inside!”

“Fine. You do the rest of the set up; I’ll take care of them.”

Appearing around the corner of the build with his sword, Donavan and Dell switched places.

Donavan stood in the path of the crowd as they rushed into the main part of the building; with a large swing he slashed the ones at the front clean in half, which exposed his right side. Several of the mob noticed this and rushed in to attack, but by twisting his body around the blade he was able to spin the blade around him on every side, chopping anyone who got too close to bits.

While Donavan held the remainder of the mob off Dell was finishing starting up the ship,

“Don, we’re set to go!”

“Start it up!”


The engines of the Space ship revved to life and Donavan ran into the ship with the mob close on his heels. While Donavan took control of the ship, Dell went to the one gun that the ship had and aimed at the roof. In a bright light and massive explosion the entire roof of the wearhouse was blown to bits, and the Space ship flew off into space.

Then the vision ended.

“When me and Dell got off the planet we ended up running into the Space Federation, in case you don’t know the Space Federation is one of the main governments in the galaxy, but back then they were competing in a power struggle with the United Planet Coalition. But later when me and the rest of the Robert’s crew became a lot of trouble to them they joined forces to make the United Space Federation; which is the main law keeping body in the galaxy.”

“ Now they didn’t like space ships coming up from a planet were they were dropping bombs and toxic waste, so they attacked us. Naturally we ran away. We spent the next few years upgrading the ship and getting new crew. They were mostly people who were run out of their homes because they were disliked. It was a band of misfits really; for the first three years we had no doctor, the closest thing we had was a botanist named Meriwether, whose cure-all medicine was powerful laxatives. Needless to say no one got hurt during that time, or at least no one told him they were hurt.”

“When we needed food we would raid the Federation or Coalition ships, frankly it was their fault for attacking us first. When they sent mercenaries to attack us we fought back and killed them all, so that’s how we got infamous.”

Then a series of images appeared that showed Donavan and others fighting in server different situations. At the end of the series of images there was another flashback,

Donavan was sitting at a table with dell and several others when a small pudgy man ran up to them,

“Captian Roberts, L- Look at this!”

The man shoved a poster in Donavan’s hand. It was a rough sketch of a man’s face and the words ‘WANTED’ and a long string of numbers underneath it.

The man’s face on the poster was long and angular, with skinny eyes and long spiked hair with a white stripe above his scared right eye, the man was handsome in a scary kind of way, the interesting part was the price the of the man’s bounty. The long string of numbers showed the massive amount of $$90,000,000,000; a whopping 90 billion DollarDollars. But even more surprising was the name, Pirate Captain Roberts!

The group erupted in laughter,


“What’s with that amount? They kept sending people to kill us, what’s wrong with some self defense!”

“Look at that picture! It looks nothing like him!”

"Who knew, Destroying entire War fleets is frowned upon!"

"Haha! Only so little money, who would bother looking at this pitiful bounty!"

The pudgy crewman was shocked that his Captain, who was now the most wanted man in the galaxy ( just some information, the second highest bounty is around $$12,600,000,001 ), was laughing at this news.

The laughter died off as the flashback ended.

Donavan was looking nostalgically at the wall before he snapped back to the present.

“Now then, that’s about when we decided to break apart and do our own things. Each man went his separate way, but I gave each man a ring that had the Robert’s Mark on it,”

Saying this he showed the ring on his hand, it was a gold ring with a beautifully sculpted ‘R’ on it,

“We all keep in touch, so if you ever need some skills you can just show the mark and call in a favor. I can make you one, if you want?”

“Yeah I’ll take one.”

“Ok, before you set out I’ll give one to you. You should probably head south to Cokea, that’s where one of the co-pilots are, he might be able to help you out.”

“Ok Donavan, I’ll head out and come back tomorrow for the mark. See ya”

Shanks logged off and got out from his capsule; and at the same time another man entered his capsule for the first time.

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I'm glad i wrapped this section of the story up, now i can introduce new characters! [th_101_.gif][th_101_.gif] YAY!

writer's block hit me hard this week so i made this a little extension of last chapter instead of a whole new one.

As always leave your comments, suggestions, and support down below or in the new suggestions thread!

And congratulations to myself, and you all because the prologue and the first chapter are over 600 views!

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