《Cheating Side Kick》Chapter 4: Breakthrough, Exploiting to hearth content
Chapter 4 – Breakthrough, Exploiting to hearth content
When I arrived at my chambers it was close to evening.
How about ordering some big dinner before I start? Dammit not again…
I refused to be a slave to my impulses, on the higher note, I don’t want to waste time before the meal would arrive. I forced my servants out and asked to be not interrupted for the rest of the day.
Good thing I have my secret stash of food
I opened one of the big jars full of fire salamander livers and before I knew it, I started eating them. The cold ones were disgusting luckily, I got some bread to go with it.
I swear no more fire salamander livers for the rest of my life!
I quickly sit my fat body down, meditated a little bit and absorbed the few slivers of the Fire Qi from the food.
Ok, now hunger is gone, preparation complete!
So, what should I “level up” first? I guess it would be a bad idea to start with Lore first, that would catapult my mind stat, way ahead of others. Maybe it would be not bad…but it could have some irreversible consequences…
Although on low tiers it almost wasn’t noticeable, at higher levels, breakthrough to high power level tier could be a quite big spectacle. I was breaking into the 1st tier, so it should not be noticeable outside my room.
To be honest, I would prefer to first improve my body and cultivation, to make my stats more balanced, but I just didn’t have more time, and I hoped that breakthrough will boost my dupe ability witch I will be using in upcoming days…a lot.
I closed my eyes, I imagined myself as something more than I was. Someone mighty (and skinny dammit!) and clever and be able to face upcoming hardships. I felt myself realizing my potential, reaching higher, then boom. I was something more. I felt great.
Well, that was easy….
Then it happened, the yellow crystal in my yellow crystal which granted me the dupe ability started pulsing and then everything went white…
Imagine as if you have an equilateral object in a circumscribed circle when you start with simple line, its basic side is double of the radius of that circle, if you make a triangle, then one side is a square root of 3 of the radius, if square then its square root of 2 of radius….if its hexagon then its radius…then it's converging into 1…
It was much more information, it was like a river of knowledge tried to stick into my brain...
Then if you compare that one side of that equilateral object to part of the circuit of the circle that occupies it starts as half of 3,142 with a simple line, 1/6 of 3,142 in hexagon it fast converge to 1….
It was like watching thousands of shapes trying to fit each other…
At equilateral 256 edge object, that ratio went under 1.0000250…it went down and down until the ratio was almost not noticeable, it wasn’t until 4328 edge object: ratio is 1.0000000878335 where the previous object ratio was 1.0000000878334…
How is this possible? Is 4327 more rounded than 4328? Then again at 9998 edge objects! Wait, this should not be possible!
I focused myself, trying to find what is wrong, trying to find the TRUTH. I felt like my toughs are limited somehow. They are too shallow…FOCUS…
Then I felt like I realized something. Something I could not fully describe like my thinking was reaching into more debt. The important thing, the objects were fine now, the order of ratio was lowering always…all was fine
I was woken up. I felt a little bit disoriented, but I felt a gained something. From yellow crystal, there was one more tendril into my mind…wait that’s wrong. It was more like the tendril was from my mind into the crystal. Somehow, I felt that one tendril was originated more from me than crystal.
I hope it’s a good thing…maybe I will have more control over time in this ability?
STATUS! I shouted.
Noel Human Body Ravenous constitution*[weak][starving] [68/80] Cultivation Earth root - 2 branches[starving], [18/21] Fire root Mind [242/500] Power Priority Tier 1 27.5 Mind Tier 1+ (T2) 50 Lore* Tier 2+ (T3) 200(218) Space/Matter Tier 1 12 Mental resistance 10 Body 8 Toughness 9 Mass* 9 Strength 5 Cutlivation[Earth, Fire] 2.175 Capacity 3 Quality 2 Purity 0.7
My Stats receive an overall boost, the main thing was the upgrade in the tier in power priority. I felt like my action has more meaning in this world…The second thing I noticed I had a breakthrough in Lore into the new tier and received Space/Matter stat in mind. I guessed intelligence was pushed down into 4th place into oblivion…
Must be from the experience with that crazy geometry/mathematic, well bye bye intelligence... I somehow felt I could view objects around me in more detail and could understand them more. Well, it is kinda weird…but otherwise, I like this upgrade.
The overall upgrade had an addictive feeling to it. I had to be careful in the future to not rush things just to reach this. Slow and steady…lets check the last thing…
DUPE 590/2200 Do you want to integrate this ability into SYSTÉM? Y/N
Chmm only increases of 200 in maximum, but it was quite filled…maybe by breakthrough?
Also, there was this message again...During my adolescence, I played a lot of games, and the thing I loved the most was cheating, somehow beat the system, be unique in the fictional world, be someone outside of the small sandbox thinking…Now I was thinking about it, maybe my subconscious tough that my biggest life achievement was to be able to dupe items in my favorite multiplayer game when I was 16, and the yellow crystal granted me ability based on that... If yes, then it’s totally stupid! But thinking about it, it’s the usual age of 16 when young heroes of this world go outward to look for their fortune and starting overcoming trials, not like in my world, where they start having hardship at 25 when building their career…
That’s why I was instinctive against to integrate my little yellow-brown boxes into the blue ones…
There was also one more reason: Dungeon and Trials. In this world, it was said that gods are testing mortals by sending them calamities, dungeons, and trials.
Calamites were an almost regular event, where monsters started attacking human settlements in 50-year intervals. The strength of the monster horde was depending how much people live there, where do they live, how old and strong they are and maybe it had to something do with how they cultivate. There were a lot of theories about that, but this was what people discovered so far.
The logical consequence was, that people lived in at least in small towns, where people can help each other with defending. Also, if your family has powerful people it was expected to help as much as you can. My firestone clans were good hard hitters and slow-but-steady defenders. Oh great, so we are basically slow tanks…
Dungeons were mostly caves, could be something like squeezed forests or something like that, space was something very strange there. They were generating monsters and cultivations resources inside. Adventures or soldiers could wander there and clean them, finding riches or death inside. Sometimes dungeons have strange rules, that could apply to you when you are inside.
Then there were Trials. Trials were something people can challenge with one or more people. Sometimes it was something simple like defeat rare monster. Sometimes you need to battle each other. Sometimes it was to survive a certain time inside. Most of the time, rules were known beforehand.
Sometimes it was hard to find a difference between Dungeons and Trials…maybe it was that dungeons had dungeon core, that you can shatter and end dungeon forever. It was said that Calamites, Dungeons, and Trials were sent by gods, to make people stronger…
Nice 50 lore points spent…back to the main point…
The rules inside dungeons and trials were operating in the same system I had my basic system on. If I integrated my own yellow boxes inside, the dungeon and trial rules would restrict my dupe ability…
But maybe if I leave it be as it is… they won’t notice it?
It was hard to fall asleep, I kept thinking about the next day and the possibilities I had.
---Next day- Me: ---
This was a big day. This morning I was headed to clan treasury to “gain inspiration” for my new appraiser career. I wore a big robe with deep pockets and long sleeves. Added to the fact the robe was enormous because of my large obese body, I should be able to hide a few items there. At least this fatty a little bit useful…
I wished for something like space storage ring or belt...sadly that was thing only high and powerful figures in this town had. Someone like clan patriarch or head of auction hall.
Yeah, but I bet, that later on everyone will have it, and I will happily look back at the times when I desperately wanted just ONE….
I focused on myself again, this was an important moment. I tried walking into my father's office with grace.
“I heard a loud noise of eating food from young master Noreall chambers in late-night” I hearth some servants girl talking to another one when I turned the corner.
They turned pale when they noticed me, and with a quick apology then fled.
Arg, I will be a mighty and handsome warrior…just ignore it for time being.
“Ah, dear cousin! I’m so glad, that you are well in the morning before noon! “ Xiar almost ambushed me. “Would you like to join us in the martial courtyard? Master Jozef has a lecture!”
I was pretty sure, it was a provocation. Noreall was never done well in learning martial arts. He must still have some beef for me surviving his stupid plot and wants to go some anger on me…
“I’m very sorry, I have a meeting with my father, I m sure he will heavily reprimand me for yesterday, please learn well to represent our clan in the future cousin Xiar”
Actually, it would not be a bad idea to try some physical workout. Just not to be sandbag for Xiar…
I hurried away and after some effort in mazelike clan’s hallways, I reached my father’s study.
“Greetings father” I politely greeted.
I hope I m not too much out of character, let's just hope parents will think the best of their children…
“Greetings Noer” Opar welcomed me. “Let’s go, I hope you gain the inspiration you need. I cannot gain you the access to secret treasury, where strategic artifacts are stored without a patriarch, but the main treasury is no problem”
Opar smiled broadly and we slowly walked through clan hallways. The stares were full of respect and were peak Tier 3 expert and accomplished businessman.
We finally arrived before a huge door, where 2 mean looking guards stood watch.
“Greeting clan treasurer!” They saluted. I was ignored…
The big moment there, although the robe is quite handy, the bulging of my fat body has limits. I should dupe-and-take only things I need…and come for the rest later…
They opened a big door, about 10cm metal thick. Also, I noticed faint orange glyphs glowed.
No chance to sneak in and inspire me. Why they need to be so stingy I need just take small touch…
“Take the time you need young Noreall, here lies the first level of clan treasury” spoken my father. “You are first of your generation to be here I think.
Ok, the first thing I need Spirit stones. Ideally one of a neutral attribute, one fire one, on earth one, I hope they will be graded…
The main currency in this kingdom was gold for commoners and spirit stones for higher deals. Spirit stones could be attributed one, wielding better absorption for the lucky who have selected attributes or could be used as a reference to study selected attributes, etc. There were legends about mythical attributed stones who granted cultivators instant enlightenment pushing them forward by ages. They cost about 4x more than normal stones of the same quality. Their only known disadvantages to being bad compatibility if you don’t have a requirement for that element or want to use it for cultivation in another element…
I looked around. One basic tier 1 spirit stone was placed on golden column siting velvet pedestal. Ok basic one – check.
I quickly walked to it. I didn't even need to pretend to be amazed, it was really beautiful. Shining deep azure color, which somehow calmed my mind and amazed me. I reach for it with my hand... “Father, can I touch it just a little bit, I promise I will be wary to not damage it” I was a little eager.
“Sure, just be careful, If you damage it, ill have to cover it from my personal savings” Opar very carefully said.
Spirit stone had around them something very similar to the forcefield membrane. Because of it, spirit stones were somewhat durable and didn’t leak their energy to their surroundings. But when cultivator or someone else starts siphoning the power from the spirit stone, the membrane was gone forever, and spirit power started leaking. It was quite easy for someone with spiritual roots or something similar to break the forcefield membrane and start to cultivate, but once you start the spirit stone market value was gone forever since the “stamp” was gone…
I gently touched the glorious tier1 spirit stone. When I wanted to try to dupe it, in my mind I saw the menu.
Dupe for 2 points? Y/N/Details
Wow, that’s new, must be the result of the breakthrough, should check that sooner…I have time for “Details”. I thought and selected details.
1.9 Essence 0.1
Chmm, maybe this tells me, why does it cost so much? I somehow tough it was the right answer. The price is 20x13=260 livers! Argg I hate to stop counting everything in livers…ok from now on, I will count everything in spirit stones. Hmm, does this mean, that if I will have full charge of dupe, I could dupe 1100 spirit stones at one go? Not bad ability….
I activated dupe. Ok, there was a pain, but not much. Seriously, I expected much worse. And I felt a brand new spirit stone in my left pocket. Original aura: check! new spirit stone: check! They are both brand new. Good job my dupe ability!
“I observed this spirit stone enough, can you check it, honored father? Just to be sure” I said. Opar checked the stone and found no fault.
Now lets fun begins…
Next target fire or earth spirit stone. I found 2 fire stones, one of them was brighter, shining hypnotic orange glow from it witch somehow resembled flame. No time for the dim one… I walked to a more glowing one and lightly touched it.
It’s quite different, let's test it. And I activated the dupe ability.
It was a blink of the moment, I was still in the room, but I felt my ability working, due to 4th tendril I gained during my breakthrough yesterday, it felt more me and sensitive. I sensed energy being pulled from somewhere, but it was not enough. Then I started to feel fire energy inside the fire spirit stone. The shard vibrated, trying to reach the…??frequency?? of the spirit energy inside the fire spirit stone. Then my whole soul started to vibrate.
Now it hurts…dammit!
Then finally the new energy I pulled/created? started to vibrate too, the same as the fire energy. And everything was over. Brand new fire spirit stone in my pocket.
That was not easy at all, I bet this will be training for my mental resistance…
Ok, what’s else is here?
Around me were some weapons…It could be useful, but I m not going to able 100% smuggle them outside…
“Father, is there any earth spirit stone”? I asked curiously. There were 2 of them. But they were granted to your cousin Xiar for his accomplishment due to his father's insistence.
Just great, Xiar is really starting to be annoying…
I continued to look at the other treasures: paintings, armors, charms…
Wait! Charms?
Charms were great, it was talisman where expert calligrapher put his intent into it with some cultivation resources strange energy. The “user” just needs to provide some energy to it, around 10-20% of only its original energy requirement and boom, you cast a great spell even above your tier.
The wait isn’t this like….heaven tool for me? Let's think about this later… I think I can smuggle very safe 2 talismans, more would be suspicious a little bit... I don’t want to risk it, they are not that good quality to risk myself over it…
What talisman young heroes usually need…chmm… 3 things:
1) A secret power to decimate opponent which was on bring of victory
2) A defensive talisman that holds blow that would kill them or their loved ones.
3) A speed, to escape some 2 generations older patriarch who is pissed at them
I searched at big “billboard” where tier2 talismans were hanged and found one defensive and speed one.
Ok, that would do, even if I fought something that would have balls to do something to me inside the clan, I doubt mere tier2 attack talisman would kill it…
I grabbed them. Each cost 1 dupe, which was nothing. The duping only contained some small pain, nothing esoteric happened.
Ok done.
“Father I think I gained a sliver of enlightenment I needed.” I spoke enthusiastically “I must hurry to my chamber and meditate” I don’t need to fake my happy mood hehe…
Opar nodded and we walked out of the treasure hall. One of the guards opened his mouth, maybe wanting to search me, but seeing my father in a hurry almost dragging my fat body he changed his mind. Its good to have a friend at high places, even better have the family in high places…
Could maybe try to get more stuff, I didn’t even grab any food there…wait what I m thinking about, never mind, let’s have a big launch as a celebration…
What a haul and the day is just starting…
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