《Collision of Myths》special night


After the failed rebellion, the queen made quick work of the traitors. Alekay was tried with treason and killed while the rest of his followers were banished to the beast forest. Needless to say, those guys were as good as gone. The queen was so happy to see all 4 of her daughters in good condition and even more happy to find out that they managed to obtain such amazing weapons from the forest. Of course, Felix told them to give her that excuse to keep suspicion from bouncing back to him. Also, those girls were going crazy with their new weapons. If they were not with Felix, then they were practicing with their new weapons. During these weeks, Felix's time at the castle was very uneventful. After his takedown of Alekay, he was given a handsome reward and a medal of Honor for assistance in this serious matter. His grandfather couldn't have been more proud and he couldn't wait to tell his parents. The queen also began to look at him differently when she saw him. Afterwards, he would split his time between his grandfather, the princesses, and the library. The girls would constantly try to flirt with him and he'd always accept it. This of course led to more arguing about who would marry him, not like Felix hated the idea of having them. Of course, this meant he had to work hard to keep them all happy.

This was how his time was spent till a couple of days before he had to head back home. He was heading to the a lake to get cleaned up after an intensive workout with the princesses. As he located the lake,he felt the presence of another person . He looked to see and was beyond shocked. It was queen Elena completely nude. She caught sight of Felix starring and was surprised to see him starring.

“Ah your majesty, I'm sorry I didn't know you were here. Forgive me, I'll just come back another time so don't get out on my account.”- Felix

“No it's alright. It's my fault for letting my guard down. Please if it's not too much trouble, you could come in and join me.” - Elena

“Don't you think this will cause some nasty rumors to start.”

“You needn't worry about that. No one comes around here at this time and this is my private place soWe'll be informed if someone comes.”

“ Then are you sure you should be this unguarded towards me.”

“ I think I know enough of your character to have a good judgement of you.”

“Very well then, I will not insult your kind intentions.”

Felix didn't hesitate to take off his clothes and get completely naked. He slowly made his way towards Elena and the two of them were back to back. There was silence between them while each of them continued to bathe themselves. It was the queen who decided to break the silence.


“So, both you and your grandfather are leaving tomorrow correct.”

“Yes, it has been an informative and interesting number of weeks.”

“It's a shame really, my daughters love you immensely and they're really going to miss you. You know I often overhear them talking about marrying you and what your kids will be like.”

“I know they're going to miss me, that's why I spent so much time with them. I'm curious if you're going to miss me though.”

“Me, well you're a comfort to have around. I feel at ease knowing that you're here. Especially since the betrayal of my guard captain. It's like having a younger version of your grandfather by my side.”

“So I'm only Nathan's grandson to you?”

“Oh no, you are much more than that. I can tell you have a great destiny before you.”

“You can see all that, but you couldn't tell that Your captain had other motives?”

“I always knew that Alekay wanted more out of life than what he already had, but I didn't believe that his desires would take him down a darker path”

“Plus it didn't help that you rejected him so strongly. Do you really hate the idea of remarrying that much?”

“ It's not that I don't want to, it's more along the line that I'm disappointed of the candidates that come my way. All they ever want is to be in a position of power. They care nothing for me or the people of the kingdom.”

“So what you want is someone who has feelings for you like a classic romance seen.”

“Is that so wrong.”

“Hardly, something like that is hard to find in any place you go(including my world).

“You're very sweet. I feel like I'm talking to someone older.”

Well, people say I'm quite insightful for my age. Still, I don't think I need to be to old to know that you deserve better. I mean you've raised 4 daughters and manage the day-to-day occurrences of a kingdom. It hurts me to see a woman filled with youth being wasted away like that.”

“Thank you for your kind words, but there is nothing that can be done. I'm a queen and I alone must hold this responsibility. It hurts to believe this,but the world is not per--”

Elena didn't get to finish because she found her lips to be covered by Felix's lips. Felix took the opportunity to give his first kiss in this world to queen Elena. When he pulled away, he could see the shocked look on her face.

“Felix what are you doing?”

“My father said that the best way to let a woman know she's special is to kiss her and let her know that she's not alone.”


“Felix, you do realize that kiss was wasted on me correct? That should have been saved for someone like my daughters.”

“As far as I'm concerned, you needed it more. A beautiful woman like you deserves to be loved and deserves to have some happiness.”

Felix resumed the kiss with a little more passion. Elena tried to struggle a little, but was slowly giving in. While Felix may have a young body, he was already in his twenties. Also, he had all types of experience in dealing with women. He had to use his father as a scapegoat to hide this. The queen would be no exception. The kiss lasted till both of them had to stop to breath. Elena’s face was red with desire and was wanting to do more.

“Do you want to keep going?”

“Yes, but not here.”

“I understand.”

In little to no time at all, they moved to the Queen's chamber. They made sure that no one was around then resumed where they left off.

Hah hah hah hah, F, Felix, you seem to be really good at this.”

“ You can blame my father for that, not that he was aware anyway.”

“ T-That man needs to work on his teaching skills.”

“Not that you seem to mind.I noticed how you looked at me after that whole ordeal.”

I-I couldn't help it. The way you protected me reminded me so much of him.”

“ Then are you ready to go to the next step?”

“W-we can't?”

“But you want to.”

“But I-”

“Am not that old. You're in the prime of your life and I'd be more than happy to having my first with you.”

W-well alright, but this stays in between us ok.”

“Of course.”

Felix began to have intercourse with Elena. He used his godly powers make it special for her since this was his first time here.

“Ah ah ah ah ah, Felix. I'm going to-”

“Y-yeah so am I”


Felix let out a large load into Elena. She was barely able to keep her voice down so no one would overhear. They continued this throughout most of the night. When it was morning, he made sure to silently leave before anyone noticed he was there. Afterwards, he got himself ready to leave. With his speed, it took no time at all. As he was heading out to meet his grandfather, he was found by the princesses.

“So this is it then. You're finally heading out back home.” - Launa

“ Of course. It's been quite an interesting time, but now it's time to return to what I left behind.” - Felix“I know this is unavoidable, but it doesn't make it any less painful.” - Lucy

“ Come now, don't act like this is the end. I'll make sure to return whenever I can with my grandpa.” - Felix

“ Then be sure to bring some engagement gifts for us all at one of your visits.”- Luna

“ Of course, how could I - wait us?”- Felix

“ Yes, it was a decision we discussed a few nights ago. Rather than have you choose between us, we decided that you would marry all of us.”- Laura

“ We saw how you never treated one of us better than the other and always took care with our feelings. That's how we came to this consensus.”- Launa

“ Wait, but don't I get-”- Felix

“ Well that's how it's gonna go. Don't forget or else.”- Launa

Launa and the rest kissed Felix and left before he could even protest. He was so surprised by this little turnover, it had been five minutes before he started blinking again. It was also why he didn't notice the queen as she appeared.

“ Quite an upset if I do say so myself.”- Elena

“ Ah, queen Elena I was hoping to see you.”- Felix

“ Really, cause it looks like you have a prior commitment.”- Elena

“ More like a binding contract. I'm scheduled physical and emotional pain in several different ways.”- Felix

“ That should already be expected after last night.”

“ True, I should've already mentally prepared myself.”

“Feeling any regrets.”

“ Not with you or your daughters. What about you.”

“I’ve been alone for a very long time, it was nice feel loved by a man again.”

“And I’d be happy to do it with you again.’

“I’ll be waiting expectantly.”

Felix pulled her down to share a final long kiss. When they parted, he headed out while waving at her departing figure. Queen Elena made her way to the balcony and watched her future lover meet up with his grandfather and depart. As she watched on, she thought back at all the events that led up to this moment. She felt like that boy would shake the future of this world and she and her daughters would play a role in this future. For her, her role would begin when she woke up the next day to find out that her belly was bulging all the way out. When she called in a physician, she was beyond shocked. According to her, she was 9 months pregnant. In less than a few weeks she would soon bear Felix a child.

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