《Collision of Myths》The new guest


2 years later

"Okay, so I've finally gotten good control over the powers through the contract. According to my observations, I'm only given a portion of the god's power, kinda like a pseudo-demigod. Normally, that wouldn't be enough to operate on, but thankfully I know pratically all the myths and legends in my world so I can replace quality with quantity. Thanks to my training, I can merge some of the powers who have common traits, like with zeus and thor. Also, due to my study of science I can create certain powers rarely seen, like guns and telekinesis. It's good I made these connections previously, so as grow older and train, my capacity to hold more powers increases." - Felix

As Felix was heading back to the house, he couldn't help but reminisce on the mixed reactions when he saved his brother. When showed his strength to his parents his father was actually really happy, thinking it to be a blessing from a certain goddess, his mother being both concerned and happy on how this came to be. Felix waved off as a dream he had and they accepted it as that. Needless to say, they kept a closer eye on him while his little brother klung to him even more. It was getting hard for him to have some time for himself, though he accepted the challenge since this gave him an excuse to test out his new powers.

Years that followed went smoothly for Felix. He started taking lessons from the tutor that was near the village. The village would be as you would expect from old ages just a little more advanced due to the application of magic. Both his moms taught him well of course, but they thought he could use some interaction with people his own age. Felix got along with most of his classmates who loved to see him show off his strength. He also didn't mind giving them some tips to make life a little easier on them, which they soaked up like a sponge. The one he got along with the most was a girl named Cassandra who he called Cassie. She was a year older than him and the first one who he befriended, so he considered her a childhood friend. She had a stubborn and joking streak about her due to her adventurer mother, but Felix thought it was funny. She to wanted to be and adventurer like her mother so Felix didn't mind training with her on his downtime she coudn't use battleforce, but she was going to let that stop her. She figured she just keep training and she would live her own life which Felix admired her for. He didn't mind teaching her a few moves from his world but he figure it just wouldn't be enough. He already had a weapon design for her, but he wouldn't show to her just yet.


In the late afternoon, he went from his house to the village. It was a little far by walking, but with Hermes speed. He was there in a flash. He slowed down as he got close to the village entrance and started walking slowly as he made to the adventures guild. He was meeting his father here as he got word he was coming back and with a little surprise to, so with permission from his mom he decided to see what it was firsthand.

"Well if it isn't the famous teacher's pet, to what do we owe for this." - Female voice

"Don't know maybe it's the famous tomboy we owe." Felix

"Hey, you know I hate it when you call me that. I'm the gorgeous fighter that will eventually wow the world." - Cassie

As always, this was the typical greeting between them. Felix wound up getting spotted by Cassie from behind and she managed to avoid his radar. He'll never know how she does that. She was wearing a regular outdoor gown which went well with her dark blue hair that went down her waist. It was different compared to the boyish clothes she normally wore.

"Seriously Cass, please don't overinflate your head. Big egos is the leading cause of fatalaties for adventurers." - Felix

"Oh you're sucha stiff, must you sound like an messenger every time we talk?" - Cassie

"Hey, it's the childhood friend's rule to be worried. Don't be mad just because I care." - Felix

"Oh please, I get enough of that at home, and why do those kind of rules exsist for your benefit. I mean, it's not like were married. At ...least...not.....yet.....anyway......" - Cassie

"You just had a dirty fantasy didn't you?" - Felix

"What! No! I mean!Why would I think about us cuddling together and kiss- I mean, what are making me say? You perv."

"Right, it's my fault you have bad thought's."

"It is, hmph!"

"Anyway, I'm heading out meet my dad at the guild. He said he's bringing something home with him and I want to be there when he does."

"Really, I wonder what it is this time. Maybe it's a new sword or even another woman. My guess is the latter since it's your dad we 're talking about."

"Don't even joke like that. Our house is already pretty crowded with us in it. Not to mention all that bonding they do when they think no one can see."

Luckily, I don't have to worry about that since my mom is the boss in our household. I shutter to imagine what she do to my dad if she even sensed another woman."


"Makes me happy that she took a shine to me. Anyway I need to be moving on. Want to tag along to see if your bet paid off?"

"No I have to go and make dinner. My dad's working late I want him to come home to a good meal. Thanks for asking though."

Aw look at you. So you do have soft side behind all that rugedness. I will treasure this memory forever."

"You--. I will make you regret this in training."

"Say that after you can land a hit on me. See ya."

They both went there separate ways. While this how they normally act, Felix knew that Cassie liked him. His previous experience with women made him a master in that regard. Soon after he made his way to the adventurer guild. He didn't see his father outside so he figured he was doing business inside and decided to wait. As he was waiting his eyes came across a lone girl. From what he could tell she was about the same age as he was, though she looked smaller due to malnourishment. She had a sad look in his eyes which were barely covered by her black hair. While she looked week and wore wornout clothes, Felix could tell she was cute. The seen was short-lived when a three big men came over to take a look.

"Hey little girl, what's someone like you doing ina place like this hehe." - man1

"Aww lookit er bro, looks like she don't take to kindly to you eh." - man2

"Well I reck n we can change that now when she knows him more." - man3

Felix didn't need a previous life to know these guys were no good. There broken language was enough to give it away.The little girl looked with eyes of resistence and inwillingness. He knew that eyes like would fight back if they had the strength. That look was all he needed to take action.

"Excuse me gentlemen, but that little girl is my responsiblility. So if you please, turn yourselves in the opposite direction and go about your affairs.

The little girl's bewildered gaze matched those of the three men. They couldn't figure out who this kid is and how he suddenly appeared. Either way, this men didn't like the idea of being told of by a kid who hadn't even grow hair yet.

"Look kid, do yerself a fav r and crwl back to yer mama." man2

"Yer xcort duty has jus ended." man3

She'll be com n with us so y don't ye-" - man1


He really shoud've thought twice before leaning his head down to Felix.The sentence wasn't even finished before he was forehead flicked to the face straight across the room. Hercules might really gave him an unfair advantage over grown ups.

"That wasn't a request, that was an order and I'd like it to be fufilled right fellas." - Felix

Before they could even get over the shock, the two guy were hit by an overwelmiing force that collided them to the wall. Felix's palms barely touched their bodies and the results turned out like this. Luckily there wasn't anyone other than the receptionist or this would become widespread. Of course to make sure, he erased their memories of the incident so their wouldn't be any trouble.The little girl looked as if the astonishment would never leave her face.When Felix was done, he walked over an held out his hand.

"I would like to know the name of the person I've taken responsibility for." - Felix

The little girl nervously took his hand. As they connected, she felt a trace of warm go through her, like she was being embraced by a loyal guardian.

"M-My na-name is Reyna." - Reyna

"Good name and to complete the pleasantries, my name is Felix." - Felix

Seeing Reyna smile meant he was leaving a good impression. The mood was short lived when his father appeared.

"Hey Felix, nice of you to escort your old man home. Oh what's this, I see you've already aquainted yourself with our new member. Hey what happened to this place?" - Damian

"Hey dad, we ran into a little issue but I took care of it. I wouldn't worry though they probably won't remember after I-- wait did you just say new member?" - Felix

"Yep, this is my little surprise. You see Reyna parents were killed by some bandits and was going to be used by the leader who was a mage. Unfortunately, they ran into me on the way back from my job. Needless to say, their ambitions ended right their and considering the girl and no more family, I decided to take responsibility and take her to our house at least till she finds her feet. See how noble your father is. I even got extra taking out the bandit group."

"---right---." Felix

Felix and his father left the guild while Reyna was klinging closely to him. While Felix was explaining to his father what transpired, he thinking to himself how Cassie instinct almost accurate. He'd never hear the end of it.

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