《The Inheritor》Ch 5 Soul Spirit


After two years of tireless practice, he could finally form the Soul Cluster and disperse them as per his will. Maintaining the Soul form was a very strenuous demanding job.

At best he could sustain the cluster of Soul Particles only for 300 seconds or 5 minutes; this exercise drains him completely, he'll be out it at least for 12 hours straight.

The next step is the transformation of his Soul Cluster (the white ball) into a Soul-Spirit. Surprisingly, the transformation was a lot simpler than he imagined.

The Soul spirit was like a smaller version of him about 3 inches tall. It was completely naked and pure white in colour. The face of his Soul spirit was not clear; it was mostly hidden by a veil of golden light; thus, only some resemblance could be observed.

However, when he wilfully controls the Soul spirit, the veil of golden light slowly recedes, and the Soul-Spirit will be like a small imp filled with mischievous and perverted expression.

Soul-Spirit cannot move outside of his body, its limit is within the body. Whichever part the Soul spirit goes it will enhance that part's performance temporarily.

The 3 Inch Soul spirit will transform into that particular part and merge with it. Suppose he moved his soul spirit to his eyes then the Soul spirit will turn into slightly larger transparent eyes and cover his eyes.

His vision will enhance like wearing a magnifying glass. This most significant advantage lies in the fact it's totally hidden from the outside world; no one will know his powers had enhanced.

Solving Rubik's cube was also a part of training his soul. Solving Rubik's cube over and over again is like grinding his soul body. With the cube's help, soul spirit became more stable and precise. Now he could sustain his Soul spirit about 10 minutes.


Only after forming the Soul spirit will Soul Clone stage actually start. All the processes till now were more like laying the foundation. Though he didn't begin Origin Soul manual, he was satisfied with the rewards.

Soul Fission was an entirely new game about which he had no clue whatsoever.

Quinn did many experiments, the same results over the years were slowly driven to his limits. He tried everything he could think of, but he couldn't even scratch the Soul spirit much less divide into two.

Then he went through the entire Stage 1 Soul Clone once again. But he was still clueless, the Origin Soul manual only stated to divide soul and form a soul clone.

It's been 4 years since he got Origin Soul manual he still couldn't start practising it. After hard scrutiny, Quinn found his problem, he lacked common knowledge and basics about cultivation.

Though he got some info from his parents and restaurant customers, all of them generally avoided any topic that involved cultivation. Since he didn't want to blow his cover as a naïve small kid, he decided to go with the flow.

He was sure that he will eventually learn about cultivation and other things.

Thus he started focusing on things which were in his control and found time to practice a few exercises. Quinn could be considered a super soldier in the earth; it's only logical for him to have many training methods.

He picked those that put less strain on the body. While selecting the exercises, he made sure that they will not affect his growth. He regularly practised these exercises under the guise of playing in the woods.


Even after running through all the events since his birth didn’t help.

He knew very well that the only way to convince his parents is through revealing some of his ability and reassuring that he could lead a very successful life.


He started considering all his options;

Zenith Box and Elgar were ruled out without any consideration;

Origin Soul manual would need a backstory which will inevitably need a fake encounter with a Grandmaster, but it would be the least convincing story.

Thus he must either reveal that he has formed his Soul-Spirit or Soul Cluster (White ball). The problem was that he didn't know which of the two is acceptable for 5 years old boy.

He decided to reveal the Soul Cluster and keep Soul-Spirit as a backup plan if the Soul Cluster fails to impress his parents. He believed that having a hidden card in hands was more meaningful than revealing everything.

Another reason he chose Soul Cluster Form was that it did not involve any cultivation technique. It was purely visualisation with some guidance from Origin Soul manual, which only set the direction of the sail.

He was also hoping his parents would consider letting him see the broader world. Now that he’s come with a plan to convince his parents, Quinn started focusing on the new information he’s received.

Quinn went to Zenith box and uttered

“Open Stats”

Immediately a light sky blue screen appeared in the centre of the room with all its content written in dark blue colour.



Name: Quinn Moore

Gender: Male

Age: 5 years 43 days

Race: Human

Bloodline: None

Physique: Primordial Chaotic Physique (Dormant)


Strength: 13

Speed: 17

Vitality: 15

Endurance: 14

Spirit qi: 11


Willpower: 91

Intellect: 98

Wisdom: 91

Soul defence: 97

Soul attack: 95


Chaotic Divergent Synthesis manual - Sealed

Origin Soul manual - Level 1

Then he recollected what his grandpa’s words about his body constitution. Quinn had a Grade 10 Mortal Soul and Grade 2 Mortal Body. He compared and analysed the data with him to find the correlation between Grade and numbers.

He concluded that if all the attributes corresponding to the physical body or soul body were from with 0 to 10, then his is Grade 1; likewise, 11 to 20 is Grade 2 and so on.

Because all the Physical body attributes were between 11 and 20, his mortal body is Grade 2; since all his soul attributes were between 91 and 100, his mortal soul is Grade 10.

He had these data with him for more than 4 years, yet he did not have any other information for comparative analysis; thus it was like sending a person to an inhabited island with tons of money, which is obviously a waste.

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