《Sovereign of Divinity》Chapter 14: A Royal meeting


Current time, at the royal palace…

They had quickly taken us to the royal palace, and then we waited, and waited. Now, I have been waiting for nearly an hour! In the game, the player just waltzes into the throne room and gets one quest from him, which was very underwhelming. But now that I’m waiting in the waiting room with a couple of royal guards, who are all warriors with the ability to release aura! And the idiot shitty lord is hear as well, with one foot lost to my spell, to the extent that even the healing mages, nor the priests present in the palace could heal him. Good for him! Anyway, he keeps glaring at me with such ferocity! Oh my, so scary! Pftt, hahahah, how could I even think like that with a straight face, hahaha!

“His majesty is awaiting the trail in the throne room!” said an announcer as he signalled the guards to follow his, as we moved in hand and leg cuffs to the throne room. The door itself was grand enough for most, much better than the game! It was a metal door, reinforced with mana on the inside, and gold plating and jewels on the outside. The intricacy of the mana spell on the inside was marvellous, although most couldn’t see it, I could using my mana sense.

“A rather well made door!” I couldn’t help but exclaim

“Hmph, what do you know? All you are mesmerised by is the gold and jewels!” A cold voice snorted from behind me. I turned around and saw it was a dwarf, a real life dwarf! Just like in LOTRs!!

“On the inside that is…” I added using some mana to make sure he heard that last remark of mine, over his muttering on how the younger generation…Seeing the astonished look on his face, I couldn’t help but put on an evil grin on my face.


“You may enter” said the announcer as the door opened. With the grin still on my face, I cast a last glance at the dwarf, and made my way into the throne room. I looked around and nodded to myself, remembering how similar the throne room was to the game, except the fact that the number of people inside was astounding. There were currently around 200 people waiting in the room, some nobles, some commoners, some guards, and some royals. However, the king I remember was not the one sitting on the throne. I remember his face clearly, because he was the one NPC I needed to kill at the end of my evil campaign. His face resembled the in game king, but it was far too old. But then, my eyes drifted to the left of the king, and I saw a young boy, about my age, sitting on a smaller throne. Perhaps the heir to the throne? Wait, could he be the king a hundred years from now? The current king looks like he is in his last decade or so. It must be so. This young prince takes over the throne after his father’s death, and become the new king of Krothgaurd, Erigor II. Which means the one sitting on the throne is,

“Behold, Erigor I, Contractor of the Elder spirit, Salamder, and High King of Krothguard!” announced someone near the king. It seems like people address the king as High King. I’ll have to do the same as well from now on, I guess.

“You insolent, how dare you not kneel in front of the high king?” a guard exclaimed from behind. That is when I realised that everyone else was bowing, except me and the prince. I was shocked, but quickly recovered and began to kneel, but was stopped by the king’s next words.


“It’s fine. Child what is your name?” he questioned

“Ah, it is Jon, your highness” I said as I gave a slight bow.

“Your full name you slandering idiot!” exclaimed the guards from before. This guy was seriously getting on my nerves!

“It is Jon, I don’t have a full name since I was an orphan! Happy now Mr. Over-enthusiastically Annoying Guard!” There, I said it, and it lifted a lot of tension from my heart. The guard’s face turned bright red from a mix of shame and anger.

“Haha, Jon, he is my personal guard, and tends to make some mistakes. Do forgive him.”

“Of course, your highness. I said as I gave him another bow.” It’s not like I lose anything from making myself lower that this guy.

At this point, a messenger came and spoke something into the king’s ear. I couldn’t hear it for some reason! Maybe he was using some magic to block interceptions! Now that is interesting.

“Hmmm, Jon, it seems like you saw something in the door of the throne room? Tell me, what is it that you saw?” The high king asked with great curiosity hidden deep within his voice.

“Nothing much, but the door is pretty well made. Although the decorations outside are great and all, but the mana-inscriptions on the inside are a work of art! Why would you ruin it with all that gold and jewellery?”

*Gasp* A lot of gasp of shock were heard from the crowd.

“And how did you see the inscriptions?” the king continued, seemingly more interested in me

“Hmm, how should I say this? I could be considered a half-step level three mage you see. Although I haven’t registered with the mage’s guild yet, I will later.”

The king and most of the audience’s eyes almost popped out. They were in shock that a seven year old was a would consider himself a half-step level 3 mage!

“Ahem, I think we should get back to the matter at hand.” Said the king, the first one to recover from the shock.

“Yes, your highness. Jon, has been accused of assaulting the city lord of Taberna in the capital, Do you plead guilty or not”

“I plead not guilty!” I exclaimed.

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