《Sovereign of Divinity》Chapter 2: The World of Gods


It's been seven years since the incident, and I have learnt a lot in my time here. I am not known as Akio anymore, but the name I was given is Jon. I don't have a surname because I am an orphan in this world; I was supposedly dropped off at the orphanage in the town of Taberna.

"Jon, Head mistress is calling you, get your a** out of bed and get ready!" boomed a loud voice, right next to my ear.

I quickly got up, and went straight to Sylvia's room, while applying some healing magic to my ear. Oh yes, there is magic in this world!

I took me a long time to understand my situation from when I first awoken, but I gradually understood that I, Shima Akio, had either been reincarnated, or my soul took over the body of the new-born human; Jon. Those restraints around me was in reality simply a towel that was wrapped around me to keep me warm. The language in this world is very peculiar, with separate characters for each word, and no alphabet. It took me almost 2 and a half years to learn most of the useful alphabet and how to write them.

Over the course of time, besides learning how to control my bladder and not pee myself, I also learned more important things like magic. I clearly remember my first lesson with mom on magic after I saw her using it to wash her face. What a waste of magic if I do say so myself.

2 years ago...

After begg... Ahem, convincing mom to teach me about magic for almost 2 weeks, she finally agreed to have 2 lessons per week on magic.

Lesson 1#

"Magic can be divided into 6 main categories; Elemental, Spiritual, Summoning, Necromancy, Status, and Alchemy. Every great magician has been specialised in one of these categories. Elemental magic is the process of harnessing different elements and using them for an action. These elements range from basic; like wind, water, etc, intermediate; like lightening, healing, etc, advanced; like space and time, as well as ultimate elements; like order, chaos, unity, life, death, etc. Spiritual magic is relatively easier than elemental magic, where one can form contracts with spirits, and provide them mana, in exchange for spells of their element and calibre. These spirits range from new-born, mature, high, elder, saint, demi-god, god, and original. Currently, the last remaining original spirit as stope existing; Primagine. the higher the level of the spirit, the stronger, faster or more complex magic they can make."


"And we can only have up to 2 spirits contracted in our lifetimes right?" I interjected, using some of my game knowledge.

"No, don't interrupt me next time! And no, there is no limit, as long as your soul can handle it, and you have enough mana to keep them and yourself alive. I would say, a level 1 mage can only handle up to 1 spirit, and an archmage can handle up to 12 spirits, maybe even 13 if they put all their mana into spirits."

"Huh..." I guess most of my in game knowledge isn't very useful currently. I guess so, since many limitations were placed on players to prevent them from becoming too strong by using only one method, but this is a real world, where game developers don't exist... or do they? Well whatever, I just want to know how to use magic. These categories of magic are all the same as the ones that NPCs and specialised characters use, but each one of them has some flaw. Therefore, before the Klyde incident, I had made a plan to create an all-rounded player in all categories, and in order to do that, you must first create a 'unique category' and write a paper about it in the unique magic quest line, and submit said paper to the college of Descite. If the paper is acknowledged as your work and is accepted by at least two of the seven department heads, then you can master your very own magic category. I guess I'll have to find another way to create my unique magic category...

"Anyways" she carried on, "Summoning magic is done when you make a contract with a magical beast/ spirit, and they agree to live in your soul dimension; which is a personal space in an alternate dimension, created, and only accessible through one's soul. Your soul can only fit a certain number/ grade of creatures, and having a higher grade soul from birth means that you can hold better/ more creatures. You can then summon them from the soul dimension, utilise them in a battle, or improve their strength. You should also note that in the soul dimension, non-living things cannot exist, and living creatures do not experience ageing."


"And that is why high-level mages use space magic for storing things, and not their soul dimensions."

"Yes. Now, Necromancy is the art of controlling inanimate corps, by either injecting a soul, or through carvings on the bones. The quality of the finished skeleton depends on the strength of the original animal, and either the strength of the injected soul, or the complexity of the carvings. Status magic on the other hand is the usage of status ailments like poison, reduce strength, etc on oneself or another. It also consists of Fortification magic like lesser strength, greater speed, etc, and Status magic contains healing to some extent, without the use of the light element. Last is Alchemy, but it is too difficult for you now, so I'll tell you about it next time-"

"Wait wait wait. I have understood everything you have said so far, just finish this last category as well please?"

"Ha! No way. Finish explaining all categories so you can then just laze around afterwards? Not gonna happen while I'm alive, and let me tell you, I'm only 273 years young!"

"Hmph! Fine, but complete it next time! bye!"


"Hi, you wanted to see me, mom?"

"Yes, Today will be your last lesson, before we go to the King's tournament at Oppidumpeladus, the capital. That's why, today I won't be teaching you magic, but instead will teach you about this world. The world we live in was created as a by-product of the war between the Primas and the Chaosas"

Yep, that's the same as the game so far. In fact, if my memory serves me right, the introduction was these exact words.

"The Primas were formed from the death of the Original Spirit; Primagine, while the Chaosas were formed after the chaos that followed these events. While the two factions were entangled in the ever-worsening web of war, many god spirits fell from divinity and became mortals. These fallen gods formed what we call the civilised populous; including humans, elves, high elves, dark elves, dwarves, mountain dwarves, and beast-kin. It is true that we live in a world of gods, where miracles occur, but these gods are not as almighty as they are shown to be. Even Original spirits perish, how measly are god spirits to them?"

And so we finished my last class before the trip to the capital, 2 weeks later. Now, I have time to waste and energy on my hands, what should I do next?

"Joooooooon... Oooooh Jooooooon? Where are you?" I suddenly heard something dreadful!

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