《World apocalypse》Chapter 6: The mysterious book


Chapter: 6

While sitting at one corner of the library David quietly thought to himself,

“This is insane how are to deal with such things ”

His eyes froze as he recalled the blond guys warning of what he had seen.

David felt a sense of foreboding well up in his head,

just a single giant goblin had almost taken his life now this!

David was cold inside, the hope of survival that had built up vanished.

The only good thing that at least made the situation better is he had information on the location air their main base.

Thinking of this he quickly changed his thinking.

With a thought he opened up his stats screen.

Information flowed into his head as the stats screen appeared.

Name: David Greycastle





Free stats points: 5

Looking at it again David's spirit was lifted.

His stats were much higher than they had been at the beginning.

Clenching his fist he could feel the hidden strength hurried in them.

David's eyes flashed as he suddenly remembered something

With a clank a large box made of some unknown material dropped to the ground.

This was the item that he had previously obtained.

As soon as he reached out for it the box shone brightly forcing David to shut his eyes.

When he cracked open his eyes the box had dissapered leaving behind a small red book in it's place.

The small red book seemed like it had gone through many hands appearing aged.

It had small runes incript on it's cover, the edges were black.

David eye shone, he went forward and picked up the book,

As soon as he touched it the book puffed up in to smock.

[ Common rank: Cultivation manual ]

Description: Cultivate qi and seek longevity


Become undying

The knowledge flowed in to David's head, David drooled looking at the description

Who didn't want to live forever? No one!

Cultivation was not something foreign to David .

Looking at most of the novels he had read most were about cultivation.

David couldn't wait any longer , following the instructions he sat down and practiced the breathing technique that was described.

On the path of cultivation the first part was sensing qi in the atmosphere.

He suddenly fell into a trance, he could feel his mind calm as he searched for a trace of qi.

As time passed David continued sitting in such a position,

He finally couldn't take it, his eyes opened and he jumped up.

Don't even talk about talk about taking the qi into his body,

He couldn't even feel a damn thing.

David coughed with emberacemnt.

All the main characters in the novels he read did this with ease,

Maybe he wasn't talented, shrugging his shoulders David's mood went down.

Well he couldn't continue sitting like some sort of idiot,

Let's join the others, with such a thought David walked towards the others.

Since the last time the teams now seemed like real warriors.Holding iron spears they rushed forward, their stabs were merciless killing anything that obstructed them.

David gave a wry smile at Mr.Larson who was guiding the rest.

Dressed in loose clothing the vice principle was like an actual general,

He stood tall and straight like an unshakable tree.Witout making a move himself he made the most contribution in the battle.

David also knew this, it was the reason why everyone was able to adapt so rapidly.

David's school was quite large, within their two says of nonstop hunting they were only able to clear a quarter of the school.

Using baits they constantly lured the goblins and mowed them down like grass as they advanced.


David was eye catching among the survivors he was like a whirlwind,

Wherever he passed he left a disaster scene.

Although most of the survivors had leveled up by now the highest was still at level eight.

This made David's feats especially eye catching

The head of the first goblin was chopped off by the axe in his hands,

The spear was too light thus he had changed weapons.

A ball of white light suddenly flew into his body causing him to halt.

[ What! ]

[ Qi obtained ]

When the goblins saw the human had stoped moving they rushed forward trying to submerge him.

Like an aggressive beast David waved his hands killing several goblins in his surrounding.

More balls of light flew into his body, David was confused but he didn't care and began trampling on the goblins

Finally with the help of the others all the goblins were destroyed.

David couldn't control his curiosity as soon as they got back to the library he went to his usual place and sat down .

He calmed himself and tried feeling the qi , he still couldn't feel a thing!

David suddenly thought of something,he retreated his sense and looked into himself.

His eyes widened with a glow.

A small light ball the size of a tennis ball was calmly floating in his body.

David was overjoyed he carefully reached out to feel it

He cheered in his head, he could control it

He was delighted by the discovery, he followed the instruction and was able to perform his first circulation.

After 20 minutes David was panting after completing the last circulation.

The small ball of light returned to it's position and continued to calmly float without a care.

David slap soon after exhausted.

When he woke he could feel that he his energy had replenished ,

His body was filled with vitality, he had an impression that his body had gotten lighter.

Looking his stats there wasn't any immediate gains but David wasnt disappointed.

Looking at the information from the cultivation manual there were nine ranks in the qi gathering realm.He hadn't even reached the first rank so there wasn't anything to be mad about.

The information he had obtained only had the nine ranks of the qi gathering realm but he knew there was bound to be higher realms above qi gathering.

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