《World apocalypse》Chapter 5: Hunt


Chapter: 5

Looking at the inexperienced guys struggling David let out a sigh,

the stench from the dead goblins made breathing unbearable but it wasn't too bad.

David didn't have any difficulty dealing with 4 to 5 goblins, especially in the confined

space of the hallway.

The others couldn't say the same, the three teams that came to train this time were in a frenzy,

some of them blindly threw out their weapons hoping it would wound a goblin.

With terrified looks some were like statues not daring to make a move.

David was careful so that nobody was heavily injured, he moved around decapitation most goblins.

Where ever he passed he left bodies strewn about.

The only people who tried were Matt and his group,equipped with iron spears each of their clumsy looking strikes managed to draw blood.

Working together they were able to take down their third goblin.

The whole place was like an ancient battlefield, the smell of blood that drifted in the air was quite disgusting adding to the whole situation the whole place seemed gruesome.

At this time David suddenly felt a tingle at the back of his head,

he dealt with another goblin and jumped back.

His eyes shifted surveying the whole area ,he couldn't notice anything strange.

But he couldn't shake off the dreadful feeling , he grew more alarmed with each passing second.

He couldn't hold back anymore without wasting much time he motioned the others to fall back.

The last person to retreat was a tall guy with broad shoulders,

before he could take one more step, terror filed his soul and he froze in place.

He slowly turned his head and cried loudly

[ No! No! Help! Help! ]

In panick he began shouting , his arms flailing around but he couldn't take a single step.

David felt a familiar fear creeping in his heart but he hastily shook it off and looked around.

The others weren't much different from the tall guy, their bodies shook showing panicked faces.


From behind, over 10 goblins emerged like an army, leading them was another giant goblin.

David was surprised as this one was slightly larger than the previous one, it had dark coloured skin and it's large frame loomed over the smaller goblins making it appear like a real giant.

David who was watching everything was shaking, he could still remember his previous fight and it was still deeply etched in his mind.

The onlookers witnessed the scene with eyes filled with terror

[ we're done for! ]

David didn't continue staring at the goblins With a rough shout he rushed past the tall guy like a powerful bull.

Fearlessly he chopped towards the nearest goblin's head.

Blood splattered everywhere as it's head came cleanly off.

Eyes flashing with a determined light he didn't give the goblins time to respond,

he mercilessly swung his spear at another goblin.

The twenty points in power were not wasted,the goblins head twisted to the side unnaturally .

The remaining goblins grew restless, they rushed at him with their spears points glowing ominously.

The narrow path restricted the goblins and only two goblins were able to pass through.

David didn't hesitate taking the opportunity he advanced forward stabbing at another goblin,

neither avoiding nor blocking the goblin could only go down while chocking in it's own blood.

With another swing he cut down another goblin and took time to catch his breath.

He had heard several notifications throughout the battle but he could stop to check.

Looking at the situation there were six more goblins remaining and the large goblin who didn't seem to have any reaction to the slaughter of his subordinates.

With a snort David skillfully waved the spear in his hands cutting the goblins down,

This prompted more notifications which David waved off.

The remaining goblins were shaken at the sight and constantly backed off.

The goblin leader was finally pissed off, grasping one of the goblins it threw it powerfully like a bullet.


David was surprised at the unexpected attack and could only doge to the side.

The goblins eye shone with intelligence , after throwing the goblin it followed closely behind and rushed at David.

Heavily panting David was taken back , he skillfully rolled to the side avoiding it's furious dash.

The giant goblin contrary to it's large size was quite agile, it twisted it's shoulders and slashed out.

David's premonition of danger was abnormal, he stepped to the side cleanly avoiding the slash.

The goblin that was sneaking up on him was really unlucky, it couldnt even respond before it was cleaved into two halves showering the place in green blood.

The giant goblin didn't even spare a single glance as it continued rushing at him.

At this time of crisis David bent his body, jumping up he slashed aiming for it's neck and rolled to the side.

The giant was quick to respond and blocked with its axe

David's eyes flashed with coldness, he calmly looked at the giant goblin.

Like an arrow he rushed at it, this time he tried going for it's blind spot

The goblin was extremely shrewd it jumped back and threw a slash of its own.

Like a puppet that had it's string cut David was thrown down with a deep gash appearing on the left part of his body.

Blood trickled down, David knew that if he hadn't dodged at the last moment he could have been cleaved into two halves like the previous goblin.

The thought scared David, leaning forward he shouted

[ Distribute stats points to body ! ]

He suddenly felt warmth trickle through his body wherever it went he could feel his body growing singer, looking at his wound it was closing up at an astonishing rate.

David felt as if he was an indestructible mountain, briefly looking at his stats he couldn't help but cry out in amazement

Name: David Greycastle





Free points: 5

David grew more courageous bouncing up he rushed at the surprised goblin

The others who were watching from a distance couldn't help but open their mouths.

The goblin leader who grew more panicked slashed randomly at his surrounding.

David avoided all the strikes and carefully jabbed at it's neck.

No matter how strong, the goblin couldn't hold back the small human,

It desperately fought back but as time went on it grew more and more tired.

Exhausted it finally dropped it's heavy weapon

David didn't miss the chance, like a demonic beast he wildly threw his spear like a javelin.

The spear was like a cannon it pierced the goblin deep into it's neck finally extinguishing it's life.

David watched listlessly as it fell to the ground.


He lazily waved his hands to disperse the notification.

Looking at the others they finally took down the remaining goblin.

David sighed, he just came with close encounter with death

Making sure ever one was safe they commenced to strip the goblins off their weapons.

Suddenly they heard a light cry for help that came from nearby, David didn't panick like the others and went forward to check.

Looking down he spotted the blond guy that had previously left the library with two others.

He was drowning in his own blood and some of his bones were facing the wrong direction.He kept groaning and twisted his body David knew he must be in a lot of pain.

When he saw David he lifted his trembling hand towards him and coughed, his face scrunched in pain, he motioned David to come closer and whispered into his ears.

Releasing all he had to say he grinned, his clenched fist finally dropped lifelessly to the ground.

Looking at the lifeless body David clenched his teeth and a resolute determination filled his heart.

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