《Welcome to the Dungeon》Chapter 17
"Here lies the soldiers who have fought against the catastrophe. Billions died. Few survived. Only the powerful could rise up in their tyranny. On the blackest night, where none of our four moons could be seen in the sky, a giant crack formed. Every single person heard it as if the planet itself was shattering. Randomly, we say shooting stars descend upon us. This revealed the orbs. No one knew what they were, but they granted us amazing abilities. Magic, which took lifetimes to master and eternity to research was suddenly gifted unto us in a much easier form. Our research became faster, and we thought it was a gift from God; however, we all felt that something was wrong with the ground beneath us. Especially those closer to the earth, who could talk to the forests and the animals, felt something was wrong.
It has been lost to history how long after, but it appeared. It began with easy monsters we would normally fight, but, soon, the monsters were not all we had to contend with. The dungeons began opening, causing mass panic. Our army was able to easily get past the first few floors, but our old ways of fighting were not enough to win. We could still fight the smaller monsters, but it was too much! They were everywhere. For some, even our strongest attack magic couldn't even scratch it. The few strong survivors, who could continue to fight back, decided to organize a graveyard. May those who bravely risked their lives to put an end to our fighting rest in peace."
When Bella finished reading, she was as shocked as I was. This place seemed to have magic beforehand but still couldn't get past the dungeon. We didn't have magic. We've never even seen goblins before! How could we compare? Would this be our planet's extinction?
With renewed vigor, we set forth through the cave. I may not care about the earth after a few decades, but, for now, I had to protect my family who lived there. I couldn't bring them here, so I had to defend the planet.
While ruminating over these thoughts, we arrived on the other side of the mountain. In front of us was a door, covered in dried blood. Opening the door, there was a small archway made of bones. Past that, we saw overgrown grass. On top of the grass were numerous tombstones, with names in different languages and years that held no meaning. In front of us, though, were zombies! Looking at their vitality, these zombies weren't weaker than hobgoblins! Their skill also was zombified, which I guessed could turn adventurers into zombies. Just like the movies, I was afraid of its bite.
I didn't want to get close to the zombies, forgetting for a moment that I was a fairy and was most likely resistant to them due to my race.
I originally tried >. It dealt damage but was not enough to kill the zombies. I next tried my >, which left them almost dead. The burning effect, though, didn't stop them coming at me. Usually, I would expect them to be dead from the flames, but, since the zombies are undead, I guess they can't die until there is nothing left. Using Blackmail, I went slightly closer before cutting off their heads, finally giving me an EXP shard. This one was a pale yellow in color, and it provided three points of experience.
Even after the first two zombies fell, many more seemed to arise from the graves. For the first time, I began to chant heavenly purification.
"Great fire of heaven, under my authority as a heavenly body, I request thy aid! I, Roberto, ask thee to channel through me and purify the evil that befalls me. In front of me, holy light of power, I command thee! God's Purification!"
For three square meters around me, everything turned pure white. All of the zombies in the area and surrounding me were instantly vaporized. There were at least fifty zombies within the minute of effect!
With the twenty-seven experience this gained me, even though my mana was very low, my level increased!
[Congratulations! You have leveled up! Level 3àlevel 4. All stats increased by +4. SP + 8. Calculating Reward.]
[reward determined. Class ??? Reward: all resistances below level 5 increase one level. MP increases by 150 total. MP regen -10 minutes. Class Skill Lord reward: Heavenly affinity's effect white armor (skill, passive): Armor surrounding body nullifies effects of undead. Any undead who come in contact receive effect as if being purified.]
[Class ??? reward: black armor (skill, passive): black armor surrounding body takes in nearby death energy for the skill holder to use]
[skill tickets gained: +5. Unknown interference detected. White armor level up! Level 2. Black armor level up! Level 2!]
[Familiar has consumed one skill ticket.]
[Familiar has consumed one skill ticket.]
Seeing the messages, I was disappointed and surprised. Looking again, I saw the serpent Samantha consumed a skill ticket in addition to Typhon! The system wasn't finished, though. I saw a new message.
[race: fairy reward: heavenly affinity +10%, SF +3000, wife's SF +3000, skill: spiritual formation learned, regenerations + 3 levels]
"What a rare skill!" Bella exclaimed, looking at my new status.
"What's it do?" I asked
"It allows you and your allies to share SF for skills and spells!"
Now, I could use Bella's SF, which was currently at a maximum of 24500, to help me with my overpowered spiritual spells; however, I didn't want to use it unless I had to.
When I looked at Bella's status and saw the increased SF, I also saw that her regeneration had increased to high level two, which was even above large!
"Interesting," Seere said. "Your new armor may be a lesser stage armor, but it may one day evolve to use demonic energy. Death energy is weak, but Amon can teach you a little."
"Yes, I will do so," Amon said.
With my MP restored, I went further in the graveyard before casting the heavenly purification again. Receiving more EXP shards, I was now at 30/694. Bella also helped defeat some and got some shards as well. We went to the next room when we were done with the zombies. I needed to increase my MP, and I had also expended some SF on the zombies who didn't get so close. I wanted to recover that, too, as we walked to the next room.
Here, it was another road. There were two roads leading into the fields; we chose the third, which led straight. This walk wasn't as simple as the first walk through the road. Now, zombies frequently appeared for the hour we walked. A few orcs appeared as well.
We went back in the morning to go to school. When we went back to the dungeon, we went to the graveyard from the night before. There, Amon taught me a new spell. It was called death's delight and, by using it, I could prevent types of undead that raise from the dead after a period of time from doing so. It cost five DE per use, and, with my limited death energy, I could only cast it twice.
With Amon's assistance, my demon eyes were also able to see death energy. I could see it emanating from the zombies, with a dark gray color. My little death energy was only barely not white. It was weird, though. Heavenly affinity and the fairy race seemed to be opposed to the demons and death energy forces.
We finally finished the second road, and my total experience was now sixty points. The next room was a similar graveyard-styled room. Here, though, in addition to the hobgoblin-level zombies, there were also ghosts. So as to not waste my MP, I learned from my demons that I had to use my soul techniques, so I focused on them. In doing so, I could see the ghost's soul. I learned it was one of the types of undead that was mainly based on their soul. Using my soul techniques, I defeated ghosts. Using my armor, purification when my MP recovered, and spiritual force, I defeated goblins for a few days. I was then able to continue onto the next room with Bella.
There, there was a door made of various bones. There was an elementary sealing rune and another I didn't recognize. The other must have been some way for those unfamiliar with runes to open the door. As I was familiar with this level rune, I easily overwrote it with the unsealing rune. Slowly, the door creaked open. On the other side, there were many runes engraved on the walls. Even though I had not seen them before, I was able to tell they were elementary antifire runes. I could also use them, but I did not know the rune needed to undo these runes.
In this hallway, aside from the runes, there were piles of bones on both sides. As soon as Bella and I stepped past the door, it closed, and the bones started moving. Quickly, I looked back at the door. On this side of the door, there wasn't a single rune. There was a pattern of runes in an x formation. I could see the sealing rune was part of the formation, but the others seemed to be above the elementary rank. There was no going back that way.
Because I was distracted by the runes, I did not notice the bones forming a skeleton in front of me! I couldn't use fire magic, so I was going to fight it. It shouldn't be too hard to defeat. Suddenly, it grabbed a rib bone from the remains of the pile it formed from. This bone transformed into a thin, pale, white, sword with a gleaning edge. The skeleton's bones then began emitting a faint glow.
"What's that?" I asked, surprised by this glow. Was it using magic?
Bella, like always, seemed to know everything about the dungeon, responding, "It's a magic that skeletons use. It strengthens their bones permanently by five times when first used and temporarily ten times more during each successive use."
Now, I had to fight a skeleton, carrying a sword, with bones that had been strengthened fifty times! Blackmail could easily get through normal bones, but I didn't know about these bones. I wouldn't ever know if I didn't give it a shot! I raised my weapon and >, but the skeleton was more skillful than I thought > my attack. It tried > me, but I > it. With my dodge, my > leveled up, and the new skill was magic aura suppression—it didn't help my current situation. I tried to visualize the skeleton's soul, but I didn't see any! I had no place to focus my attacks now.
"How do I defeat this thing? It doesn't even have a soul," I asked.
"You need to remove its head than break its skull. Of course it doesn't have a soul—it uses the energy of the monster controlling it."
"So, is it a monster?"
"Technically, yes. It's more like a powered-up parasite, sucking from the soul that summoned it."
"Then, I'll try again. Bella, please take care of the other one."
During our conversation, a second skeleton appeared. Leaving it to Bella, I went back to attacking. Defending while speaking wasn't going to get me through this. I used > to try paralysis, but it failed. > was my next attack, and it caused a spike to rise from the floor. This spike, piercing through the skeleton, left just the head. Using my sword, I slashed straight down. The skull barely cracked, so I used another eruption to pierce the skull. Its loot was a skill I immediately learned.
Bone sword
Level: 1
Requirements: a bone
Description: transforms a bone into a sword, with increasing toughness and sharpness dependent on level. At level one, the toughness and durability are twice that of a normal bone, doubling each level. Can also return the bone to original form. Size depends on bone used and can also take the form of a dagger with a small enough bone.
Max level: allows transformation into different weapons.
I didn't want to use my own bones for this! Otherwise, without Blackmail, it would be a good skill. I realized, looking around, that there were still many bones in this hallway. I immediately moved them all to the warehouse. I also practiced the skill while doing so. It was hard to grasp, at first. I had to picture the sword in my mind and, piece by piece, I had to use my MP to alter the structure of the bone according to the specific formula that I could think of through the skill. It didn't consume the MP, returning it to my body. Bella was having fun with some bones herself as I continued to practice.
[Bone sword level up! Level two!]
I did it so much the skill increased in level. Bella, done playing with the bones, brought over a spell scroll.
"I don't need this. Here, it's a present for you, husband."
"Thank you, Bella."
I learned the new spell, which also caused me to learn death energy regeneration (minor)
Skeletal bone strengthening
Level: 1
Rank: D+
Mana use: 500 (initial), 100/minute after
Death energy use: 25 (initial), 20/minute after
Strengthens caster's bones permanently by five times when first cast and strengthens bones ten times for duration of spell. Further levels decrease cost. Automatically cast for first time upon learning.
It had a large consumption for such a low ranked spell. If I could get it to increase in rank, maybe other parts of my body, such as my muscles, could also be strengthened. My bones did feel stronger, but I did not know how it had been cast. My DE increased to a maximum of twenty-five, even though it was now at zero.
Without any bones, there was no way for more skeletons to form. The next room we encountered, though, had pre-formed skeletons.
All at once, they began their attack. I used a dagger made from a small bone. It hit the skeleton's neck, severing the head. This allowed me to find its weak point and for my > to level up. We both continued our assault. Unfortunately, we weren't able to finish them off until the next night. We arrived further in the dungeon. At this point, there was a giant, open as in front of one of the graves. I jumped down, and Bella followed me. There was no door to leave the small room, so I guessed correctly that this was the way to leave.
We fell down into what appeared like a well. Walking past it, we saw a giant earthen dome. All of the monsters in the room were flying. Appraisal showed these monsters were called Banshees. Their skill was screech, and it was an annoying skill used to startle people before swiftly coming down and using their claws.
It was difficult to evade their attacks, but Bella led me to a small area. Wither her guiding, I removed the loose sand and found a small passageway hidden by a glass trap door. Under there, I gained the blue ice source. It allowed my affinity to rise by 5%. Returning to the surface, I still had the annoying, screaming monsters to take care of. When they swooped down, I attempted to > and >, but it was too slow. The Banshees flew away.
I next used my >, but I could not reach such a height. My third idea worked. I froze > to make stairs. Once the first banshee dropped, I realized just how high I walked. A few more came at me. It was still difficult, and some escaped anyway. Bella reminded me I could fly, but I wasn't fast enough—even though my speed was four times that of a normal person!
Bella took this opportunity, under the constant battering of bites, to teach me the spiritual weapon skill and the spiritual magics fairy spring and speed enhancement. This took the rest of the day to learn, and I got a few EXP shards by defeating some banshees as well during this time.
Spiritual fairy spring
Rank: A
Mana use: 10 (creation) 1/day (maintenance
SF use: 1000 (creation), 250/day (maintenance)
Descriptions: Uses spiritual water and the unique skills of a fairy to create a small spring of fairy water that won't dissipate as long as it is maintained. The water level can rise greatly by the thought of caster, who can ride on top of the water.
Spiritual speed enhancement
Rank: C-
SF use: 60/use
Description: allows flight speed to increase by four times for five seconds, with a five-second cooldown.
The next day, we returned to banshee fighting. With the spring from yesterday recharged, it lifted me up. Using my >, I was able to quickly get to a few banshees before the cooldown. With Bella's assistance, many more springs were created. I used them as stepping stones between my enhancements. Finally, I had gotten through most of the monsters. Their screams lessened, and we were soon ready to go towards the next room. I hoped I would not have to listen to any more banshees there. We left through the sandy ground and then walked up a ladder. In front was a large archway made entirely of bones. The space inside the arch was distorted, and it was impossible to tell what was past it.
We still continued, and, on the other side, we were in another graveyard. Here, though, all of the stones were lying down. They all appeared in a circle, pointing towards the empty center.
"Bella, is this another of those special spaces?"
"Ready to fight?"
We waited. Nothing happened. We waited some more. Still, nothing happened. Thinking it odd the monster had yet to appear, we walked towards the center. From the ground rose Noah, the supreme arch lich I'd met previously.
"You've made it this far," he said once he was above the ground.
"Hello, Noah," I responded.
"I'm going to have some fun with you. I've told the monsters here not to come out so that I can watch your fight."
"Fun?" Bella asked excitedly.
"You'll see soon! I'll give you this to ensure you'll play with me."
When Noah said such, he threw a different-colored EXP shard to me, and I received some special death energy along with it. This caused my maximum to increase by twenty and my DE and MP regenerations to increase by one level. The EXP shard increased my EXP by twenty!
Around us, I noticed that a dark dome suddenly arose. It instantly became much more difficult to move, and I could feel the death energy permeating.
"What's this?" I asked.
Bella responded, "I don't know."
Seere responded, "Interesting. It's a low-level domain."
"What's a low-level domain? Is it similar to dominion?"
"It is incomparably less than a full dominion. Dominion grants you complete control over a certain law. Your Absolute Dominion controls natural laws completely while inside of it, and it may evolve to even control other laws. This just reinforces the existing power which it is aligned to. It doesn't even touch laws." Amon responded this time.
Foras, not to be left out, continued, "This domain uses the principle of death."
[Error. interference detected. System control lessened. error dump: action: unknown Interference: supreme arch lich. Grade: D. Rebuilding firewall. Authority level 7 override. Action authorized.]
"What was that?" I asked.
At the same time, I realized I could not look at my status while in this space.
"I had my boss help me and used one of my real powers, outside the control of the dungeon. Let's see how you do against her. She's a newborn lich from a much higher floor. It's going to be fun for the two of you to play together."
"The two of us? What about Bella?"
"I guess she can play if she can stand."
I looked at Bella, and I saw that she was having trouble standing and was clutching her head.
"Are you okay?" I asked, suddenly worried.
"It's hard. This domain greatly weakens our fairy powers. I can't fight, but nothing will happen to me anyway. If I were in real danger from Noah, my mother, Isaac, and a few others would come."
"Don't worry, Bella."
"Interesting," Seere interjected, "because you have some death energy in addition to your SF, you aren't as affected even if you are a fairy. You still can't use spiritual force, but at least you have your MP and sword."
Interrupting our discussion, Noah used his bony finger to slice a small hole in space and drew a rune sequence I was unfamiliar with. I was able to learn a new rune, but I could not use it. It was the rune representing space. I tried to fight back with the elementary sealing rune.
"You think that can stop me?" Noah questioned in a pompous manner.
He then proceeded to quickly draw the elementary unsealing rune and a few more to deal with my rune. I still have a lot to learn. From the other side, he pulled a being made of black bones, with a human-like face and covered in a dark velvet robe. One hand held a dagger and the other a staff. I could feel a frightening aura surrounding it.
"Have fun," Noah laughed while disappearing.
I tried looking, but I couldn't see its soul. I attempted my purification magic, but, under the domain, I didn't have enough MP to surpass it. Now, I had to fight this monster without Bella, without my spiritual force, and without my best purification magic.
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