《Invincible War God》Chapter 9: Four Supreme God


"Finally, this kid really able to release our soul. Haha, kid we've been watching you for a long time." One of the four people speak suddently.

Lancelot scare but he pushes all his courage and speak " Senior who are you guy and why are you guy suddenly pop out from the array”.

Hearing this the four old men smile and looking at each other than laugh loudly.

“Kid why don’t u take a closer look at us” one of the old man speak with an amusing face.

Hearing that Lancelot rubbing his eyes and looking at them carefully. “Ahhh….’’. Lancelot scream and fall his butt down to the ground.

“I’m I dreaming?? It can’t be how could you guy look exactly the same as the four-god statue. No unless you are the god from the statue itself” Lancelot said in shock.

“So, with your expression of your you should already have an idea on who we are right?? Kiddo” Pangu speak calmly with a smiling expression.

Correct this four people are Pangu, Sword God, Spear God and Black Dragon from the four-god statue.

“Now kiddo what should we called you?? Jiang Chen or Lancelot or little lancy?” Black Dragon asks with an amusing tone.

“Senior you can call me whatever you want Lancy is find too and If senior don’t mind this junior I hope to know all senior real name and how all of you got stuck in this Space-time pearl.’’ Jiang Chen reply and bow toward the four gods.

“Our real name? It been a long time since anyone asking us our real name. They always called us by the name Sword God, Spear God and Black Dragon. Except senior Pangu who used his real name all this time.” Black dragon replies with a sad expression.


“Come sit with us kiddo, we will tell you why we got stuck here. And you should stop calling us senior you can call us grandpa instead”. Pangu said with a smiling face.

“Yes, Grandpa”. Jiang Chen replied and run toward the Four-god.

“100 million year ago your Grandpa I was the strongest god in this universe. But after that Sword God Spear God and Black Dragon come to challenge me. The fight was a draw. No one can win against anyone. After the fight, we were very happy and we all swear to be a sworn brother together. The world was in peace we all living together, but the peace didn’t last long one day the human coming from the different universe come he was extremely strong. With four of us we can only fight him to the draw.” Pangu sight.

After the fight, we find out that he was another strongest god in other universe to fight and Improve his cultivation. We also find out that in the next Chao cycle the universe name Cydium will start a war against another universe. So, we all decide to create this space time pearl and seal our soul inside of it waiting for a successor who smart enough to release our soul. This Soul pearl has many treasure inside you never try going inside the forest, right?? In the forest, there was a golden temple inside of it has a pile of material for magus, inscription and also value forging material. It had 19 floor each floor had a Demon beast guarding it.” Dragon God said with a serious face toward Lancelot.

Hearing this Lancelot eye glow with a tempting smile.

“You can’t take control of the temple yet. With your strength, right now any demon beast there can kill you. You need at least a strength of Spiritual warrior to enter the first floor. You now too weak. But from tomorrow we will start training you so your chance on attempting will be much sooner.” Seeing Lancelot eye bright Dragon god state in an amusing tone.

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