《Invincible War God》Chapter 8: I’m Supreme


“I gotta hold for just a bit more.” Although he said just a bit more but he been hold for more than 30min. Until now some of the 10-year-old boy has been collapse.

Another 30min pass Lancelot still standing and greet his teeth. Now all of the 10-year-old boy completely collapse. Lancelot feet shake controllably and finally collapse. “Wow this body of mine in this new world is really amazing I’ve been standing for 2hour and half but this is not reachig my body limit yet.

“Haha Lancy you really are a monster in the human form, aren’t you?” Septium’s shake his head unbelievably.

“I’m clearly your nephew how come I be a monster?” Lancelot as with a curious face.

“Haha everyone here older than you and you holding longer than them for about 30min tell me if you not a monster then what are you???” Semptium’s look at his nephew and caress his nephew head.

“I'm not a monster but the reason I can hold longer is that I’m supreme.” Lancelot said with a proud face toward Septium.

He said good bye to his uncle Septium then start to walks to the back of the mountain. Since he read all the book that exist in the library he didn’t really had anything else to do anymore so he always come to the back of the mountain to relax. But today is different because this time he not coming here to relax at all.

Today is the day that he begin his training, but the training with his uncle didn’t fully reach his body limit yet. From the day, he born he always let his consciousness get inside the pill to train his spiritual sense and energy. Imagine that the soul of the grown-up man training in the space time pearl for 6 years and it’s is equal to 60 years’ worth of time in the real world. For other people, this feat seems impossible but for Lancelot this is nothing at all. On earth while he training his martial arts in space time pearl it took about 10 years to reach perfection stage. And another 10 years to train in sword with master Liu Wei. That also the reason he got his photographic memory.

Today Lancelot try to get his body into the pearl just like he did before in his pass life. With a though Lancelot body disappear and appear inside the desolate land. To his surprise today he feels like there was something wrong in this space. There was a desolate forest inside this world it seems like this is no longer a desolate space but a desolate world. The air the feeling of world energy is denser that outside 3 time.

Lancelot start walking toward the 4-god statue. There nothing changes within the statue but he feels like all the statue looking at him. After that he start training his body like he did on earth. He started by doing push up.

100, 101 …185,200, 300.. 400 puzz Lancelot collapse. He tries to stand up and walk toward the statue and sit in the meditation state. He tries to work out like frog jump running by tying a boulder with his waist until he collapses. After meditate for half an hour Lancelot open his eye he looks at the place that he always meditates at the middle of the 4-statue ground. He touches the pattern on the ground, this pattern always helps him recover his stamina and help him clear his mind when he cultivated his spiritual energy.


“Maybe this is the key to something or might be a legacy of this 4-god statue just like what I read in the library there was many legacies that can only encounter by luck that leaves behind by the expert who reach his life end.” Thinking of this Lancelot start feeling excited. But he just started training today and didn’t have any qi inside his body yet. Calm down he starts continue his limit training body again.

After training 5 days hard inside the Space time pearl he coming out to real world again. Just like he expected the time limit in space time pearl is similar to the time he enters before his death. After training all the extreme exercise that useful to his body in the space time pearl none stop he already reach the 2nd Rank Warrior. Suddenly he saw a shadow approach him after the shadow reveal it was his house keeper Henry he starts to walk toward him.

“Young Master lord Drago is looking for you. Please come with me to the forging pavilion your dad is waiting for you there.” Uncle Henry’s said with a smile toward his young master.

“Thank you, uncle Henry’s, let go.” Lancelot smile and walk together with his house keeper to forging pavilion.

After about 15min they arrive at the forging pavilion. “How does training with uncle Septium goes?? Did you slack off??” seeing his son arrive Drago ask his son with a smile.

“I had not disappointed you father. Today I stand in qi building stand longer than the ten years old kid.” Lancelot raise his head proudly toward his father.

“Haha good, good you surely not disappoint me. Do you still have energy to continue learning forging???” Drago ask with concern toward Lancelot.

Lancelot nod and walking inside the pavilion with his father.

“Listen carefully Lancy the first thing about forging is refining iron of impurities. I know you smart although I had said before about teaching you personally but now a day I’m too busy forging weapon for the main clan. So here takes this book, Iron Refining impurities and Forging Heaven. This should be enough for you to become supreme blacksmith in the world. The first book is for basic forging skill only after you reach perfection stage you should continue and learn from Forging Heaven. This forging heaven book I acquire it by chance it really wonderful treasure. With my level of forging, I only understand half of the content of this book and already gain the tittle of First forging expert through this continent, but for you my son is different, you able to read all the language and history of the 4 continents with this reason I hope that one day you will be able to fully understand the content of this book and able to forging the heaven just like the title of this book.” Drago hand Lancelot the book and sigh.

“I’ll understand dad, don’t worry I will train by myself and watch you while you forging weapon.” Lancelot smile at his father.


Drago smile and pat his son head.

Times fly a year had pass Lancelot was already 7 year’s old but his physic didn’t seem like and 7 years old boy at all he has height of a 15years old kid and muscular body, but his face was still childish like a 7 years old child. In this year Lancelot’s already reach peak stage of body refining level in other word he reaches 8th rank warrior just like his father. But he conceals it to 4th rank warrior to deceive his father if everyone knows of this it’s will be too hard to explain.

In the space time pearl in the middle of the 4-god statue Lancelot sit in meditation position and talk to himself “I already reach 8th rank warrior and it seem there was no more improvement in this pass I should be able to discover the secret of this pattern. Thinking of this Lancelot start to try transfer his battle qi into the pattern but nothing seems to happen at all. Lancelot stun “If I guess wrong then everything I do so far is a waste??? No, I won’t accept this.” Lancelot start feeling irritated.

Suddenly an idea come to his mind. He starts pure his spiritual power to the pattern the pattern it start to glow but just for a moment and the light disappear. Having no choice Lancelot try to cut his hand with a knife to drip blood to the pattern but his hand is to hard he already reaches 8th rank warrior level how can a simple dagger harm him. Lancelot cut his hand with battle qi.

Swwsshh.. the blood drip on the pattern. The pattern absorbs the blood but nothing seems to happen.

With no choice Lancelot just sit down and adjust his state of mind. Then he taking out his 7 manuals on the statue of the dragon god. And start training Riding Wave step. He trains again and again until he feels exhausted. After that he start train Dragon Subduing palm just like Riding wave step he train until he exhausted. Then he goes on to Liu Mai Sword Arts and the Beiming Secret art and finally Taichi Fist.

After than he moves on to the Nine Lonely sword art manual. He didn’t begin to train yet just read this book he feels overwhelmed by emotion his master Liu Wei die of exhausted life force just to fight him and he only using the first to fourth move of this sword art against his master.

At last he died at the hand of his junior brother by shooting him with a gun to revenge the dead of his master. He put the secret manual of Nine Lonely Sword art and Spear of destruction down. To train this martial manual he need a weapon so now he only need to train the 5-secret manual to perfection level first.

(Author note* You can check chapter 2 to read information of this ancient martial art. Thank You)

Just like that Lancelot began to train his martial art in space time pearl and continue learn forging at forging pavilion. Every morning he goes to meet uncle Septium to train his body although he reach 8th rank warrior he still enjoy doing extreme exercise and learn battle tactic from Septium.

2 years pass in space time pearl it equal to 20years Lancelot had reach perfection stage with the martial art. In this 20 years, he had also created new martial art by combining Taichi fist and 18 Dragon Subduing palm. The new martial art is a combination of palm and fist arts it contains 15 moves. 10 moves were used to attack and 5 move to defense. The defense is extremely strong. It unbreakable and had no flaw at all. And within this 2years of outside world he also reach 10th rank warrior level.

He tries use this new martial art to spar with his father and his uncle Septium but they not able to break his defense at all. While sparing he suppress his warrior level to 6 ranks while sparring with his parent and his attack was fearful the move each move sometime fast some time slow each attack of his father seem to hit him but when the attack arrive it like passing the empty air. His attack was incredible if he used his inner strength to attack he able to shock the earth but if he used his warrior energy(battle chi) it will be unstoppable against the warrior of the same rank. And his Liu Mai Sword art when combine with his warrior energy it like a power of laser beam it can pass through mountain and ocean.

This is the progress of the pass 2 year. Inside the space time pearl Lancelot still sitting and watching the pattern that he always meditates on. He not convinces of the result from the last 2 years. He still firmly believes it is the legacy of the 4-god statue.

Sitting for a while he seems to have an idea. What happen if I combine my inner strength, spiritual power and battle chi in to this pattern.

Thinking of this he begins to test it out. He been learning Taichi Art for 20 years so balance the energy and combining it is not hard for him at all. When he injects the combine power to the pattern it’s start to glow golden color and then 4 human shape figures appear in front of Lancelot.

Lancelot stun speechless at the scene that appear in front of him.

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