《Soldiers of Mana》Chapter 11 - Sirens Are Never Good


“BANG” “BANG”, hearing the loud banging on my door I get up and walk to the door, as I stand before the door getting ready to open it, I finally begin fully waking up and the sound of a loud piercing siren enter my ears. Pulling back the door, I stand face to face with one of the soldiers from the other evening.

“Niko! I was sent to come to get you by Ashley. The ship is currently under attack, we must hurry!”


Lazily staring at the soldier I follow behind him as he quickly leads me towards a large room with a gigantic table inside surrounded by The General, soldiers, Ashley, as well as other crew members.

“Ah, Niko!”

Walking into the room Ashley called out to me, trotting towards my direction. Approaching the front of me, Ashley kneels down looking into my eyes.

“Niko, this fleet has been stationed here because this zone is an area known to accrue many mana pools over time. Due to the war, we have with Ayria this has been a hotspot for battle, although we have managed to hold the position. Today is different though, there ’s a huge fleet coming in this direction. It looks like they wanna take this zone so that they can gain the resource for themselves for a mana heavy project we may have uncovered through our spies. I need your help to repel them. Will you help me?”


I tilt my head a bit before nodding to Ashley letting her know I accept her request. She gently smiles at me before giving her thanks and walking me over to the table the other’s have been standing at while having a heated discussion.

As we were about to reach an open spot at the table to listen in to the conversation a loud “Boooom!!” Rang out shaking the entire ship. Now instead of the one-alarm ringing non-stop, there were multiple sirens blaring absurdly loud as soldiers frantically yelled and hollered trying to find out what was happening as we heard the agonizing scream of those in pain.


“Where did that come from!”

“Beneath us sir…. Somehow they snuck up on us under the radar!”

“Fuck, everyone get ready for battle now!!”

Everyone hurriedly scattered in every direction, but the barrage continued.

“Boom!” “Boom!”

The sound of other ships being destroyed and damaged by the enemies could be heard in the surrounding area.

“Niko! This ship is fitted with a mana powered generator that radiates an aura of concentrated mana into the surroundings. Use that tool to fly with the other troops to board their ship and go on the offensive!”

Turning away from Ashley I notice a hole on the side of the ship caused by the first barrage from one of the enemy’s ships. I decide to use that as an exit, so I walk towards it. As I approached the hole my view was filled with the scene of ships shooting each other as soldiers flew in the skies towards the ships in an effort to board, gun, and magic wielding soldiers shot at those on board while being shot at from the soldiers attempting to prevent the boarding attempts. Groups of soldiers had already managed to reach the enemies ships, but, we’re having a hard time contesting the bow and stern of the ship. Our forces seemed to be on the losing side, being sneak attacked and now also being overwhelmed in the combat strength of the personnel.

“Niiko!, let me play! Let me let loose a bit come on dude!”

“… Fine”

Okin wanted to take over this situation, he saw it as an opportunity to let loose a bit. I don’t have a reason to disagree, so I handed over control to him.

“Fuck yeah time to cause some mayhem!”

Immediately after his statement, Okin turned around towards Ashley giving her a wink before allowing himself to fall backward off the ship.


“Niko, remember that the machines used by these people in these wars are all created and powered using processed mana, sometimes man-made mana alternatives. The mana within us can still interact with that mana allowing us to do many things, for example, fly, all you have to do is feel it!”

Okin, activated our mana cloak as our body began to glide through the sky in the direction of the enemies ship as cannon fire, magic, and bullets bounce off of our protective barrier Okin created using mana.

“Remember the feeling when I fight, you will be able to develop your own abilities and understand our powers better.”

Okin created bullets of mana shooting them into the bodies of soldiers as we whizzed past them at high speeds. The bullets did not stop after piercing the first person, as if they were alive they began zigzagging from one after the other weaving in and out.

“Ahhhhh! YES! Gotta love that fresh supply of mana we absorb from the bodies of our fallen foes such an invigorating feeling, I love being a monster hahahaha!”

Okin continues his slaughter as he loudly howled in laughter. Minutes later we finally landed on the bow of the ship cracking the ground, momentarily stopping those around causing them to stare in our direction before having all the enemy soldiers began focusing on us. The barrier was too strong none of their magic, weapons, nor bullets could put even a scratch onto us. Noticing that their attacks have no effect at all they begin to run in panic.

“HAHAHA, you will not escape me, I will absorb your mana!!”

Okin flicked his finger in the direction of the retreating enemy sending the bullets that were floating around him piercing directly through each and every one of the enemy soldiers. During this whole course of events Okin, and I had not noticed the ship aiming a gigantic cannon on the stern of the ship aimed directly for the ship we came from. Okin’s face turned serious sending the bullets flying towards the cannon where it expanded on impact with the cannon causing an explosion destroying the stern of the ship.

Even though we managed to destroy the cannon it had already shot a concentrated ball of pure mana directly towards our fleet, once it made contact it expanded rapidly engulfing the whole fleet in a bluish white tint causing the surrounding audience to cover their eyes as the winds howled in our ears. A few minutes later the draft calmed down allowing us to put our arms down no longer needing to cover our faces, leaving an empty view. No ships were left from the fleet, everything moments ago had been completely vaporized.


In an angry fit of rage Okin concentrated a large amount of mana then quickly expanding it out from our entire body causing a gigantic explosion even bigger than the cannon blast destroying everything within sight. Expanding so much mana caused our body to grow weak as we fell from the sky, our vision fading to black.

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