《Beyond Time and Space》Chapter 16: Family Business


It was around six in the afternoon when Melissa Mason arrived from work. His eyes moved across the empty room. Everything was still. Quiet to excess.

"What did they get ready this time?"

As they passed Liam's and Leon's room, the door was open, but neither of them was. Melissa continued walking.

The door to Lucas's room was half open. Looking down the small opening, she saw him sitting on the bed reading a book that must have been over 400 pages long.

She opened the door a little too hard.

"Who are you and what did you do to my son?" His question was genuine.


Lucas could tell that his mother was asking seriously.


Liam and Leon arrived home around seven. They both went on a date with an awakened one. Apparently, Liam was surprised, there were people quite wealthy in Ribeirão Preto.

Carlos Santos. He went to buy a skill book, but came out with two outfits, 3 books and 2 Soul Core. As they needed quick cash, everything went for 10 million that were deposited into Leon's account.

Accounts were paid after that and they went to see some houses, before returning.

Dinner was ready when the two of them walked through the door. Melissa was done packing the table.

"Oh, you're here." Melissa smiled at them. "Dinner is ready. Go wash your hands and come and eat. "

The two swallowed dry. That radiant smile, capable of enlightening the world, brings happiness to the worst cases of helplessness. That smile she gave them was a sign that they were screwed.

"I... I'm not hungry..." Liam began.

Still smiling, she turned to him.

"If you keep rolling, the food will get cold. And you know my opinion on using the microwave. "

Melissa completely ignored what Liam said and practically gave an ultimatum.

Liam shivered all over. He did not know what they did, but he knew they were in trouble. Melissa Mason is a strong personality woman and she had to raise 3 children by herself. She had to deal with a lot of shit over the years. That is why, when it comes to children, she would protect them like a lioness, but it also makes them go through hell if they do something wrong. In her words, "I did not spend 9 months carrying you in my belly, ending my body, and another painful 10 hours of labor, just to visit you in prison!" Usually these words were spoken among the flip-flops, broomsticks, the waistband, or when they should kneel on the rice.


Five minutes later, Liam and Leon were sitting at the table apprehensive. Lucas was sitting on the other side, in the corner, cowering as if they had been caught in the act. He looked guilty.

Melissa sat down in front of them and picked up a steak and set it on the plate.

"So how was your day?" She asked as if she did not want anything.

She knows, that was the thought of Liam and Leon at the same time. His eyes turned to Lucas who looked even more guilty.

Now, they could make up excuses and so lie in her face, which would be a deadly mistake, or just give up.

Liam sighed,

"It was not our fault."

He decided to be honest, after all, the world was changing too fast. The government may try to stifle, but more than 500 million people have returned from the Neutral Dimension. It was only a matter of time before everything exploded. So he thought it best to spill it all at once.

Melissa stopped the theater and watched the children. Knowing that they decided to tell the truth, she decided to be understanding.

"That's what I was told."

And so Liam and Leon told them everything. Even the smallest details. They even used some skill to prove it.

Then, just like Lucas, Liam had to use another Golden Core to wake up Mom and buy the skills she wanted.

Mana Regeneration, Cure, Dragon Scale, Tortoise Shell, Divine Barrier and Recovery.

She decided to learn only those 6 and leave 4 empty slots. You never know when an ideal ability for yourself may appear. After that, Liam bought rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets and brooches, which mainly increased Mental Power and Vitality, but of course some had an effect to increase Strength, Dexterity and Magic Power.

And so, a whole family of awakenings arose.


As Liam deduced, in the next two days, strange incidents began to emerge around the world.

In Egypt, a sandstorm that seemed to be alive. In Hawaii, a tsunami was stopped by a mysterious person before reaching the city. Amateur videos of people picking up cars, jumping higher than normal, and things like that popped up. There was an incident in a maximum security prison where a dangerous serial killer, trapped in solitary, escaped as if it evaporated into thin air.

Of course for people like the Mason family, this was not rumors and legends, they were awakened who began to use their powers in real life. There was even someone in costume, according to the witnesses, saving the day.


Normal people, especially those who were aware of what was happening in the world, began to realize that something was happening. As much as the government tried to keep everything a secret, it was becoming increasingly obvious to those awakened that it would not last. Some were even betting on how long the government could keep the Neutral Dimension a secret.


The containment door was opened and a man passed by who was already in his early 50s by his tone of voice. The doctor could not be sure, since the face of the person in front of her was blurred for her. It was as if his glasses were of no use to him. Of course she knew the problem was not the glasses, but the person in front of her who did not want to be recognized.

She sighed inwardly. Being a scientist, she always sought to unravel the mysteries of the universe, while mocking those idiotic people who believe in mysticism. And now, before it, the supernatural was real.

Despite the slap in the face that led from the universe, the doctor was enthusiastic to start the research.

The two of them stepped through the next-generation containment door and into a huge room full of computers, tubes for specimens, and everything seen in science fiction films.

"So, what did you think of your new place of work?" The mysterious man asked confidently.

"It's incredible."

In the blink of an eye, in the man's hand came a blue sphere with a hypnotic glow.

"This is called Soul Core... And this..." another sphere came out of nowhere. "It's a Blood Core. You will receive more of these to search. "Next came a glass vial containing a red liquid. "And that's demon blood. The guinea pigs will be delivered today. I expect great things from you, Dr. Sully."


On Monday, three days later, the four members of the Mason family were on a plane to the Federal District. His bank accounts had increased more than 30 million dollars. Apparently, in the big cities in the interior of São Paulo there were many rich who were also awakened.

With this large sum of money, instead of going anywhere in the world, Melissa decreed that they were going to Brasilia.

Earlier, she had already gone to school and started transferring school to Brasilia. On Tuesday they had scheduled to visit some houses and apartments to buy.

Leon sighed inwardly. It was clear that he knew why his mother chose Brasilia, among all places. This was a secret that only he and Melissa knew, and it was not him that would reveal.


It did not take long for them to choose a house. The choice was a 2 story house, 10 bedrooms, pool and 6 places in the garage. It was a fortune, but it was worth it.

Liam had worried about the government wanting to know where they got the money from the account, but apparently Leon said he did not need to worry. He knew a guy.

They spent the night at the hotel and only on Tuesday would they move.

Her mother was in a room just for her while the 3 brothers had to split the room with 2 beds.

Liam took the sofa without really caring. They had finished dinner. Lucas was reading books, because apparently his theory that could increase the Mental Power reading was true. Leon was watching TV in the armchair while Liam was lying on the couch staring at the ceiling.

He opened his list of skills.


Skills - (10/10): [Blessing of the Gods - Rank-S (Temporary)] | [Time Stopping (Ativa) – Rank-A)] | [Slash (Active) – Rank-A] | [Haste (Active) – Rank-A] | [Fireball (Ative) – Rank-A] | [Sword Mastery (Passive) – Rank-A] | [Shadow of Darkness (Ative) – Rank-A] | [Recovery (Passive) – Rank-A] | [Mana Soul (Passive) - Rank-SSS] | [Divine Barrier (Passive / Active) – Rank-A]


He sighed. He had nothing to do. He gained powers and had nothing to do. Honestly, he kind of was looking forward to Friday and so on to Neutral Dimension.

Liam even tried to bribe the orb to be sent in advance to the Neutral Dimension, but it did not work. The problem was that the Order of the Gods received only a Neutral Dimension entry permit once every 7 days. It seems that Neutral Dimension does not like beings from other universes interacting with beings from other universes. Not when they use it for this.

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