《Beyond Time and Space》Chapter 15: Golden Core


Genex promptly replied.

"Yes. They are called Golden Core. They are much rarer to drop than the Soul Core, and can be dropped from any demon. The drop rate is 1 in 1 billion. It's worth 1 billion Contribution Points. But even if the person becomes awakened, he still can not be summoned to the Neutral Dimension without paying a 1000 Blood Core fee each time he wants to enter the Neutral Dimension with the other awakened ones. They'll also have to spend 1 million Blood Core if they want to get their own Operator."

Liam looked at Leon.

"So...? What do you think?" Liam asked.

"Although I do not like it, it's not bad either. He will not be forcibly summoned to the Neutral Dimension, and besides, he'll be safe if he has some skills."

Liam nodded in agreement. In fact, he was thinking of awakening his mother too. The world was changing. There will definitely be more people who have discovered about the Golden Core and more and more people with skills will emerge.

"Genex, how does the awakening of people in a universe being invaded?"

"Neutral Dimension, as I have already explained, has a will. When beings from another universe dare to break their protection and invade a universe, it grants absolute fate only once to all living beings in the invaded universe. The first invading enemy killed by a living being from the invaded universe for the first time dropped a Golden Core."

Both Liam and Leon were surprised.

"It's like some novels I read..." Leon commented.

Liam turned to Lucas who had already sat on Liam's bed.

"Fine... But do not think this is because of your threat. I'm doing this because that sounds like a good idea."

"Yeah. Yes... What makes you sleep at night..." Lucas said skeptically.

The 3 knew that the main reason is because of the threat of death.

"Genex, sell 5 billion Soul Core and use the points to buy 25 Golden Core."


Although he did not know who his brother was talking about, Lucas remained quiet in anticipation of his great future.

Leon sighed. Being rich looked so good.

"Buy it done."

"Give me a Golden Core."

Lucas's eyes flashed when he saw a sphere appear to be made of gold a little larger than a baseball in Liam's hand.

"Here, take..." Liam passed the Core to Lucas who took it cautiously.

When touching the Core, before his eyes, something incredible appeared.

[You got the Golden Core.]

[Want to consume it to Awaken?]

Luke swallowed dry before selecting "Yes."

The Core melted into fragments of golden light and was absorbed into Lucas's body.

[Congratulations, you Awakened.]

[To begin with, say 'Status' or 'Skills.']

Liam and Leon saw Lucas's face light up as if he had won the best Christmas gift in the world. They smiled. After all, Lucas was still a child.

After that, Liam, casually not to let his younger brother notice, bought books of passive defensive skills active enough to complete all 10 slots.

He bought a skill called "Healing" that, with enough MP, is able to heal any injury, illness, curse, and negative effect on status. He also purchased Recovery and Mana Regeneration.

The 3 skills plus 6 defensive skills that made it impossible for anyone up to level 200 to seriously hurt Lucas were listed in the slots.

When Lucas was about to learn another defensive skill, something clicked in his head.

"Wait, how many skills can we learn?" He asked suspiciously.

"10." Genex replied before Liam or Leon had a chance to respond.

"Damn traitor!" Liam shouted.

"Damn treacherous!" Lucas shouted at the same time, getting up and throwing the book in Leon's face.

After 10 minutes, Lucas finally managed to learn an attack skill. Unfortunately, he found out too late that having older siblings is asking to be passed back.

This is the skill he has learned.


King of Battlefield: Creates an area of effect under the user's domain.


Rank: G (0/100)

Effect 1 - Passive: decreases by 1% all attributes of all, except the user.

Effect 2 - Passive: increases all user attributes by 1%.

Effect 3 - Passive: decreased by 2% all damage received and increases by 2% all damage done to targets.

Effect 4 - Active: [Teleport]: The user can teleport to anywhere within the domain freely.

Effect 5 - Active: [Space Vibration]: release 3 consecutive waves that cause damage to everyone within range. The first wave deals 1 damage, ignoring the entire defense. The next wave causes double damage from the previous wave. Cooldown: 5 minutes

Range: 10 meters

Duration: 10 minutes

Cost: 10.000 MP

Cooldown: 5 hours


This was a skill of a Rank-E Chest that Lucas opened. Liam did not let him check the effect. The deal was that, Lucas would open a chest and if it was a skill, no matter what, he would learn without identifying before.

Leon tried to buy the skill at the store, but found he did not. Apparently, despite the vast repertoire, the store does not have all the skills. He noticed that some abilities were under the gray name. That meant it was out of stock.


After that, the 3 brothers spent some time talking and getting acquainted with each other's abilities.

Noticing Leon's unlimited potential, Leon sweated cold. I think it's a good thing to have a limit on how many clones he can summon...

Imagine if there were no limits? With his infinite MP, Liam could summon unlimited clones.

Leon reported on what was happening in the world and invited Liam to the guild.

"Fine, but I will not take orders from you. And also, you do not expect me to be responsible. I did not leave work to find another. That's enough of what we have to do in Neutral Dimension. "

After that, the two began planning their lives from now on.

Liam gave Soul Core enough to increase the rank of all of Luke's abilities. For Leon, Liam gave 1 billion Soul Core and 5 Golden Core. He also gave all the skills and equipment books he had no interest at all. Leon was responsible for selling the drops and making money.


Lucas left the brothers' room and went to his. He was not as angry as before. He could have been only 10, but he was not stupid. He understood what the brothers were thinking.

He, even without any skill, is causing confusion, imagine if he had an active ability that he could use early on?

Yes, he knew it was a pest every once in a while. He blames his father. Why did he have to die early?

Wiping the thoughts from his head, he went to the computer and called.

Lucas had come home only to get the soccer ball and would go outside to play with his friend, but now he gave up. André that finds something to do alone, because he had something much more important to do.

When the computer was ready, Liam accessed the internet and wrote in the search box a question: how to increase character attributes without leveling?

It took almost 20 minutes, but after changing a few words here and there, he managed to find some sites that explained.

"Exercising constantly increases Strength, Vitality, Stamina, and possibly Vitality. Reading books, in some RPGs, increases Intelligence. Wise decisions increase Wisdom. Mm... It does not cost anything to try, since there is no chance of them letting me go kill demons... Humph... Stingy..."

Lucas sighed.

"My future looks black..."

There was something in common with all 3 siblings. They all hated studying and reading books. Well, Liam and Leon were still half-saved, since they were fiction fans, but Lucas was a hopeless case. He never had the patience to finish a single page, who will say a 300 page book. He prefers to wait for the movie to come out.

"Now... Where's the library?"

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