《Isekaied with an OP modded build》Chapter 07: meeting old friends
Shit!! That stupid skill!! Why did it activate now!!
"The curse..is..the curse is gone Tabi!! It's really gone!!" The priestess leaps from happiness while the other 2 women keep inspecting themselves with their jaws hanging down.
"Hehe, I told you that my Gabriel is a genius!!" Mom puffs her chest and kisses my head with a proud face.
Dammit!! I should erase their memories or at least alter them? I can do that!!
"P-p-purify? D-d-did he intuitively, and without chant, cast purify to break a legendary class curse?! That's madness!!" The woman mage took few steps back, she is trembling while looking at me like I was a ferocious monster.
"Impressive!! isn't it?! Natalia, My son here will become a better mage than you have ever been!! Wahahaha" mom's evil laughter was heard again. It doesn't matter how many times I hear it, it will always creep me.
"Hmf!! Not in a million years bitch!!" The woman mage Natalia pouted and turned to the side with a blushing face ashamed of her reaction.
"Calm down your tities!! bitches!! And keep the little guy out of your stupid rivalry!!" The short woman interjected between them "if I didn't see it with my own fucking eyes I wouldn't believe it..a human baby able to innately cast magic, are you sure his father is a human?!" with an aggravated tone the short woman walks closer to me and mom, her killing aura that freaked me earlier had shifted to a warm motherly one, this feels...comfortable...
"Yeah, his father is 100% pure human, with sexy abs, a handsome face, a one big fucking-"
"T-t-that's too much detail!! Tabi I don't think Olga was asking about that kind of stuff!!" The priestess interrupted mom with a red flushing face.
"True that I didn't ask about that, but now I'm really interested.." Olga the short woman commented with a curious grin on her face.
"It's his race!!" While the 3 women were having their shenanigans, Natalia kept inspecting me with her skills.
"What do you mean his race?" What Natalia said caught Olga's interest and the 3 women listened to their mage.
"You see, in legends manaborns were known for their high magic affinities and talents, they almost rivaled celestials in the subject!! He was probably able to subconsciously sense the fluctuations of mana inside our bodies and fixed them by injecting his mana into our mana ways. After all, the [Purify] spell is a simple spell that consists in flooding the mana ways with pressured mana to clear any clogged mana ways and flush out all kinds of impurities and foreign elements. How big is his mana pool? and how much control does he have to be able to create enough pressure to dissolve the curse!! And he did all of that with such precision!! we didn't suffer any collateral damage!!" Natalia was walking back and forth rumbling her thoughts, and her friends knew better not to interrupt her.
Damn this woman knows her shit!! She had such a deep understanding of magic I couldn't explain what happened better than she did!!
Natalia walked with swift steps towards mom "Was he born a manaborn?" Natalia's eyes didn't stop scanning me even when she was talking to mom.
"No, he was human at birth and only had a racial change today morning" mom looked pensive while replying.
You motherfucker!! Are you on their side?! Or on mine?! Stop revealing my secrets!! Am I acting too cautious?! Definitely!! There's nothing wrong with that!! I know nothing about these women!! And I prefer they don't know anything about me either!!
"Hmmm, anything happened yesterday?!" Natalia finally took her eyes off me to look at mom.
This is it, I really hope this world has nothing against isekiaed people. I don't wanna deal with a racist mob complaining about how I stole their women and jobs asking me to go back home on every turn. I TOO WAS BORN HERE YOU IDIOTS!!
"Yeah, yesterday he fell in a cauldron of potions I was brewing" answered mom with an innocent smile.
Dammit!! You may fool a village of idiots with that story but not a full-fledged mage with a deep understanding of magic!!
"Yeah, that does make sense," Natalia replied while nodding her head.
NOT YOU TOO!! I was baffled by her reaction, the other 2 women nodded with their heads as if everything made sense now.
"And I bet you have no idea what ingredients you put in the fucking cauldron" added Olga to the discussion.
"Not a clue!!" Mom replied while rubbing the back of her head with her tongue hanging out.
"Sigh, you always had no talent for potion making and only succeeded by sheer luck." said the priestess.
"Suck my dick, Talia!!" Mom replied.
Haha, these women can be very vulgar!! mom included!! I guess this is the kind of language you develop through a long adventuring life filled with death situations.
"Anyways, I think you should keep his powers a secret, you never know who will try to reproduce these circumstances." said Natalia with a serious tone.
"Why don't you go back to the empire? Now that we are freed from the curse we can back you when you face the emperor, I heard about a location of a powerful dragon in the mountains here, if we bring its heart to the emperor, I'm sure he will forg-" Olga was interrupted by mom before she could finish.
"Fuck no!!! On my dead body!! I will never go back there!!" Mom replied with anger in her voice.
"But sweetie, you can't hide forever, and think about your husband, think about your son, they deserve to know the truth don't they?" Talia put her hand on mom's shoulder trying to reason with her.
"What they deserve is a normal happy life, far from the empire, far from him" the sadness in her voice made my heart sink, what is she talking about?! Who is she talking about?! When I look at her face I see tears in her eyes while she tries to smile at me "I want Gabriel to have a proper childhood, with no shackles, I want him to grow free and happy with only his desire to determine his fate"
What's going on?! Why everyone is silent?! The rest are also tearing and looking with sad eyes at mom. "Indeed, I won't be able to shield Alex and Gabriel from the truth forever, but as long as possible I want them to enjoy the bliss of ignorance."
Shit!! How did the mood shift so dark?! What is she talking about?! I need to know!!
"So do you promise mommy to live a happy childhood far from her past?" Mom looks at me as if she is expecting an answer, her eyes pleaded me to agree to her request.
In the face of a true wish from a pained mother, I could only comply.
I promise you, mom, I will do my best to live a happy childhood far from your past.
"Hehe, you are such a good boy" mom hugs me and kisses me.
Wait did she understood my intent?! WHY DIDN'T YOU WHEN I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING SLOW DOWN EARLIER!!
"Hehe, did you see how smart my baby is?! He looks so happy now!!" (Tabi)
"He looks angry to me." (Natalia)
"He does look very agitated again" (Talia)
"Hehe he does look a lot like a baby dwarf" (Olga)
"Shut up you old hags!! You are just jealous of my sweet baby!!" Mom hugs me and shields me from her friends as if they were about to eat me alive.
"T-take that back Tabi!!" (Talia)
"How dare you bitch?! I will make a better baby than yours!!" (Natalia)
"Sigh and I'm supposed to be the angry one?!" (Olga)
The 3 women look at Olga before bursting into laughter.
The 4 women decided to picnic and spend few hours together to catch on to each other. After disbanding the party every one of them went on a different way, mom stole the artifact and moved to the village of Darkwood forest. Natalia joined some sort of academy. Olga is complaining about her new job at the adventuring guild, and Talia is serving Agatha the mother of gods in a temple. Curious about their strength, I activate [Oracle's Eye].
Name Olga McMythril Race Dwarf variant runechild Level 330 Class Ancient Runist Titles
Dragon slyer
Dungeon conqueror
Monster hunter
Knight of Valkyries
Condition - Health 200.000/200.000 (regen 10 per minute) Stamina 150.000/150.000 (regen 5 per minute) Mana 550.000/550.000 (regen 35 per minute) STR 430 DEX 540 SPD 460 VTL 490 CON 560 CHR 420 INT 608 WIS 770 LCK 529
Nice stats!! So this Olga is a dwarf? I never heard about this runechild variant. There's so much in this world that didn't exist in the game!! Honestly, I never expected that a dwarf female could be this beautiful, now that she took off her helmet and parts of her heavy armor she looks stunning!! With black curly hair and green eyes, she had beautiful facial features and a sexy curvy body. With my [Unveiled weave] I can see runes tattooed all over her body. This is what her race and class are about, not just her body is covered in runes, her armor and two-handed axe are clad in them too!!
I guess she is a warrior that utilizes buffs and magic to boost her attacks or reinforce her defense, a warrior that depends on his mana pool more than his stamina pool, this build has so much versatility it made me wish I could go that way, but I already made my decision on what class I will take once I'm ready for it.
Name Natalia Aredhel Summerstar Race Elf Level 320 Titles
Dragon slyer
Dungeon conqueror
Monster hunter
Spell weaver
Rook of Valkyries
Health 100.000/100.000 (regen 3 per minute) Stamina 80.000/80.000 (regen 1 per minute) Mana 800.000/800.000 (regen 3 per second) STR 230 DEX 420 SPD 350 VTL 250 CON 190 CHR 690 INT 1370 WIS 960 LCK 670
Yeah, Natalia is a mage and an elven one on top of that!! Honestly, I didn't notice her long ears hidden behind her long golden silky hair, she was taller than the average woman but with perfect sizes, if Olga was a hot shorty then Natalia is a goddess of beauty. I bet all elves are born with high charisma which gives them perfect figures. Never been so glad to be a baby or I will creep her with my stares. Spirits were dancing all around her in sync with her mana flows, I could even read her emotions from it. She looked at me with her deep blue eyes and smiled. Her porcelain white face enlightened and spirits danced more in excitement.
"Tabi I think your son has a crush on me, hehe"
"No not in a million years!! He will never fall for an old hag like you!!"
I was glad mom pulled me away from Natalia's gaze because her teasing made me blush deeply, to change my mind I check the last member of my mom's party.
Name Zen'Talia Race Human variant Aasimar Level 311 Class Saint Titles
Dragon slyer
Dungeon conqueror
Monster hunter
Celestial child
Bishop of Valkyries
Condition - Health 300.000/300.000 (regen 1 per second) Stamina 50.000/50.000 (regen 50 per hour) Mana 600.000/600.000 (regen 2 per second) STR 190 DEX 530 SPD 420 VTL 710 CON 590 CHR 460 INT 840 WIS 1280 LCK 890
She is the healer, I remember the Aasimar variant from the game since it gave people the ability to sprout wings and fly. This one with her purple short hair looks very adorable, she is probably around the same age as my mother, besides her purple hair and eyes, she just looks like a gorgeous woman, of course till you upset her and she switches form.
One thing I noticed is that all the members of the valkyries party have almost the same set of titles, they have been adventuring together for a long time probably, they have even a title specific for their party, in the game it was a reward for tough raids, so I'm very impressed with how far they went, their title divides them into Queen, Knight, Rook, and bishop. 4 of the different pieces of chess, it probably gives each one of them a certain amount of buffs. Those buffs are probably amplified when they're together. Is that why they feel confident to face an empire and a dragon, I bet they were a real terror in the past.
The other thing I noticed is the fact that all of them have 3rd tier class, the game of Babylon's Gate: infernal revenge had a very fun class system, at level 25 you need to reach the core room of a 10-floor dungeon to select a 1st tier class, then when you reach level 75 you need to find a 50-floor dungeon and reach the core room to advance to 2nd tier class. For a 3rd tier class, you have to be level 150 and reach the core room of a 100-floor dungeon. A challenge that wasn't taken easily even by the best players, but all these women here have 3rd tier classes. Even on earth, they will be given a lot of respect!!
"Before we go you should take this Tabi" Olga gave mom 2 wooden medallions she made on the spot with her knife. the medallions were covered in runes that glow with mana. Mom took them then nodded to her friend. Curious, I activate [identification] and nothing happens, even if I can see the runes and the mana coursing through it, the skill only tells me that I'm looking at a wooden medallion. I decided to use the big guns and I cast [Oracle's Eye] on the medallion.
Veiling medallion (U): a wooden medallion made by Olga McMythril carved with runes to hide and falsify the stat info of the wearer.
Sweet!! Olga, you are the best!!
"I didn't know you were this cheap Olga, to give me wooden medallions for our reunion, I thought dwarves valued their friends" mom was mumbling under her breath.
"No, you stupid redhead!! These medallions will hide your stats from any identification attempt!! It may come very handy if you are discovered" Olga slams the back of mom's head as she replies.
"You will need a new Calling orb too" a space dilatation forms around Natalia's ring and a similar orb to the one my mother used earlier appeared in her hand. The 3 other women touched the orb and infused it with their mana to create the link.
"Thank you, Natalia!!" Mom hugs her friend and I find myself again squeezed between soft pillows, not like I mind that really.
"W-w-wait I have to give you a parting gift too," said Talia after she noticed her friends giving their gifts. She pulled 4 dairies from her storage amulet and passed one to each of her friends.
"Gemini dairies?" Natalia inspected the dairy in her hand before opening it "if you write something in one of them it will appear on the other copies, we can use this to communicate!! very smart!! " she praised her friend.
"Yes!! like this, we can stay in contact with each other no matter what!!" Replied Talia with a happy grin.
"Are you sure nobody can trace them? This 4 may have a 5th copy!!" Olga was troubled with this surprise gift.
"Yes!! Definitely certain!!" Talia blushed before she continued "R-r-Roland m-m-my h-h-husband made them himself" Talia mumbled her last words in a faint voice, but the other women with their monstrous stats didn't fail to catch.
"Did she say husband?" (Olga)
"I don't know which is more miraculous, Tabi bypassing a legendary class curse and having a baby, or this Roland bypassing your legendary chastity belt and marrying you" (Natalia)
"I-I-I HATE YOU ALL!!" the blushing priestess teleported away under the teasing assaults of her friends.
"Now that Talia is gone, you did use that feather to get pregnant didn't you?" Olga turned to mom and gave her a serious look.
"I-i don't know what you are talking about I already told you that I lost it on my way here" mom looked at the side while sweating, she is such a bad liar.
"You moron!! you could've killed yourself!!" Natalia smacked the back of mom's head, apparently, this is something that happens a lot.
"Ouch!! But!! But!! It worked better than anyone told me!!" Mom faked being hurt which was obvious too.
"You realize that even if the empire forgives you for what you did, the church will never do." (Olga)
"Yeah, I know, and I don't care!! I love my life here with Alex and Gabriel" mom caresses my hair while replying.
"Sight, even if you do, you stole one of their most precious relics!! They will definitely do everything to get your head, and if they can't hurt you now that you are back to full strength, they will try to hurt the people you love" (Natalia)
Mom's aura shifts and the monsters far in the forest start screaming and running away "I dare them to fucking try!!"
"Hoi hoi!! take it easy drama queen!! " Olga grabs mom's shoulder to calm her down "What Natalia mean is that you won't have any backing if you face them directly, and such a battle may cause the death of someone you cherish, but if you reconcile with the empire, it will give you the backing you need to keep your family unharmed"
Mom's aura shifts back to normal and she holds me closer "I know!! I perfectly know what you are saying!! But for now, I just want to enjoy a peaceful life, just for a while, can't I have that?"
Natalia holds mom's hand and I can see tears in her eyes "whatever occurs, we will always be on your side."
"Forever!!" Olga forms a fist and holds it up.
"Thank you guys you are the best" mom choke on her tears before parting ways with her friends. They teleport away and we are back alone in the middle of nowhere.
Before I could complain, mom launched herself like a bullet in the direction of the village. I'm proud to say that no diaper accident happened on the way home. It was a tiring day and I couldn't wait to go back to bed.
- In Serial63 Chapters
The Terran Traveller
A dark, science fantasy tale of a man, Subject 513, sent to another world as an experimental test subject. WARNING: This is not your typical isekai, wish-fulfillment story. You have been warned. In the year 2022, a mass-transit of test subjects occurred inside the confines of a vast, underground research facility. The 500 or-so individuals taking part in this secret experiment -- labelled: The 1st Beta Phase -- were force-transferred to another world under the direction of Project Prometheus. These test subjects had one, singular role: to act as "baseline tests" for future, planned experiments. Among the individuals taking part in the experiment, was Subject 513… ...sirens blared throughout the 4th Research Facility as an anomalous event transpired within one of the many transfer pods... “Subject 513: missing. Force-transfer procedure has been cancelled. Foreign matter detected.” Those were the last words uttered by the life-support system monitoring Subject 513’s vitals, as it shut down indefinitely. As 513’s consciousness faded into the void, his physical presence left on Earth crumbled to dust, blanketing the floor of the transfer pod he was stored within, in grey ash... ...when he awoke, the last few years of his life had seemingly been plucked-away from his memories. And to make matters worse, he found himself trapped under the gaze of a ravenous beast, ready to tear him apart... Join Subject 513 on his grueling journey of struggle, misery, and search for purpose, as he navigates through an unfamiliar world alone. What to expect: -Gore-Horror-Humor-Multiple character focus-Psychological elements-Survival-Tragedy-Under-powered MC-Atypical Isekai / Transmigration story My goals are to: -Become a better writer-Release on a set schedule: 2-week cycle (currently)-Create exciting scenarios-Deliver an immersive experience-Provide a rich, expansive fictional world How the chapters are divided: -Normal chapters provide the Micro aspects of the story-Interlude chapters provide the Macro aspects of the story-Supplementary chapters provide side stories and miscellaneous information such as maps and journal entries Author's Notes: Feel free to join my Discord server where I update my content status and schedule releases: https://discord.gg/KKmk4Bc
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first love ─ sabrina quesada
| 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄. ❪🧸🌻🪐❫ ❝ 𝙞𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 lily and sab dated for a while when lily lived in florida then broke up. lily got famous and got invited to move into 'just a house la' -𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝘂𝘀.. ongoing-𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱.. 04.12.21-𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱.. 00.00.00
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