《Isekaied with an OP modded build》Chapter 06: Fuck me...
It was almost noon when I woke up, I felt refreshed and energetic like I could run a marathon. However, it was when I opened my eyes that the first significant change hit me.
I can see now!! I can see everything!!
And by everything, I mean literally everything!! Besides the fact that my vision became crystal clear, I also perceive mana all around me without using any skill!! Does this manaborn variant possesses an innate mana vision?! Probably, I need to get used to this I guess.
By giving my entourage a better look, I can see mana dance and shift in different colors, yellow in the light and black in the shadows, brown closer to the wooden ceiling, and blue coming out of a jar of water. I guess these colors relate to types of elemental mana? Very interesting, I do have a modded skill that has a similar ability, an active skill called [mana vision], It doesn't only let me see the ambient mana around me, but also give me a see-through vision, there's even a mode that let me see everything in mana form, an ability similar to heat vision but using mana, the only downside of this skill is that it's monochromatic, you can't differentiate between the various types of mana.
But this!! This makes everything looks so majestic!! and it can come in handy during a fight, with some experience, I will be able to recognize spells before they leave the caster's hand!! When I checked the new skill's details this is what I found.
[Arcane sight] (U) (Max): Passive skill that grants the user a natural ability to see mana in its truest aspect.
Aha, so it's a unique skill!! And looks like [1000 years of mastery] perk is still working. It automatically maxes every skill I gain instantaneously. This explains why the skill is so powerful, it's already maxed out!!
As I keep messing with the new skill I decided to try something, I start switching between [Mana Vision] and [Arcane Sight] it felt like shifting from an old black and white TV to a new 4k flatscreen, the only thing that was still beneficial in that skill was the see-through ability and the heat vision like thing. On any other aspect [Arcane sight] beat it with a large advantage.
First, because it Is a passive skill, and passive skills don't cost me mana due to [Sin of Sloth] perk. One of the seven deadly sins perks that I possess, it reduces the cost of passive skills to none.
Second, the multi-color display of mana is just too valuable. Not just in combat, but during enchantments too, I can see myself casting multilayered enchantments with various elements, that way I can make better enchanted weapons, armors, and tools
Another idea came to my mind, what if I try to use both [Mana Vision] and [Arcane Sight] at the same time? Ummm, that's a good question. In the game, it was impossible to activate 2 overlapping skills at the same time, since when you trigger one the second will deactivate, but it's worth testing here.
I split my focus between both skills and it was so fucking hard!! My head was about to split from the pain!! But I held on and kept going. My vision became blurry again and my eyes felt like they were popping out, I was about to stop that torture when I felt something click in and everything seemed to work, the harsh pain faded and my vision was back.
Congratulations!! You have fused the skills [Mana Vision] and [Arcane Sight] to create [Unveiled Weave].
[Unveiled Weave] (M) (Max): Passive skill that reveals all the secrets of the weaved mana to the user.
Sweet!! This sounds great!! A mythical passive skill that reveals to me all the secrets of mana? I can't wait to try it!!
Before I had a chance to test my new skill, my mother walked into the room with swift dancing steps, Joy and happiness brightening her face. She held me up and started twirling around.
"Yaaaaay!! My savior finally woke up!!" She pulled me close to her and hugged me.
No no no!! She is not supposed to find out!! HOW DID SHE FOUND OUT?! HER WISDOM IS ONLY 6!! Sight...it's her fucked up high luck stat, isn't it? She is just following her guts.
"Hehe, mommy is so happy that you broke that vile curse!! Thank you so much!!"
Her hug is so warm and affectionate, maybe it's ok if she knows, she may treat me better like this, not like she was treating me bad or anything, but I won't mind being spoiled.
She lowers her voice and whispers to me "But don't tell your Dad about it. He doesn't know"
What the fuck?! Did she hide from my father the fact that she was cursed ?! This sounds shady to me!! And how am I supposed to tell him?! Did she guess that I can use telepathy?! This woman's intuition is scary!!
After feeding me, changing my diapers -that was clean by the way, I guess manaborns don't have that kind of needs- she took me out of the house for the first time, dad was in his garden working on his medicinal plants, I decided to check his status with [Oracle's eye].
Name Alex Race Human Level 21 Class - Titles - Conditions - Health 150/150 (regen 3 per Hour) Stamina 183/200 (regen 5 per Hour) Mana 250/250 (regen 10 per Hour) STR 15 DEX 12 SPD 10 VTL 11 CON 10 CHA 30 INT 45 WIS 60 LCK 17
He is a low-level classless human?! How did these 2 ends up together?! This sounds like a fun story!! I guess it's hard to level up from just growing plants. If the mechanics of this world are similar to that of the game you only get a class after you hit level 25, And reach the core room of a 10-floor dungeon, where you can choose a class from a selection made based on your stats. I can't wait to get there!! But it will be a long way!! Especially that I don't see them sending kids to clear dungeons, this world should have some common sense!! For sure, right?!
"Hey, babe!! Are you taking Gabriel on a walk?!" Dad smiles at us while watering his plants.
"Yes, honey!! There are few friends I wanna present him to!!" She answers him with excitement in her voice.
"Ok, just make sure to cover him, we don't want him to catch a cold" he replies before he turns back to his plants.
"Hehe, sure!! sure!!" She then tugs me close to her chest and we walk through the village.
The village was nice, it looked like it came right out of a postcard, I could spend a vacation here. What am I saying!! I will spend the next few years here!! Haha!!
As we walked people were greeting mom and asking her about the accident yesterday, then asking about my eyes and hair. Why?! what's wrong with them?! I swiftly cast [Magic Eye] and inspect myself.
Fuck!! I should have inspected my body before my skills!! My red hair turned to a mixture of white and red locks, it did look very nice though, but the big change was my eyes!! They were glowing bright blue!! If people didn't notice them I would've said that I only can see them glowing because of my [Unveiled Weave], but since everyone is commenting on them, it means everyone can see the glow!!
"Hehe, did you see how pretty they're!! It's because he fell into the potion's cauldron!! Gabriel will become a magic genius!!" My mom replied to them every time she was asked about it with pride in her voice.
See this is the thought process of a person with 6 points of wisdom!! How the fuck would dipping your baby in a boiling potion cauldron would make them geniuses!! What surprised me the most wasn't her explanation, but the fact that everyone believed it!! as if what she said made sense!!
Too tired of this, I decided to go with the flow as we walk through the village. We reached the outskirts close to the forest and mom didn't meet her said friends yet.
"Gabriel, hold on to me, mommy will run"
Wait!! WhaaaaaaAAAAHHHHH?! I refuse to feel ashamed from wetting my diaper, she shot herself like a bullet!! I couldn't even hear my screams!! Everything around me was moving so fast!! It was so terrifying that I decided to close my eyes!!
WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME, STUPID MOTHER?!! Thanks to [thought acceleration] I quickly manipulate my hud to let the minimap appear on the upper right corner of my field of vision.
We were moving fast!! so fast!! The village had already disappeared from the minimap!! And we keep heading deeper into the Darkwood forest!! Who are these friends that she will meet there?! Are they monsters or evil witches?! Is she going to sacrifice me?! Maybe I should teleport myself back to the village!! And running this fast with a newborn baby on board!! What is she thinking?! If it wasn't for my perks I will be already dead!!
A million questions rushed through my mind, and before I could make a decision she had slowed down and stopped.
"Hehe, It was fun, wasn't it?!"
Never...do...that..again...YOU HEAR ME!!
"Yes, I knew that you will love it!!"
It's not what I said, woman!! How could she confuse rage with excitement?! Why isn't dad here when I need him?! He gets exactly what I mean!!
We stopped in a field of flowers surrounded by giant trees, I have to admit that it looked so beautiful with all the spirits and fairies dancing around the flowers. I bet she can't see them, another shout to my new skill!! It was such a beautiful spot!! it made me forgive my stupid mother for almost killing me.
"Let's see, I hope they reply fast!! I can't wait to present you to your aunties!!"
What?! What are you talking about?!
My mother touches her left earring, then infuses it with mana. It distorts the space around it before a blue crystal ball, the size of a baseball appears from the distortion.
Aha!! a storage earring!! And a calling orb?!
Mom catches the orb and throws it to the ground to shatter it into a million pieces.
Yes, It's definitely a calling orb!!
Calling orbs are rare items from the game, once shattered, It sends an alert to the people connected to it, with the location where it was destroyed. It's generally used during emergencies when a member of a party gets ambushed and needs reinforcement. I guess she is using it to call the said "aunties"?
A few seconds later, magic circles form on the ground. I bet I'm the only one able to see them with [Unveiled Weave] space distort around them the same way it did with the storage earring. So that's how space magic looks like, I bet these circles are teleportation circles. Fuck!! If I can see them before they even finish forming then nobody will be able to attack me by surprise using teleportation!! This new skill is so useful!!
Before I finish contemplating my awesomeness, 3 figures appear in front of us with full gear and armor ready to fight!!
"Natalia cast your fucking shield!!" A short woman in golden armor holding a beautiful enchanted two-handed axe scream to the woman in white silky robes on her side, the latter hits the ground with her silver staff and a 3 layered [Magic Shield] extend around us, it's was impressive!!
"Bitch I know my job!!" The woman in white silky robes retorts to the short woman.
The 3rd woman was wearing silver armor on top of what looked like a blue priestess uniform. She ran towards us and started casting healing magic.
"Tabi!! Are you injured!! What's the situation?!" The woman in silver armor kept checking my mom for any injuries. Fuck!! these women are so extraordinary!! They took control over the situation so fast!! Who are they?!
"Hehe, don't worry Talia!! I'm okay!! Actually, I am better than ever!!"
After inspecting the surroundings the short woman turns to mom with a scary expression on her face.
"What the fuck Tabi!! Why did you use the calling orb?! We thought the Imperial knights found you!!" She spits her words with such rage, it almost made me wet my diaper again!!
"Hehe, always happy to see me, Olga, I knew that you missed me" the short woman turns to the side trying to avoid eye contact with mom, but still mumble insults under her breath, the woman in white silky robes let the [Magic Shield] down, then pet the short woman's shoulder and walked towards mom with a smile on her face.
"Long time no see Tabi, you were missed indeed" she got closer to mom and hugged her. "Ohh who's that little guy?! Hey there!!" The woman in white silky robes only noticed me after she hugged my mother for a while, a good thing she wasn't wearing heavy armor!! I have to admit that it felt...Soft.
"Hehe, this is my son!! Gabriel, I made him myself!!" Mom stood up proudly showing me to the 3 women as if she was bragging about an apple pie she made.
"What do you mean your son?! OMG!! TABI THE CURSE IS GONE!! HOW DID YOU BREAK IT?!" The woman in sliver armor and blue priestess uniform interjected after inspecting my mother's status, fuck!! If it continues like this!! These women will discover my secret!! I doubt they are as dumb as my mother!!
"What do you mean she broke the curse?!! DAMMIT!! YOU REALY BROKE THE FUCKING CURSE!!" the short woman screamed with a grin on her face, she looks scarier when she is happy!!
"This...is...true...omg!! Do you know what this means Tabi?! We can break it too!!" The woman in white silky robes held my mom's hand with excitement.
Wait a second!! Are they suffering from the same curse?! Are these women members of mom's party?! That makes sense, but I'm sorry ladies. I refuse to expose my secrets!! who knows if they can be trusted!!
"Yes, you can!! But it wasn't me who broke it!! It was him!!" Mom held me up to the 3 women.
"""WHAT?!!""" The 3 women screamed at the top of their lungs.
"He looks agitated, maybe you shouldn't hold him like that?" The priestess said.
"He does look special, with those glowing blue eyes, Is it a trait of your family? and his hair... He almost looks like your father" said the woman mage while inspecting me.
"Nope!! he looks like HIS DAD!!" Mom pulled me back against her chest as if she was offended by what the woman mage said.
"FUCK ME!! HE IS A LEVEL 5!! AND HE HAS TITLES!!" The short woman looked at me with curious eyes that made me really feel uncomfortable.
"Curse breaker!! Holy agent!! HOLY AGENT!! By Agatha mother of Gods!! This child is a gift from the heavens!!" The priestess was surprised after inspecting me too.
"This doesn't make any sense!! I thought manaborns were something from fairytales the elder elves made up!! To see one!! I can't believe my eyes!!" The mage woman said.
"Yup!! my Gabriel is the best!! He will become the greatest hero of all time!!" my mom was again holding me up as if showing some kind of trophy.
"Tabi, I'm happy for you but, I don't think a newborn can break the curse even if he's a holy agent" the priestess tried to reason with my mother.
"He did it for me yesterday!! Before I slept the curse was still there, but after I woke up it was gone!! And he had leveled up and gained titles!! He was the one who did it!!"
Okay, I'm impressed with her reasoning, WHY DID I BREAK HER CURSE SO SOON?! HOW CAN I BE SO DUMB WITH MAXED WISDOM!!
"Come on Gabriel do the thing!!" Mom holds me closer to her friends and shakes me a little bit.
"Hoi hoi!! Be nice with the kid!!" The short woman interjects.
"Don't tell me how to treat my son!!" Mom keeps shaking me closer to them as if it will change anything and the women look at me with sad eyes.
"You know that we can wait a decade or two Tabi" the woman mage tries her luck too.
"Nope, he can do it!! I SAID THAT HE CAN DO IT!!"
Muhahaha you can shake me as much as you want mother!! You won't ma-
[Akashic Library] detected the Curse of Witch of Death in the proximity.
[Akashic Library] will cast [Purify] automatically on the curse.
Congratulations!! [Akashic Library] successfully broke the curse.
You gained 9000 XP
You leveled up!!
+ 10 stat points
You leveled up!!
+ 10 stat points
You leveled up!!
+ 10 stat points
You leveled up!!
+ 10 stat points
You leveled up!!
+ 10 stat points
You leveled up!!
+ 10 stat points
Congratulations!! You cleared the hidden quest Save the Valkyries.
Please check your quest list
Fuck me...
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