《The Rise of the Soul Stealer》Chapter 3: A Short Lived Peace


Melakios had become 10. He had learned all he could from Miss Batibat and the Pisachas. Now he spent most of his time hanging out with Ash, who was 13, or sneaking around the mansion. On one rather cool day, for even the Demon Realm has the changing of the seasons, Melakios saw the plump Miss Batibat rushing towards the main building with haste. She was riding on what seemed to be a flying log.

He could also see the other three tower guardians arriving as well.

He saw a woman flying on a cloud. She was one of the Hali, a storm bringer. She went by Ala to everyone here. Under her cloud, static discharge could be seen striking the ground periodically. She herself was scaled, like a lizard. Her scales were black and her hair was the color of a thunder cloud; dark, deep, and grey.

At first, Ala was incredibly hostile to Melakios. But after so many years and getting to know him, she, too welcomed his presence in the mansion.

Behind her were the twins of the front most towers. Culsu and Culsans were the gate keepers and made sure nobody troublesome made it inside.

Culsu was a beautiful looking lady that carried a torch that never went out. Her temperament was as passionate and ever burning as her torch.

Culsans was a cool and calm but rather effeminate man with a stark disposition. Sometimes, though, he would switch personalities and become a strange guy who creeped Melakios out.

Either way, neither one of the two treated him like they used to. Even as they passed, they gave Melakios a smiling look and walked towards the Main Hall where Eligor met his guests.

Melakios knew something was happening and so dashed towards the side of the building and climbed onto the roof with the help of some equipment the soldiers never put up. He ran to the hole in the roof he made many years ago and hid amongst the rafters after hiding his presence.


From this point of view, one could see and even hear all that was said in the meeting room. It was not a throne room, or an entryway, it was Eligor’s very own war room. There were massive bookcases all around the room with each shelf stuffed full of dusty documents and bug ridden books.

In the center of the room, there was a massive circular table looking object. On the top of the object was a map of the nearby area of the Demon Realm surrounding the mansion. Eligor probably used this device to observe wars in all the Realms.

There were ten seats surrounding the map, with only three of the seats being sat on. The four tower guardians had entered and stood against the wall. The ones sitting at the table were Eligor and Cernunnos, of course. But the other demon sitting was someone Melakios knew all too well. He was Davy Jones, the Devil of the Deep. He commanded Eligor’s massive naval fleet and despised Melakios to the core.

Davy Jones was a little shorter than Cernunnos, but not by much. He had perpetually wet hair, as if he had just come out of the bath. His hair was green, his eyes were green, and even his teeth were green. But that didn’t mean anything to some of the ladies in the mansion. He had broad shoulders and strong muscles. He exuded a strong aura that made others feel like they were suffocating.

He embodied what a true demon should be like. He was a greedy and powerful killer. And he hated, absolutely loathed the living human beings. He kept trying to find fault in everything Melakios did to undermine Eligor’s trust in Cernunnos. Davy Jones was always suspicious of him, especially after he had brought a human baby.


“I take it that with the people present, we are talking about that human brat?”

“Indeed, it seems the Succubi have become interested in him.”

“HA! Just send the little bugger away, why do we need him here?”

Davy Jones actually smiled and waved his hand to show his noncommittal attitude. However, The tall man with antlers got a little heated.

“Because if the Succubi get their hands on him, who knows what might happen to him?”

“Calm down, Cernunnos.”

Eligor sighed and was about to continue, but Davy Jones interrupted and glared at his rival.

“Yes, calm down. Someone might think you actually cared about a pathetic human!”

“JONES! Enough! The Succubi have sent a representative to discuss these matters. That is why I have called the Four Corners here.”

Eligor himself seemed tired. Thanks to the trouble one of his Generals, he now had to deal with such a dangerous being as Lilith. She had even seduced an Angel!

As old as the first humans created by God, Lilith is a moody being. She never listens to others and does things her own way. Her children all had powerful abilities of the night and none were more powerful than the envoy appearing today.

At that time, a knock rang throughout the room, followed by the voice of one of the maids.

“Master Eligor, the representatives are here to see you, Sir.”

Upon hearing that there were multiple people arriving, Davy Jones threw a questioning look towards Cernunnos to see his reaction but was disappointed to find him unsurprised. Rather, Cernunnos had a grim appearance.

“Master Eligor, I present Young Master Lilu and Young Mistress Lilitu of the Lilim Household as well as their chaperone, Ardat Lili.”

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