《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 51


Seconds turned to minutes and minutes into hours. Only then, Jin Yuanjun's special situation ended, "how marvelous," Jin Yuanjun commented as her eyes returned to their normal color.

"Young Miss, is it really about curses?" The maid beside Jin Yuanjun followed up her comment.

"Of course, how could young master Lin give me anything else?" Jin Yuanjun smiled at her maid Shao Zhu.

"Then are you going to practice?" Shao Zhu, the maid's face was filled with worry. She had been with Jin Yuanjun ever since she was but a child. She watched with pride as she grew into a fine beauty that could topple nations. Naturally, she also knew her obsession with curses as she was the one that caused it by telling her tales of ancient curse masters.

"Why should I not follow through with it? As to what other people think, I don't care," Jin Yuanjun then turned and faced Shao Zhu, the maid, "if you can't follow me anymore because of this, I, JIn Yuanjun promise not to hold you to it."

"I live for the miss," Shao Zhu immediately bowed to show her sincerity in serving her miss. To say she lived to serve Jin Yuanjun wouldn't be far from the truth, as since she was a little girl, she was trained and cultivated to give Jin Yuanjun's matters the most priority. That plus, she would be a fool to leave the miss's side seeing the conducive environment.

I knew she wouldn't leave me. Jin Yuanjun was happy with her maid's response. She had spent more time around her than her parents, so naturally, she grew more attached to her.

"Girl Jin, when are we going to head out?" The voice asked impatiently. "You have no idea how long I have sat on that shelf," the voice added.

"We can head out anytime," Jin Yuanjun stored the book in her spatial ring. "By the way, senior, if you wouldn't mind me asking," walking out the door, Jin Yuanjun continued. "How did you come into existence? Did young master create you?" Jin Yuanjun asked as she gazed at the starry sky. Though, the land was silent, devoid of chirping crickets and hooting owls. Jin Yuanjun didn't find it ominous. Instead, a feeling of tranquility overwhelmed her to the point where, were it not for the mission at hand. She would have fallen asleep.


"Hmph, not even I know how I existed," a small book-like figure circled Jin Yuanjun's head. "I simply found myself existing," the book explained to the best it could.

"Enough about that. Do you know how to start?" The book dismissed Jin Yuanjun's question.

"About that, senior, where am I to find resentful spirits?" Jin Yuanjun questioned. The book had instructed her to gather negative energy to start practicing curses, and where best to get negative energy than from resentful spirits?

"Girl Jin, were you even listening to my teachings?" The book stopped circling Jin Yianjun and approached her face.

Jin Yuanjun panicked as she tried to remember whatever the book had said about resentful spirits, "battlefields?" She wasn't sure.

"Hmph, so you still remember?" The book continued with its circling, and what it hoped to achieve remained unknown to Jin Yuanjun.

"Senior, then where am I to find battlefields?" Jin Yuanjun spent most of her life inside her household, so she wasn't aware of most things.

"That's not a problem. Who do you think I am?" The book flickered with dark light, "I can already sense more than a thousand battlefields with a rich resentment aura.

Before Jin Yuanjun could speak, the book wrapped her and her maid and shot to the sky with unimaginable speed.


Golden light illuminated the silent night. With it, countless illusionary figures were revealed to be escaping from a burly bald man adorned in yellow robes and white boots. His right hand was placed vertically on his enormous chest. He wore a huge bead necklace on his neck.

"Amitabha, may Gautama Buddha guide you to your next life," the monk said as he played with a small bead necklace.

Didn't this place used to be a dark church? Did they get slaughtered and leave behind these resentment spirits? The monk wondered as he chased for another resentment spirit.

"You bald donkey, why can't you chase others?" The resentment spirit cried out as it ran for its life, they had thought the man was a passerby that they could easily corrupt, but alas, it was their worst enemy. A monk.


"Amitabha, may Gautama Buddha guide you to your next life," the monk said to the resentment spirit as golden light emanated from him and shot to the resentment spirit.

"Nooooo..." the spirit cried out, "I don't want to be reincarnated. I still haven't asked my debts from that bastard Tian Longwei," the spirit wailed for mercy, but nihility is all it got.

After exorcising the spirit, the monk halted his steps, "If I continue to hunt here, I should be able to gather enough auspicious merit to refine my golden body to the second wheel," the monk fished out a talisman and checked the number of auspicious merits he had already gathered.

The monk put back his talisman and stepped forward to continue with his hunting. Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he caught a rapidly flying object. As he turned his head to confirm what it was, the thing had already arrived, and despite the fast speed, the landing was smooth.


"Senior, you scared me," a heavenly voice caught the monk's attention.

Jin Yuanjun was surprised by the speed they traveled to get here. It was a whole lot faster than when she traveled on Lin Feng's cloud.

"Hmm, that's not even one percent of my speed," the book boasted.

"Amitabha Buddha, can I know what the Donors' names are?" Jin Yuanjun finally looked up and saw the burly man.

A bald donkey? She thought as she scanned the monk's clothes. During her time at home, she had seen multiple figures visit them, and her father always referred to them as bald donkeys.

"Greetings, our names are not important. We are here to visit this place," Jin Yuanjun said politely and started to walk away. She didn't want to initiate the conversation with others, especially since she was about to practice a taboo.

"Halt," the monk shouted to the departing girls. "Trying to avoid me?" The monk's eye shone golden. "This monk Fa can see at a glance that you're evildoers," golden light emanated from monk Fa's body and shot towards Jin Yuanjun and her maid.

"W-What...?" Monk Fa stumbled back as he watched his exorcising light. It is supposed to exorcise them. Why are they enjoying it?

The golden light descended on Jin Yuanjun and her maid, giving them a relaxing feeling, "You bald donkey, what are you doing?" Jin Yuanjun barked out after the light disappeared.

"Emm.. young miss..." Shao Zhu, the maid, approached Jin Yuanjun and explained the purpose of the monk's light.

"What? He thinks we are spirits?" Jin Yuanjun was annoyed after hearing the explanation.

"Should I kill him?" The maid drew her sword. Killing the monk would be a breeze to her.

"Eh?" Ji Yuanjun was shocked by her maid's decisiveness, "killing him is a bit too much," though Jin Yuanjun had been raised to be a person with no qualms when it came to killing, she had no reason to slay the bald donkey.

"Let him go," Jin Yuanjun gestured for the monk to walk away, "Let's do what brought us here," Jin Yuanjun told her maid.

The monk hesitated no longer. He summoned his sword and disappeared in a flash.

"Young miss, what if he brings trouble later?" The maid sheathed her sword.

"Then let's hurry and start practicing if he comes. He will be a tool for experimentation," Jin Yuanjun casually said.

"As you will," the maid didn't ponder on the matter anymore.

Good spirit, worthy of the one my master chose, the book that had remained silent throughout the whole encounter suddenly thought as it slowly circled Jin Yuanjun's head.

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