《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 50


Lin Feng arrived at the simple house with excitement written all over his face. He didn't stop and rushed towards the black door and pushed it open.

"Young master Lin?" A voice he was familiar with greeted him.

"Oh, surnamed Jin, are you done with your cultivation?" Lin Feng looked at the smiling girl before him and asked.

"Yes, and it was fruitful too. All thanks to you." Jin Yuanjun's face showed her sincerity, just a few days of cultivation inside the secret realm proved to be bountiful as she pushed through the immortal realm, her maid's cultivation improved too, by a major realm at that. They had to stop cultivation in fear of advancing too fast and encountering hidden issues.

"That was all your hard work," Lin Feng absent-mindedly answered her. His gaze was fixated on her face as he gave her a puzzled face.

Jin Yuanjun blushed at Lin Feng's inquisitive look. Does he want to make a move? I won't back down if he does.

"Miss Jin..." Lin Feng started.

"P-Please.. call me Y-Yuanjun," Jin Yuanjun's face was beet red. Is it happening? She was a little expectant.

"Okay, miss Yuanjun, what is that on your face?" Lin Feng asked.

"What?" Jin Yuanjun raised an eyebrow at the question. Her maid quickly examined her face but was unable to determine what Lin Feng referred to.

"You can't see it?" Lin Feng frowned, and he stretched his hands to grab what he was referring to.

Lin Feng was basically grabbing air to the two girls and beast, but to Lin Feng, it was a thin strand that elongated from Jin Yuanjun and disappeared in the air. It was the same to those he had seen on the chess pieces.

Lin Feng ignored the confused looks the two girls gave him and followed the string. It wasn't long before Lin Feng discovered the destination. A thin strand of red string firmly attached to a book on the shelf. Lin Feng was surprised, so he reached out and grabbed the book from the shelf. Lin Feng dusted the ancient book, and behold.

With a black cover and a gloomy aura surrounding it, the book was as ominous as it could get. Lin Feng held the book with his left hand and used his other hand to open it. The first to greet his sight was a bloody word written in bold, [CURSES]. Lin Feng flinched at the overly dramatic introduction and wondered just who it was that wrote the book, conveniently ignoring his name written just below the title.


He then proceeded to read a few lines just after the title. Is it a book of curses? Lin Feng thought. He read a few more lines and closed the book; It is indeed about curses. The book talked of the requirements and various rituals that quickly bored him. The more he read about it, the more he felt it was something he knew. But that was the mystery of the books on the shelf. The more he read them, the more assured he was the one who wrote them, but it was a mystery when he did.

I'll continue that later. Lin Feng dismissed his thoughts and approached Jin Yuanjun, "Miss Yuanjun, are you perhaps interested in curses?" Lin Feng watched as the girl's face was overcome by surprise.

"Young master Lin, how did you know?" Jin Yuanjun asked inquisitively, from a young age, the topic on curses had greatly intrigued her. She remembered not how she came across the topic, but all she knew was that she was intensely interested in the matter, but alas, curses were a taboo practice that cultivators didn't dare perform openly, so finding someone to teach her or introduce her was hard.

Eventually, she gave up and decided to pursue other things.

"That thing on your face," Lin Feng reached out and grabbed the string connecting the girl to the book. "It's like a string that connects you to the book," Lin Feng said as he gave the string a gentle tug. Despite his pulling, Jin Yuanjun remained unmoved.

"Strings of fate?" Jin Yuanjun bluttered out. That's what came to her mind with how Lin Feng explained it. I thought it was just an expression. Jin Yuanjun had heard of the phrase many times, but she never took it literally.

"Strings of fate?" It was the first time Lin Feng heard of the name, " that's a good name, way to go, miss Yuanjun." Lin Feng raised a thumb to Jin Yuanjun's naming sense.

"Then I think it is fate that I hand this book to you," Lin Feng handed the black book to the blushing Jin Yuanjun.

"T-Then... I will take it," Jin Yuanjun wasn't going to act polite and reject first only to be persuaded later, especially since she considered Lin Feng as family.


Jin Yuanjun trembled once she was in contact with the book, the aura the book had was so powerful and chilly that she froze.

"Miss Yuanjun?" Lin Feng casually tapped Jin Yuanjun's head.

The fierce aura disappeared with the tap, and Jin Yuanjun was back to normal," Young master, this book is so gloomy," Jin Yuanjun complained.

"It is about curses," Lin Feng shrugged off her question, " What did you expect?"

Jin Yuanjun finally opened the book, wails, obscene and taboo words assaulted her. She blushed at the obscenities of some of the words and gave Lin Feng a weird look. What were you writing? She thought.

Lin Feng raised an eyebrow at her look, so she also thinks the word is a little bit dramatic. Lin Feng knew she had seen his name on the book hence her weird look. But I don't remember writing it, so it doesn't count.

"Miss Yuanjun, I will be heading in to try some new activities," Lin Feng pointed at the black door. "Meanwhile, you can use the place as you see fit," Lin Feng approached the black door once again and easily pushed it open.

Jin Yuanjun looked at the departing figure that was Lin Feng. I feel I have gotten closer to young master LIn. Jin Yuanjun thought as her gaze returned to the book.

"You have what it takes to pursue this practice. The question is do you dare?" A voice sounded inside Jin Yuanjun's head, causing her to frown.

"Who?" she said.

"Panic not young mortal, it is I the book you behold, "

Jin Yuanjun finally connected the book to the voice. She wasn't afraid or shocked anymore. After all, the things she had seen under Lin Feng's company were so beyond normal that she developed an immunity.

"Why should I not dare? With young master Lin's strength, anything is possible," Jin Yuanjun's voice was filled with confidence.

"Indeed it is as you say," the book glowed. " My master's strength is absolute," the book glowed darker. "But girl Jin, are we testing the master, or are we testing you?"

"T-This..." Jin Yuanjun was at a loss for words. It was as the book said. It was not Lin Feng but her that was under the book's test, so she had to use strength of her own.

"Girl Jin, I sense some fears hidden deep within you. If you don't face them, they will consume you."

Jin Yuanjun thought of the problem that brought her to meet Lin Feng, her father forcing her to marry the son of another star lord. Ever since meeting Lin Feng, she had repressed the fear and conveniently ignored them.

"Girl Jin, I will show you the way, and you shall gather your strength to fight your battles. The master needs no burdens," the book glowed passionately.

Jin Yuanjun Thought of the words of the book, it was correct. If she wished to stay closer to Lin Feng, she would have to deal with the heart's troubles. She would have to prove to her parents that she could do without them, and she wasn't a bargaining chip for their deals.

"Then show me the way," Jin Yuanjun's eyes burned with determination and firm resolve.

"Wonderful child, your soul shines so brightly that this old man has to cover his eyes," the book praised Jin Yuanjun's resolve as a dark aura engulfed Jin Yuanjun, and her eyes turned black.

What exactly is the miss doing? The maid remained in the dark about Jin Yuanjun's matter, but that wasn't an issue to her as her master's fate was hers too.

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