《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 17


Lin Feng and Mei Lin were waking up. Lin Feng got out of the house and washed his face. He didn't need to be doing any of that as he never got dirty even if he tried, he had always found this weird, he assumed the change was due to him opening his meridians as things started changing ever since.

"Good morning, master!" A sweet voice came from behind Lin Feng.

"It is a wonderful morning indeed." Lin Feng replied without turning back.

After washing his face, Lin Feng took out a rice paper and brush intending to paint the sunrise, he wanted to paint from his usual position, but he decided against it, painting the sunrise was also a hobby Lin Feng had developed during the five years, Lin Feng calmly observed the sunrise, he then started to paint, he captured the hiding sun, the trees that blocked the sun and the birds that were perched on the tree, Mei Lin observed the painting, she was once again impressed by her master's abilities, she could feel the raging hotness that came from the hiding sun, she didn't doubt the painting could kill her despite her high cultivation.

"I wonder how scary it would be if master draws the sun in its full glory." Mei Lin couldn't help but wonder how fierce the painting would be.

Lin Feng looked at the picture and appreciated it. The painting was perfect but there was a problem. He hadn't improved since he began his painting journey. In fact, in everything that he put his mind into he always ended up doing it perfectly, hence his disinterest in a lot of things.

Lin Feng rolled the painting and gave it to Mei Lin, she knew what to do with it, and so she took it to a room filled with Lin Feng's other masterpieces.

Lin Feng knew he had to find something to do. This was also a major reason for him to go on an adventure around the world.

Mei Lin, on the other hand, was worried. She had stayed awake the whole night trying to think of the best place to take Lin Feng. Naturally, she had many ideas in mind, but those places were only appealing to her. She knew Lin Feng was a powerhouse who could command the lands and change the river's direction with mere thoughts, so how could such a person not see the world as his playground?

"This must be a test, so what happens if I don't pass?" Mei Lin questioned herself. This question plagued her mind, she tried to look at any hints from Lin Feng, but she found none.


Suddenly Mei Lin had an epiphany.

"Why did master not paint from his usual position?" Mei Lin found herself asking this question.

"The hint must be within that action, but where?" Mei Lin wondered.

Mei Lin took a moment to think. She suddenly had an outrageous idea.

"If we take the tree of life as the center, the backyard can be divided into four parts. These four parts can be regarded as the north, south, west, and eastern territories. Master usually paints in the northern part. Today he painted in the southern part, so he must be showing me that he wants to go to the southern territory." Mei Lin muttered to herself excitedly. She was delighted with her deduction skills. Thinking of this, she put the painting in the room and went back to Lin Feng.

"Did you decide on a place?" Lin Feng asked the excited Mei Lin.

"Don't worry, master. I have already figured it out." Mei Lin replied excitedly.

"Well, then shall we set off, or do you need to do preparations first?" Lin Feng asked Mei Lin. He didn't need to do any preparations as everything he needed was inside his space ring. Only a golden gourd and a beautiful sword that he had made himself were tied at his waist.

"No, everything is ready. We can set off." Mei Lin replied as she walked to the front part of the house.

"Take care of the house. I might be gone for some time."

Lin Feng told the birds that were watching him.

He figured they were cultivators, so he saw no harm in leaving them behind, and besides, nothing dangerous had ever come to the small mountain before, only small animals would be occasionally seen. As far as he knew, he had never spotted any human or dangerous beast. .

After talking to the birds' Lin Feng followed Mei Lin to the front side, he took out the boat, and they both got in.

Mei Lin assumed control of the boat, and it soon disappeared from the small mountain.

As the boat flew off, the small courtyard became lively again, the dragons got out of the pool, but the birds suppressed them immediately.

"Are you guys forgetting what the master just said now? He said we are in charge of protecting the house, so if you get out of hand, don't blame me for forgetting our friendship." The phoenixes spoke as if they were one body, although the phoenixes were being overbearing to the dragons, they looked at one point of the garden with caution, the expression on their faces showed the reverence they had.


The dragons wanted to challenge the phoenixes but they knew they were acting under Lin Feng's order so they could only reluctantly give up. Suddenly, a colossal dragon got out of the pond. A dreadful pressure was released on the small dragons which immediately turned into carps and jumped in the pond.

The giant blue dragon didn't need to speak, the little dragons knew for the most powerful and oldest dragon to come out they had to have overstepped their boundary.

As calm returned to the small pond, Lin Feng and Mei Lin had already covered a great distance. Lin Feng was at the boat's deck while Mei Lin was playing the zither behind him. She looked elegant and composed, completely different from her usual naughty self. It could be seen her experience on the zither was considerable.

"How is it?" Mei Lin asked expectantly after finishing playing the song.

"You're getting better at it, but you can be better if you slow down a bit. Here I'll show you."

Lin Feng took out his zither and started to play it.

Suddenly a vast change occurred, time seemed to stop, or rather it actually stopped. Mei Lin could tell since she discovered only the area she and Lin Feng were located was not affected. She didn't feel like rushing like she always did. She was built for speed so her being hasty was her nature. That's why she found it hard to be of help to Lin Feng as the things he usually does require an abnormal amount of patience. Her being able to play the zither was a considerable accomplishment.

"Did you see how it can be better if you don't hurry and become patient, just relax." Lin Feng explained to Mei Lin calmly.

"I understand." Mei Lin nodded. She knew understanding was one thing. Putting it into practice was another, but she didn't give up.

Lin Feng put the zither away and continued observing the surroundings, Mei Lin stood beside him, and they both appreciated the beautiful landscapes silently.

While the two were observing the landscapes, a huge boat was following behind desperately.

"Young master, why are we chasing them?" an old man asked a fat young man.

"I have never seen such a nice and fast boat. I have to know who those people are."

"Please reconsider, young master. What if they are powerful and decide to eliminate us for disturbing their peace."

"My brother is already the northern king, even if they are powerful, they have to give him face, and besides, we are not disturbing them. We are only greeting them." The fatty spoke arrogantly.

Fatty Zhang came from his expedition to get subordinates to help Chu Fan rule the kingdom when he suddenly spotted the flying boat they were currently pursuing. The speed of the ship was something he hadn't seen before. Its design greatly intrigued him, so he ordered the men to start pursuing the ship without hesitation. The fatty wanted to know where he could find such a boat for himself.

"Master, some people are following us. Should I kill them?" Back at Lin Feng's boat, Mei Lin asked him.

"No, just warn them, don't kill." Lin Feng was not surprised by Mei Lin's ferociousness, he remembered how she had once blasted a group of bandits that thought they were an easy target.

"Yes, master." Mei Lin responded as she readied the canons and fired at the other boat.

"Not good, they are attacking." the old man in the fatty's boat exclaimed the obvious as he tried to control the ship to avoid the sudden shot, but they were still too late. The cannon targeted their hull and fired. Their ship exploded, and only pieces remained as they fell to the ground. Luckily they were cultivators and could fly, so they landed safely.

"Young master, I warned you, but you didn't listen. Thanks to heaven, they were only warning us. If they wanted to kill us, our lives would be gone." The old man said with anger in his voice, this was the first time he had experienced a close to death encounter.

The fatty was too scared to listen to the old man scolding. Tears rolled down his fat cheeks, his rapidly beating heart confirmed he was still living. He was a man that loved life and feared death, so the experience just now was too overwhelming.

The fatty heaved a sigh of relief and swore to be more careful. The power they had gotten clouded his usual cunning, and that almost killed him, so he was thankful to the party for waking him up.

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