《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 16


Dong Li rushed back to his castle. He knew the seer would not speak baseless words. As if to confirm the statement, when Dong Li arrived at the court, what he saw made him almost vomit, he saw a boy roughly the age of his deceased son eating. This was not the surprising thing, rather what he was eating. He was holding a skull. He had made a hole on the top, he was using his tongue to skillfully suck the brains out of the skull. One would wonder why the boy didn't just break the head and take the insides.

"Your majesty, you have finally decided to show up? Forgive me for showing his majesty such uncouth behaviour." The boy said while he wiped the mess that had formed at the corners of his mouth.

Dong Li circulated his qi and attacked without hesitation. He took out his sword and immediately charged, the boy did not expect this, he quickly defended the attack using a defensive talisman that was useful in sneak attacks as he moved back.

"As expected of the king, so decisive with your opponents, unlike your idiotic son." The boy started using mental attacks to make the king lose his focus to get an opening.

The king had fought multiple battles and his focus could not be lost to such cheap taunts, so how could he not see what the boy was doing? He attacked without giving the boy time to act on his plans. In a matter of minutes, the two had exchanged multiple moves with the king on the offensive while the boy remained on the defensive. The king started to see something was wrong. Although the boy didn't attack him, he couldn't inflict serious damage on him either, so he stopped attacking to regain energy.

" You finally stopped. If you had continued with your attacks, maybe you might have managed to kill me." The boy said with a mocking face, although he had a mocking look. He knew if the king continued, then his life or death would be unknown, so he mentioned the apparent weakness to make the king think he probably had a trump card.


The invitation almost tempted Dong Li, but he decided against it. He could see that the boy was indeed running out of options, but so was he, and who knew if the boy was tricking him while hiding a trump card.

"Who are you? And what is your grievance with my family?" Dong Li asked the boy while regulating his breath.

"Well, I guess you at least deserve to know about me before you die. Do you remember the Chu family?" The boy asked.

"So you are a survivor of the Chu family? No wonder you are so cruel to my family."

"Cruel? Don't be a hypocrite when you slaughtered my family. Did you not think of the consequences? This is not cruelty. This is justice." The boy said while his face burned with anger. " After I'm done with you, I will take over the kingdom and cleanse it of all evil." The boy stated his goals.

"Hahaha...hahaha... it's been a while since I had a nice laugh like this, evil? Righteousness? Those are stupid concepts used by weak hypocrites like you. All of this boils down to whether something is beneficial to you or not. Look at the people you have eaten. I guess you convinced yourself they are all evil. That's why you killed them so mercilessly."

"The person that attacked your family was the prince and me, yet look at the number you have devoured. If one of them was to survive, what do you think would happen?" Dong Li spoke with a sneer.

"Old man, what I'm doing is necessary, for anyone who comes to me looking for revenge, they could only blame themselves for being weak." The boy firmly said.

"It's a pity you can't be argued with. Looking at your young age and the time I killed your family members, I can say your cultivation talent is good. You're already at the peak of domain formation at such a young age, I could have let you become my heir, but it seems today only one of us is walking out of here alive." Dong Li spoke while he prepared to attack.


The boy seeing this also prepared his defences. Dong Li went for the attack before the boy was fully equipped, he was within the boy's range and it looked like the victor was already decided, but suddenly an arrow pierced his shoulder, making him lose control. The boy didn't miss this chance. He used his sword and slashed mercilessly at Dong Li, severing his hands.

The limbless Dong Li fell backwards miserably. He never expected the arrow to hit at such a critical moment.

"It seems the curse has finally caught up." Dong Li muttered to himself, ignoring the blood he was spraying everywhere.

"Finally, we can meet." Dong Li spoke to himself while he remembered the figure of his beloved. If he wanted, the injury he had would have been at most a significant setback, but he was an old man who had lost hope of living but lacked the courage to commit suicide. It could be said the boy had given him a favor in the form of an excuse to die.

The boy didn't waste any moment. He raised his sword and mercilessly cut Dong Li's head. It was only then that he fell to the ground. A figure appeared behind him and grabbed him.

"That was close. I almost missed." The figure spoke.

"Fatty, what are you doing here?" Chu Fan glanced at the fat boy who was helping him and asked.

"What are you talking about? Us sworn brothers walk through fire and water together. Just because you didn't tell me you were going for your revenge doesn't mean I would not notice." The fatty said with a sneer.

"Just be quiet and let me help you." The fatty continued.

The two walked inside the castle and sat in the throne room to heal Chu Fan's wounds.

"My king, what is your next move?" The fatty asked Chu Fan jokingly.

"My next move? I'm going to ensure no one suffers a fate similar to mine. I can not allow anyone to be subjected to such a cruel fate." Chu Fan spoke while ignoring the fatty's joke.

"To rule a kingdom, you will need subordinates to help you in dealing with small matters. That's where I come in. Just leave the matter to me." Fatty Zhang spoke while pointing at himself.

Chu Fan didn't object as he knew that the fatty was really better than him in terms of connections.

While the two made their plans to rule, an old man was observing them. The old man stood in front of them with hands behind his back. The surprising thing was the two didn't notice him at all. This old man was the same old man that helped Dong Li deduce the curse.

"It is the corpse devouring technique, no wonder he has such powerful cultivation at a young age. Unfortunately, the technique is going to be his downfall." The old man muttered to himself before he disappeared from the room.

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