《God of Evolution》Chapter 6: Return to the Tomb


"I faced Ulthgar the Wind Demon and slaughtered him, with his death I gained his precious Amulet of Infinite Gales allowing the user to fly without the use of martial power expenditure, it was a key piece of equipment that helped me kill the Divine God Realm Expert in the future. But if I did not engage him out of greed and stayed at the helm we wouldn't have lost the battle, Kilgore my loyal vassal would not have been captured and executed and the closest thing to a friend I had Denara would not have been murdered." Lucius carried on talking to himself not enough that others heard but enough to convey a crazy and psychotic image.

"Our Commander has lost his nerve and is unable to issue commands so I will take the helm, starting with the 11th brigade you will.." Denara began giving out commands to the Lieutenants around her.

"ENOUGH!" The sky shook with the deafening sound of Lucius' voice, his eyes that were a usual light green became a pearlescent black. His skin darkened and his stature seems to grow in height and muscle, even his fingernails grew into claws.

"You will follow my commands and my commands only, Denara you will go support the Rear Guard. Everyone else follow me, we are heading to the left flank where we should find Kilgore, once retrieved return him to the Rear Guard as well. I will then take out their Commanders on the Right Wing of their forces. GO!" Lucius commanded with absolute authority and with his words everyone followed, even Denara who seemed to have many things to say.

Lucius soon locates Kilgore surrounded by tens of enemies, with his command the soldiers that followed him launched an assault and soon after extracted Kilgore and his men. Increasing his speed even more Lucius used a Flawless Heavenly Star Realm speed technique turning his trail into blue flames and making the right wing suddenly into a flame festival. Blue and red flames combined and created a tornado of destruction burning through almost all those close to Lucius. With a rapid pace Lucius was now in front of the Right wing army's headquarters. With his current Secret Technique 'Devil from the depths' which changed his appearance to that of a demon and his strength to that of Heavenly Demons there were very few who could evenly match him at the Heavenly Star Realm.

With the stroke of his hand a slash of pure crimson that contained the full power of the heavens stars broke apart the Headquarters. Giving the occupants no time to react Lucius called forth a great Blood Serpent from the far reaches of hell and willed it to devour anything in its site. This was another secret technique that Lucius had which was created through the constant use of 'Devil from the Depths'. Secret Techniques were created through the combination of several flawless techniques and required a vast amount of power to utilise much less create.

The serpent opened its mouth an exterminated everything in front if Lucius, he remembered that it was precisely the Right Wings commander that killed Denara and resulted in the battles lose.


"Did you think that much would kill me?" An arrogant man suddenly appeared behind Lucius with a golden body and crystalline eyes. He then proceeded to launch a powerful attack that made the earth crack into spikes and form a Large spear that went to impale Lucius.

"In the battle before I summoned my Blood Serpent to stop your advances whilst I fought Ulfgar, you didn't fall to it then so why would it change now, but remember I'm not called the Serpent Sovereign, no I'm the Sovereign of the Sword." With Lucius' words the earthen spear disintegrated after which Lucius found himself standing before the Golden man.

"Everyone knows Body techniques are for the weak." Before the man could even refute Lucius summoned a black sabre that slashed the golden body in a perfect half. The Black Sabre shone with a crimson lustre before returning to its original pitch blackness.

Lucius then flew into the air and looked for Ulthgar, however he was nowhere to be seen so Lucius proceeded back to the Rear Guard where he would finally push for a final attack and as he approached the army in waiting he spotted two poles with crimson slowly drizzling from them. At the top of the grandiose poles were two heads, a grim pale female whose mouth was jarred open and a Male whose eyes were dangling from his sockets and his tongue barely attached.

Lucius stopped. He set himself down to the ground with no force, amongst the soldiers on the battlefield no one would even realise Lucius' presence. A single tear streamed down Lucius' face before everything within a hundred metre radius turned to flesh that soaked the fields. The trees decayed into nothingness and bones were in shattering explosions. Lucius had failed again, one of his greatest regrets could not be fixed, he would forever shoulder the burden of the lose on that day and he now knew that no matter his strength even when he won he would lose. No longer, no longer would his strength be insufficient so he could only strive for more power, greed would overwhelm him but as long as he had nothing to protect that didn't matter. With this resolution Lucius opened his eyes, once again in the unknown tomb, his birth place, surprisingly the safest place he felt.

[Unknown Blood Absorbed]

[Evolution Unlocked]

'I need to stop feeling sorry for myself, the past is the past. Right here, right now I'm a six year old, I've been reborn with a chance at a new life here so I'm going to make the most of it. Fuck sadness and grief those useless emotions time to kill and get stronger.' Motivation overwhelmed Lucius and he put the past out of his mind it didn't really help him instead it made him feel sadness that should have disappeared years ago.

A new window soon appeared detailing Lucius' new evolution, this time he didn't have a choice whether to accept it or not.


Lesser Blood Demon - A demon that thrives off blood and can use it to cast unique sigils that invoke the power of death. Only through blood can one evolve further]


'I've become a demon? Then the blood that tasted so delicious from before was demon Blood? Well this path seems to be destined, I cultivated a Demonic Secret Technique in my old life, only natural I become a demon next.' Lucius was interested how his status was looking now, he hadn't looked at it in a while and he thought he should have some small increase in overall power.

Name - Lucius Grimvale

Age: 6

Level: 3

Cultivation: 1st Stage Mortal Soul/ Spirit Realm


Vitality- 52/52

Endurance- 35/35

Strength- 40

Dexterity- 40

Spirit- 33

Spirit Power- 123/123


Lesser Blood Demon - A demon that thrives off blood and can use it to cast unique sigils that invoke the power of death. Only through blood can one evolve further



Divine Flame(Dormant) - Godly flame that lays in wait to be awakened

Rebirths Rage lvl 1- With a new life comes the anger of unfinished business in the old world. Heavenly/Infernal Star Realm power revitalizes stamina and strength.

Dual World Cultivation - Transfer consciousness between two bodies in two different world's

Butchers Regret - Followed by death wherever you go, you find power from it allowing the user to enter a berserk mode and yet when you claim an innocent life your strength turns to weakness, your emotions turn to stone and your life turns regretful

Blood Demon:

Feast lvl 2 - Ingest blood to satiate hunger and boost endurance, dexterity and strength

Steel Bones (Passive) - Users bones are stronger than steel, regenerate and have high resistance to elements

Blood Sigils lvl 1 - A spell that turns blood to crystal, must be outside of blood stream to materialize. Can be used to withdraw non lethal amounts of blood from target.


Necron Cloak- Evolving Armour capable of summoning stored souls.

• Summon Lesser Demon Eye - A demon eye capable of weak mental attacks

Immortuos Bone - A sharp bone knife imbued with dark magic to make it harder than metal

Loincloth - basic loincloth to cover waist

Basic Rag Shirt - A shirt made of rags.

'I really need to get new clothes, well it shouldn't be hard to get some on Pavarion but equipment from this labyrinth probably have more useful effects.' Lucius was pleased with his current power, he also noticed that his cultivation was now listed, adding to this his Spirit had increased more than ever before which made Lucius suddenly think that perhaps his spirit stat had some connection with his cultivation, thinking up to here Lucius was now nearly certain there had to be a connection, with his spirit governing his magical power it would make sense that it would affect his Cultivation power as well.

As a test to check whether the two were linked, Lucius tested out his Blood Sigils. Suddenly a Large magic circle with runic writing and a pentagram in the centre appeared. Aiming at himself he drew out a sticks width of blood from his leg, the next instant he hardened it to crystal after which he threw it and pierced a nearby wall. Lucius checked his status and as expected: [Spirit Power- 103/123] he used spirit power for his 'magic'. Next he activated Rebirths Rage, it took a lot out of him to activate but as soon as it did he felt heavenly looking at his Status again made him smile.

[Spirit Power- 123/Error]

The system couldn't calculate Lucius' sudden power surge and proved that the spirit power was connected to both world's. With Lucius' increase in cultivation an increase in spirit would naturally follow. Imaging the spirit power of a Heavenly Star Cultivator made Lucius smile wryly after all he would then be able to draw the blood from hundreds and make thousands of these blood spears, this was assuming he kept this skill only at lvl 1, the potential here was massive.

'I remember thinking that the pill that expanded your spirit power to its maximum was the greatest talent choice but in the long run this is definitely greatest choice by far, even excluding all the other benefits it brings.' Lucius then thought that if he could cultivate his martial power to increase his spirit power, couldn't he also train his spirit power? Someone in this world would know how and then his spirit power would become godly. Perhaps that was the route to become an overlord in this world, to break the barriers of all your stats.

Leaving the second tomb, Lucius continued to travel down the labyrinthine passageways where he didn't see any monsters instead he noticed that it seemed to get brighter, what Lucius hadn't realised was that being a Bloodeater and now a Demon allowed him to easily see in the dark so when then corridors got lighter Lucius thought he found the exit. Instead what Lucius found was a single torch on the floor, it burned dimly but didn't to want to die out.

'Is someone nearby? For a torch to be lit then I must be near an explorer or care taker of this tomb. If I find someone things could get troublesome like it did in Pavarion, perhaps I should avoid talking to anyone. But I still am curious so lets check first.' Lucius headed down the hall and followed it for several minutes before hitting a crossroads, this was the first time Lucius came upon a secondary path way. At this point he wasn't sure which path to follow however in the distance of the left tunnel he heard a pant or a sigh, whatever it was it definitely sounded human to Lucius so he ran down the path turning a corner and seeing a black silhouette.

"Figures I would be wrong, Humans aren't the only things that pant when they're tired." With Lucius' lament the silhouette zapped into Lucius' chest sending him into a nearby wall. Lucius looked up and could only wish he turned back earlier in favour of safety.



With the growl and deafening scratch Lucius finally felt the danger of the creature a true sense of dread washed over Lucius. Only those that faced perilous situations countless times over would feel the same terrible feeling in front of this creature.

"Let's play!" Lucius pulled out his bone dagger and prepared to fight, with his merciless smile and bloodthirsty eyes displayed.

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