《God of Evolution》Chapter 5: A Dream?


"The key to channelling martial power is to firstly gather it into the centre of your body, your energy within will then begin to strengthen your insides and with its power you must slowly spread it across your body. You must use the martial power from herbs and pills as well as from your surroundings and through the gathering of martial power and the strengthen of your energy centre and body you will slowly increase its potency and only when your body has reached its peak under your current martial power will you rise in cultivation. Martial Cultivation is a rigorous process that has you constantly refining your body and it's energy to get stronger." Samael pushed against Lucius with an incorporeal force, with its help Lucius' martial power would gather more easily in his energy centre.

Meanwhile Lucius sat there with a straight face as if he was obeying commands but his mind was in a completely contradicting state. 'Has Pavarion been reborn as a land of idiots, even a child in the Old Era could tell you that this was Martial Body Cultivation, a simplistic way to strengthen the body and ones martial power at the same time. I will admit that it isn't as simple as before and definitely has it's merits but missing out the key phases of refining your martial power until it's completely pure and improving the Spirit within makes a cultivator much weaker as they progress. I reckon someone from the Old Era in a lower realm than one in the New Age would be able to at least escape if not put up a decent fight. The thought of someone a whole Realm weaker being able to escape much less fight back really puts this cultivation to shame. However this may be good news as well because I could easily adapt or add this Body Cultivating to my old cultivation system, which focused more on the mind and spirit. If I were to guess then I would say 'The True God' or whatever he is called would have heavily focused on refining both his body and mind perhaps that is why he triumphed over all who stood against him.'

Lucius was certain that what Emily said about Cultivators in the current time being stronger was far from the truth. By implementing this cultivation system people would be able to advance at an increased pace at the beginning but bottlenecks would soon appear around every turn to the point that only genius' could advance further. Lucius had two theories, one was that the True God had either left out parts of his cultivation methods or that they were simply lost or removed in an attempt to make a Cultivators grow faster. The second theory was that with the rebirth of the world many Legacies and Inheritances were left behind and what were now known as the powerful overlords of the land had monopolized the knowledge and simply let the commoners continue with their methods. So experts at peak levels of cultivation had an even greater edge over those in lower realms, a truly hopeless situation was created where the hierarchy would virtually never be toppled excluding the appearance of Heaven defying genius'. Lucius was now planning to be exactly one of those genius' who would return his world to its rightful state.


During the time Lucius spent calculating in his head he multi tasked and was now gathering his martial power towards his core, it was very easy to do after all his prior experience and the presence Samael boosted his ability greatly.

"Alright now remain sat as you are and continue to draw your energy in, after two hours of doing this you may rest, understand?" Samael stood up after a nod from Lucius and walked over to the bed where he sat and began his own meditation.

Lucius remained in a meditative position but halted the gathering of martial power and instead remained completely still. 'In the Old Era you began in the Mortal Soul realm, where one had to make their martial power stronger through mental exhaustion and soul refinement. The idea behind this was to make your Martial power not only strengthen itself but also the Cultivators foundation and soul. The Mortal Soul was what is referred to as a persons life force, all beings had life so naturally they would only have a Mortal Soul to begin with. The next stage in cultivation was the Pure Spirit Realm which was only achieved through the successfully refining of the soul into spirit. This meant that one's life force would transcend and become something that had a spiritual link with the world, only in the Pure Spirit Realm could Martial Power outside the body be used in creative and exotic ways. Technically there existed Mortal Soul techniques however these were all internal and would never utilise outside elements. The New Age seems to follow a similar idea as when one's body in the Spirit Realm passes it's peak it becomes Refined and can manipulate Martial Power. Yet the Refined Realm falls short of the Pure Spirit Realm as the soul isn't making a connection with the world it's more that your body can simply handle the flow of Martial Power on the outside and this is why The New Age is quicker and allows physical enhancement but naturally without the Old Eras mental strengthen the Martial Power you control is only limited.'

Lucius was continually comparing the Old Era and New Age, he knew he could find the best cultivation path from a combination of the two so he had to simply figure out a way to merge them, this proved to be difficult but he was sure he could manage it.

Lucius then recalled that the specifics of Soul Refinement required you to refine martial power in all parts of the body, then condense the spread out energy into a single place in the body after which you would repeat the process until each major body part had condensed martial power within, after this you would be essentially in the second stage of the Mortal Soul Realm. There was very little variation between the Old Era and New Ages technique however it was clear that the Martial Power was much more refined around the body in the Old Era but much less refined within the energy centre like the New Age. So Lucius simply had to do both, he would refine his energy centre whilst doing the repetition process of refining each body part independently. You could say Lucius was doing both Cultivation Techniques at once which would slow a persons progress down to a near halt but to Lucius, someone who was in the Heavenly/Infernal Star Realm he would at most be slowed down to the point of a regular genius, perhaps if his talent was worse than he expected then just an average Cultivator. But in the long run he would be so much stronger than his peers that his slow speed would have meant nothing.


So Lucius continued his gathering of martial power across his entire body, the more he would take in from the world the more chaotic his insides felt, Martial Power generated from yourself was like a calm water, however it was limited and you could only generate so much in a short amount of time. In the situation where you needed more that wasn't naturally created by yourself you would absorb the Martial Power in your surroundings, this power would starkly contrast to the calm water that was your own martial power. It was like a tyrannical tide that wanted to be set free, it would clash with your own power until you gave up. Naturally when you advanced in cultivation it would be easy to silence the chaos but right now Lucius wasn't having a too pleasant time. He needed to have martial power in every corner of his body for his new cultivation path to work so he could only take in power from the outside.

Lucius struggled with pain but could easily bear it, he had gone through a hard-core bone metamorphosis so he wasn't a stranger to pain at all in his new body. Luckily the more time that passed the calmer the tempest within his body was and after several hours of meditating he had almost filled his body to the capacity. Lucius was aware that to get to the second stage of the Mortal Soul realm he would have to go through that process several times, more than he would like to admit but even still he was prepared, prepared to do what it takes to reach the pinnacle of the world.

Coming out of deep meditation for several hours Lucius noticed it was already dark outside and that he should sleep soon, on top of the bed Samael sat still not even moving to breath. Lucius guessed it would take concentration and will power he did not have yet to cultivate at the Radiant Sky Realm especially after noticing the clear weakness in it at the later stages. It was a clear testament to Samael’s strength and perseverance to be able to reach the Radiant Sky Realm with the Martial Body Cultivation method.

After some more brief thoughts Lucius passed out on the Hide sleeping bag, he had already been awake for several hours he was kind if glad to be able to sleep all of a sudden. Drifting off Lucius felt content with his starting point in both world's, in one he was in some sort of experience grinding labyrinth where he could train his body to perfection and in the other he had the backing of a powerful official in a Land rich with Martial Power, it was only slightly regretful that Lucius couldn't utilise Rebirths Rage to stimulate his Martial Power but he could not reveal that to anyone around him and knew that with even the slightest use of it Samael would be aware of its existence. So with light fading and his mind finally resting Lucius drifted into the dark abyss that was sleep.

"Commander, Commander what are our orders! Kilgore’s unit has fallen, his whereabouts are unknown how do we proceed? Commander what are our orders!?" A raspy feminine voice drifted into Lucius' ears which were soon after followed by the sounds of fire and screaming.

Lucius looked around and found himself in the sky with several hundred to a thousand people in a Large skirmish with skills of all kinds being sent through the air, claiming or saving lives, striking down or reviving people.

"Commander Of Death, Sword Sovereign, the Demon of the Sky whatever other silly nickname you've been given WHAT ARE OUR ORDERS!?" The female snapped and grabbed Lucius by the collars of his clothes.

"Denara? Your alive? What...where are we? Is this a dream?" Lucius looked at the familiar female in front of him, it was none other than Denara Valencourt, arguably one of the strongest Heavenly Star Realm Cultivators Lucius ever met.

"What joke are you playing? Since when have you had a sense of humour? You are at the Battle of Whiteridge Peak, now get your head on straight and give out our orders!" Denara was displaying a look of fear and anger at the same time one she did not show often.

"This can't be, I lost this fight. One of the greatest failures of my life, I wasn't ready for the burden of being the Commander for the Country of Avankhar I am still not ready." Lucius mumbled to himself whilst he saw blood spilling across the ground innumerable times. A strong gale soon followed that pushing back many Avankhar Soldiers.

On the horizon a man with battle armour cloaked in beast furs stood, with a swing of his hand wind blades would sever tens of soldiers in half. He made eye contact with Lucius and roared, it's sound multiplied by torrents of wind sent in several directions.

“So Ulthgar, we meet again” Lucius looked at the Barbarian like man and felt an overflowing rage was controlling him, Lucius could relate he now also felt like rage had taken the wheel and was about to be set loose.

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