《Lil ko's heart》"Special"


Lil ko's POV:

Another unreasonably long schoolday has finally ended, ending with it the need for the students to stay in a such an unlikable place. This was very obvious from how the students are running to the exit with such big smiles on their faces.

"Soo~ koko what should we do now?" The annoying as ever Azalea spoke words that sounded more like the screeching of a fox than a language made by humans.

Let me quickly recap what you guys missed, because of the laziness of a certain author.

(H.M: *coughs* i wonder who that handsome gentleman is *whistling innocently* )

....anyways, after the confession of the glasses guy (his name is Munharif BTW)

I couldn't take the cringe and broke down crying. Wishing for the sweet relief that can only be attained by a kiss from death itself, but I was a coward and couldn't walk the walk after talking the talk, so in the end I just cried bitter tears, while the source of my agony was patting my back and trying his best to coax me"I vow from this day forth I shall treasure your smile and make it my goal so that you never cry again, so if anyone dares to bully you in the future tell me and I'l..i.

.I'll keww him!!!!" Is what he said with a face full of passion and resolve. That monologue of his was like taking a piss in the mud, it only made things worse as I started crying even more.

"Tch, we are going to Nicole's house right now!!!" I said in agitation " Munharif, you lead the way. And I swear by the heavenly Buddha that if I find out that you were trolling, I'll make it so that everyone can see your balls hanged on the flagpole tomorrow " I didn't forget to throw threats at him while giving orders so I can vent a bit of my anger. But the reaction was....


"" soo intense"" said Azalea and Munharif with expressions of expectation and bliss.

" THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO!!??" Unable to bear it any longer I started cursing the perverted duo.

"Just where is the is the bottom line for you people!!??" I said

"Where is it tell me!!?"

"Answer me now!!"

"You fucking sheepskin troglodytes"

"You purple dick freaks"

"You two are a shit stain in the underwear of the human race"






"Um, my beloved not be rude or anything, but we reached our destination so please stop swearing" said Munharif as he hesitantly added" you are scaring all the cute shota's away...."

"Shut it four eyes!!" Still aggrieved I yelled at him, and then said while looking at the entrance to Nicole's house" ain't no way in hell I'm ringing the bell, the nice Ko is dead, this perverse world killed him" motioning to Munharif again I said "make yourself usefull for once and break this door"

Without any hesitation, and along Azalea's Whisper's of "the mean Ko is also cute". Munharif rushed at the door slamming it with all his weight concentrated on his right shoulder.

*baaang* *plop* *crack*

Multiple grotesque sounds ran in my ears, as Munharif's shoulder joints dislocated, and his femur was snapped in half. Unable to bear the pain,Munharif slumped to the ground as he grabbed at his injured shoulder and howled to the gods.

" AAhhhhhhhhh"

I shivered looking at him, but to my surprise he quickly stop screeching, propped himself up and rushed at the door again. Yes I shit you not!!!

"Humph!! Don't you dare underestimate my resolve you puny...insignificant...poorly painted door!!" Said Munharif while rushing at it with his head this time!!!

[Door: Q.Q why would you say that? ]


"Munharif are you insane stop it!!!" I yelled at him trying to stop this needlessly suicidal act.

"Don't worry my love, in the time I spent in prison I have been forced to learn how to take a good pounding like a champ and then get up asking for more, in comparison to that, this is NOTHING!!!"and with that sentence that left a lot to the imagination, Munharif literally 'dived' at the door.

*baaang* *plop* crack*

And without any surprises, the same three sounds ran out as Munharif collapsed to the ground with an obvious head injury.

"..." Speechless by his stupidity, I didn't say anything and only checked on his pulse, finding out he is actually not dead

(At least no yet) I let out a sigh and shook my head.

"It really does take a special kind of stupid for a human being to ram his head against a steel door"I chuckled a little" atleast that let's us know that you're special"

*click* *tiuu*

"Hmm" I turned around and saw Azalea sitting next to the door which was open now, with a complex look in her eyes, as if wanting to laugh yet having the urge to cry at the same time.

"It was open all along" said azalea with a bit of a cringe in her voice.

"We just had to....turn the nob"

*facepalm* *facepalm*

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