《Divine Arts》Chapter 17 - Letter
The sound of the explosion came from the second floor. I ran up the stairs and reached the second floor. Before I knew it, I was down a hall and running into a room at the end. Inside, the old lady had ten talismans formed into a pentagonal star. Inside the star, was Carter. He had been captured. I could not believe it. The idiot was caught. He boasted so much that they couldn't possibly catch him because they did not know there was a thief dragon roaming around. Yet, here he was, caught.
“Penelope what happened?” uncle Fredrick asked eyeing the pentagonal star.
“Not much, something just got caught by my trap. That’s all," the old lady called Penelope answered grinning.
She tapped her cane on the ground five times and the pentagonal talismans glowed silver. Small silver waves of electricity ran through the trap. Carter yelled, and his spirit started to materialize within the star.
“Isn’t that something you don’t see everyday,” she said tilting her head, a grin was plastered all over her face.
“Holy Lord. It’s a dragon spirit.” hollered uncle Fredrick.
“Yes, he is," said the old lady Penelope. She started walking over toward Carter. "Unlike you, old man. I prepare for all sorts of situations. This dragon here was trying to steal something from inside my room," she said, starring sternly at Carter.
She stopped in front of the pentagonal talismans. “TALK, dragon!" She suddenly raised her voice. "Who sent you?” she asked. “I know you can talk, so don’t play dumb with me.” she said, tapping her cane on the floor. The electricity disappeared.
“Ha, you can’t get me to talk witch.” Carter snorted.
“Is that so?” Old lady Penelope said narrowing her eyes.
“Do you think I can’t hurt you?” she said the corner of her lips raised into a wry smile. She taped her cane on the ground twice. The silver electricity reappeared. This time the electricity multiplied, and Carter shouted in pain.
“Curse you old witch. I will…" he shouted then stopped. He had spotted me. He furrowed his dragon brows in confusion. He apparently did not understand why I was up here.
The old lady followed his eyes and found me. She raised her eye brows. “Why is he up here old man?” she asked lifting her cane to point at me.
Uncle Fredrick blinked, then he remembered me. His expression brightened “Penelope, you won’t believe this. He's Logan” he said.
"Yes, I remember his name. That small child mentioned it. So, what does this have to do with him being up here?" she questioned. Her eyes growing serious.
"Penelope, you don’t understand. This is the Logan" he said.
Penelope looked at him blankly.
"You know Kohl’s kid," Uncle Fredrick explained.
"Kohl?" she said the name coming out of her mouth slowly. She looked over at me skeptically. “Are you sure?" she asked.
"He can use the nine needles” uncle Fredrick said trying to prove his point.
Old lady Penelope flinched, but she still looked at me skeptically. "That does not prove he is that Logan" she said examining me with her dark eyes.
"Plus, this dragon seems to know this boy” she said wearily, pointing her cane at Carter and me. "He looks more like a thief to me" she added.
“Oh, come on. That’s not possible.” said uncle Fredrick laughing. He looked over at us. I coughed. We were caught. I couldn't lie anymore.
I nodded my head. "That’s my dragon," I admitted.
“Oh.” Uncle Fredrick said, his smile frozen.
“This is embarrassing” I said.
“It's fine Logan. I can give you whatever you want from this room,” uncle Fredrick chuckled.
"Is that so" said old lady Penelope. "Did you ask me?" she asked, her eyes growing cold.
Uncle Fredrick coughed. "Wifey he's really Logan" he pleaded.
“Really, do you have proof that Kohl is this boys master?” she asked.
“Well, I…” he started to say. His eyes started to scan me from head to tow. Then his expression brightened. He took my left hand and lifted it up, "Here” he pointed at my index finger. “Look this is proof” he said touching his finger to my dimensional ring.
The old lady's eyes widened. Her eyes showed her disbelief at seeing the ring.
“See this was Kohl’s ring. If he was not Logan, how would he have both the ring and the ability to use the nine needles. Kohl would not have taught it to anyone but his student." Uncle Fredrick said.
"Alright, let's say he is that Logan. But what is this dragon here to steal?” She asked eyeing me.
I coughed. “Actually, he was only trying to find the key to our door, so we can escape. We don’t like being prisoners." I lied. It was not a good lie. I was a bad liar.
"Really?" she said raising her eye brows. She did not believe me one bit.
Uncle Fredrick laughed. “Yes, this is all a misunderstanding. Penelope Kohl he’s…" his face froze. He seemed to have just remembered master Kohl's fate. "He’s dead." He said tears falling down his cheeks.
Penelope's face froze. She seemed to shock to move. Her arms shook. She quickly composed herself and looked my way.
She took one step forward. "Explain boy," she said in her coldest voice.
“I…" I started to say, but under her cold eyes I could not speak. Her cold eyes resembled masters. I know they were two different people, but at that moment her eyes looked exactly like masters. My heart stopped. Why was this lady reminding me so much about master?
Old lady Penelope breathed out slowly, "Boy explain" she said her voice cold as ice.
"I don't…"
"Do not try to lie. I know Kohl very well. His secrets are not secrets to me. Boy do you have the book?" she asked
My heart stopped. She knew about the book to. I didn’t even know about the book until the finally moments of master's life. Who was this woman?
Old lady Penelope took one more step forward. She held out her hand and ran them under my shirt and pulled out the cauldron necklace. Her legs faltered. She almost fell to the floor. Uncle Fredrick caught her just in time. She shook off his embrace and stood straight.
"Logan." She said slowly. "That cauldron, did your master pass it on to you to?" she asked.
I nodded my head.
She breathed out slowly. "Then do you also have the box?" She asked.
I was shocked once again. This lady knew everything.
"Do not worry. We want nothing to do with that stupid book," she said coldly "Show me the box" she ordered.
I pulled the box out of the cauldron and held it in my hands.
Old lady Penelope finally broke. Tears formed in her eyes as she took the box from my hands. Her body shook, and uncle Fredrick had to hold on to her again. This time she did not shake him off. She placed a hand over the box and ran it across the fine rune at the top.
She bit her finger and placed a drop of her blood on the rune at the top. The rune glowed silver and disappeared. The lock followed. It clicked and fell to the floor. I could not believe my eyes. She unlocked the box with her blood. What did this mean?
Old lady Penelope opened the box. Inside there was a letter, a pendant and a pair of earnings. She picked up the letter and read it. Then she started to cry uncontrollably. Uncle Fredrick hugged her tightly.
“He really is gone. Otherwise this box would never have left his side. Old lady Penelope said tears falling controllably.
Uncle Fredrick looked over at me "Logan please explain in detail what happened.” He said, his own tears filling a pool.
I starred at the contents of the box. And the letter in old lady Penelope's hands. I wanted to have a look at the letter.
Uncle Fredrick looked at me and sighed. “Penelope shouldn’t you let the boy see the letter?" he suggested.
She shook her head. "Not until he explains what happened." She said sternly.
I took in a deep breath and started to explain the events of that night. When I talked about the last words of master, old lady Penelope cried even louder.
“That’s what happened,” I finished. Taking in a deep breath trying to calm myself.
“That idiot.” uncle Fredrick sighed. His tears running down his cheeks.
"That fool, still thinking about her even when he was about to die.” choked old lady Penelope.
“Penelope can you still not forgive him?” uncle Fredrick said.
“He’s gone now. Thrown himself away for a cause that was not even his to carry” She said, her throat choking. Her anger fumed. “Yes, I’m still angry! Why shouldn’t I be. It was all her fault! And he is still thinking about her even when he was about to die. Shame on him!” she hollered her tears filling a mountain.
"Penelope, it was not her fault. Kohl chose that path" he said.
"I don't care. That idiot Kohl walked straight to his death, following her path. I will never forgive her for this. Kohl did not have to carry that stupid burden. It was all because of her and her ancestors." She shouted.
“You can’t say this about master.” I said getting mad. How could she talk about master that way? Who was she to talk about him that way?
“Why can’t I?" Old Lady Penelope asked, looking at me with those painful eyes. She was deeply hurt by master Kohls death. "Do you even know who I am?” she asked tearfully.
“You're just the wife of masters' best friend” I said.
"Really now. So that idiot never even mentioned me. I guess he had forgotten he still had me.” She said storming out of the room. She did not even take her cane with her.
“Forgive her Logan. She is very upset. She is Kohl’s sister after all." Uncle Fredrick said, wiping away his tears.
My jaw dropped. Sister! Master had a sister? But… I thought he had no family. He never once mentioned a sister. Then it clicked, why old lady Penelope's eyes looked so much like master Kohl's. Why when we first met, she reminded me so much of master Kohl. It was because she was his sister. They shared a link through blood.
Uncle Fredrick shook his head. “It’s a long story. We can discuss about this later. Here,” he handed me the letter and box. “This pendant is yours. The earnings are for Penelope. She is just to stubborn to admit it” he said taking the earrings. “I need to go console her. Read through the letter. Your master has things to say to you," he said leaving the room.
“Hey! Aren’t you guys going to release me!” yelled Carter from within the talismans. He was still trapped inside.
I ignored him. Longingly, I starred down at the letter. My hands were shaking. Here was a letter from master. What could he have left me?
I flipped it over and started reading.
‘My favorite student. How are you? If ever you find yourself with this letter it means I am probably dead. Don’t be sad. I won't regret my decision. I have many regrets in my life, but you are not one of them. I was happy the day I met you. You were the son I never had.
I have a few things to say to you. If you can see this letter. Then you would have either met my sister Penelope or my best friend Fredrick. Because only one of them can open this box. Tell my sister, I’m sorry. I know she is still mad at me. But, I was never mad at her. I know why she feels the way she feels, but I can’t stop the way I feel either.
Tell Fredrick that I’m sorry we couldn’t have one last drink together. It’s a shame really, that old fella loves to drink.
Logan, I had done many things in my life and there are secrets I don't even understand. During my last moments, I don't know what I would say to you and what type of burden I might pass on to you. But know this, I know you can handle it all. Sometimes I don't even know if what I decided is correct. I hope I would not choose the wrong path. But if I do, I hope you will never choose the same path I did.
Logan, during these last few years, I feel that something is eating away at me. I don't know what it is? But I feel the coming doom. My years are ending soon. I can feel it.
Logan, there is a danger coming. Maybe I can prevent it. Maybe I can't. I don't know what to expect. I had once thought of the Divine Arts as my last connection to the one I lost. I had tried tediously to learn all I could, but no matter how much I tried, I was never successful. But after my countless tries I've figured out something. There is a fault in the Divine Arts. Maybe long ago Byul, Clarissa, Isaac, Noah and Laura did not really truly decipher the Divine Arts. Maybe those pieces that they grouped together was not whole to begin with. I do not know. Perhaps I am just insane. But, I feel that the last Arts should not be like this. It should not take away the life of its user. Allo could not have become a god if the last Art took away the user's life.
So, my student, never use the last Art, no matter what.
PS give these earnings to my sister Penelope. It is my final present to her. Also, this pendant belonged to you. You had it with you when I found you. It may give you a lead into your identity.
I'm sorry.
Yours truly Kohl Witcher.
I took in deep breaths. My feelings were all over the place. Master, you warn me never to use the last Arts, but why did you use it? I know you were in a very bad situation. Yet, I still don't understand.
A tear fell from the corner of my eyes. I picked up the pendant. This was mine. It did look familiar. My hands closed around it tightly.
"Logan!" yelled Carter.
I looked up, Carter was slamming himself against the talismans. I frowned. “Carter stop making a ruckus.” I told him.
“Hey! Do you not see my situation here?” he said, using his claws to scratch at the talismans. But nothing worked. Witch magic sealed him in perfectly.
I composed my self and grinned. “I do. I remember you boasting about how the witches could not possibly catch you. Yet here we are." I teased him.
Carter sighed. “I was wrong.” He admitted.
I walked up to him. “This is a neat spell. I’ll have to ask uncle Fredrick if he could release you. But, in the mean time please stop making a ruckus. It does not help your situation." I warned him.
Carter nodded in agreement.
Suddenly the door to the room opened and the young lady from before walked in.
“Hi" she greeted us. "I can’t believe it. Grandpa said you are great uncle Kohl’s student.” She said excitedly.
I turned to face her. I finally got a good look at her. Last time I did not really care to remember her. She was just some girl, but now she was master Kohls grand niece. That made a huge difference. The girl was about 17 to 18. Like last time her black hair hung over her shoulders. She looked at me with those emerald green eyes. I blinked her eyes were distinct. She flopped her hair back revealing crescent moon earrings dangling from her right ear.
The girl was not very pretty, just enough to make that special someone fall for her, but not enough for men to jump over hurdles and mountains for her. She wore all black, her black dress hung down to her knees. Her black boots came up to her knees. A sleek black belt wrapped around her waist. On the left side of her belt a black leather pouch stood secured to a strap.
“Did you not hear me?” she asked.
I blinked. “Yes, I heard you. I am indeed master Kohl's student” I replied.
She sighed. “I heard great uncle Kohl died. That is really sad. I know grandpa really cared for him. Although grandma doesn’t usually show it, but I know she loves her little brother. She is devastated. I’ve only ever seen her cry like this once before. It was when my parents passed away." she said sadly.
“I see, how is aunt Penelope doing?” I asked. I finally accepted the truth. These people really were master Kohls family. It was only right to address them in the proper manner.
“Aunt?” she said raising her eye brows. “Whatever, she just needs to cry it out. I heard your name is Logan. I’m Selma" she said holding up her hand.
I took her hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you Selma.” I said politely.
She glanced over my shoulder and squealed. “So, this is what a dragon looks like. I’d always wanted to see one. The myths talked about them. But no ones seen a dragon in over ten thousand years. He’s so cute.” She said admiring the adorableness of Carters miniature form.
“Girl, I’m not cute. I’m fearsome.” Carter snapped.
Selma widened her eyes. “He can talk.” She said surprised
“Of course, I can talk.” Carter said. He was not very happy at all. “I’m not a mindless beast. I’m a dragon. One of the ancient races of this world.” He said proudly.
“Yes, Carter can talk." I interjected. "All dragons can talk. Dragons were indeed one of the 5 ancient races.” I said.
“Really?” Selma said interested. “So, that’s what the ancient races were. I'd read bits and pieces about the ancient races, but I did not realize the dragons were one of them,” She said.
Carter rolled his eyes. “Humans. Do you guys think the whole world only revolves around you guys. Such foolishness.” He snorted.
“I agree. I was a little foolish." She admitted.
Carter nodded his head in approval.
"Dragon, did you really try to steal something from grandma?" She asked nosily.
Carter did not reply.
Selma eyed Carter and smiled. "Fine, it doesn’t matter now. You are Logan's companion, right?" she asked.
I nodded my head.
Selma smiled. "Dragon, do you want to get out of there?" she asked.
“Yes,” Carter nodded his head.
She looked over at me. “Is it safe to let him out?” she asked me.
I nodded my head. Selma took a talisman from her leather pouch and walked over to Carter.
“I’m not very good with witchcraft yet. But this particular spell I should be able to do.” She said placing the talisman over the pentagonal seal.
“You’re lucky. If I wasn’t grandma’s granddaughter. You would have had to get grandma to release you. She would not have done it. Witch seals can only be broken in three ways. One a stronger magic user forces it to break. Two the original witch releases the seal, and three a blood relative approved by the user releases the seal.” She said letting a drop of her blood drip onto the talisman.
“Release!” she chanted.
The seal around Carter suddenly dissolved. Once the seal completely disappeared Carter sprang up and slipped back into his heart.
“Hey, I wanted to ask you a couple more things?’ Selma yelled after Carter, but he just ignored her.
“Don’t worry he will come out again.” I said. Carter could not hide forever.
“Okay." Selma said accepting the fact. "Right, grandpa told me to tell you that you can rest in one of the guest rooms up here, if you want. He can’t come and see you at the moment. Grandma still needs him." She said.
I thought on the offer and decided to accept, but I needed to go back to the hotel first. I needed to do a few more things before I came back here. I explained to Selma and she agreed.
I went back to the basement and took Riley with me. I was not going to leave him here alone. Plus, one of the thing I needed to do involved him. We left the shop just as the sun was about to rise.
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