《Divine Arts》Chapter 16 - Healing



When Riley woke up, he sat in a corner of the bed and starred at Carter with fear in his eyes. Carter grinned and looked to the doorway. My head felt tight, I did not want to deal with this situation.

"Riley, this is Carter. He is an ancient dragon, that is currently my contract beast." I said. Carter dug his claws into my shoulder in protest at my explanation. He was no contract beast, he was my Partner under the equal partnership contract. "Okay, he's my partner. Nevertheless, he will not hurt you." I explained.

Riley did not let his gaze fall away from Carter. "Logan sir," he said with hesitant breath. "But, he's a spirit," he pointed out.

I nodded my head, "Yes, he is a spirit. But someday he won't be," I replied.

Riley furrowed his brows. He didn't seem to understand what I was saying. "I don't understand what you mean? He's a spirit and he will stay one forever. Do you mean he will reincarnate soon?" He asked hopeful.

"Something like that. But don't worry, he is perfectly friendly," I assured him.

Carter dug his claws into my shoulder once again. "Actually, I can be very fearsome if you act up kid," he warned.

Riley tensed, rolling into a ball. The one thing the kid feared the most were spirits and here was Carter, a real-life ghost sitting on my shoulders. I scratched my head in frustration. Why was this happening at a time like this?

"Carter, stop joking!" I warned him.

Carter flew off my shoulder and landed on the bed. He slowly crawled over to Riley. Riley screamed. He attempted to crawl backwards, but he was already at the corner. There was nowhere else to go.

"Riley, if I wanted to hurt you, I would have already done so. I was there when you met Logan," he said sitting down on the bed.

"You… you were there?" he asked surprised.

"Yes, I helped save you. You know," he said.

"Really? But I didn't sense you there. I usually can sense when spirits are around." He questioned skeptically.

"I was there. Ask Logan if you don't believe me." Carter pointed his claw in my direction.

Riley followed his claws and looked up at me. His eye yearning for my confirmation. I nodded my head. "Carter was around," I said. He was around. He even offered to help.

"Oh," he said. "But, you are still a spirit. They're all evil!" he said.

Carter shook his head. "Why would all spirits be evil. Do you think you will turn evil if you become a spirit?" he asked swinging his tail left and right.

Riley nodded his head. Both Carter and I starred at him in amusement. This was a narrow way of thinking.

"Why would you turn evil? If you aren’t evil now?" Carter questioned.

"Because…because… I don't know why. It just is!" He shouted.

I interrupted. "Riley not all spirits are evil. Believe me," I told him, patting him over the head.

Riley looked up at me skeptically, but he nodded his head in the end.

"Okay kid, lets be good acquaintances." Carter held up his claws to the kid. Riley reluctantly shook his claws.

"Now, that we have this over with. Let's find that item and then get out of here," Carter declared.

"What item?" Riley asked.

"A very important item, my boy," Carter said cozying up to Riley. Riley still seemed a little scared but accepted it anyways.


"Carter, you don't really even know if this thing is real or not. Where the heck are we supposed to find it? Plus, we are not exactly free to get out of here. Look at the room, that old man sealed us in," I said.

Carter lifted off the bed and made a full circle around the room. He then landed back on the bed. "This is witchcraft, a very odd kind of magic," he said. "So, those people really are witches. That is strange." He said.

"What's so strange. They admitted to being witches already." I said giving him a weird look.

"What's strange is that witches really are a rare breed. Even in my time, there was not a lot of them. But their magic is truly unique. They don't use the five elements, but their power is pretty much similar to that of the mages. You guys both store your magic in the magic core and both use a magic orb. The only difference is that theirs is called the witches core and only those with the witch bloodline can attain it. No one else in the world can attain it. But witches also can't attain the five elements either. It is truly a strange thing indeed. It almost seems like they are not the same race as you humans. But, no matter how you look at it, they are humans. There is no difference between you guys other than the use in magic."

"How is that a problem? Most people can't use magic, and everyone has their own attributes. So, what's strange about them only being able to use a sealing orb?" I questioned.

"You don't understand. Every race's magic is slightly different. The humans have the five elements. We dragons also only have the five elements, but the wind element is our preferred element. Our dragon magic works through our dragon calm. It is much stronger than your magic orbs. It is the same with the other races. But the witches sealing orb is only available with those few humans. Isn't that strange?" Carter asked.

I raised my eye brows. "Not really, maybe its some sort of mutation in magic," I suggested.

Carter laughed, "Mutation. That is not possible. Magic has been the same since the beginning of time when the nine gods created the world. The five elements have always been the only magic around. There is no exception, magic does not change." he stated sternly.

"What about the magic used by the demons?" I asked. "They don't use the five elements. They use a different kind of magic."

"They can't be considered. They came from the outside world. Who knows what kind of things exist out there?" Carter said.

"Then maybe the witches are the same," I suggested, considering the implications.

"No, they have been around since the beginning. History is very clear on that. The same can be said about the Oracles. They are also weird humans that don't follow the same rules. Never mind this. We should find this item first." Carter said.

I wanted him to explain more about the Oracles, but he seemed dead shot on changing the subject. "Okay, but how do you suggest we go about doing this?" I pointed around the room once again.

"I'm a dragon, their magic does not work on me, unless they specifically ward against dragon magic. They can't keep me in." He said, flying over to the door. He flew right through the barrier.

My jaw dropped. Carter just passed right through the barrier. But this… but this… I have no words for this. Being a dragon sure helped in such situations. Carter flew back through the door and landed on the bed.


"Logan, just stay put. These witches don't know there is a dragon here. Their warding's and magic won't work on me. So, I'll be just fine. I'll come back for you guys when I have the item. In the mean time, why don't you do something about this kid's back. Your cauldron should still work. It is connected with you through a blood bond, not your magic. Use magic stones if you have to. Its not like you don't have any. The ring will also work if you use my magic. My magic will also come through if you keep skin to heart contact with my dragon heart. ADOOS" he said dematerializing and flying out of the room.

I sat there lost, this dragon was really just going to leave us here while he went out searching for his item. I couldn't believe his actions. He could have at least figured out a way for all of us to get out first. Then go searching. What if something happened to us while he was gone. Sure, I had his magic, but it was better to have two fighters than one. I wanted to catch him and ring his neck. That idiotic dragon.

Riley breathed out a sigh of relief. I turned around and faced him. He seemed really relieved that Carter was gone. "Riley are you still scared?" I asked him. I just couldn't help but care. It was strange, I feel so connected to this boy. There just seemed to be some king of cord that attached me to him. It was a strange feeling.

"I'm fine Logan sir. I think I can get over it, if Carter is your friend. Then he is mine to." He said acting strongly.

I patted him over the head. Then I closed my eyes and sure enough, I still felt my connection with the cauldron. That was strange. I thought I was connected to it through magic, but even without my magic I could feel it. I ordered it to become full size again. It floated off my neck and landed down in the middle of the room. Riley was not surprised. He's seen it before.

I studied the cauldron. Carter called it the alchemist cauldron. But besides acting up that time in master's potion room, this cauldron has not melted or done anything differently afterwards. I threw herbs inside and not once did it liquify like that time. Was there a way to turn on and off the cauldron? Was it in off mode right now? I would have to ask Carter about this later.

I turned my attention back to making the potion. Although I did not have Lax weed, I just had to make with what I have. Lax weed could be substituted with other herbs. It’s just that the other herbs are much rarer items and it requires at least six to replace Lax weed. It was a waste to use rare herbs like this. Unfortunately, there was no choice in the matter now.

I took the book and the other things out of the cauldron and placed them inside the ring. Then I took out all the herbs I needed to work with. This potion required bubble wort, summers grove, maple flower, uptown leaf, creampot clove, mirrors stem, spring phantom, thousand Island blossoms and last but not least dream weavers sap. It was a nine-herb potion, one of the more complicated types of potions. It would have been a much simpler potion if I had Lax weed. Originally it only required three main herbs and a few sub herbs, but now it needed nine main herbs and ten sub herbs. This has become more complicated than it should have been.

I sighed, then took out the magic stones I had bought earlier. Who knew I would have required them. I had just bought them for show and reminiscence, but it ended up being useful. What a coincidence.

Using a pen, I started drawing the runes required for potions brewing. Slowly a fire erupted around the cauldron. I added some water in first, then I started the procedure for adding in the herbs. Herbs needed to be added in at different points in time for them to work and mix properly. Slowly the herbs mixed with the water. I summoned wind from Carter’s dragon calm and used it to control the fire.

Slowly the potion started to finish. With wind magic, I started the casting process. The nine needles were used, so was scripture. Undoubtedly, using magic made casting so much easier. Before it required me so much more effort just to cast the potion into a pill. Now, it was still complicated, but the process went so much faster and smoother compared to before.

In no time the pill was cast and finished. I placed the pill into a vial and corked it off. The cauldron returned to my necklace and I wiped sweats from my face.

Riley came up to me using a cloth. He dabbed the cloth around my face, catching the remaining sweat droplets.

“Thank you” I said smiling.

“Logan sir, that was amazing. Do you think I can learn to do that to?” He asked his eyes sparkling.

I starred at him, for some reason I just couldn't refuse. “Sure, I’ll teach you. But right now, take this pill and rest.” I handed the vial over to him.

“Thanks sir.” Riley said excitedly and swallowed the pill. Once he swallowed the pill he fell asleep.

This was all part of the process. I laid him on the bed. I took off his shirt and flopped him on his belly, leaving his back exposed to me. Slowly I used wind to form the nine needles. With it I slowly pieced the different areas of his spin that was cracked.

As the needles pieced through his skin and into his nerves, the pills medicine started to work. The cracks in his spine started to heal as my needles pinpointed every fracture and crack. Then the nine needles pinpointed the spirit points located around his spine, the medicine followed the trail my needles left behind. Healing started to take place. It would still take a while but with the medicine being activated. The cracks will eventually mend itself.

When I finally finished, my whole body was full of sweat. Healing took up a lot of energy and concentration. But it was finally done. Riley was healed. He only needed to rest for some time. I summoned the needles back to my hands. I was about to dismiss them when a voice spoke from behind.

“My God, that really is the nine needles.” I whirled around to see the old man standing there starring at my hands. The nine needled was in plain sight.

I could not believe it. How did I miss him entering the room?

“You… you… are Logan?” he questioned. His eyes bulging.

I opened my eyes wide at this. Yes, I am Logan. Riley had mentioned my name previously. Was this that big of a surprise?

“Logan do you not remember me? I am uncle Fredrick. You know, Kohl and I use to be the best of friends back in the village. We even grew up together. Oh, what am I saying you were only 5 when we met. You spent almost a year in the village. That damn Kohl," he swore. "He hasn’t contacted me in over 14 years. I can’t believe it you are so big now” he said looking me up and down.

My jaw dropped. Was this true? Did this old man really know master? I don’t remember him. Could this be a trick? Was he part of the organization?

The old man came down and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. “Logan, you can only be Logan. The nine needles can only be passed on to his disciple.” He lifted me up and held me out to stare at me. “So, where is your master? I miss that idiot.” he said, his smile wide with excitement.

“I.. I…" I couldn't speak. This old man knew about the nine needles. Only master and I knew of the nine needles. Sure, all of Kia's descendants knew of the nine needles, but every last one of them were dead. Even master was dead. Only I remained.

My head started to hurt. Suddenly another block inside my head broke. A memory resurfaced.

“Logan this is my best friend Fredrick. You can call him uncle Fredrick. We will spend some time here.” He said smiling and hugging Fredrick.

I looked up to the younger Fredrick and smiled. He looked friendly and kind. I'd only been with master for a month. I was still getting use to the flow of things.

We spent about 10 months at the village. I spent the majority of the time with the village children, playing and enjoying my time. Master had not begun his lessons with me yet. He'd spent most of his time spending it with his best friend.

Then suddenly one day a lady returned to the village and master had a huge fight with her. The next day we left the village.

Time jumped, and I was 10, we stood outside the village once again. Master did not move from the entrance into the village. He seemed afraid to go into the village. He sighed and knelt beside me “Logan, it was a mistake to come back here. Let's go," he pulled me back along the path away from the village.

We stopped before the village was completely out of sight. Master, sighed and looked back at the village one last time. "Logan if ever something happens to me. Come back here. My best friend Fredrick lives here. He will help you. He is a very trust worthy fella." He said. Then we left on our journey once again.

“Hey, Logan! Are you okay?” asked the old man who happened to be Uncle Fredrick.

“I… I…” I said, tears forming in my eyes.

“So, you do remember me. Don’t cry it’s a happy event. So, where is Kohl? Is he in town somewhere. I miss him so much.” he laughed.

Tears ran down my cheeks. I could not look uncle Fredrick in the eye. Uncle Fredrick furrowed his brows. “Did something happen?” he asked, his voice faltering.

“Master…. Master's… dead” I cried, the full feelings once again flooding through me. I did not know that even to this day the feelings were still so strong.

Uncle Fredrick's expression froze. “How?” he asked shock and sadness mixed in his words.

“It was…”

“Was it the organization? Did they find you guys?” Uncle Fredrick shouted.

I nodded my head. "Those Damn bastards!” uncle Fredrick howled. His howl sent chills down my spine. It was full of killing intent. “Haven’t they done enough already!” he cursed. He swore with words that I have never heard before.

Suddenly an explosion rocked the shop. “What the?" Uncle Fredrick shouted. The sudden explosion brought him back to his senses. He took out a talisman and placed it over the sealing bracelet around my wrist. The talisman glowed silver and the bracelet around my wrist vanished.

Once the bracelet vanished, I felt myself able to access my magic orbs once again. My face brightened from the sudden release from the seal.

“Follow me. We will discuss this later.” Uncle Fredrick said, knocking open the door with his left leg and racing up the stairs. The door slammed against the wall and started to bounce back. I quickly blocked the door from closing. I followed after uncle Fredrick.

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