《Divine Arts》Chapter 12 - Pursuit: Wind! Wind! and more Wind!
Pursuit – Wind! Wind! and more Wind!
The night sky was lit by the bright moonlight. Clouds could not be seen anywhere. The hooting of an owl radiated through the night air.
I ran through the field as wind and life magic rushed around me helping in my escape from the city. Channel, Mix and Glide worked very well out here. Grass also contained a lot of life energy. It was a plant after all.
I did not dare look back. The red-haired mage had known I was there and had even spotted me. What was his deal? If he had known about me before, why did he not go after me? Instead he had let me leave without blinking an eyelid.
The forest was just ahead. I was very close. The life magic inside me was itching to come out the closer we got to the forest. Suddenly the earth ahead started to rise. A figure started to form from the dirt and rocks. It stood there as the rocks and dirt started to settle.
I stopped in my track. “What the heck?!” I yelled. "What was that thing?
“It’s earth magic,” shouted Carter.
“But, I don’t feel a life spark ahead” I said, backing up, unsure what I was facing. Was this a something undead? That was possible. It would explain why I couldn't sense a life spark from the thing.
“It's a mage, but he is not here in the flesh. This is substitution magic, Earth based substitution. He is very skilled, be careful.” Carter warned slipping onto my shoulders.
“You don’t say” I said eying the earth man. It looked dangerous.
“So, you are the kid we’ve been searching for” said the Earth man, his voice echoing in the night. It was clear and distinct.
"It talks!" I said surprised.
"Of course, it can. It’s a substitute. The mage controlling can speak and see through it. It's like he really is here in the flesh.” Carter replied rolling his eyes at my ignorance.
“Oh” I said with my mouth wide open. This was neat magic. I wonder if I could do it some day?
“There is no where you can hide.” The earth man said. Lifting his hands, a wall of earth rose from behind me, blocking our passage back.
"Shit” I cursed. I was planning on backing out of here. I eyed the fields to the right. I started to move. Suddenly another wall of earth blocked the fields to my right. A second later the field to my left also got blocked, I swore really hard. This guy was not letting me go.
"Boy tell me where your master is?" he said taking a step forward.
I pricked my thumb with a pin behind my back. I sent an image of the runes for the swords of Solomon to Carter through our connection. I whispered under my breath. "Draw that image on my arm."
Carter nodded his head. He did not know what I had up my sleeve, but he trusted my decision. He quickly climbed over my shoulder and used the tip of his claws to draw the runes on my arm.
I winced. What was he doing? He was supposed to use my blood, not carve the damn thing on my arm. I wanted to complain, but I guess this could work to. Blood was coming out from the scratches.
"Master you say? I can’t really tell you where he went. I don’t even know where he went.” I said trying my best not to show the pain that I was going through. Carter was not doing this lightly. It hurt!
"Carter can you be a little gentler" I grind my teeth together.
"I am doing this gently." He said playfully.
I took in a deep breath, "Whatever, do you think we stand a chance with this thing?" I asked him.
"Do we really have a choice." he said pointing around us. The walls of Earth were growing higher and higher. There was no way we could climb them now.
“Oh brother, this is a nightmare.” I grumbled. I really don't want to fight this thing.
“The only path out of here is through him.” Carter suggested.
I nodded in agreement. Yes, the path ahead was our only escape, but there was a problem the thing was blocking our path. We really had to fight it. I had no confidence we could defeat it.
"Logan don't think about defeating it. We just need to get pass him. You don't have the skill or power to defeat him. I will try to help as much as I can. With our contract, my magic can affect the physical world now" he said.
I nodded. He was right, there was no way I could win against this thing. It was a mage even if it was a substitution. It knew way too much more magic than me.
“Well, if you aren’t going to talk. I’ll just have to make you talk." The earth man said. The ground beneath him started to stir. Soon a sharp pillar of earth rose up into the air. He directed it at me. It zipped toward me with amazing speed.
I reacted at once. Reactivating Channel, Mix and Glide all at once. My body reacted and avoided the pillar. Then I leaped into the air and quickly pushed life threads out and drew the runes for Iustitia. “Come forth Iustitia!” I shouted.
A brilliant light descended from the heavens, lighting up the night. Before my eyes a sword formed. I directed it right at the earth man with the hand signs. As soon as Iustitia zoomed toward the earth man, I glided around the field using glide. The earthman hollered in surprise. Carter at the same moment materialized in front of the earth man. A stream of wild torrential wind blasted in his face. He was not ready for either of the attacks. The earth man crumbled and fell to the ground.
I glided pass the crumbled remains of the earth man. I was not foolish enough to think that our attacks were enough to kill it. Running 'Glide' in full swing, my speed increased as my body glided away from the earthman. Behind us the earth man screamed as it reformed, dirt and rocks pilled around him.
I entered the forest. The moment I did, Mix came on with full force. My body swung around a tree and seconds later I was at the top of the canopies. Glide started to work even better. My body slipped from one tree to another gliding over the top of the forest. Glancing behind, I found the earth man riding on a wave of earth coming at me with full speed. Trees in his path uprooted and joined his growing tsunami of earth.
"Holy crap!" I yelled gliding even faster than before. My life magic was decreasing by the minute. I haven't replenished it in a while now. I looked around trying to quickly replenish my supply of life magic but found for some reason, life particles were vanishing. I could not understand what was going on. Why were the life particles disappearing? I told Carter about it when he caught up to me.
"That's because in a mage battle. Magic particles can change properties depending on the strength of the mages. That guy is turning all the life particles into Earth particles." Carter pointed his claw at the Earthman.
I cursed. This was bad.
“Yeah, he's not letting us go that easily" agreed Carter.
“So, how the heck do we shake it off.” I asked getting frustrated.
Carter thought for a second. Then his eyes glowed with determination. "Ahead there is a valley, right?" he asked.
I nodded my head. There was a valley. I remember it clearly. Pass the forest was a valley split through a mountain. It was a very old place. It was also a very dangerous place because there were extremely strong winds that guarded the valley. No one knows where the winds come from, but it has been there since before anyone could remember. That was why that place was called the wind valley.
“Ahead stands the wind valley. But we can't go there. Deadly winds block the valley. No one can get through." I said.
"Don't worry about that." Said Carter. "I can take care of it. If we can get into the valley and through it, we will be safe because there is a huge lake on the other side." Carter said.
I thought for a second. He was right lake Simcoe was on the other side. But no one travels through the wind valley. It was a death trap. Did Carter really have the ability to allow us to pass? I looked at him questioningly.
"Just trust me. Earth magic is weak against water. There is no way he can continue pursuing us if we get into the water" he said.
I decided to trust him. So, I nodded my head in agreement. I changed my direction and headed straight for the wind Valley. We glided through the forest for over several hours. My magic was really low. The earthman was still close on our trail.
The wind valley stood ahead. When I spotted it in the distance, I swallowed hard. It looked scarier than from the pictures in the books. Two large mountains stood to its left and right. A single large valley ran in between them. Winds of all kind continuously wrapped the valley in mystery. I could not see pass the entrance of the valley. The winds were just to strong.
"I hope you really can get us through" I said to Carter skeptical.
Carter just nodded his head. He was looking at the mountain with sorrowful eyes. When we reached the end of the forest I was close to empty in life magic. We landed back on the ground and I quickly switched over to Carters wind magic. It was still weird using another person's magic. But with the contract I could endlessly tap into his powers. Carter showed me a few runes to use in speed and we were zooming toward wind valley in no time.
The forest behind us disappeared as the Earthman's tsunami swallowed it up. I shivered just looking at it. This guy was so strong. If his substitute was this strong. How strong was the real thing? I had to stop myself from thinking further. It was no time to ponder about such things.
We entered the valley shortly after. Carter created a wind shield around us and it actually worked. We were shifting through the winds without any resistance. I was amazed. I looked around the valley, most of it was still clouded by the winds but I could see it was very big. Nothing grew here, the only thing around here was wind, wind and more wind.
“So, this is the wind valley." I said "It's big. I wonder how this wind is formed. No one knows where it comes from you know." I said.
Carter looked up at the wind and sighed. "This wind is magic" he said.
"I guessed as much, but what type of magic can last for so long?" I asked slowly walking through the valley. I was not that worried about the earthman anymore. This wind should be enough to stop him.
"Do you know how this valley was formed?" Carter asked his voice sad.
"I don’t know. Some legends say the valley was created when two great gods fought here, and this was the result of their battle." I said.
“That sounds about right” said Carter.
“What, Its true? How do you know that?" I asked curious.
"The part about a battle is right. But it was not gods that fought here. It was a dragon." He said.
"A Dragon?" I said. Then a thought popped into my head. No way. No way it could be what I was thinking.
“During my last battle, I created this valley." Carter said.
My face froze. It was exactly what I was thinking. I looked at the Valley closer. It was big, really big. How could Carter have created this? Was he lying?
"I fought in a war close to the end of my life. The war was between all five races and a mysterious being. We don't know who this being was, but he was powerful. Stronger than anything the world has ever seen. In the end, I fought one of the being's generals and our battle created this." He pointed at the Valley. "Although, I defeated the enemy. My injuries were to grave. I died in the forest ahead. It was not a forest at the time. It was just a plain back then.” He said his eyes full of sadness.
"I'm sorry" I said placing my hand over his head.
"It’s in the past now" Carter said. "This wind is a remnant of my magic" he explained.
“What?!" I shouted. This wind, this endless wind was a remnant of his magic. How strong was Carter when he was alive? According to him he died ten thousand years ago. If the wind still remained after this long. Carter's magic when he was alive must have been phenomenal.
“The wind in this valley was part of my magic. Logan, take out my dragon's heart." He instructed.
I took his heart out from my pockets. "Why?" I asked him.
"I can take this wind back.” he said.
"Really?" I said surprised and excited at the same time. If Carter could take this wind back. Wouldn't his magic become stronger? I grew anxious with just the thought.
Carter placed his claw on his dragon's heart and runes started to float into the air. Soon the runes grouped together into chains. Later the chains linked together to become a magic circle. The magic circle started to glow and wind from the valley started rushing into Carter's dragon's heart. I was amazed at the turn of events.
“This will increase our chances at survival now" Carter said.
I nodded my head. Yeah with this magic why should we be scared of that stupid mage.
Carter looked at me. "Don't over think things. My magic needs time to merge with me again. I still can’t help you to much in battle." He said breaking my day dream.
"Oh," I said disappointed.
"However, it can help us escape faster" he said grinning.
“How?" I asked.
“Just wait and see" he said speeding up the suction on the wind. In less than half an hour, the wind had all been swallowed up by Carter's dragon heart. A howl of triumph came from behind us. I turned and found the earth man standing at the entrance to the valley. His mountain size tsunami was still beneath him. I yelped in fear. I was getting to excited about Carters magic increasing, that we did not gain enough distance from the thing. What were we going top do now? He was going to catch up to us in no time. Now that the winds were gone, there was nothing blocking him from us.
"Ha ha ha ha" The earthman laughed. "Finally, I have caught up with you."
"We better run" I shouted to Carter putting his Dragon's heart away.
"Don't worry" Carter said.
He started floating up into the air. With his right claws he pointed it at the earthman. Suddenly a magic circle formed in front of him. Winds started to gather and soon the wind valley was full of wind once again. Obviously, these winds were no where near the strength of the winds from before. Carter mumbled something under his breath and the winds exploded. Carter came flying back. Grabbed me and we both flew backwards through the valley with awesome speed. The explosion provided us with an initial push. We flew out of the valley in no time.
Soon we flew pass the end of the valley and we were flying over lake Simcoe. I could not believe my eyes. I looked back at the valley. It was no longer a valley. The two mountains to its side had caved in on itself. Now the valley was part of the mountains. A pile of earth reformed at the end of the once wind valley. The earthman starred up at us and howled in rage.
The breath I held in got released. Flying over the lake took over three hours. By the time we touched ground again Carter was so exhausted that he went back into his dragon heart and ordered me not to bother him for a month. He needed to merge with his old wind magic. “Logan stay alert. You are alone for this month. During this time why don't you try to create your wind orb. With my contract your attribute with wind has increased exponentially. Follow these instructions and your wind orb will form easily." he instructed planting a set of runes and instructions in my head. Then he slipped back inside his dragon heart and went silent.
I was alone once again.
Over the course of the few days. I hunted and journeyed as far from Sappon as possible. I didn’t know where I was going, but I just continued onward. This was a life style I was actually quite familiar with. Master and I had done this so many times. I was already a pro. Surviving was not a problem.
During my travel I considered destroying the book. If I did that wouldn’t this all end. I set the book on fire, but nothing happened. The fire just died on its own and the book remained undamaged. I sighed and continued on my way. I knew it was to good to be true. All those before must have tried this to. Why was the book still around? Because it was magic. Byul and the others must have put some amazing spells on it to protect it.
I also considered abandoning it, but what if the wrong people picked it up. I decided to continue on with the burden. The book did hold the most powerful spells in the world.
As I traveled farther and farther away from Sappon. I studied the runes for the wind orb creation. I did not try to rush into it. It was not something one should be rash with. On my seventh day on the road, I finally decided I was ready to attempt at the creation of the orb. Life magic was great, but it was simply not an attack base kind of magic. At least I was not at a level in which I could use it for attacking.
I found a secluded place up a mountain with a cave. I cleared out the cave with wind magic and started to prepare for the creation. I crossed my legs into a sitting position and started to clear my head of stray thoughts. My mind needed to be at full alert during the whole process.
I dived deep into my conscious. Than I followed my veins till I reached my magic core. Inside a mist shrouded the inner body of the core. Floating close to the outer layer of the core was a white pearl shape orb that was continuously breathing out mist of life magic. This mist was what kept my core from being an empty reservoir. Yes, the life orb was used to store life magic, but the magic core was the transfer point of all magic throughout my body and also the storage area of the orbs. It was a very important part of a mage. Most people only think of their magic orbs, but the magic core was extremely important in a mages life. Without it magic orbs could not exist.
The mist kept the core alive. It was like the organs inside my body. All organs require energy and sustenance to survive and so does the magic core. It required magic mist created by the orbs. It was very much alive.
I took in a breath of fresh air and started the process of guiding wind particles inside my body. Clear colored wind particles came rushing into my body through the pores of my skin and traveled through my veins. The veins carried blood but in mages it also carried magic throughout the body. The wind particles traveled and gathered near my magic core. As the wind particles entered my magic core the mist moved away from where the wind particles entered.
Quickly I grabbed on to the wind particles and reformed them into runes. As the runes took shape, a magic circle formed. Within the magic circle wind particles flowed in an infinite ring. I took in another deep breath. Runes started to appear around my body. Soon a magic circle appeared outside my body. Wind particles rushed in from every direction, converging in the circle.
I bent the runes and slowly the magic circle inside my magic core started to fold. First edges connected, then sides and finally it started to look like a flat ball. At this moment I let in all the magic from out side. They quickly rushed into the flat ball. Soon the flat ball started to glow a hue of clear light.
A day and night passed as magic continuously rushed into the newly formed magic orb. This was an important part of forming a magic orbs. The more magic the orb can take in, the stronger it will be. Wind particles from miles upon miles started rushing toward the cave. As time continued to pass, soon, six nights had already passed. One more hour and it would be the seventh day. Seven was a very important number in magic. Seven represented the Seven days of life. Seven represented the endless cycle of rebirth. Seven was a magic number.
The wind orb inside me was almost full. I could feel it. Soon, it would be finished. I was beyond flabbergasted by the amount of time required to create it. My life orb formed so fast that I thought it would be the same for the wind orb. Who knew the wind orb would take this long to form.
My stomach had been growling for a straight 5 days. But I couldn’t stop the process. If I did. Everything would be in vain. Plus, my magic core would burst from all that gathered wind magic. That would be a disaster. I would die from the explosion itself. Not a thing I wanted to happen.
A noise outside caught my attention. Sauntering feet could be heard in the distance. It was headed in my direction. I tried to block it out, but the noise was getting closer and closer. I just couldn't ignore it. Then a pair of legs stopped right outside the cave. Holy lord please go away I said in my head. I did not want to get involved in whatever was happening out there. In the far distance more scuffling of boots could be heard. The person outside the cave fell into the cave. I opened my eyes to see a boy of 7-8 years of age laying face up on the cave floor.
We starred at each other as our eyes met. The boy had these blue hazel eyes. His hair was dirt ridden, but you could tell, they were once blond in color. He blinked. I could see desperation in his eyes. He was on his last straw. He could no longer run anymore. He was scared out of his wits. At that moment his eyes reminded me of myself. He was like me the night Master died. Desperate and alone. I felt a connection with him. My heart skipped.
“I’m Sorry" said the boy. Flipping over and sitting up. He tried to stand, but his legs no longer followed his will. I looked down at them. His legs were riddled with wounds. A set of broken chains locked his ankles up. His clothes were torn from the treacherous journey he had traveled. This boy was not well. His pale face showed signs of extreme malnourishment.
“I’m sorry to disturb you sir. But I’m being chase.” He explained his voice scratchy from the long bouts of time without water.
I summoned up enough strength to speak with the boy. I split my attention in half. One focusing on the orb and the other speaking with the boy.
“Why are you being chased” I asked trying to keep calm. I was no saint, but I could not stand others hurting the weak. This boy was still so young, how did he become like this?
“I ran away" he said nervously.
“Why” I asked suspecting that I knew the answer. I saw the mark on the boys left arm.
“You see sir. I’m a slave.” He said his voice growing faint.
“I see. Are these people the ones that own you” I asked, anger over flowing. Slavery was wrong. No one had the right to own other people.
“Yes” he answered.
“How did you become a slave?” I asked.
“I was born one.” He answered
"I see” So his parents were slaves to. That was sad. But it did happen. “Do you wish for my help?” I asked him.
“No sir. I just need to rest a bit here and I’ll go. I won't bother you” he said his voice quaint as a mouse.
“Why did you run away?” I asked him
“Because they are forcing me to do something that I can’t do” he said.
“What are they forcing you to do?” I asked thinking of the many cruel things people could do to each other.
“They… they want me to give them my magic.” He said.
I raised my eye brows. “Your magic?” That was not an answer I was expecting.
“Yes, my magic. I am a mage you know, but its been sealed” he said pointing to a tiny unnoticeable rune behind his shackles on his left ankle.
I looked at it. It was a seal. Not a very complex one nonetheless, but a seal it is. "Why can’t you give it to them." I asked him perplexed how anyone could take someone's magic.
“Because this is all I have left of my mother. She passed this on to me. It is my inheritance" he said proudly.
“She passed on magic to you?" I asked, sure magic was hereditary. But one's magic was always ones one. A strong mage parent did not guarantee a strong mage child.
“So was she a slave to then.” I asked.
“No, I only recently found out. She had been killed by those evil people and they had taken me from her when I was born.” He said grinding his teeth together.
“How did you find out?” If he was taken at birth. He shouldn't be able to know any of this.
"Through my inheritance” he said.
This was getting confusing. He kept mentioning inheritance but what was that? His magic was in born but memory of past mages did not get passed down.
“This kid is not normal" said a voice inside my head. I almost jumped. Carter surprised me.
“Carter? I thought you needed to stay away for a month. It’s not a month yet." I whispered under my breath.
"That's true, but this boys' presence made me curious." He said appearing on my shoulder.
"Why? Is there something special about him?” I asked examining the boy from head to toe. He looked nothing out of the ordinary.
"Yes, I smell Phoenix blood in him. Faint but it is present." He answered eyeing the boy.
I nearly choked. Phoenix blood, how is that possible? “Is he not human?” I asked stuttering at the implications. Phoenixes were one of the 5 ancient races along with the dragons. Weren't they birds? How did they mate with humans?
“Of course, he is. He is a full human, but you know, other races have mated with humans in the past before. This boy is descended from such a union. One of his ancestors from a long time ago was a phoenix. His blood seems to have awakened, but its not very strong." He said examining the boy.
" Weren't phoenixes birds? How did they mate with a human?" I asked raising my eye brow.
Carter laughed, "All five races can turn into human form. You humans just remain in it always" he said.
I choked, this was very odd. “Is that what he meant by inheritance?" I asked changing the subject.
"Yes, when his blood awakens he will inherit memories and magic from his bloodline. So naturally he would have seen his mother being murdered. It is the closest phoenix blood relative he has. If he continues farther. He may even see his first ancestor, but that is rare. Especially with his faint trace of phoenix blood." He explained.
"I see." I looked at the kid. This was getting interesting.
"Sir are you okay?" asked the boy.
I coughed "I’m fine. I was just mumbling to myself. Where were we? Yes, you got your inheritance. How do these people expect to take this magic from you?" I asked perplexed.
“By cutting my chest open and eating my heart" he said, his whole body started shaking. His teeth chattering from just mentioning it.
“That is very bad” I said, my face in shock. These sick people wanted to eat his heart. That was disgusting!
"Yeah" agreed the boy, tears forming in his eyes.
Suddenly, the sound of boots grew louder. Two men jumped into the cave. I looked up at them. One man was rough with a large sword tide to his belt while the other was skinny and looked almost like a girl. They looked at the situation and licked their lips in cruelty.
“Finally, we found you kid. What do we have here? Boy who are you?" the rougher man asked me.
“I’m just a simple person" I answered, glaring at them. These are the people that wanted to eat this kids heart. These aren't humans. They were worst then the demons. Such scum!
“Brother, I sense a lot of wind particles here" said the girly man. His voice even sounded feminine.
“Is that so?" he laughed, his laughter sounded like a horse's sneeze. “That can mean only one thing. This boy here is trying to create his wind orb. He's a mage." He took in a deep breath. His hands were shaking in excitement. "This is our lucky day." He laughed. "We can harvest his magic orb at the same time while we enjoy a meal with this boy's heart. This is an opportunity of a life time.” He grinned lecherously.
"Is that so?” I said my face darkening. "How would you go about doing such a thing?" My anger was getting out of control. I wanted to kill. My heart was racing with each breath I took. These people cannot be allowed to live.
"You're really unlucky. Normally, people can't steal magic orbs from others, but our family knows of an ancient spell that can do such a thing. You should feel honoured to be part of such an ancient tradition." The rough man laughed menacingly, his mouth watering from the thought alone.
"Yes. I guess I should be" I said grinding my teeth together. My anger had reached a pivoting point.
The rough looking man glared at me. "Boy don't even think about struggling. Its no use, even if you finish creating your orb. Your minimal magic will not save you" he said unsheathing his sword from his belt.
I was very angry. My face was red with rage. These filthy people did not deserve to be alive. I did not care anymore. These scums of the world, I swear I will eliminated them all. Just as I was about to give up on the wind orbs creation and start attacking these people, something clicked inside my body. My wind orb was full. I quickly did the last casting on it and it was complete.
“Logan, you want me to take care of them?” asked Carter, his voice sounded angry to.
I stopped. "No Carter. I can take care of them." I breathed slowly. Uncrossing my legs. I slowly stood up. I slowed the beating of my heart. This needed to be handled calmly.
“Okay Logan. But do remember not to make to much or a ruckus.” Carter laughed and slipped back into his dragon's heart.
I smiled and grinned at the two men. They were still slowly approaching me. My eyes started to glow in a clear light and I pushed wind particles out from my body. Wind runes started circling me. I grabbed the boy and pushed him behind me.
The two men stopped in their tracks. “What the heck. He's using wind magic!” shouted the girly man. “He…he…has completed his wind orb. But this is not possible! Even if he did, he shouldn’t be able to control this much magic." He stuttered.
“This is your unlucky day men. Today I will show you what wind can really do” I said my face darkening. Raising my hands, I opened myself to the wind. The runes around me started to chain together. I did not know what I was doing but this felt right so I went with it. The chains of rune formed into a complicated magic circle. Suddenly winds whirled around me coalescing around the magic circle.
The two men screamed. They tried to move but the wind was to strong. It was keeping them in place. The girly man tried to use magic of his own but the wind particles in the air all gathered toward me. The moment his wind particles came out from his hands, it zipped away from him and entered my wind circle. The girly mans eyes grew wide. His body started to shake.
“We're sorry, please let us go” pleaded the girly man.
“Is that so. Then were you going to let me go a minute ago?" I asked my face dark as the night.
“I…I…" he stuttered unable to form words. Wind was entering his throat causing him to suffocate.
"Guess not." I said, raising my hands. I could feel it, my control over wind was far greater than that of life magic. It was also much stronger to. I guess having a contract with Carter helped to strengthen my bond with wind magic.
“Rain of wind!” I chanted a spell suddenly came into my mind.
Cruel unyielding wind descended from the heavens. Suddenly the cave was jammed packed with wind. Even I, was finding it hard to breath in the cave. The two men tried to scream, but no sound came from their throats. Moments later the cave exploded. The two men flew into the air and wind sliced them into bits and pieces. I grabbed the boy and covered his eyes. This was to gruesome for him to see.
I glided through the wind and out of the destroyed cave, using runes that allowed me to float with the wind. When I landed outside the cave. I felt a sense of urgency, so I took the boy and jumped into the air floating away from the small mountain.
When I looked back, my jaw dropped. I was in utter shock. A huge pillar of wind dropped from the heavens and sliced right through the small mountain. Seconds later, the entire mountain collapsed into itself, burying the remains of the two men and all traces of the once mighty mountain. All that remained after the winds dispersed was a pile of rocks that was no longer a mountain. It was more like a huge hill. I did this? Was this even possible? I thought to myself in disbelief.
I landed back onto the ground. I was still in shock. I didn’t even realize we had landed. This was utterly the most astounding thing I’ve ever witnessed. It was so unreal, I thought I was dreaming. I slapped myself. There was pain. This was not a dream.
“Holy cap! What did you do!” screamed Carter appearing beside me.
“I…I…” I stuttered. I did not know what to say. This was so new to me.
“I told you not to make to big of a ruckus and this is what you call not making to big of a ruckus?!” he shouted.
“I didn’t mean to do this. It just happened.” I said still dazed.
“Holy mother of dragon. You and this kid better get out of here fast. This thing can be seen a mile away.” Carter warned slipping back into his dragon heart.
I shook myself out of shook and grabbed the kid. He wasn’t very heavy but not light either. I summoned wind around us and we high tailed it out of there.
- In Serial785 Chapters
Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!
Fifty years ago, Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World. Alone in the world, they lifted the banner of Earth’s civilization and fought against the terrifying forces of the Other World. And in the end, Dragon City was destroyed. Then, Meng Chao was reborn after Dragon City was destroyed, and he returned to the time fifty years after Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World. But he was not alone, he returned with a system named Kindling, who told him that he can become stronger if he contributed to society. So Meng Chao swore that he would become stronger. In the beginning, he only wanted to make small contributions to the society by teaching them technology, martial arts, and skills from the future, and in the end, everything snowballed from there, and he found that… Earthlings were really insane.
8 431 - In Serial125 Chapters
As a person who had always been fixated on her weekly routine, Nina felt stranded when she was dropped to the unfamiliar world below. With no other choice but to accept the help offered by a local courier business, she soon finds that the group of women she works with have a lot more to them than what meets the eye. Promised that she can return home after her contract is finished, Nina’s chaotic time at The Cloud Orchestra begins. But will she really want to leave when the time comes?
8 150 - In Serial20 Chapters
goku and saitama's ability with demonic system in different world
hey guys this is my first time writing a novel so idk if i'm good or not oh and i'm not that good at english so if my grammar is wrong you can just correct it ;) synopsis: what if you become stronger than god and anyone else? would you still want a power that surpasses everyone that no one can beat you? let's read the story of our protagonist where he died and reborn as a devine being and cultivate faster than anyone else including his creator(god).
8 69 - In Serial31 Chapters
Teleporter's Travels
Thinking about his life, a man laid on a couch at his workplace. As soon as he left, he saw something, he saw... a goblin? On Earth? After fighting it he quickly finds himself in a whole new world with no known way back. How will he live through this new experience? How will he ever come back? And how will the two worlds mix if he does?Updates M/W/SA 8 PM EST
8 216 - In Serial10 Chapters
The Darkest Star
Katie Wilson was driving with her friend’s daughter in the back, when bombs went off in the nearby nuclear plant. She should’ve died, but she didn’t. She recovered and began to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. Then she noticed what she could do. She could use the energy of movement to fight. Even when she walked, she gained energy, and could let it out in a sort of shockwave. Soon enough she joined the Avengers and fought alongside. She got captured by CERBERUS during a battle and they amplified her powers x100. Eventually, though, her powers become unstable and dangerous. (A/N: it gets wayyy better after chapter 8 or so)
8 98 - In Serial7 Chapters
Warlord of the Castle Defence
Betrayed by the government whom he had served all his life, and betrayed by the woman whom he had loved all his life, Randy met his tragic end. But as things normally have it around here, he opened his eyes in a world where he could operate a castle from a mobile game that he had been playing. Will Randy who was now known as Frederick Laywind, survive the harsh desolate plains ?
8 96