《Divine Arts》Chapter 11 - Contract
“Why did you not take her offer?” asked Carter. We were stealthily walking through the city. Now that I knew they were here. I had to get away as fast as possible. I can’t stay here any longer. I needed to get stronger. Only when I am stronger will I be able to come after them. Right now, I would die with just a flicker of their fingers and I am not kidding. The mages had far greater powers than me.
I ran pass the fallen city hall. “Because, I don’t trust her” I whispered under my breath. I wanted to use magic, but I didn’t know if using magic would attract them. Wait, I had an expert by my side. Why didn’t I just ask him? “Carter, can mages sense when other mages use magic?” I asked, hoping that they couldn’t. I couldn't just trust Maria's words alone.
Carter laughed. “Now you think of asking me? Didn't you just ask that girl?" he said grinning, his fangs glowing under the moonlight.
I gave him the wicked eye.
He coughed "Only like mages can sense each other when using magic. For example, wind mages can sense wind mages and water mages can sense water mages etc.” He explained.
I was ecstatic, if this was true, perhaps I could use life magic. If I could use it and not be found out. I should be able to avoid them with the senses. I activated sense, so I could feel all life sparks around me. Then I activated Channel, increasing my abilities. The compressed magic inside my life orb started to stir. Magic threads flowed through my veins.
Once my senses came into action. I could sense all the life sparks within a few miles radius. I felt the life spark of Maria in the distance. She was still sitting in the same room we were in earlier. But, something was not right about her. Her spark seemed to flicker from one color to another. It was like she had two souls. I knew something was wrong with her. So, she had two souls. But how was that possible?
I put it in the back of my head. I had more pressing matters to attend to right now. Focusing my senses to the north, I sensed two unique sparks. These sparks were different from those of the normal folks that sparkled everywhere. They were directly standing in front of the north gate. One spark was blue and the other was red.
“Are life sparks colored? Is this affected by the magic they use?” I asked. I'd never imagined that mage sparks could be so different from normal sparks. Normal sparks were all grey in color.
“How did you know that?” asked Carter. He was surprised. “Oh right, you are a life mage. That makes sense. You can sense life sparks. Yes, water mages will have a blueish life spark, while fire mages will be red, wind clear and earth green. Life mages are pure white. Normal people have grey hues as life sparks. That is how it works. But this knowledge has been lost for a long time. I don’t think you humans know of this any more. Luckily you are a life mage, that makes you an exception.” He finished.
I was nearing the spot where the two mages were. “Carter do you think you can lead them away, so I could escape?” I asked in anticipation.
Carter frowned, “Boss man, are kidding me?” he said lifting his front claws up in protest.
“Why?” I asked. He had performed some incredible wind magic back in the forest? Couldn’t he do the same here? This would be a synch for him if he could reveal his true form to these mages.
“I’m a spirit, boss man. I can’t do anything.” He shouted pointing at his transparent self.
“But… you did some incredible wind magic back in the forest.” I complained.
Carter chuckled. “That was because you dropped blood on my dragon's heart. I could perform magic only to those that has tainted my dragon's heart. Sure, I can move minor things to, but its useless against these mages. Any other time I’m just a spirit. I can’t even leave your side for to long. That’s the bad part of being bound to my dragon's heart. Of course, being dead has something to do with it to.” He said sarcastically.
“Oh.” I said. If Carter can’t do it, then what should I do? I was sure not going to out magic these fellas. Even master had resulted to using the final set of the Divine Arts, and that was beyond his abilities. I was only able to use the first sword of Solomon. I was no match for these two. What should I do? Did I really have to go back to Maria? No, I can’t. She isn't right. She can't be trusted.
“Carter isn’t there any other way?” I asked, hoping for in to come up with something.
“Yes, but you won’t agree.” He said.
“What is it?” I asked, trying to think along his train of thought.
“Let me see the Sacris Magicae. If I could see the Holy Dragon's breath. Maybe I could access ancient dragons magic and be able to affect reality, even though I am a spirit.” He pleaded.
“That is impossible! Out of the question!” I said sternly. There was no way I would allow that. Not just because the book was what those people were after, Carter still haven’t made a contract with me yet. How was I supposed to fully trust him? I needed the power of the contract to bind him.
“See, I told you. I guess we have to go back to the girl.” He said digging his claws into my shoulder. I did not feel a thing.
I thought on our dilemma. Was this really the only way? Could there be another way? Then the contract popped back into my mind. If I made a contract, then Carter wouldn't be a problem no more. With the contract he should be able to affect reality.
“Carter can a contract be established without magic exposure?” I asked. If no magic was exposed, then no one would feel us establishing the contract. Therefore, solving one of our problems.
“Possibly, but the contract would have to be done with equality or else magic from one side will over power the other, resulting in magic exposure. That’s why most contracts make so much ruckus when they are first made. It’s not easy to do. No one is willing to do equal partnership contracts. It puts the dominating side at an disadvantage.” he said, his mouth forming into a frown.
I thought for a second. This could be a possibility. “Carter, if we do an equal partnership contract, will you be able to break it?” I asked him.
“No. If we did one, especially under my circumstances, the contract is forever. Even if I was reincarnated. But I wouldn’t be your celestial beast, I would be your partner for real.” He said not believing I would be willing to do such a thing.
I thought hard. I couldn’t trust Carter because our link was still not strong enough. I was afraid he still could break our oath. But with a contract, even if it was an equal partnership contract, he would be bound to me for all lifetimes. If he betrayed me, I would be able to track him down, no matter where he hid. It even works after he reincarnates. Of course, if he betrays me, the oath also will activate, effectively sending him to purgatory. Purgatory is no la la land. Carter would not want to spend all of eternity being tortured there. I made up my mind. “Carter let’s do it. But you can not betray me. Or else we can both travel to the great beyond together.” I warned him fervently. My eyes stern and determined.
Carter’s eye's watered. “You’re… you're willing to do an equal partnership contract? But… but you just said you couldn’t trust me. Why?” he asked wiping away his tears.
“Because I have no other choice. I’m placing a bet on you. I want to believe that you can be trusted. If you can do this properly. I will allow you to browse the Divine Arts. I really need someone on my side, Truly on my side. I hate being alone” I said my throat blocking up. I can't stand being like this anymore. Divine Arts or not, why did it have to be like this? I just wanted to live a normal life. Master you really passed on to me a great burden.
Carter sniffed. “Alright, you won’t regret this. From today onward. I Carter Dragongrave will become your loyal companion. As a loyal companion we can rely on each other.” He said loudly. He offered his right claw out for a shake.
“Okay, let’s be friends.” I agreed, shaking his claws. I hoped I was doing the right thing. I was giving up a very good chance to have dragon a servant. But instead, I was betting on this new friendship. Will this really work? Only the future will tell, but it is better to try then never to try at all. Having someone else to bare this burden with me is better than baring it alone.
“Let’s retract" said Carter. “We are to close to the mages. Even if I had confidence in my abilities, I don’t want to be this close for comfort.” He said flapping his wings and gliding into the air.
I silently traced my steps backwards, making sure to monitor the mages and all the life sparks around me. I needed to be sure no one noticed us.
We stopped by an abandoned warehouse. It was burnt, but the fire did not damage it to much. I cleared away the debris with the life vines Carter showed me before.
When all was done, we sat in the middle of the warehouse facing each other. Carter had shown me what to draw by etching the runes in the air. I checked it with the information from the book and it was a complete match. Carter wasn’t lying.
I quickly drew the runes and linked them into chains around in a circle. This was all done with a pen. Magic did not need to be involved until we activated the spell.
“Okay with this contract we will become equal partners. If you want to back out, I am willing to stop now.” Carter said his voice unsteady.
“No, let’s do this." I said determinedly. There was no going back now. I needed this reassurance.
“Alright, place my dragon heart in this circle. Then release a drop of your blood into this circle.” He instructed pointing to the circle opposite his.
I did what he asked. “Alright, we will begin now.” Carter said. I nodded in agreement.
“By the rights of the ancient contracts. I Carter Dragongrave today wishes to enter an equal partnership contract with Logan…. Wait, was is your last name?" he asked in the middle of the ritual.
“I don’t have one” I replied. I really didn't have one. Master never gave me a last name and I did not remember mine. So, I'd always just went with Logan, just Logan.
“Okay just Logan then.” Carter said. “We through blood and soul will from this day onwards, be bound under the fair-trade partnership contract." he said breathing wind into the ring of runes. He gestured for me to do the same. I forced life threads into the runes.
The wind and life magic swirled around in the circle. It lit up every rune as it traveled around. The magic circle had one side filled with wind magic and the other side filled with life magic. When the two elements met at the center, they started to spin and began to mix together.
It felt painful when our elements mixed. My heart started to hurt, and my head started to pulse. Carter told me to hold on. This was part of the spell. Our magic stayed around us. A magic shield blocked the magic from being exposed. This shield was created from equal amounts of our magic. It stayed equalized by being in perfect harmony with the two elements. We couldn’t add more or less to the shield or else magic would leak.
Just as my heart was starting to drop into chaos, a silver light started to rise up from the circle. At first, the light spread everywhere. Then the light started to group together, and it collected into tiny silver particles. They looked just like raw magic. But, it couldn’t be. It was not any of the five elements. I looked over at Carter, he did not seem to notice the particles. He continued to focus his attention on the wind and life elements mixing within the circle.
The particles danced around us and began to link together with one another. Runes took shape. Soon the runes linked up and became a long silver chain. Its two ends connected with my blood and Carter’s dragons heart. The moment the chain touched my blood and Carter's Dragon's heart, a connection was formed between Carter and me. The chain slowly faded away. I knew I had witness something extraordinary. This was a sort of element I had never seen before.
“Well, that was simple. See no magic leakage. There wasn’t even much magic to leak. Our magic has mixed together perfectly, and the bond is formed." Carter smiled happily.
“Carter did you see the silver particles?” I asked him.
“What silver particles?” he asked confused.
“Never mind” I said. So, that was the legendary partnership contract. Carter could not see the silver particles. In truth the silver chain was the true link that joined us. But why could only I see it? Carter never even noticed it. Was this really a new element the world has never seen before? Still the question remains why was I able to see it?
“Carter I can feel something else inside me." I said feeling inside myself with my mind. It was a new source of magic. Was this Carter’s magic?
“I can also feel a new source of magic inside me. My spirit has also become more stable.” He laughed. He was over joyed.
“So, this is what it's like to be in a contract with someone.” I said. Carters wind base magic felt different than life magic and it also did not feel the same as normal elemental magic.
“Okay Logan, with this advancement, I can manifest little bits of my magic and some of your magic. I should be able to distract those mages long enough for you to leave.” He said.
“That’s good. Wait, didn’t you say you couldn’t leave me for to long. Is this going to be a problem?” I asked remembering his words from earlier.
“True, but now I can leave for a while longer. Plus, when I want to, my soul can return to my Dragon's heart at will. So as long as you have my heart. We can still communicate, and I can come back anytime.” He said.
“That’s good. Can they hurt you?" I asked, another question popping into my head.
“Only if I manifest myself for to long. But don’t worry, I know what to do.” He said flying up into the night sky. “Hurry up. You need to get out of here fast” he yelled. I followed him.
When we arrived at the north gate the two mages were still there. I felt for any abnormal sparks around, there was none. I gave Carter the okay. He flew toward the mages.
The mages guarding the north gate were sitting at a table playing cards when Carter approached. It was strange, with the contract, I could see through Carter's eyes. This was indeed the strangest thing I’ve ever done before.
Carter stopped in front of the mages. He floated there for a while waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.
“Hey, do you really think that Gerald really failed?” spoke the mage with red fiery long hair.
“I think so. But, it's strange. Gerald was the strongest in our group. He even got the higher up’s blessings. Rumour has it they allowed him to create a contract with them.” The black-haired mage said lowering his voice, looking left and right making sure no one was around.
“Them?” the red-haired mage asked in confusion.
“Yes them. You know, them.” The black hair mage said iterating the word them.
“Oh, the de…” the red hair mage started to say. The black hair mage clapped his hands around the red hair mage's mouth, stopping him from speaking the word out loud.
“Are you an idiot. You can’t speak that word out here. No matter where we are, that word is still taboo. If the mage council discovers anyone having even a tiny connection with them. They would not hesitate to eliminate them. Our organization is not ready to fight the mage council head on” he said.
The red-haired mage nodded his head. The black-haired mage released his hand. “The organization has been preparing this for to long for us to mess it up. Plus, The Armoured rules this land. They aren't a bunch of no bodies either. We have to be very careful here. If we can get our hands on that prized item from that healer. We would become elders in the organization. When the right time comes, we to can rule the world.” The black-haired mage chuckled dreamily.
The red-haired mage laughed “So, why do we even have to stay here any ways. Does the group leader really think that the healer actually beat Gerald? That’s to much, don’t you think?” he laughed.
The black hair mage sighed. “Actually, the group leader knows Gerald failed. The group leader was given the life badges of all of us under his command. If any of us dies, the badges would dissipate. Gerald’s dissipated several days ago. That’s why we increased our pace and arrived her today. Gerald really went over board with destroying the city. The Armoured may step in soon if we don’t find the healer. Plus, the mage council might move as well” He said concerned.
“Okay, you think the healer is still alive. We only got information that his apprentice came back to town.” Said the red-haired mage.
“Maybe. Can’t be sure. But if Gerald can be defeated, then anything is possible. Gerald was after all even stronger than the group leader. He was on his way to gaining his commander badge.”
“That boy sure is slippery. When we got word of his arrival. We immediately sent people over to the old clinic. Unfortunately, he had already left. We sealed the exits fast enough. But, what if he had already left town before we sealed the gates?” asked the red-haired mage
“Let’s hope he hasn’t. Or else, the group leader will be really mad. We need to catch that little rascal in order to get information about his master. From what we know, the kid hasn't inherited the book yet. The organization has not gotten word of the old healers passing. But, we never know. We are far from the organization. It could have happened, and we just didn't get the info yet” the black-haired mage said.
“It’s possible. Wait, where do we get these information's from?” the red-haired mage asked.
“You’re such an idiot. Don’t you ever read the organization’s postings?” The black hair mage said rubbing his temple. “Our organization has a great seer as one of the elders. He can see and predict the future. Especially, about the books passing. He is a very old and powerful seer. He has been right every time the book passed. It is usually during the passing of the book that we find these stupid life mages. Unfortunately, we still haven’t been able to get a hold of that book. Those life mages are so slippery.” The black hair mage grumbled.
“They are.” agreed the red hair mage “Here, drink more of this sake” he said pouring sake into the black hair mage's cup.
“This stuff is good. These peasants here sure know how to make them." the black hair mage smirked, downing the sake.
“They sure do” the red hair mage smiled lifting the corner of his lips.
“Wait, why do I feel odd?" the black hair mage said shaking his head. He started to sway sideways. “I feel dizzy, but… it’s not possible for me to be drunk. I have the best alcohol tolerance in the group." He said, his hands holding onto the table for balance.
The red hair mage laughed menacingly, “That’s because I placed some paralyzing agents into the sake.” He said standing up.
The black hair mage wobbled to his feet. He could not stand still. His eyes opened wide in shock. “Why… why would you do that?” he asked confused, his hand constantly rubbing at his temple.
“Because, you have to die” the red hair mage said. He took out a dagger from underneath his cloak and used it to attack the black hair mage.
The black hair mage jumped back just as the dagger scrapped off chunks of his shirt. The dagger just missed his chest by a fingers length.
The black hair mage shook his head and glared at the red hair mage. “Why are you doing this?” he shouted in anger. A swirl of wind forming around him. He was fuming with furry.
“Because, I can’t stand disgusting myself any longer. You annoy me!” the red hair mage said licking his lips. Water formed around his feet.
Carter and I watched on with amazement. What was this? How did this happen? Carter came rushing back to my side.
“Um, I don’t think I need to distract them anymore.” He said breathing out a large laugh.
“I guess not” I replied eyeing the two mages in the distance.
The black hair mage threw slices of wind toward the red hair mage. The red hair mage summoned water and blocked the winds. The red hair mage shifted and appeared by the black hair mages side in an instant. He moved so fast my eyes almost couldn’t follow.
The black hair mage dodged just as the red hair mage's dagger came close to his throat. Wind suddenly exploded around them. The red hair mage was caught off guard, the wind pushed him back. He went flying, but he came rushing back with swift movements. He twisted in the air using the walls around him to propel himself onwards back toward the black hair mage. Water vapours surrounded him. Soon a whip made of water formed in his hands. He whipped the whip at the black hair mage.
“We better go now.” whispered Carter.
I nodded my head and quickly rushed toward the north gate, hiding myself as much as possible behind buildings. When we were only one building away from the north gate, I realized something. How was I supposed to get out? I couldn’t leap up the wall like master. Glide required a connection between life forms to work. The wall was not a tree. It had no life magic in it. It was a dead object.
I suggested my doubt to Carter and he yelled at me. “What are you talking about! You can use my magic to get up the wall. You idiot!” He yelled.
I winced, his voice was so loud. “That’s right. But I don't know how?” I said. His magic was completely foreign to me.
“Oh brother, here." he sent runes into my head. The link worked in stupendous ways. "Summon the runes onto your feet's. Wind will form, and we can start gliding up the walls” he explained, his jaw grinding together.
I accessed his wind particles through my link. The runes formed around my feet. Wind started to gather, when the runes appeared.
“No! Not so much wind” screamed Carter. He used the link between us and adjusted the runes. It was a very unique sensation. Carter and my link allowed not only us to share magic, but also allowed us to help each other in the control of magic. It was a very unique bond.
“Okay, now you just need to move quickly.” He said looking toward the battle in the distance. “We can climb to the roof of this building first” he suggested taking flight and gliding up the wall. I followed. The climb was not very smooth, but I was still a newbie when it came to wind magic.
I landed on the roof and crouched down watching the two mages fight down by the gate. It was reaching its climax. The black hair mage had gashes all over his body. His movement was getting more and more sluggish. The medicine was affecting him badly.
“Why are you doing this!?” the black hair mage screamed. His voice filled with anger and desperation.
The red hair mage laughed “No reason, you were just in my path, that's all.”
“What?” the black hair mage said in confusion. That’s when it happened. The red hair mage vanished, reappearing behind him.
At that very moment Carter ordered me to jump. It was the perfect opportunity. I leaped from the building, propelling myself with the wind.
I looked down at the mages battle when I was halfway across the air. Suddenly the red hair mage lifted his head and gazed right at me. Our eyes met. He smiled at me. He knew! He knew I was here all along. How?
Slash! The red hair mage slid his dagger across the black hair mages throat. The black hair mage collapsed to the ground, his eyes still filled with shock and bewilderment. He still could not believe that the red hair mage had killed him.
I landed on the top of the north gate. I glanced over my shoulders, the red hair mage waved at me and started wiping his dagger with a white cloth. My heart sank. I leaped over the gate and sped away.
- In Serial16 Chapters
Dungeon Crawler Carl Book 5: The Hunting Grounds
Dungeon Crawler Carl Book 1 is now on Amazon! mybook.to/dungeoncrawlercarl Book 2 is also now available! mybook.to/dungeoncrawlercarl2Royal Road and Patreon is where to get the newest chapters and releases. The apocalypse will be televised! A man. His ex-girlfriend's cat. A sadistic game show unlike anything in the universe: a dungeon crawl where survival depends on killing your prey in the most entertaining way possible.In a flash, every human-erected construction on Earth—from Buckingham Palace to the tiniest of sheds—collapses in a heap, sinking into the ground.The buildings and all the people inside have all been atomized and transformed into the dungeon: an 18-level labyrinth filled with traps, monsters, and loot. A dungeon so enormous, it circles the entire globe.Only a few dare venture inside. But once you're in, you can't get out. And what's worse, each level has a time limit. You have but days to find a staircase to the next level down, or it's game over. In this game, it's not about your strength or your dexterity. It's about your followers, your views. Your clout. It's about building an audience and killing those goblins with style.You can't just survive here. You gotta survive big.You gotta fight with vigor, with excitement. You gotta make them stand up and cheer. And if you do have that "it" factor, you may just find yourself with a following. That's the only way to truly survive in this game—with the help of the loot boxes dropped upon you by the generous benefactors watching from across the galaxy.They call it Dungeon Crawler World. But for Carl, it's anything but a game. DCC Discord! 10/01/20 The first several chapters of DCC are now off of Royal Road because the book is on Amazon. I want to thank all of you for 9 months of amazing support. This is and Patreon will always be the place for the newest chapters and content, but to comply with Amazon's Kindle Unlimited policy, I can't have more than 10% of the story up here. This is a work in progress. Major editing will be done after the book is complete, so there will be egregious typos and parts that make no sense whatsoever. Please, please feel free to point any and all of these things out. Chapters WILL get edited, and that editing might break earlier chapters. I will attempt to keep readers apprised of all changes. Updates one-two days a week.
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‼️ Long hiatus to improve myself‼️ Times were calm until terror struck, demons, the embodiment of evil, began attacking humanity. In response angels from the sky blessed and supported humans by granting them the power of magic. One man especially, a chosen one, almost single handedly fought the demons and became regarded as a hero. Decades later, demons continue to bring pain and suffering, but humans continue to fight back with their new powers. A child would come to understand the hatred towards demons after having his home ravaged by demons, losing his family in the process. Somehow, a miracle protected him, a mysterious man saved the child under him. Years pass, and the kid grew up talent and latent ability completely Separate from the rest, almost inhuman. And embarked on his revenge. *I dont own the art, its by Lee hu Kwang on Artstation the other image was found on Pinterest: 4b80b0bd7b86c5293ad1&_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.ca%2Famp%2Fpin%2F408490628706086374%2F*
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Take My Broken Soul
After her parents die, Adelaine Scott and her three younger siblings are forced to go live with their abusive uncle. As each day passes, Lainey will do anything she can to protect her brothers and sister, even if it means putting herself in harm's way. But what she didn't count on was bumping into the sexy football player who seems to have a keen interest in her. Nathan O'Conner is the stereotypical popular boy. As star quarterback with a rich family, everyone wants to be his friend, but he only wants one girl. The shy, new girl that wants nothing to do with him. He feels protective over her, but doesn't know why; all he wants is for her to give him a chance. What happens when Adelaine's abuse gets worse and Nathan starts to notice? Will he be able to save her and her siblings, or will Lainey's complicated life tear their relationship apart?This story is fast paced and full of drama! It has teenagers that had to become adults too fast and shows the importance of family. The story contains some language and abuse but no sexual content. ___________________________________________________________________________Update: The beginning of the story isn't my best work, but I promise it gets better. Bare with me and you will see how my writing style changes a bit during the book; I'm just too lazy to go back and rewrite the first couple chapters ;) ENJOY!
8 493