《The Lord of War [Dropped]》Chapter 9 - Necromancy!


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"As for the rest of you, depending on your action I will deal with you accordingly as well!" The moment those words left Van's mouth everyone tried to get out of the bar but Van was standing in front of the door so how can they leave, most of the people despaired at this moment as they got on their knees and begged for their lives "I swear I had nothing to do with this!" was what they all said.

Van spread out his strange energy and in a split second 9/10 out of the people in the bar fell on the group completely lifeless. Van looked at the remaining people in the bar, they were all women who have been forced doing things like this and they didn't commit any sin according to the memory search Van did so he left them alive while killing everyone else who did even the slightest injustice to the weak.

This world is a kill or be killed world, they only had their weakness to blame, if the roles were opposite it would have been Van who would be trampled on while they would move on with their lives ruining everyone else's lives.

After looked at the bar one more time he turned around and left the bar allowing the women there to have sigh of relief as they looked at the many people just laying on the ground, they didn't know what to do know, the only reason they were here was either they had no other chance at living in this cruel world so they felt this place was better or this was the only place where they could work and get money for their family.

After Van got out of the bar his sight was set on the red carriage moving past the bar, there were over 15 men surrounding it, each of them had the same set of armor and weapons on them. A bulky man was leading them as he was in the front.

A smile could be seen on Van's face as he decided to follow them.

They moved over 10km before they entered the woods close to the city in the north. So far no one has noticed Van's presence as he walked right behind them, literally just behind the carriage, he was so close he could touch it if he stretched his hand forward.


After they entered the wood and walked for a while they came in front of a small castle.

This castle has fourteen narrow, square towers reach twice the height of the next tallest building in this elegant castle and are connected by large, solid walls made of red stone.

Rough windows are scattered generously around the walls in fairly symmetrical patterns, along with small holes for archers and artillery.

A regular gate with great wooden doors, a drawbridge and strong defenses guard the only easy way across the river, but it's not the only way in, which fortunately only very few know.

Trees grow close to the castle gates and provide it with valuable wood for all sorts of purposes. This castle shows signs of expansion as some parts are clearly built more recently than others, the inhabitants are already working on another part and hope to keep expanding.

"Open the gates!" The man in the front shouted and shortly the gate's opened. The 15 men and the carriage went into the castle followed by Van who for some reason can't be seen by anyone despite being right in front of them.

Van watched how they closed the gate behind him, the moment it closed, the veil in the carriage was removed and a good looking youth stepped out, his hair was dark and short while his eyes were light brown, his build was average for his height of 190 cm.

"Let us go in sir." The guard said as he and the young man made their way inside. In the meantime, Van was walking through this castle, despite walking there was not a sound coming from him at all, even his breath could not be heard as he walked through the dozen guards in the castle.

"Where ye goin?" One of the guards asked his friend who stood up, their job is to guard the door behind them so they are not allowed to go anywhere so he was confused as to why his friend stood up.

"Am goin to take a shit!" The man who stood up said and this made the one sitting frown "We are not allowed to move, wait until out shift ends!"

"We have ben here for 12 hours, no one is goin to come here so what is there to be afraid of" The man said as he left while waving back, the man who was sitting was now angry "Don't blame me for what happened to you" he sneered.


Van who was watching this looked at this door for a moment before he moved next to the fat man who was sitting on the chair next to the door.

Van hit the man on the neck with his hand and the man lost his consciousness. Van placed his hand on the door and with a single push the metal door turned into ashes.

"What is that smell?" Van said as he held his nose and went into the dark room, there were stairs leading downwards which Van took and the more he moved down the more the smell got stronger, it was the smell of rotten flesh.

When Van got to the bottom of the door he was stunned by what he saw, there were over a dozen women in the room, they were all naked, half of them were dead and was rotting on the side where those who were alive seemed to be lifeless as they just looked in front of them without moving an inch.

Van looked closely at them and looked deep into their eyes "Their souls are missing?" He said. These women all seemed to be very young as they all looked to be about 14-24 years old, the ones on the side were unknown as their flesh had rotten and their bones could be see.

Looking at this made Van angry as he released his strange energy covering the entire castle, he saw that there were over 3 more rooms like this one in the castle, he quickly looked for some with their soul's intact but found none. What he did find though stunned him, there were countless women in the castle who was soulless but was still moving around, their body was not that of a woman anymore and more of a corpse "Necromancy?" Van said as his eyes went deadly and his killing intent rose.

He clenched his fists as he vanished from where he was standing.

Inside the castle in a room, sat the young man who left the carriage, in front of him were a table filled with all sorts of food, on his two side's there stood two beautiful ladies who looked stunning.

The lights in the room went out and the youth frowned "Go and turn on the lights and lock the damn window!" He shouted but he was not replied.

"You sluts, I said turn on the damn light or I will have your heads now!" He shouted as he looked to his sides but there were no one there. A strange mist started to cover the room as the young man stood up and looked around "Who is there?" He said in a cold tone.

"Death!" A cold tone which carried a lot of killing intent came from every direction and this made the young man tremble in fear, he took out something and vanished from the room.

The mist retracted and the light was turned back on, the room was no empty with only Van in the middle looking around, "Teleportation?" he mumbled before he sent out his strange energy and covered the entire Castle first, he didn't find any sign of the young man so he covered the entire woods but there was nothing, "Where did he hide?" He asked himself.

After looking for a while Van stopped searching, 'let him hide sooner or later I will find him and when I do, I will make him wish he was born a girl instead!" Van vowed as he vanished from the castle.

Van reappeared right above the castle and looked down at it, he looked for girls who had their souls intact but when saw that there were none he pointed his hand at the castle below him.

"Absolute zero!" he said with a calm tone and a strange energy ball started to form on his hand, it was pitch black just like the abyss, the more you look at it the more one will feel drawn into it.

The energy ball grew larger and larger until it was the same size as the castle.

"What is that?"


"Holy shit!"

The shouts of the people below could be heard and Van sent the energy ball at them.


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