《The Lord of War [Dropped]》Chapter 8 - Aragon!


Here is chapter 8 enjoy and please comment I feel like I am doing a bad job since there is no one commenting on them *sigh*


"So, here it is?" Van said as he looked at the tavern in front of him. He put the piece of paper in his hand in his pocket before he took a deep breath before looking at the tavern again.

From the outside, it looks uncomfortable, depressing and unfriendly. Clay and intricate stone carvings make up most of the building's outer structure.

It's difficult to see through the high windows, but the dire mood from within can be felt outside.

As one enter the tavern through the worn, metal door, you're welcomed by the sound of the wind outside and a few groans.

The bartender is talking to a customer and makes no effort to acknowledge one's presence.

It's as horrible inside as it is on the outside. Squared, wooden beams support the upper floor and the lanterns attached to them. The walls are covered in a layer of dust, making it near impossible to see what the few paintings on the walls are about.

The tavern itself is almost completely abandoned. The few people inside probably work less honorable operations, but whoever they are, it makes one a little nervous.

"Do they ever clean this smell is killing me" Van mumbled to himself as he entered the place, his voice was neither low nor loud but it was picked up almost everyone in the bar who looked at him from head to toe. Their eyes twinkled as they saw the clothes he was wearing, they all thought that he was some kind of young master. Someone of them looked confused as they didn't see any guards with him, while the rest took this as a blessing.

Van made his way to a table cleaned the dirty of the chair before he sat down, he looked around the place and the people who were looking at him.

The bartender made his way to Van "Is there something I can get you?"

"No thank you, I am here looking for someone named A-a...Aragon by any chance do you know where I can find him?"Van asked the bartender who was frozen in place along with everyone else in the bar.

"W-w-why are you looking for Aragon?" the bartender asked with a shaky tone, Van only looked at him "I wanted to ask him a couple of questions that is all" He said with a smile. The bartender didn't know what to say, should he tell him where he is or not. The bartender looked closely at Van 'He is just a kid, I am sure it's fine' he said.


"He is at the bar next door. If I was you I would not mess with him!" The bartender said as he went back to serving the other customers.

Van stood and left the tavern moving to the bar next door, he went inside the bar which was completely full. Just when he took a step inside the bar everyone looked at him "What is a kid like you doing in a place like this?" A fat man with a scar over his eye said to Van as he licked his lips.

"I am looking for Aragon, is he here?" Van said in a calm voice which stunned everyone in the bar including the ones at the back who were drinking with a couple of naked women at their side.

"Why are you looking for Aragon?" A bulky man asked as he threw off the woman on top of him and looked at Van with a smile but everyone started to sweat as they saw that smiled as they knew exactly what it meant, they all looked back at Van who was standing by the door.

Some of the people looked at him with pitying eyes but that didn't last for long as they all knew that the fault belonged to Van who was the one who came in here of his own will. Van wasn't bothered by any of it as he looked at the man who spoke: "Are you, Aragon?" He said in a calm voice.

This made the man frown "I am, so tell me why you are looking for me before I rip your eyes out and feed them to you?" He said while releasing his killing intent which made the woman next to him either tremble in fear or faint, even the people who were further away from him started to tremble in fear as they felt the amount of killing intent coming from the man.

Amidst all of this Van didn't even move a muscle as he was clearly not affected by the killing intent. The man stood up and walked towards Van with each step increasing the amount of killing intent. The man was surprised at first when he saw that Van didn't move a muscle but he thought that the boy in front of him was in so much fear all his muscles stopped working making him unable to move, this made the man look at Van with a sinister grin.


Finally, after taking 10 steps the man found himself in front of Van. Since he was taller than Van by a head he looked down on him "Now why don't you tell me why you are looking for me?" He said in a cold tone.


"First's things first, when you are talking to me this is how it should be." Van said in a calm tone as he looked at the man who was on his knees in front of him, the man was astonished as he felt the loss of control in his own body, he could no longer make his body do anything he wanted as the strange energy that entered his body started to take control of everything in his body.

He looked at the young man in front of him and when his eyes met Van's eyes his body shivered as he felt a huge presence coming from them, 'What is happening to me?' The man thought as he felt the complete loss of control on his body, the only thing he could do was looked at this young man's eyes.

'Is this fear? Am I really afraid of this kid?' the man thought as he felt completely overwhelmed and overpowered to the point his own body started to piss itself and there was nothing the man could do.

"W-w-what do you want?" The man said in a tone filled with fear, all of this happened in matters of seconds so this shocked everyone who were watching.

In their eyes they all saw the killing intent from the man vanish without a trace and the man fall on his knees, this already made their jaw drop in surprise but now the man whom they all knew as a ruthless person was pissing himself, this made many of them want to know what happened just know as they couldn't believe their own eyes, as they couldn't feel anything different from the boy so no one suspected Van at all.

When they heard 'What do you want?' from the man they all looked at the boy, some of them were thinking what the young man had to do with this but then they remembered his last words 'First's things first, when you are talking to me this is how it should be' this made them look at the young man in a new light.

"A few days ago you killed some farmers and took their daughters, tell when were they are?" Van said in a calm tone as he looked at the man under him. The man started to connect the dots very quickly and looked at the young man "I was hired by someone!" He shouted as he felt the that if he lied, the young man would know and kill him on the spot.

"Hired? By whom?" Van repeated as he looked at the man. The man didn't hesitate as he spoke: "By Quin Luca the young master of the Luca family, I swear I didn't touch those girls, he is the one who always looks for women in the city" The man said with a bitter smile.

"Are you telling me that this Quin has taken more girls?" Van asked the man in a cold tone which startled the man "Yes, every 6 months they hire us to get them few virgin girls" The man said with a shaky voice as he didn't want to lie to this young man.

Van frowned "Where is this Quin Luca?" He asked the man.

"I don't know where he lives but he comes here often, am I sure if you stay around for few days you will meet him here" The man said as he saw a ray of hope.

"How does he look?" Van asked the man "I haven't seen how he looks like but he always has over 10 guards around him with a carriage, it is hard to miss him" the man replied.

"Thank you for making it easier for me, for that reason, I shall make your death swift!" Van said as his voice grew darker, the man who was smiling became gloomy upon hearing those words, and in a split-second the man's eyes became lifeless and his body fell on the ground.

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