《Psycho in a fantasy world》Proluge


Jack was always a twisted person, he never had a reason to be however he simply was. Ever since infancy jack never cried he only watched with a strange crooked curiosity. whether this strange child was hugged by his mom or left alone by himself he always had the same emotionless eyes.

As Jack aged he became increasingly strange and cruel, he would kill insects were other kids his age would play house, and he would kick dogs were other kids would play doctor. of course, this was only the surface if anyone truly knew what the 4-year-old Jack was doing they would be quite surprised...

Jack hated other mammals cats dogs rabbits, disgusting that's why he would abuse them, however, Jack knew from the worried stares from his parents that what he was doing was frowned upon, so to avoid punishment the 4-year-old lost all that was left of his innocence and would calmly dispose of the animals when no one was looking.

Jack was a smart kid by the age of 5 he could do all multiplications and scientific questions in the blink of an eye were as his 'slow' peers lagged behind. this lead to Jack feeling detached from the regular crowd of humans preferring to stay in the confines of the local library wich was quiet and generally avoided by his snot nosed peers,this lead to his one unique interest besides his rather unsightly playtimes with animals.

Jack would sit in the kids section of the library, wich was coloured in bright colours in order to entice kids yet they rarely visited, Jack would wait for the librarian to go for her routine smoke break and would travel to the darker corners of the library where through the years he read about horror and serial killers and when he had read all the books he used the library computers to research his interesting literature.


Jack was 8 when he was walking with his recently widowed mother he never really cared much for her or his father so he never bothered to find out the cause of his death. so the calm Jack and his mother headed towards their home in all black wich blended with the night of the sky. Jack and his mother slowly turned into the alleyway when they were stopped by a cold barrel of a gun wich couldn't stop Jack from sniggering and inwardly thinking 'amateur, a robbery why doesn't this disease ridden cretin climb back into whatever shit stained hovel he crawled out of .'However the 'amateur' seemed to be pissed off by the laughter of the child and his already shaking hands pulled the trigger BANG!! time slowed down as blood covered Jack he looked to his left and saw his dead mother just before his 8-year-old strength was overpowered and he was pushed to the ground subconsciously he licked his mother's blood as a creepy Cheshire smile inviolately adorned his face "you sick ass motherfucker smiling when your mum has just been killed let me put you out of your misery" the robber spoke as he through caution to the wind and pointed the cold barrel towards the fallen 8-year-old.

Jack's thoughts sped up ' no I can't die, not yet I haven't even killed anything significant yet I can't believe I will die to a trigger happy coke head!!!!' BANG!!!!!!!'

--This is my first time writing a story online and I had an idea in my head and really wanted to write it hopefully it tickled that weird place in your mind this is just a boring prologue so hopefully, you will enjoy the chapters of Jacks rise to infamy in a fantasy world.

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