《After Life》Arc 1: Cole's Will - Chapter 07: Massacre


Chapter 7: Massacre

A surviving bunker is destroyed by a cloaked skeleton-like creature which seems to attract an even more demonic monster.

It has been two years since the solar flare incident took place. The surviving refuge bunker sits in what is now a dark wasteland surrounded by the absence of life. It’s nested into a fortress of rock deep in the mountainside. In the darkness, a blur of a shadowy figure walks towards the door of the stronghold. The shadow figure raises an arm knocking on the door. A glimpse of a rotted boney hand now visible from the black robe covering the rest of the figure’s body.

Three solid bangs ring from the large steel door echoing loud into the construct. A startled doorman jumps to his feet from his chair. He wonders who, or what could possibly be out there.

“We didn’t send anyone outside. Who could it be?”

He slides the viewing hatch open. A ravaged withered old man wearing a dark hood with a dilapidated cloak stands on the other side of the armored door. The doorman quickly flips a switch activating massive hydraulic systems to open the door.

The guard shouts, “A survivor! Hey there’s a survivor outside! Everyone come quick!”

Just as the door cracks open the cloaked man forces his head in through the opening.

“Survivor? What survivor?” asks the cloaked figure.

The doorman turns his head now taking notice of the hooded figure he just opened the door for. He is an extremely tall and slender being. The lack of body mass under the robe is revealed by a gust of wind, followed by a rotting stench that terrifies the doorman. Paralyzed by fear he realizes this figure is anything but human. The figure removes his hood revealing a demented skull with traces of skin and hair clinging to its head. The clouded grey eyes of the monster widen as he forces his way into the bunker. A chilling combination of unnatural, psychotic, laughter and screams come from the monster as it attacks the doorman.


Filled with terror, the doorman reacts with a scream of his own, but is soon drowned out with the sound of blood curdling in his throat. Hundreds of screams of men and women radiate through the rock chambers. The screams die down one by one, allowing an overwhelming silence to fill the once chaotic air. The once peaceful home to thousands of survivors has become a mass grave. Outside the bunker door an even more evil, black, demonic creature seems to be called towards the mass slaughter. It howls encroaching the entrance. Its massive size causes the ground to shake with each step. The skeleton figure senses this creature approaching. He rapidly hits the controls closing the entrance of the bunker. He whispers to himself, “So, it seems the tale was true.”

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